#It's like 3am and I just wanna look at Rio
floydsteeth · 2 months
Im so normal and sane about Rio I swear :)
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00gangfriend00 · 3 years
nsfw prompt/hc: domestic brio smut
FUN. I do love the chance to inject a lil FLUFF. also we are all not doing the five line thing right??? nah. heres 5000!!!!
He doesn't do sleepovers. Doesn't do the commitment thing, nah not anymore. Had it once with Rhea, and shit went south pretty quick. And that was despite their best effort to keep it together for little man's sake.
His job interferes, and his job ain't changin', so why should any other girl be any different? It's easier this way too. Less feelings, less mess.
He likes his own bed. His own schedule. Not havin' to throw around good mornin' texts, or explain why he's just getting in at 3am. Easier.
"Married to his work" as Nick would say.
'Cept with Elizabeth ...
Well fuck, ain't she always makin' him break his own rules. They've been hooking up again for a while, on and off. Mostly in his car, the office, the bar. Every so often his place or hers.
And lately he's had to fight off the itch to text her, see what she's cooking, if she's drinking wine or bourbon. To guess what she's wearin', tell her to make sure her doors are locked (mostly so she can retort with something cheeky about how that never stops him), to ask if she lit that candle he got her - the one that had the lavender around the side, the one that made him think of her.
He doesn't know when he got so soft, but little by little his bed starts to feel too big, and his house a bit too quiet.
So when one of those texts is responded with a "why don't you come over and find out?" he's out the door and in his car before he can overthink things.
And here's the thing. He gets in her bed, in her kitchen and... never really leaves. It becomes a habit, one he tells himself he could break if he wanted, but can never come up with enough reasons to. Shit feels good, feels nice.
Maybe it's because she works with him, that it's easier? He can slip out of bed in the morning, crawl in beside her as dawn creeps over the horizon and receive nothing but a tired kiss on the temple, and a coffee later on.
One evening he's sitting out on the picnic table, enjoying the eerie quiet of the suburban streets when he hears pots and pans clash in the kitchen.
Beth is on her hands and knees picking up cumin seeds, with a counter top that looks like she's preparin' a buffet. She peers up at him, sheepish, and wipes a sheen of sweat off her forehead. Her curls are pulled up into a messy ponytail, her body's covered in a ratty oversized tee-shirt, the kind that leaves her ass peeking out.
And god damn, no amount of text could ever due this justice. This view, this getting to be here. Getting to see her in these moments.
"Elizabeth, what the hell're you doin'?"
She huffs back up to stand, pulling her shirt a bit lower and he can't help but follow the movement.
"Meal prep!" Her hands clasp together excitedly.
"What in God's good name in meal prep darlin'?"
She looks at him incredulously, before turning back around to pick up carrot peels from the cutting board.
"You know, you prepare lunches in advance... to save time."
He hums, moving over beside her and picking up a knife.
"What are you doing?!"
"You meal preppin', so I'm meal preppin' too. Put me to work mama."
"No no no. You can't help."
Resting his hands on the small of her back, he nudges her closer, eager to feel the flush of her skin. Pulls her between his legs.
"And why's that?"
She bats him away. "Because! You'll distract me!"
He pouts as he runs his fingers along the hem of her shirt, knuckles brushing the top of her ass.
"Then what am I supposed to do?"
"Did you bring your book with you?"
Rio chuckles, fondly remembering her suggestion for him to bring a novel to read as she's often busy and was worried he'd get bored.
Truth is, the reason he's here is to watch her work. Watch her move. Wouldn't wanna do anything else. The fact that she'd think he'd get bored, well.. it makes it even harder to explain.
"I'll be good. I promise."
She smiles warmly up at him, a little mix of awe and gratitude, and then shifts back into work mode.
Fuck, he loves her work mode. So fuckin' sexy.
"Okay. I'm gonna hand you the tinfoil of chicken and broccoli, you get to sauce them each up. "
She flutters her eyelashes a bit, pausing.
"If you do all that AND cut the onion... maybe I'll let you... sauce me up."
