#John Yudkin
4yourfitness · 2 months
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Warum du Fruktose (nicht) meiden solltest
Fruktose ist eine interessante Zuckerart.
Sie ist nämlich einerseits Bestandteil einer gesunden Ernährung, aber andererseits auch wieder nicht.
Was das für dich heißt und wie du mit Fruktose umgehen solltest, erfährst du in diesem Artikel.
Wenn du meinen Blog schon länger verfolgst, hast du sicher schon einmal von meiner #antiweicker Challenge gehört …
Es geht dabei darum, Weizen und Zucker in der Fastenzeit aus seiner Ernährung weitestgehend zu streichen.
Im Rahmen der Challenge habe ich auch schon den einen oder anderen Artikel zum Thema Zuckerverzicht geschrieben.
Besonders der hier ist im Bezug auf den aktuellen Blogpost interessant: Versteckter Zucker und Weizen: Das sind die 19 größten Fallen!
Dort gehe ich auf zugesetzten Zucker in Lebensmitteln ein und es ist mir sehr wichtig, dass du das Konzept verstehst.
Manchmal werde ich darauf angesprochen, dass ein Lebensmittel Zucker enthält, obwohl es das gar nicht tut. Oder doch?
Wichtig für dich ist folgende Unterscheidung:
Geht es um künstlich zugesetzten Zucker (egal in welcher Form – siehe oben verlinkter Artikel) oder kommt der Zucker natürlich im Lebensmittel vor.
Warum macht es einen Unterschied, ob der Zucker vom Menschen bzw. der Lebensmittelindustrie zugesetzt wurde, oder ob er ohnehin im Lebensmittel vorkommt. Rein chemisch betrachtet ist Zucker doch gleich Zucker, oder etwa nicht?
Jein. 😉
Natürlich in Lebensmitteln vorkommender Zucker muss nicht in der Zutatenliste gekennzeichnet werden. Er kann hingegen am Nährwertelabel (dort wo steht wie viele Fette, Proteine und Kohlenhydrate pro 100g des Lebensmittels enthalten sind) aber sehr wohl unter Kohlenhydrate / davon Zucker stehen. Ganz einfacher Tipp: Lebensmittel ohne Zutatenliste sind immer besser als welche mit. Und meist ist auch desto länger die Zutatenliste, desto verarbeiteter und desto schlechter für dich (im Allgemeinen) das Lebensmittel. Siehe dazu auch meinen Artikel: 77 Lebensmittel zum Abnehmen und ihr kleinster gemeinsamer Nenner
Lass uns nun einen Blick darauf werfen, was Zucker eigentlich wirklich ist bzw. woraus er besteht.
Zucker – good to know
Der Begriff Zucker umfasst in der Alltagssprache eine Vielzahl verschiedener Substanzen. Diese sollten aber separat benannt und betrachtet werden. Grundsätzlich zählt Zucker zu den Kohlenhydraten (neben Eiweiß und Fett einer der drei Makronährstoffe), wobei je nach Anzahl der Zucker-Moleküle zwischen:
Einfachzucker (Monosaccharide),
Zweifachzucker (Disaccharide) und
Mehrfachzucker (Polysaccharide)
unterschieden wird.
Der weitläufig bekannte Haushaltszucker (Saccharose) setzt sich aus Glukose und Fruktose zusammen – genauer gesagt, aus einem Molekül Glukose und einem Molekül Fruktose (Yudkin & Lustig, 2014, S. 43). Glukose und Fruktose gehören beide zu den Einfachzuckern und stellen jeweils ein Zuckermolekül dar.
Pur, weiß, tödlich.: Warum der Zucker uns umbringt – und wie wir das verhindern können.*
Yudkin, Prof. Dr. John (Autor)
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Die Begriffe Glukose und Fruktose – was bedeuten sie?
Glukose ist ein weißes, wasserlösliches Pulver mit süßlichem Geschmack. Es fungiert als bedeutender Energielieferant für den menschlichen Körper, insbesondere für das Gehirn. Bei Menschen und Tieren wird Glukose in Form von Glykogen gespeichert, bei Pflanzen in Form von Stärke. Fruktose ist ebenfalls ein weißes, leicht lösliches Pulver, das süßer schmeckt als Glukose .
Sowohl Fruktose als auch Glukose haben die Summenformel C6H12O6. Dennoch unterscheiden sie sich in ihrem chemischen Aufbau und gehören verschiedenen chemischen Gruppen an (Lustig, 2019, S. 258-259). Daher existieren zahlreiche Unterschiede zwischen Glukose und Fruktose.
Die bittere Wahrheit über Zucker: Wie Übergewicht, Diabetes und andere chronische Krankheiten entstehen und wie wir sie besiegen können*
Lustig, Dr. Robert H. (Autor)
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Verarbeitung von Glukose und Fruktose im Körper
Grundsätzlich kann der menschliche Körper Zucker in Form von Einfachzucker über das Blut aufnehmen. Bei der Aufnahme von Saccharose (Haushaltszucker) ist die Spaltung des Zuckers in Glukose und Fruktose notwendig. Wird Zucker hingegen als Glukose oder Fruktose aufgenommen, können diese direkt verarbeitet werden.
Doch was geschieht genau mit Fruktose und Glukose im Körper?
Was passiert mit Fruktose in deinem Körper?
Glukose wird im Körper in Form von Glykogen gespeichert und führt zu einer erheblichen Erhöhung des Blutzuckerspiegels sowie zur Ausschüttung von Insulin. Zusätzlich werden Sättigungshormone freigesetzt (Lustig, 2019, S. 156-157). Im Unterschied dazu beeinflusst Fruktose weder den Blutzuckerspiegel noch die Insulinausschüttung im Körper. Auch Sättigungshormone werden nicht freigesetzt und selbst verdauungstechnisch geht die Fruktose einen anderen Weg.
