#Jung hwan also didn't need a mom friend to look after him
idknanmollaanything · 2 years
I kept thinking choi taek would be rejected but ahhhhhhhh
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agentcable · 5 months
Bad Prosecutor Ep. 8 Recap
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Jin Jung has imprisoned District Head Prosecutor Kim Tae-Ho. However, he is still unaware of the mastermind behind the crime. He pursues Tae Hyung-Wook, the chief secretary of killing Deputy Chief Lee. Meanwhile, Prosecutor Oh Do-Hwan seeks assistance from Seo Hyun-Kyu.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Do-Hwan loses another master as he is investigated by the internal inspection division of the prosecution. His office is ransacked for evidence, but he denies any involvement in the allegations against him. In desperation, Do-Hwan seeks a new potential master in Chairman Seo. After following Tae-Ho to his meeting with Chairman Seo, Do-Hwan was caught but was let go with just Chairman Seo's business card.
However, Do-Hwan is currently unable to meet the chairman directly due to his lack of leverage, according to the chairman's son and heir Ji-Han. Ji-Han must first vet Do-Hwan before a meeting can take place.
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Nonetheless, during a brief encounter, Do-Hwan gains the necessary leverage when he observes Ji-Han playing with a fidget spinner, which triggers a memory. After returning to his office, he reviews old footage from the first murder case he took over from Jung. In the footage, he sees Ji-Han walking away from the murder scene while playing with the same fidget spinner. This provides Do-Hwan with the leverage he needs, and he sends it to Chairman Seo to arrange a meeting with him directly.
Jung and A-Ra are still following their leads. Their next target is Tae Hyung-Wook, Chairman Seo's chief secretary, who they believe is the murderer. They go to Kangsan Law Firm to meet her, but instead, they are welcomed by Ji-Han. Jung demands to meet the cief secretary in a brusque manner. Ji-Han calls him rude. Jung implies they can open an investigation if they continue hinding her due to reasonable doubt. Secretary Tae says she was in the gym on the day of Deputy Chief Lee's death and can provide proof. Jung tests her reflexes before letting her go. Jung noticed that she didn't flinch even with a sharp object near her eye, indicationg her experience in combat. Normal people would flinch, but she remained still. Jung informed A-Ra of his observation.
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Jung is ready to continue investigating, but he and A-Ra are forced to take a break because his mom calls. They head to her BBQ restaurant, where she lays out a generous spread of food. She looks happy that Jung finally brought home a girl. After A-Ra insists on joining them out of politeness, Mom sits down and asks her questions. The two wome flatter each other so much that Jung isn't even able to eat anything. In the end, he's the one who does the dishes.
Following Mom's instructions, Jung gets a cab for A-Ra. During the walk, Jung opens up to A-Ra about his dad and how he witnessed his car accident. Jung suffers from trauma and guilt, wishing he could have held on for just a few seconds longer so that his mom wouldn't have to cry so much. He promised himself that he wouldn't let his loved ones cry anymore, which is why he works so hard for justice and rightousness. A-Ra tells him that his father would have been proud of him.
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The following day, Jae-Kyung was confused by the large number of people at the Civil Affairs Division office. In addition to Chul-Gi, Eun-Ji and Joong-Do were already present. When Jae-Kyung demanded to know who they were, Chul-Gi presented Eun-Ji, the daughter of an infamous gang leader who was well-known in her own right, and Joong-Do, a self-proclaimed genius hacker who apparently did the job well despite being mediocre. Jin Jung and Friends quickly return to work, reviewing footage of Secretary Tae in the gym. However, A-Ra notices a discrepancy with the time and also provides the plate number of the masked man's car, which she had noted down while hiding during the fight.
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Eun-Ji and Joong-Do have been assigned to confirm whether the Secretary was present at the gym during the hours of Deputy Chief Lee's death. Joong-Do is afraid of the muscular gym staff member they need to interrogate, but Eun-Ji manages to make the staff member talk by using her gangster minions. The staff member eventually talks after being threatened with burial alive.
Chul-Gi found the plate number by reviewing the CCTVs along the roads. WIth this information, Jung and A-Ra were able to locate the vehicle's last known position. During the car search, Jung discovers a boot with blood on its sole that matches the footprints from when he was stabbed. To determine if the blood on the boot matches his own, he provides a blood sample for testing by the anatomy professor. The test confirms a match.
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Jin Jung and Friends reunite at the Civil Affairs Division office to review their new information. Jung searches for this wooden sword and discovers the yellow envelope on Jae-Kyung's desk. The envelope contains the important-looking MP3 player that Deputy Chief Lee hid and died for. Throughout this time, Jae-Kyung has been making his own moves. Jae-Kyung received the MP3 player from the late deputy chief and visited Tae-Ho in prison. He instructed him to send a message to Chairman Seo that he has the MP3 player. However, Chairman Seo has not received the message because he has been refusing Tae-Ho's calls.
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Jung demands an explanation from Jae-Kyung about the MP3 player that caused so many deaths. However, his superior refuses to answer. Instead, Jae-Kyung reveals that his family was killed, made to look like an accident, because he tried to fight against the bad guys. He emphasizes that this is not a game and that he needs to handle it alone to keep Jung and his friends safe. But cannot ignore what he has learned and cannot turn a blind eye. Upon Jae-Kyung's return to the office, he discovers that Jung and his crew have vanished. In their place, a dummy MP3 player has been left.
Secretary Tae receives a call from Jung, informing her that he possesses the MP3 player they seek. They arrange to meet at the location where Deputy Chief Lee was killed. At this meeting, Jung reveals that the masked individual is, in fact, Secretary Tae herself. A struggle ensues as they attempt to gain possession of the MP3 player. Secretary Tae injects Jung with a depressant on the rooftop, causing him to feel dizzy and lose his motor skills.
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