Rio tosses his head back in laughter, encasing her in a hug as they sway side to side.
"Hey now! Dirty talk in the suburbs. Uh oh."
"Shut up!"
He leans in to the crook of her neck, breathing her in. "That sounded gross, babe." Grinning against her down-turned mouth, he tips her up into a kiss.
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possiblypeachy · 6 years
i was tagged by @deviantramblings so thank you!!!
Drink: a funky lil' fizzy drink called 'Rio'.
Phone Call: my friend last week bc i changed her contact photo and i wanted to laugh about it when it came up on my screen :,)
Text: to the same friend. i sent her a screenshot of angsty ship things and said exactly: "neiryn and,,.. erleas with the hhhhh 'i thought i lost you' hug....,, im cryign"
Song: 'How Could You Leave Us' by NF, i think? song makes me cry :(
Time You Cried: uhhhh at above friend's house bc we were getting real at 3am jdjdjsj
Dated someone twice: yes. unfortunately /:
Kissed someone and regretted it: no???
Been cheated on: nope.
Lost someone special: not really? my parents and i don't talk to a lot of our family anymore so i have very few special people to lose in the first place lmao
Been depressed: sad, yes. depressed, no.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: hahah nope!
Favorite colors: my absolute favourite is a pale orange/peach (thus my theme) but i also adore sky blue, lilac, and gold.
In the last year you have
Made new friends: i'm unsure?? i think so!!
Fallen out of love: not as far as i'm aware.
Laughed until you cried: of course.
Found out someone was talking about: yep.
Met someone who changed you: i didn't MEET anyone who changed me but i got closer to someone who did.
Found out who your friends are: i hope so.
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: hah no.
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: all of them. facebook is for family mostly.
Do you have any pets: a norwegian forest cat called Mojo :)
Do you want to change your name: not particularly. Alicia is kind of poncy but it's nice enough. the only annoying thing is when people pronounce it A-lee-sha over A-lih-cee-ya.
What did you do for your last birthday: had a sleepover with friends?? drama happened on the night of my birthday and it involves people i dislike now so it was a big meh day for me //:
What were you doing at midnight last night: yapping on to @deviantramblings about my story (thank you :,) ), getting sad about said story with the friend i made it with, and on-and-off watching youtube i think?
What is something you can’t wait for: i'm actually pretty excited for my birthday this year (sep. 23rd, kids, mark it on your calendar) bc i get a new phone and enough money to buy a kitten :))
What are you listening to right now: the gentle whirring of my fan but it's a little muffled bc i have my earphones in.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: indeed. there's one in my form.
Something that gets on your nerves: when people are rude to be relatable?? like "oh well that's the tea 🐸☕️" kinda groups?? don't get me wrong, i use that phrase A LOT too but yknow when people are just nasty so that others laugh idk it pisses me off like there's a certain audience for certain jokes and ripping it outta people shouldn't have an audience whatsoever.
Most visited website: youtube? tumblr? does instagram count as a website?
Hair color: naturally a mousy blonde but i've dyed it ginger.
Long or short hair: short! i want to grow it out again but i have like these little middle parted curtains rn and sometimes they look cute so???
Do you have a crush on someone: eh? the way i work with crushes is confusing for me so i legitimately have no idea lmaoo
What do you like about yourself: the fact that i'm generally just easy to talk to i think :)
Want any piercings: i have two lobe piercings already but i wanna get an industrial bar and a septum piercing.
Blood type: AB +
Nicknames: i don't have any cute nicknames but i have many variants of Ali to roll with (Ali, Allie, Ally, Aly, etc.). this is a psa to give me cute nicknames.
Relationship status: v single :)
Zodiac: virgo/libra. i was born on a cusp, as far as what im told.
Pronouns: she/her.
Favorite tv shows: god umm? Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency, The Tudors, Paradise PD, shhhsouthparkshhh
Tattoos: none but i'd like some!! o super want flowers/a snake/BOTH on my right thigh.
right or left handed: right for the most part.
Ever had surgery: nope.
Piercings or ear piercings: ear piercings.