Niedrige Mengen an Fruktose, die weniger als 1 g pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht betragen, werden komplett im Dünndarm aufgenommen und dort verarbeitet. Wenn mehr Fruktose eingenommen wird, als der Körper benötigt, gelangt der Überschuss über die Pfortader zur Leber. Nach dem Verzehr größerer Mengen Fruktose kann die Konzentration in der Pfortader vorübergehend bis zu 180 mg/L (= 1 mM) steigen, während sie im restlichen Blutkreislauf nur etwa ein Zehntel dieser Menge erreicht. Ohne körperliche Aktivität wird Fruktose in der Leber in Glukose und Fettsäuren umgewandelt. Die Glukose wird als Glykogen gespeichert, Fettsäuren werden zu Fetten umgewandelt und zur Aufrechterhaltung des Blutzuckerspiegels in den Blutkreislauf abgegeben.
Beispiele für den Fruchtzucker-Gehalt pro 100 Gramm Frucht/Gemüse:
Apfel: 6 Gramm
Weintrauben: etwa 8 Gramm
Rosinen: 33 Gramm
Brokkoli: etwa 1 Gramm
Verarbeitete Lebensmittel: Achte auf die Zutatenliste – desto weiter vorne Fruktose oder ähnliche Namen vorkommen, desto mehr davon ist enthalten!
Weiterführende Infos dazu kannst im Wikipedia Artikel zu Fruktose nachlesen. Leider kann der Konsum von zu viel künstlich zugesetzter Fruktose auch Krankheiten auslösen, wie du hier nachlesen kannst: Fruktose: Einblicke in die süße Welt des Fruchtzuckers
Achtung: Bei einer Fruktoseintoleranz kann dein Körper Fruktose nicht richtig verarbeiten. Es kommt bei Fruktosekonsum zu Magen-Darm-Problemen und anderen Beschwerden. Weitere Infos dazu und Tipps zur Abklärung findest du auf gesundheit.gv.at.
Fruktose und Glukose in Lebensmitteln
Glukose findet sich natürlich in vielen Nahrungsmitteln. Fruktose bzw. Fruchtzucker kommt, wie der Name bereits vermuten lässt, vermehrt in Obst und Honig vor. Zudem ist Fruktose immer häufiger in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln zu finden. Dies resultiert aus der höheren Süßkraft von Fruktose im Vergleich zu Glukose . Fruktose ist in gleicher Menge doppelt so süß wie Glukose, weshalb weniger Fruktose benötigt wird, um ein Lebensmittel zu süßen. Aufgrund der kostengünstigeren Herstellung von Fruktose im Vergleich zu Saccharose (Haushaltszucker) wurde Fruktose in den letzten Jahrzehnten vermehrt verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln zugesetzt (Yudkin & Lustig, 2014, S. 43).
Nun stellt sich die Frage: Was ist mit Obst? Enthält das nicht auch Fruktose? – Das ist absolut richtig.
Allerdings enthalten Obst und Gemüse neben Fruktose und Glukose viele weitere Nährstoffe, Ballaststoffe und Vitamine. Daher werden nicht nur Glukose und Fruktose, sondern auch zahlreiche andere Nährstoffe aufgenommen. Zudem sorgen die enthaltenen Ballaststoffe dafür, dass nicht zu viel Zucker auf einmal aufgenommen wird und die Zuckeraufnahme im Körper verlangsamt wird. Die Leber kann so mit der Zuckerzufuhr Schritt halten. Daher ist es nicht so einfach, durch den Verzehr von natürlichen Lebensmitteln wie Obst und Gemüse zu viel Zucker aufzunehmen (Lustig, 2019, S. 171-173).
Warum ist zugesetzte Fruktose ein Problem?
Wenn Fruktose in großen Mengen und isoliert konsumiert wird, überfordert sie die Leber und kann zu einer Fettansammlung führen. NDR geht auf die Problematik in einem lesenswerten Artikel noch genauer ein: Gefahr Fruktose: Zu viel Fruchtzucker ist ungesund
Zugesetzte Fruktose ist oft in Softdrinks, Fertigprodukten, Nahrungsergänzungen und Süßigkeiten versteckt, daher ist es wichtig, die Etiketten (Achte auf Wörter wie Fruchtzucker/Fruktose, Fruktosesirup, Fruktose-Glukosesirup, Glukose-Fruktosesirup, Fruchtsüße) genau zu lesen und bewusste Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Achte auch auf einen sinnvollen Umgang mit Smoothies. Die kleinen Obstpürees sind zwar oft recht lecker, doch werden viele der Ballaststoffe beim Mixen und evtl. erhitzen zerstört, weshalb die Fruktoseaufnahme recht schnell passiert. Wenn du dann noch einen reinen Fruchtsmoothie machst und das täglich oder mehrmals täglich, kannst du dir vorstellen, wie schnell deine Leber an ihre Grenzen kommt. Meine Smoothieempfehlung: Gerne immer mal wieder genießen, aber nicht täglich.
Fazit zur Fruktose
Das Heimtückische an Fruktose ist, dass du glaubst, dich gesund zu ernähren und dir dabei nichts Gutes tust. Sehen wir uns ein Beispiel an:
Du trinkst zum Aufstehen gleich einmal einen „Power Cocktail“ einer bekannten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Marke (Fruktose als erste Zutat) und nimmst so einige Gramm Fruktose auf.
