#Jason is the HUGE litlle bro
roxineedstosleep · 1 year
Situation I think happens between Dick and Jason.
Dick: Yeah, look, I'd really love to go to your sister's 6th wedding, I really would. But I can't, I have to pick up my little brother from his boxing competition that day. After that I promised him that we would go for ice cream! I can't let him down!
X: Aw, I understand, will you send me pictures after the competition? I want to know if he won anything!
Dick: Sure!!! I'll show you as soon as it's over.
_____ the next day_____
Dick, excitedly showing his colleague a picture of Jason, who is bigger than him and completely sweaty and bruised, proudly clutching his heavyweight championship trophy: Isn't he adorable?
X: What the fuck did they feed that kid?
Dick: Yeah, he's always asking for doubles.
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