Sport: i don't? lmao oops
Vacation: i haven't been on holiday in actual years :(((
More general
Eating: i just had a filthy takeaway burger ;)
Drinking: as i'm writing this line now, i have a new drink: a glass of vimto.
About to watch: youtube? shitty videos on ig? the winds will guide me.
Waiting for: the morning so i can get my art sketchbooks done.
Want: for someone to be all domestic and cute with
Get Married: certainly some day
Career: student /:
Which is better
Hugs or kisses
Lips or eyes
Shorter or taller (my bi ass likes shorter or my height girls and taller guys oops)
Older or younger (quite frankly, i don't really care, as long as it's not too big of an age gap. at my age now, however, i'd prefer and older/my age partner)
Nice arms or stomach
Hookup or relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant
Have you ever
Kiss a stranger: no.
Drunk hard liquor: no??
Lost glasses: never and even so i have my trusty contacts.
Turned someone down: yes jsjsjs
Sex on first date: n o
Broken someone’s heart: probably? im not sure i don't talk to them anymore
Had your heart broken: no.
Been arrested: no.
Cried when someone died: in reality, no.
Fallen for a friend: almost definitely.
Do you believe in
Yourself: on rare occasion, yes.
Miracles: no.
Love at first sight: no; love occurs over time. you can desire someone at first sight but you should fall in love with a personality.
Santa Clause: when i was a wee bab.
Kiss on the first date: if i like them, why not?
Angels: no.
Best friend’s name: georgia georgia georgia. whenever i mention 'a friend', it's probably her.
Eye color: blue/green. i have central heterochromia so i have a ring of yellow/orange around my pupil too.
Favorite movie: Shaun Of The Dead?? i think?? i love that film tbh i would watch it with anyone lmaoo
Favorite actors: ummm??? basically all of the actors in the MCU?? simon pegg?? henry cavill?? alicia vikander?? armie hammer?? sandra bullock?? lots more that i can't think of??
Tagging: @wayablack , @deviantsendbyreallife , @sadmine , @plushdechart + literally anyone else who's interested :)
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artificialqueens · 7 years
I wanna play your game (Biadore) - shadyqueenie
A/N: Emh…hi? This is my first fiction here. I’m kinda nervous. A week ago someone asked a Biadore following this prompt “Are you okay?” “Don’t ask stupid questions” and my mind flew away.
Super short summary: Adore and Bianca are in a club – and drunk Bianca reveals her strategies.
He/she pronouns are interchangeable. Also, English is not my first language. If someone wants to be my beta or just tell me I made a huge grammar mistake, then I will be really happy to correct! (:
Adore watched Bianca as she was tossing her sixth shot. Or was it the eighth? Maybe the tenth? It wasn’t like she watched Bianca all night long. Well, she would have wanted to, but she didn’t. They were in this new club in LA, tossing a shot after one other with their friends. The music was loud and for once Adore didn’t really want to dance in the middle of the crowd – she was so happy Bianca was with them after at least five months of “no I can’t”, “I’m in NY/Europe/anywhere but here” declinations that Adore ended up at 3AM sober and sit still in the privè’s sofa. Ever since after RuPaul’s Drag Race most of the six season’s queens kept in touch, and tried going out together at least once every two months. Bianca, of course, was the one that always couldn’t make it. The tour, the cameos in other Drag Race seasons and so on… it was almost annoying. Annoying for Adore, that missed spending time with his best friend. Every time they arrange a meeting Bianca at first confirm, and then cancel. And every time Danny was about to cry – he always spends a lot of time doing make up or choosing his dress and – in the end – he’s not even sure his best friend will eventually show up. Danny seemed to care more than Roy, at first he didn’t realize it why. What was the real problem?! He found himself thinking about that multiple times.   