Beim Frühstück schmierst du dir reichlich Honig aufs Butterbrot (Honig ist in Maßen genossen ein tolles Lebensmittel, keine Frage – aber in Kombi mit allen anderen an diesem Beispieltag wird er zum Problem). Dazu trinkst du noch ein Glas Fruchtsaft.
Als Jause nimmst du dir ins Büro einen Müsliriegel und einen Smoothie mit, der aus Bananen, Äpfeln und Rosinen besteht – wieder schlagen viele Gramm Fruktose ohne ausreichende Ballaststoffversorgung zu Buche.
Zu Mittag isst du reichlich und gönnst dir dazu ein großes Glas Apfelsaft mit Mineralwasser.
Am Nachmittag gibt es noch Trockenfrüchte mit Nüssen.
Zum Abendessen dann wieder reichlich und etwas deftiger. Hast du dir nach dem gesunden Essen ganzen Tag verdient …
Das Ganze kombinierst du am besten noch mit möglichst wenig Bewegung.
Das Problem an dieser Lebensweise?
Du glaubst dich gesund zu ernähren und züchtest dir im schlimmsten Fall nebenbei eine nicht-alkoholische Fettleber an, die zu zahlreichen gesundheitlichen Problemen führen kann!
Tipps für einen ausgewogenen Umgang mit Fruktose:
Priorisiere natürliche Quellen: Setze auf Obst und Gemüse im Ganzen (weitestgehend nicht in Smoothies und nicht getrocknet), um die gesundheitlichen Vorteile von Fruktose mit den Begleitstoffen zu maximieren.
Lebensmitteletiketten lesen: Sei auf der Hut vor versteckter zugesetzter Fruktose in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln.
Genieße in Maßen: Wie so oft lautet die Devise: Moderation ist der Schlüssel. Ein ausgewogener Konsum sorgt für eine gesunde Balance.
Die Herkunft macht den Unterschied. Fruktose aus natürlichen Quellen ist ein Freund deiner Gesundheit, während die isolierte, zugesetzte Variante eher als Feind betrachtet werden sollte.
Also, setz auf die Kraft von Obst und Gemüse und bleib fit!
Foto von Eepeng Cheong auf Unsplash
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rifdianadhifa · 3 months
Manis Tapi Jahat
Beberapa waktu ini sering sekali muncul di sosial media kasus pasien cuci darah pada anak karena gagal ginjal yang disebabkan oleh konsumsi gula berlebihan. Konsumsi minuman kemasan secara berlebihan serta kurangnya konsumsi air mineral jadi penyebabnya.
Gula atau secara kimia disebut sukrosa bukanlah racun, gula boleh dikonsumsi oleh tubuh namun dengan batasan tertentu. Mengutip himbauan dari kementrian kesehatan RI bahwa setiap orang dapat mengonsumsi gula maksimal 50 gram perhari atau setara 4 sendok makan.
Manisnya gula taksemanis efeknya, konsumsi gula yang berlebihan dapat menjadi penyebab berbagai penyakit. Selain konsumsi minuman kemasan, makanan olahan (Ultra process food) juga menjadj sumber konsumsi gula berlebih oleh karena itu penting bagi kita untuk mengecek tabel gizi tiap kemasan untuk membatasi konsumsi gula pada tubuh.
John yudkin seorang ahli nutrisi asal london pada 1957 meneliti bahwa asal dari segala penyakit kronis disebabkan karena konsumsi gula yang berlebihan. Hal tersebut karena efek dari konsumsi gula berlebihan mempengaruhi tubuh diantaranya menyebabkan obesitas, diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, hingga asam urat.
Gula merupakan karbohidrat sederhana yang sifatnya mudah larut dalam air sehingga gula dapat langsung diserap oleh tubuh untuk menjadi energi. Namun, kadar gula yang berlebih pada tubuh dapat menyebabkan insulin menjadi resisten yaitu insulin tidak dapat lagi menjalankan tugasnya dalam proses metabolisme gula menjadi energi. Hal tersebut menjadikan kadar gula dalam darah tinggi yang mengakibatkan resiko obesitas serta diabetes militus dalam tubuh. Diabetes kemudian menjadi pemicu penyakit kronik lain dalam tubuh timbul.
Selain insulin menjadi resisten, konsumsi gula berlebihan juga menyebabkan resistensi leptin dimana fungsi leptin yang seharusnya menjadi sinyal tubuh untuk kenyang tidak berfungsi. Karena itulah konsumsi gula berlebihan menjadi penyebab obesitas .
Poin pentingnya adalah mulai bijak dalam menjaga kadar komsumsi gula perhari, gula memang manis tapi jika takterkontrol jadi jahat. Hidup sehat tidak harus menunggu nanti tapi saat ini.
Sidoarjo, 23 Januari 2024
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georgebuckettwo · 7 months
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John Yudkin was a food scientist who tried hard to push the idea that sugar caused heart disease and obesity amongst other conditions. He suggested a low carb diet for weight loss in 1958. The sugar industry paid scientists like Ansel Keys and D. Mark Hegsted to downplay this connection and suggest that dietary fat caused obesity and heart disease. Massive lobbying helped pro sugar scientists to become advisors to government and officially suggest a low fat diet to prevent heart disease. Taking fat out of food makes it taste bad, so what do they add? More sugar, causing the food to be unhealthier. The demonising of fat lasted well into the 2000’s and often still persists to this day.
