#It was bloody fucking hypnokink.
marnathas · 6 years
Conditioning, and my current thoughts on it
(This was suggested to me by Cryptic Bore over on the Erotic Hypnosis Discord.)
So. Conditioning. Brainwashing. Topics that come up plenty in hypnokink. I've talked about it before, here. Anyone who's talked me me before knows I'm very cautious and wary about it. It's a great way to really fuck someone up badly if used wrong (deliberately or not).
Then again, I've done my angrish rant already. So I'm gonna try and take a different tack this time. Let's be honest, conditioning is goddamn hawt, when done ethically and safely. So I'm gonna go into that. I'll cover a bit of how I'd try to keep it safe, and the basics behind it, but check the last time I talked about this for that in actual detail.
The quick review of conditioning 101: Repeat a certain sequence of events and responses/reactions enough times, and people start doing the responses without thinking about them. These can be deliberate and spelled out (you will look at this thing, and it'll get used to zonk you, so the zonking to that thing soon starts happening automatically), or subtle and possible accidental (you get rewarded with pleasure whenever you zonk, so you soon start feeling pleasure by getting zonked). The reality is a bit more complex, but that's good for this.
Why safety: One really good rule for playing with people is "Don't do anything that would cause problems if a sudden falling out happens.". So if you've conditioned them to, say, go into trance to get to sleep normally, they're suddenly fucked if you disappear from their life. Not good.
How safety: I haven't done much deliberate conditioning, but the way I'd do it is similar to how I'd do safeties in triggers. Make things explicit, make the situations narrow and well-defined, allow for some sort of opt-out. Also, education. Always education. If they know what's up, they're more likely to be able to prevent it from screwing them over as hard.
Ok, so let's note that conditioning will happen to some degree no matter what you do. It's what the human brain does, and hypnosis lends itself very well to it. If you use a particular "trance-voice", a long-term subject is almost guaranteed to get conditioned to starting to drop when you use that. Plus or minus intent, depending on situation, and person in question.
Right, that's the boring lecture-y stuff out of the way. Sorry, I can't not say it all. :P
Like all of us, I can't help but find conditioning to be hawt to at least some degree. Having someone mindlessly and helplessly just finding themselves reacting to something is... dayum. So I'll go into what I think are fun uses of it, that fall within what I'm alright with doing. Examples are good! Also I'll have some fun writing it!
Inductions, and ways of getting people into trance are the most obvious fun and relatively safe ones. It's not too hard to keep the circumstances narrow. Specific tones of voice. Specific objects. Obvious intent. Set "rituals" (i.e. I ask for your hand, you give it, yadda yadda trance results in some way, you soon start getting snoozy after just giving the hand).
This is loads of fun. When I get the chance to do stuff with a new person (especially someone new to hypnosis full-stop) fractionation will happen at some point, and I'll probably make it a point to do it via the same method, usually a shiny pendant, because watching them start glazing over at just seeing said shiny pendant is bloody delicious. :3
Oh, while I'm here, if I was with someone and they started to get... let's call it too conditioned, i.e. zonking to random vaguely hypnotic things when they shouldn't (out on the street by themselves, or vaguely hypnotic sounding words used by anyone, I've heard accounts of both), I'd stop things for a while, and make sure they've got a good grasp of circumstances, and stopping that slide into trance whenever it isn't appropriate and wanted.
As I think about it, I think I'm more ok with all of this when it comes to states of mind, and I guess using them as shortcuts to things that I'd trigger anyways, in said situation? Saaay, if I'm gonna turn someone bubbly and giggly and cute, and then put them into a specific outfit to go with that, then conditioning that state of mind to go with said outfit seems reasonable in my head.
At least, I think that's the direction I'm going with all of that as of this moment, it's hard for me to say much more because this is still stuff I'm processing and coming to grips with better, and figuring out what I would/n't do. If people want to give their thoughts on these kinds of things, I'd be happy to hear it, it'd help me too!
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marnathas · 7 years
How on earth do you find someone to do hypnosis with? Part 2, where I actually try and be useful!
It's been a while since my original post on this kind of topic, so I figure I'd revisit it a bit, having learnt a bit more, having had a touch of success, and a desire to actually give some useful bloody info to other people. So let me try and go through the places someone in hypnokink can go to meet other people in hypnokink, and possibly find people to mess about with!