Bianca and Adore had always kept in touch, in a way or another. A like in some social media, a FaceTime call, or a series of messages via Facebook. Sometimes their conversations went a little too way flirty or they may have sent each other a too provocative photo, but that was all. Even when they were physically together, there was nothing that ambiguous between the two of them. Well, ok – Adore rethought – maybe sometimes they hold hands, or share a hug that lasts a bit longer, or that time when Roy pulled Danny’s hair away from the younger’s face and then rested his hand his head’s back ( was he going to kiss him? Eventually, Roy didn’t)… but that was all. Literally. Totally. In the end, though, Danny found out why he cared about much: he ended up developing a crush on Roy. He realized it when he was seeing one of Bianca’s show. Adore was in the middle of the crowd, and as soon as Bianca saw her she smiled and said softly, interrupting her performance, “Here’s my baby queen! Hi chola, I love you” and Adore, feeling her heart beating faster than ever, waved at her and shouted “I love you too!”. He counted thousands of occasions in which he could have tell him about his feelings but, Danny repeated himself as a mantra, their friendship comes first. Then once, in a night similar to this one, Bianca was utterly drunk. Out of the blue, she cupped Adore face and give her a passionate kiss. The day after Roy called Danny and apologized from the bottom of his ice-cold heart. “It has been a mistake; I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I feel like I will always need you by my side. Danny, we both know we’re terrible at relationships. Please, we can’t ruin all we have” he begged. That time, Danny smiled and forced himself not to telling Roy what he really wanted to say – which was something cute and adore-able like “I care about you as much I care about pizza”. Ever since that moment Adore started being almost scared by drunk Bianca. She was the same shady queen as ever – the only difference were the glances she gives Adore. Those glances filled with lust that made Adore’s back shiver.  Was she going to be drunk even that night? Adore wondered if she could have taken any advantage from that situation.
Adore was brought back to reality by Bianca’s noisy laugh. She had a shot in her hand (the seventh? The eleventh?), laughing at something Trinity said. Adore didn’t like Trinity particularly. She had this strange relationship with Bianca that has always made Adore jealous. Trinity was extremely sexy and sophisticated, and Adore knew Bianca and her have always had – as Bianca defined them – stimulating conversations. Adore rolled her eyes, what the hell was stimulating meaning?! “If I hadn’t known that Trinity is in a serious relationship for months now, I’d say there’s something between her and Bianca” Derienne whispered in Adore ear, trying to gossip. “What?” Adore opened dramatically her mouth, and looked shocked. So she wasn’t the only one who noticed that? But –most important – why was Derienne telling her? “Well, we both know that Bianca is not that kind of… friend? You know, the one you can chitty-chat with”. Maybe it was the music, or the few amount of alcohol she drank, but Adore was not quite sure she understood what Derienne meant. She was going to answer, but the queen didn’t give her the chance, rushing towards the dance floor. Sometimes she hated her queens’ group – they knew how to be incredibly shady. And Derienne was wrong: he had plenty of chitty-chat with Bianca. Meanwhile, Trinity laid a hand on Bianca’s knee, whispering something in her ear and laughing softly. Speaking of shady, Adore thought. She was still embittered by Derienne’s words. It should have been Adore’s hand the one in Bianca’s knee, Adore should be the one that whispers softly in her ear. What the hell, she was Bianca’s chola, not Trinity! “Bea?” Adore, irritated, tried to draw her attention “…Isn’t this too much?” “This what?” she asked rapidly. Bianca placed a hand on her bare shoulder “Here” she says, giving a shot to Adore “I think you should really relax.” Seeing her smile made Adore realize that the older queen wasn’t seeing what Adore saw in Trinity’s actions – and also that Bianca was pretty drunk. As soon as she took the glass, it was like Bianca lost interest in Adore again, giving all her attention to Trinity. Their fingers were crossing, and now Trinity was resting her head in Bianca’s shoulder. That was something Adore thought she was the only one allowed to do. She didn’t felt special anymore, and that made her angry. “I may need to relax” she mumbled, astonished by the beautiful smile and the the queen was giving to someone else “but you should really fuck off” she added bitterly, as she reach the nearest exit. She needed to smoke – yes, Bianca was drank but no, Bianca didn’t looked at Adore in any way. She looked ad Trinity, with the same glance she used to address Adore. Fuck, why was Trinity allowed to touch her? Usually, Adore