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kevepebepegi · 2 years
Yudkin pure white and deadly pdf
 YUDKIN PURE WHITE AND DEADLY PDF >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  YUDKIN PURE WHITE AND DEADLY PDF >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
            H. Lustig von John Yudkin | Orell Füssli: Der Buchhändler Ihres Vertrauens. It Artikelbild von: Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and. Der Londoner Ernährungsmediziner wies bereits 1972 in seinem Buch "Pure, White and Deadly" eindringlich auf die gesundheitlichen Folgen einer zu süssen Kost hin Der Londoner Ernährungsmediziner wies bereits 1972 in seinem Buch »Pure, White and Deadly« eindringlich auf die gesundheitlichen Folgen einer zu süßen Kost hin 09.03.2021 — Pur, weiß, tödlich von John Yudkin (ISBN 978-3-95814-326-5) wies bereits 1972 in seinem Buch "Pure, White and Deadly" eindringlich auf
https://www.tumblr.com/kevepebepegi/697696787433242624/pdffactory-350, https://www.tumblr.com/kevepebepegi/697696787433242624/pdffactory-350, https://www.tumblr.com/kevepebepegi/697696787433242624/pdffactory-350, https://www.tumblr.com/kevepebepegi/697696787433242624/pdffactory-350, https://www.tumblr.com/kevepebepegi/697696787433242624/pdffactory-350.
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wdgrrw · 2 years
Read Book Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It EBOOK -- John Yudkin
EPUB & PDF Ebook Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by John Yudkin.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
Read More : READ Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
Ebook PDF Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It 2020 PDF Download in English by John Yudkin (Author).
The classic exposé on the dangers of sugar, with a new introduction by Robert H. Lustig, the bestselling author of Fat Chance Scientist John Yudkin was the first to sound the alarm about the excess of sugar in the diet of modern Americans. His classic exposé, Pure, White, and Deadly, clearly and engagingly describes how sugar is damaging our bodies, why we eat so much of it, and what we can do to stop. He explores the ins and out of sugar, from the different types—is brown sugar really better than white?—to how it is hidden inside our everyday foods, and how it is damaging our health. In 1972, Yudkin was mostly ignored by the health industry and media, but the events of the last forty years have proven him spectacularly right. Yudkin’s insights are even more important and relevant now, with today’s record levels of obesity, than when they were first published. Brought up-to-date by childhood obesity expert Dr. Robert H. Lustig, this emphatic treatise on the hidden dangers of sugar is
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vbednarw · 2 years
Download Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It -- John Yudkin
Download Or Read PDF Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It - John Yudkin Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
[*] Read PDF Here => Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
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georgebucket · 2 years
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John Yudkin. The single scientist who didn't believe the sugar industry's research that demonized fats. Till his death he's adamant that fats weren't the cause of obesity and heart attacks.
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sophsweet · 3 years
Secret to Balancing Calories, Activity and Nutrition for Health
Secret to Balancing Calories, Activity and Nutrition for Health
While we face the amplifying affects of COVID-19 on our innate health, with a greatly strained NHS, official health bodies do anything but provide the information we need for optimal health. However, independent organisation Public Health Collaboration have published a guide to healthy eating, which addresses the incorrect advice given by Public Health England. Before the pandemic, The NHS…
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sciencebookaday · 7 years
Pure, White and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
Pure, White and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It
Pure, White and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It by John Yudkin
Synopsis: Sugar. It is killing us.
Why do we eat so much of it?
What are its hidden dangers?
In 1972, when British scientist John Yudkin first proved that sugar was bad for our health, he was ignored by the majority of the medical profession and rubbished by the food industry.
We should have heeded his…
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lunaslashsea · 5 years
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whorsburgh · 2 years
The Joe Rogan Experience will Soon be the Churches Experience – CT — TheWeeFlea.com
The Joe Rogan Experience will Soon be the Churches Experience – CT — TheWeeFlea.com
This weeks Christian Today article. The new mantra for many in our society is ‘listen to the experts’. For example, the public health experts who for years told us that low fat was better than low sugar. This was challenged in 1972 by one UK scientist, John Yudkin, who argued that high intakes of sugar…The Joe Rogan Experience will Soon be the Churches Experience – CT — TheWeeFlea.com
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soulreadingpdf · 3 years
PDF) Pure  White  and Deadly How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It [Pdf]$$
>Download Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar Is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It Ebook
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Book Details:
Author : John Yudkin Publisher : Penguin Books ISBN : 0143125184 Publication Date : 2013-8-7 Language : Pages : 256
Book Synopsis:
The classic exposé on the dangers of sugar, with a new introduction by Robert H. Lustig, the bestselling author of Fat Chance Scientist John Yudkin was the first to sound the alarm about the excess of sugar in the diet of modern Americans. His classic exposé, Pure, White, and Deadly, clearly and engagingly describes how sugar is damaging our bodies, why we eat so much of it, and what we can do to stop. He explores the ins and out of sugar, from the different types—is brown sugar really better than white?—to how it is hidden inside our everyday foods, and how it is damaging our health. In 1972, Yudkin was mostly ignored by the health industry and media, but the events of the last forty years have proven him spectacularly right. Yudkin’s insights are even more important and relevant now, with today’s record levels of obesity, than when they were first published. Brought up-to-date by childhood obesity expert Dr. Robert H. Lustig, this emphatic treatise on the hidden dangers of sugar is essential reading for anyone concerned about their health, the health of their children, and the wellbeing of modern society.