Let's start with the most obvious, most ideal, and often the most difficult area. Real life. Brutally honest here, good fucking luck if you're only trying this on your own. You're either going to have to have a miracle finding someone else who's interested by complete random (not happened for me), convince someone to give it a go and thus get them into it (not happened for me either lol), or, more realistically, see (hope) that there's a local scene in your area that does meetups/munches/other events to go to.
If there is, you're probably somewhat set! As there'll be things you can go to where you're basically guaranteed to meet other people into hypnosis! Caveats apply that these may not be people you're interested in, or who are interested in you. That's kind of the same with everything, but you're probably looking at a very limited number of people if you're trying to find someone to play with irl, and I can't offer any better advice about that honestly.
If there isn't, well, you're either gonna have to sit around and whinge that there isn't, or step up and try to make things happen yourself. I've definitely written about that at least once, seeing as I did actually choose the latter option.
Of course, that raises the obvious question of "How do I find if there's a local scene?", which I'll cover with some of the other places I'll talk about.
We are talking about kink, so fetlife is an obvious place to mention. Fetlife is basically a social media platform specifically for kink. I'd describe it as a mix of facebook, a bunch of internet message boards, and a dating site. If there's a local scene and events going on in your area, odds are good they're advertising, or at least a bit active on fetlife, just because it's the easiest and largest kinky place to get the message out. There's also the benefit that it's for basically all forms of kink, so it's pretty cool to see what else goes on in your part of the world, and try other things potentially.
That said, I, and many others, don't like fetlife a whole lot, and a lot of hypnokink people are basically only on it nowadays for event advertising, and seeing what events go on that might be interesting, without actually participating much on the site in other ways. The reason for this, is connected to how I describe fetlife as part dating site. There are a LOT of creepy, awful people on fetlife, and it's rather disgusting. If you're looking to meet people, you're probably going to have to wade through a bunch of crap, especially if you're a woman. Most girls I know who've been on there have far too many stories of people creeping on them there and such, to the point where a lot of them don't like the place.
It has its purposes, the events are cool, but it's more of a way of finding out events and such to meet people irl, in my opinion.
We are here. Surprise!
Ok, I'm actually relatively new to tumblr, and I'm not really much a part of the community here. But there's an active hypnokink community active around here with a lot of cool interesting people. That's about all I can say for now without talking out of my arse until I start connecting around more or something.
These are chatroom sites. Again, I can't say much about these, I know a lot of people who've met people through them and had a lot of fun, but I never used them myself. Moving on!
Discord Right, I can talk a lot about discord!
Alrighty, so discord is a (free) text and voice chat platform, divided into a bunch of distict user-made servers that you can join and be a part of, each with its own set of rooms to chat in, some via text, some via voice (video soon too). The hypnokink community has made a lot of use of discord in the past year or so, especially as a lot of us moved off of fetlife at the start of the year.
There's a few main servers for hypnokink there (with invite links):
Erotic Hypnosis (https://discord.gg/uw3TA45) - This is the big international one
AusHypno (https://discord.gg/B45gR2G) - Server for Aussies/NZ people primarily, as we gathered all our disparate little state communities at the start of the year. I think we're the 2nd biggest server actually now, and run a heap of events along the east coast of Aus from there primarily now.
UK (https://discord.gg/PTEKnWj) - UK-centric server
Scandinavia - (https://discord.gg/wBDrDPt) - Scandinavia-centric server
I'm only a member of the first two, for obvious reasons. But I love the communities there, discord is awesome. I genuinely think it's the best place to go to if you want to meet a heap of people (online), as the servers generally have conversation going at most points in the day, and if you're on at the right time there's large voice chats and stuff to join in on, sometimes some group hypnosis sessions. A lot of people connect through there and play privately too.
The communities there are seriously welcoming, and helpful to any newbies who pop in and ask questions. Just remember that the culture there is generally pretty against playing with random people, so if you're expecting to jump in and instantly play you'll likely be disappointed. I hope this all helps people a bit, I’ll eventually re-visit this as I learn even more of course. I’d like to figure out how to introduce people to hypnosis eventually (as in people who are utterly new to it), and get more used to tumblr. But all in time.
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