was the first one to hit the dance floor and dance fiercely against a cute guy – but this wasn’t one of those nights. Derienne almost forced her to join the group by pulling her, as soon as she returned from her smoking pause. “We were worried you left” admitted the blonde girl. The sequins of her dress reflected the club neon’s light. Last time she wore something like that, a drunk Ben called her disco ball. “We?” “There was a moment when Bianca kinda freaked out because – and I quote textually – you suggested her to fuck off and then left” “Oh shit queen, I’m sorry. I might have said that” she looked over the blond shoulders, searching for Bianca “Where is she?” Derienne pointed a red head standing still next to the bar, with a drink in her hand that matched her blue dress. Her legs were moving slightly, following the rhythm of the music, but her eyes were looking for someone all over the club. She was alone, and looked drunk and confused “Go and take her, while Trinity’s at the toilet” giggled Derienne. Adore rolled her eyes – something Bianca taught her “As if! I don’t need those kind of subterfuges” “I’m sure you don’t” teased Derienne one last time, before returning to dance with the other girls. Adore snorted, no - she didn’t like Derienne at all, but then focused her attention to Bianca’s directions. The red head was looking at her. Was she… impatient? Bianca del Rio? “Take it easy and enjoy the moment. It wont’ happen again” Adore whispered to herself as she walked towards her. It was an instant, so quickly that Adore didn’t realize what was happening. Maybe she walked too way slowly, because Bianca couldn’t take it anymore and walked towards the young queen,wrapping her arms around Adore’s neck, breathing deeply. Adore was sure she heard her sigh. “Bianca?” “Why did you left before?” she asked against the other queen’s chest. “I didn’t want to see you flirting with Trinity” Adore admitted “because you were flirting with her, weren’t you?” “A bit, maybe” Bianca looked upwards and bit her lower lip, guilty, “but I have two valid reasons” “Oh! And they are…?” “I wanted to see if you were jealous of Trinity” she replied annoyed, as if it was obvious. “Ok, that’s a reason” Adore was enjoying the situation. For once – just for once – she was the one that had the lead on the situation. “And I can assume you are..?” “Ehy! You were the one that had to check if I was jealous!” “Yeah but – second reason – I’m drunk as fuck. So please tomorrow tell me if it worked or not” she said, her face suddenly serious. Adore laughed so hard she pulled her head back “Oh my God, Bianca Del Rio, tomorrow you are going to regret this conversation so much!” she pulled a lock of red hair behind Bianca’s ear “What should I do with you now?” she continued, placing her hand from the back of the head to the chin, lifting her face “You are drunk, apparently willing to flirt with anyone – but me” “That’s not true!” Bianca protested. She paused for a moment, and then continued “Well, a kiss could be appreciated. I don’t know why I’m asking a kiss like a teenager, but if you consider the whole situation that could be a really nice way for you to apologize for telling me to fuc-” Bianca couldn’t end her sentence because Adore shushed her with her lips. Their kiss lasted for a couple of seconds and it was one of the most innocent Adore has ever given. During the kiss, Bianca’s legs ceded, causing her losing balance. “Are you ok?” Adore joked, as she felt Bianca tighten the embrace. “Don’t ask stupid questions” for a moment, she was again the bitter and harsh Bianca “I’m drunk, not stupid” Adore was feeling really powerful, placing her hands on Bianca’s hips and her head in the crook of her neck. She breathed slowly, enjoying her sweet smell and the deafening music. “I meant if you were okay with that kiss” “ ‘Dore, I’m really, really drunk…” Bianca repeated, ignoring  - on purpose or not? Adore could not tell – what the other girl has just said.   “Yeah, I figured it out already” she wasn’t playing fair. The next day, Adore was sure Bianca would have called her and for their friendship’s sake asking to forget everything. “… And I’m not saying that I need help or that I want your company – but can you walk me home?” the red head continued, as if she didn’t listen what the younger queen said. Adore didn’t say anything. A small smile peeked out in her face while she guided Bianca outside the club. Ok then. Friendship my ass, she thought.
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