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bleuwrites · 4 years
I was tagged by @dancingchupacabra
Anne and Gilbert (Anne of Green Gables)
Mulder and Scully (X Files)
Josh and Donna (The West Wing)
Katniss and Peeta (The Hunger Games)
Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens)
Tris and Four (Divergent)
last song: Black Light Smoke - Perfecto (original mix)
last movie: The Red Shoes (I own the DVD, but it was on TCM yesterday and it’s one of my favourite movies, so I stopped to watch it)
currently reading: Pure, White, and Deadly by John Yudkin; Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman
currently watching: sort of half binging Community (I’ll watch 6 or 8 episodes straight and then can’t focus on it anymore, then come back next week and do the same). Lots of documentaries about silent films. 
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superseraphim7 · 6 years
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Sacred Frequencies From Source The Cycle of Time Number 432 Tuning and Music Modern science is now beginning to recognizing what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; that everything is in a constant state of vibration. The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration, and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. One way to use sound to heal the body is to recognize that every organ, and every cell, absorbs and emits sound, and has a particular optimim resonate frequency. One of the 'secrets' of the universe, is the creative application of sound frequencies. John Worley Keely discovered this creative use of musical frequencies in the late nineteenth century and accomplished amazing feats that defied conventional physics and confounded the academicians of his day. The earliest conventions of Western music held that "Music on earth was a reflection of the greater 'music of the spheres', a harmony created by relative distances and rates of motions of the planets - a harmony that was constantly present, if only people were sufficiently sensitive to hear it" (Yudkin, Jeremy, Music in Medieval Europe, 1989). If we as individuals can identify with the concepts presented in this statement, and we accept that we as human beings are multifaceted creatures who must live in harmony with our environment in order to maintain our health and reach our full potential, we can begin to see into the secrets of music and its impact on our health "The distance from the center of the earth to the average height of the atmosphere. This value is given as 4320 arc-minutes, which harmonically can be reduce down to 432 the fundamental vibration for the sixth node in the octave" It is said that our planet beats from 7.82-8 cycles per second (7.82-8 hz, fundamental Schumann resonance), 8 hz is the alpha brain wave rhythm in which our parallel processors, or brain hemispheres, are synchronized to spin together equally. The neo-cortex of the brain, 90% unassigned becomes awakened in this synchronization, and one then operates in all brain cell dendrites with the maximum information flow possible on that scale. " Ordinary" awareness brain waves ranges from 14-40 hz. Here one is operating only in some brain cell dendrites, and predominantly with the left brain as the centre of activity, where information flow is billions of times slighter (like using an old PC 386 compared to a parallel process Pentium IV, or an old Mac Performa, compared to a Parallel processing G4). In other words at 8 hz one is an operating supercomputer, or congressing towards Superconsciousness. A machine that would induce 8 hz in its beholders may propel mankind into an internal Revolution, And it is here. It is often cited that humanity only uses 10% of the brain (for someone like Einstein, who profusely meditated his equations in ecstasies), and Einstein relays in his General Relativity Theory, that were the other 90% to become assigned, e = mc4 would result. Einstein states that the body would transform into pure energy: the resurrection/ascension of the Gnostic traditions of the west, the Rainbow Body and Diamond Body as it is known to the Tibetan Buddhists and Taoists of the far east. 8 hz then is possible the key to such a potential full Sovereign brain activation. At the least it is a Golden Midway Bridge towards that internal Revolution. Dr. Andrija Puharich demonstrated in the late 1970s (Proto-Communication II), that 8 hz could not be blocked by any electromagnetic shielding metal or even a triple vacuum. Which implies that it rotates through the Virtual (Everywhere and Everywhen) and quantum non-local hyperspace, constantly. Ortho-rotating through what the Hermetic Gnostic and Shaman Psychonauts may have attempted to grapple with under the term, loosely appropriated as "Spirit", and the Taoistic Wu Chi. A film was made in the Himalayas in the 1930's showing a group of Tibetan monks, who with the use of ordinary Tibetan musical instruments, would gather into a pie-shape configuration and direct their playing towards a huge boulder that was located on the ground roughly one hundred fifty feet away and at the base of sheer rising mountain wall. About three minutes after the 'concert' began, the boulder began to vibrate and lift off the ground. A moment later, it shot up about 150 feet into the air and landed on a ledge above it, where other monks were using the boulders to seal the entrance of meditation enclaves that they had cut into the sides of the mountain. Source Enhance, Heal, & Rejuvenate MUSIC OF THE PYRAMIDS Multiplications of 8 cycles gives one the significant 432 (54 x 8, and 3 x 72). The number 432 is considered sacred in a majority of the major temple complexes of this planet. For instance, one side of the Great Pyramid, Egypt, at its sea level foundation, is 432 Earth Units (51.49 cm). The major Toltec complex of Teotihuacan in Mexico, has its great Pyramid of the Sun with an overall base of 864 STU (Standard Teotihuacan Units) which is twice 432. STU was the Toltecs measure unit for this site, as their "myths" relay it was taught them by the Shaman Wizard gods from the stars. Each side of this Sun Pyramid is 216 STU, precisely half of 432, and 3 x 72. The heart has the least effort for pumping blood to endocrine glands, when operating in a rhythm of 72 beats per minute, it beats literally with the hologramme of the planet and the universe -- 72 bpm is the foundation beat of compassionate love. 432 times 432 = 186624 the classic speed of light is 186400 miles/second, a difference of .001201. E=mc2 ---Einstein's famous equation of energy and matter - - where E= energy, m = matter, and c = the universal constant speed of light. The speed of light in 1983 was generally accepted to be 186,291 miles per second in a vacuum so 432 as the square root of the speed of light should only experience the usual suspects as skeptics. This number converted by the pyramid inch is 186,496. ( 186,291 [accepted speed of light in a vacuum per 1983 agreement] x 1.0011) THIS IS OMEGA SONIC SACRED GEOMETRY The universe is based on harmonic series such as 72, 144, 432. And 144 (a "C" tone in hertz) is a perfect harmonic of the speed of light, which is 144,000 nautical miles (144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space. Each of these harmonics are literally a mirror, or a cascade of mirrors within mirrors, that 8 hz can look into. For example 144 is 18 x 8 hz, and 72 is 9 x 8 hz. The way that light travels in space is thus a 144 decimal harmonic (144:144,000), The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed, so far, are largely tuned to 432 hz. In ancient Greece (the school book original place for music) their instruments were predominantly tuned at 432 hz. Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned at 432 hz). Frequency The number of times the medium's pressure varies (increases and decreases) in one second is referred to as the `frequency', and it determines how `high' or `low' the sound is. Ladies sing in the higher frequencies; gentlemen sing in the lower. When it appears after a number, the abbreviation `Hz', which stands for `Hertz', indicates that the number is a frequency. The frequency range that humans can hear is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. A harmonic frequency is simply a multiple of the fundamental frequency. If the fundamental frequency is 100 Hz, the third (3rd) harmonic is 300 Hz. (100 * 3 = 300) http://www.thepubliccause.net This information has been gathered from the internet , readers should do their Own research to validate key points ... The old paradigm and its premise stated that we began as biology in the womb of our mothers. Telliard deChardin tells us that we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This shift in perception causes a tremendous difference in the way we perceive ourselves. Pyramid/Orgone Energy Generating Grid Orpheus had inherited his music and knowledge from his voyage and initiation into the ancient Egyptian Osiris Mysteries, as well as from the Phoenicians, and from the archaic Mesopotamians of the fertile crescent. Amidst the E.Din between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where the Ur Mesopotamian civilisation of Sumeria was centered, the ancient tombs of their Sanga Lugals, or Priest-King Shamans, have revealed their excelled science in the musical arts. Some of these royal tombs of the children of the historical Adam (Sanga Lugal King Ataba of Kish), are as old as 6000 years, revealing the primal musical roots and enthralment of our species. These tombs' hermetically sealed nature contained perfectly preserved and many intact musical instruments, as well as musical documentation in stone. For instance the "Sham.Ana", which is called a vehicle of Shamanic Star Flight, is at the same time also a ritual drum. These drums are depicted to be utilised in these cultural feasted rites, to induce their shamanic ecstasies and oracular union with the stellar gods the Anaki. The shamanic/festivial use of a specific series of drums, trumpets and harps in Sumeria, had them all tuned at 432 hz, and related harmonics of 72 and its decimal 720. These instruments were utilised for pre-Arabic ethnobotanical plant and metal alchemy, which harvested the elixir of divination and divinity. The "god-kings" utilised these within their sacred circle firestone dance. In the midst of these symphonic circles, they placed a phoenix (sky fire bird) fire stone, which was called the Sham.Mu. Within the Mesopotamian cylinder seals (of which more than 100,000 such books have been unearthed so far) these "fire stones" are often described to be made out of 'superconducting-like' elements, usually monatomic iridium from meteorite. And from such cultural shamanic royal ceremonies, the seals describe that they opened the door to Anu, or Anuki - the heavens, the universe, for communion. They had a very sophisticated musical science, that made a double helix (of dragons) from musical fifths and musical fourths, which were considered the sacred harmonics of the gods. The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed, so far, are largely tuned to 432 hz. In ancient Greece (the school book original place for music) their instruments were predominantly tuned at 432 hz. These proto-Greek roots of music had the sacred tuning of 432 hz, long before the Hellenistic artists musical renaissance. That itself is remarkable, since 432 hz touches the full twelve scale octaval overtones of all music in creation, whereas Bach's 440 hz only touches 8, leaving out an entire section of the complete musical resonance of the universe, which thus remains untouched and unintegrated within the 440 hz music of today. This 8 hz re-pitching of tuning hence makes A UNIVERSE OF DIFFERENCE Naturally this Mesopotamian sacred science, descended down into the Babylonian culture, and was absorbed and occulted by the ancient Roman Empire, who also absorbed some of the Greek and Egyptian Mysteries. For Rome had utilised this sacred measure harmonic series as well, embedded in their measure, where, for instance, 432 grains were 1 Uncia, which were 144 Unica in their weight measurements. Furthermore, 216 grains (half of 432 and 3 x 72) were 72 Semuncia, and 144 grains were 48 Duella. The American Federation of Musicians accepted the A440 as standard pitch in 1917. It was then accepted by the U.S. government as its standard in1920. It was not until 1939 that this pitch was accepted internationally and then standardized by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 to serve as the audio frequency reference for the calibration of pianos, violins, and other musical instruments. Before recent times, a variety of tunings were used. It has been suggested by The Schiller Institute, James Furia and many others that A432 or C256 be the standard. A432 was often used by Classical composers and results in a tuning of the whole number frequencies that are connected to numbers used in the construction of a variety of ancient works and Sacred sites, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The original Stradivarius violin was designed to be tuned to 432hz. The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed, so far, are largely tuned to 432hz. In ancient Greece (the school book original place for music) their instruments were predominantly tuned to 432hz. 432 vs. 440: the movement to return to “Verdi's A” The Schiller Institute in Milan Italy on April 9, 1988 launched a campaign to lower the international standard musical pitch to middle-C=256 cycles per second (A=432 cycles per second), in order to preserve the human voice and to return the performance of Classical music to that of the classical composers' poetic intentions. Bach's 440 hz only touches 8, leaving out an entire section of the complete musical resonance of the universe, which thus remains untouched and unintegrated within the 440 hz music of today By detuning the note 'a' to 432 (harmonic of 54, 108 & 25920 / 60) then the frequency of 'D' becomes 144 hz (144000 cycles per second) Using 432hz as frequency allows for all the wavelengths to harmonize easily with each other. Dolphins can hear our thoughts, because their sonic senses extend into the infrasonic and ultrasonic ranges. So our alpha brain waves, like 8 hz, are music to them. Mankind, in a non-shamanic state, does not hear 8 cycles. But one can make audible its harmonics, such as 72 hz (9 x 8 hz), 144 hz (18 x 8 hz) and 432 hz. And then further synchronise the music in binaural 8 hz, to reawaken us to the orchestra of our thoughts, in the cathedrals of our minds. There are many other great wonders that 432 hz phases into. Look at the Buddhist temple of Borobudur, in Java. At Borobudur there is a Pyramid of Mt. Meru. Meru is the world and universal mountain created by the Vedic original Germinating god, Manu, as he descended into this universe and planet. Bringing with him S-AUM-A (the plant from which the elixir of immortality is made) and Banana's. Meru is considered to be the Sonic mandala of creation: the Shri Yantra, likened to a sonic holographic plate that upholds this universe, like a Diamond. Instigated by the living Word AUM. An interesting Vedic creation "myth", but can a sound made from a series of syllables make a mandalic, or holographic pattern? Dr. Lawrence Blair demonstrated on a tonographer (a sensitised sound plate which vibrates sand to show the wave form pattern of the sound) that the sound AUM, when sung correctly by a Tibetan monk, indeed does make this pattern of the Shri Yantra in the resonated sand. In this coming Age, when musical instruments are tuned at 432 cycles per second, no matter how hard the music might be, it will be harmonics that are produced. It will be healthy for the body, tuning the body, vibrating in fractal harmonics with the DNA helix sound matrix of life itself. Those "DNA helixes" are musical instruments that are constantly receiving mhz of electricity and the audial currents, which require sound. If that sound is dis-harmonic, a DNA starts to resonate to external disharmonics. Should the external resonating tune sources, in a person of old age that has their DNA viruses resonating to the outside, become harmonic (such as a 432 hz based music, with all of the over- and undertones of 432) -- then the DNA viruses will remember their coherent PHI-like spiral shape And possibly form of regeneration, Since 8 hz in DNA replication has been described by Scientific American (March 1965, p 28), to be behaving as a room temperature superconductor, the use of sound may enable such genetic alchemy. 528 Hz is known as the ‘Miracle’ Frequency Frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the act frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! “…And I remember sitting at a table with Dr. Lorenzen years ago, this was 1999, we just had the book ‘Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse’ just come off the press, and I said to Lee, ‘you know we just produced the revelations of 3000 years of the ancient musical scale’, and I said, ‘the third [3rd] note is about miracles’, and I said, ‘here are the frequencies: 396; 417; 528 (c.f. Marko Rodin mathematics). And he starts to laugh when I got to 528. I said, ‘why are you laughing?’ He says, ‘that happens to be known by the worlds leading genetic bio-chemists as the miraculous repair frequency for damaged DNA’. And he said, ‘I put that frequency, nobody knows it, but I put that frequency in my water to bless it’ (c.f. Emoto from Japan)” Dr. Len Horowitz - DNA Pirates of the Sacred Spiral What is DNA? The spiral structure of DNA reflects the spiral structure of all the proteins in the body. The spiral structures are simply there like a Tesla coil to enhance the energy reception and transmission. In a similar fashion, DNA is like a receiver and transmitter of love and divine frequency. You could also call DNA bio-acoustics and/or light and sound energy. We don’t see that in any of the traditional scientific texts. For some reason it’s missing. Now why is it missing? This is another thesis of the book. This is what the book also does. It exposes those who have stolen the Human Genome Project. The DNA "Visual Healing Pattern" & sound Frequency Of 528 Hz The media helps industry drive the message that the field of genetics exists for the greater good. When we hear this message enough, we come to believe it. We have become so sedated by the media that we no longer question what is really happening. What’s going on folks? Why do we have these great plagues of AIDS, cancer and autoimmune diseases? There are people in charge and they’re hiding the truth from us because they’re making vast fortunes off of our suffering. Dr. Len Horowitz Dr. Puleo is a naturopathic doctor currently living in northern Idaho. Through a series of unusual circumstances beginning in 1974, Dr. Puleo has been guided into the unraveling of certain vibrational frequencies and other mysteries encoded in the Bible. He was introduced, through an open vision, to the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using this method, he discovered six sound frequencies coded into the book of Numbers, chapter 7, verses 12-89. These frequencies are 396Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, and 852 Hz. The fact that these are vibrational frequencies was further confirmed when it was discovered that the frequency of 528 Hz is used in the restoration of DNA. It has a powerful effect upon the water molecules that support the DNA helix according to Dr. Lee Lorenzen, Ph.D Dr. Puleo, who holds a masters degree in public health from Harvard - spent years researching the six tones that physicists and musicians alike recognize as " an extremely unique interrelated series of mathematical and electromagnetic sound frequencies that include harmonic sequences similar to those found in the 'wedding march.'" The first note, "UT-quent laxis," is defined in Webster's Dictionary as "the Gamut of dramatic emotion from grief to joy," and "the whole series of recognized musical notes." It has a frequency of 396 cycles per second, and is also associated with a "magnetic field strength equal to 105 power gauss," or 100,000. The second tone, "RE", short for "resonare fibris" or resonance, also correlates mathematically to 144,000. The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note "MI" on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is suggesed to be the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair damaged DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life is based. Vibration Rates for Creation and Destruction! From: "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" Pages 166 & 167 by Dr Leonard Horowitz and Dr Joseph Puleo Healing Frequencies - medicinal properties? "DNA repair" by use of 528Hz DNA - l"Pirates of the Sacred Spira" - Dr Horowitz I.G. Farben is the most infamous of the cartel organizations that literally was the Third Reich. Their top directors and advisors were the top S.S. in Hitler’s time. These people are untrustworthy. The pharmaceutical cartel wants you to pop “magic” pills to cure every ill. Why? These pills have terrible side effects that will cause you to run back to your doctor only to discover that you will need some other “magic” pills. This type of dependency is convenient for those who can gain financially from our diseases. Industry and government benefit by our suffering. Their ultimate goal is to reduce the population. If people woke up to this knowledge and stopped popping the pills they would realize that we are all energy beings (just like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein realized). We can all enjoy our true potential by using our inner wisdom to heal our bodies naturally. Dr Leonard Horowitz What Are The Ancient "Solfeggio" Frequencies? These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes For the Biological Apocolypse By Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part they've played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity. As I pursued my passion for the study of DNA, I attended a workshop by Dr. Robert Girard from California on DNA Activation. His work focused on using certain sounds and frequencies to activate DNA and I started doing DNA Activation workshops. Through those workshops, an article was given to me that reported how biochemists are using the frequency 528Hz to repair human DNA. The article stated that it was a "C." When I read that I thought, "All I would need to do is go to a piano or other instrument and play a "C" and then, in the DNA workshops we would be able to repair DNA." Well, it wasn’t that simple, because I discovered that the regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) was not the 528 Hz frequency "C", as described in the article. Instead, I discovered that a regular "C" vibrates to a frequency of only 512 Hz, and that the "C" of 528 Hz used in DNA repair had been a part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale. Moreover, the difference in the scales existed because of different tuning methods that were utilized in ancient times, vs. those in general use today. lightwithin.com/SomaEnergetics The Solfeggio Frequencies in Water Crystals The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) FA - 639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition LA - 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order In the Solfeggio, "Ti" is missing and what we call "Doe" was known as "Ut". Here are the original pitch frequencies of these six notes: Another interesting tidbit that the authors included as a musical scale with words, from the work of John Keely; where Keely related the hues (not pigment colors) of light related to musical notes. On the "G-Clef" with "C" being the first line below the staff and continuing up the scale and up the staff: C = Red = Tonic D = Orange = Super Tonic E = Yellow = Mediant F = Green = Sub Dominant G = Blue = Dominant A = Indigo = Super Dominant, Sub Mediant B = Violet = Leading Tone, Sub Tonic C = Red = Octave Access any frequency between 1- 10.000 hz
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zuvluguu · 7 years
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The Cycle of Time Number 432 Modern science is now beginning to recognizing what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; that everything is in a constant state of vibration. The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration, and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. One way to use sound to heal the body is to recognize that every organ, and every cell, absorbs and emits sound, and has a particular optimim resonate frequency. One of the 'secrets' of the universe, is the creative application of sound frequencies. John Worley Keely discovered this creative use of musical frequencies in the late nineteenth century and accomplished amazing feats that defied conventional physics and confounded the academicians of his day. The earliest conventions of Western music held that "Music on earth was a reflection of the greater 'music of the spheres', a harmony created by relative distances and rates of motions of the planets - a harmony that was constantly present, if only people were sufficiently sensitive to hear it" (Yudkin, Jeremy, Music in Medieval Europe, 1989). If we as individuals can identify with the concepts presented in this statement, and we accept that we as human beings are multifaceted creatures who must live in harmony with our environment in order to maintain our health and reach our full potential, we can begin to see into the secrets of music and its impact on our health "The distance from the center of the earth to the average height of the atmosphere. This value is given as 4320 arc-minutes, which harmonically can be reduce down to 432 the fundamental vibration for the sixth node in the octave" It is said that our planet beats from 7.82-8 cycles per second (7.82-8 hz, fundamental Schumann resonance), 8 hz is the alpha brain wave rhythm in which our parallel processors, or brain hemispheres, are synchronized to spin together equally. The neo-cortex of the brain, 90% unassigned becomes awakened in this synchronization, and one then operates in all brain cell dendrites with the maximum information flow possible on that scale. " Ordinary" awareness brain waves ranges from 14-40 hz. Here one is operating only in some brain cell dendrites, and predominantly with the left brain as the centre of activity, where information flow is billions of times slighter (like using an old PC 386 compared to a parallel process Pentium IV, or an old Mac Performa, compared to a Parallel processing G4). In other words at 8 hz one is an operating supercomputer, or congressing towards Superconsciousness.
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We replaced steak and sausages with pasta and rice, butter with margarine and vegetable oils, eggs with muesli, and milk with low-fat milk or orange juice. But instead of becoming healthier, we grew fatter and sicker. Look at a graph of postwar obesity rates and it becomes clear that something changed after 1980. In the US, the line rises very gradually until, in the early 1980s, it takes off like an aeroplane.... When Yudkin looked at the data on heart disease, he was struck by its correlation with the consumption of sugar, not fat. He carried out a series of laboratory experiments on animals and humans, and observed, as others had before him, that sugar is processed in the liver, where it turns to fat, before entering the bloodstream.He noted, too, that while humans have always been carnivorous, carbohydrates only became a major component of their diet 10,000 years ago, with the advent of mass agriculture. Sugar – a pure carbohydrate, with all fibre and nutrition stripped out – has been part of western diets for just 300 years; in evolutionary terms, it is as if we have, just this second, taken our first dose of it.
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