#Isla Amell
sinizade · 2 years
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"I don't need your Maker to watch over me, Leliana!"
"Don't worry! I can watch you for him!"
And that's how Leliana and Isla got to know each other better
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gingerbreton · 5 years
OC voice claims
Tagged by @apostatetabris thank you! This might be a long post because I’ve been busy creating new ocs while I’ve been on the quiet side... I’ve bounced around all over the UK for these voices (give me the chance to give my ocs voices, there’s no way I’m not going straight to starkhaven).
Worldstate 1:
Ysabelle Dryden
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I’m going to start with my awkward girl (I swear they are just simple after this). Izzy is a funny one, she doesn’t have a specific voice claim. She travelled a lot growing up, what with her parents being travelling merchants, so her accent is a mix of northern coast of Ferelden but softened by the years spent in Denerim. It shows in the cadence of how she speaks, and the phrases she uses, more so when she’s emotional moments.
So, her accent has a mix of Geordie and Yorkshire in there and I’ve picked out a couple of examples that might help express when I hear in my head for her 😂 Laura Norton (thank you to @magpiesandmabari for the help with finding a good Geordie example! I don’t watch Emmerdale myself but Laura Norton’s accent is a nice demonstration of the cadence of the accent that I love). Demonstrating her Yorkshire side, is the wonderful Jodie Whittaker.
Aedan Cousland
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Aedan shares a face and voice claim, Charlie Cox. Despite being from the northern coast of Ferelden, that noble upbringing has stopped him from getting the more interesting local accents. He’s my kinda posh Cousland boy, but I’m sure after a year around Izzy he’ll not be quite so ‘proper’ sounding.
Conall Hawke
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Again, his face and voice claim are Eoin Macken (Gawain from Merlin). I couldn’t think of another voice that I preferred for him, and a Dublin accent just suits my charming lad down to the ground.
Freya and Isla Trevelyan
They are brand new so I don’t have face claims yet, but this gave me a chance to think about them in a bit more depth. They were raised by their aunt and uncle (until Isla was sent to the circle) who lived in Starkhaven before taking over the family estate, and still spent a lot of time there. That’s my excuse for giving them Scottish accents and I’m sticking with it!
Freya’s voice claim is Laura Fraser and her baby sister, Isla’s is Karen Gillan.
World State 2:
Luna Amell
Her voice claim is Lily James. She is my extremely posh circle girl. Gotta make sure everyone knows you’ve still got that Amell breeding going on.
Selene Hawke
Her voice claim is Emilia Clarke. She is my sweet and a bit cheeky blue Hawke. Not as posh as her cousin, but it’s not like her mum would have allowed a proper rural Ferelden accent to take root.
Maeve Lavellan
Her voice claim is Orla Brady. BioWare seem to like Irish accents for the dalish, so I ran with it. Maeve is in her 30s and I like how Orla speaks with careful consideration and self assuredness, like she can’t be bullied or rushed, she knows her mind. That feels very Maeve.
I think a lot of people have done this, so I’m tagging people I’ve not seen yet @laurelsofhighever @bluekaddis @shittybundaskenyer @daydreamingdragonage @bitchesofostwick and anyone who feels like sharing. No pressure obviously!
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
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August 13, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Mahón and Ciutadella on the island of Menorca.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia arrived in the town of Mahón and were accompanied by the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol; the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gómez; the delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, Ana María Calvo; the president of the Insular Council of Menorca, Susana Mora; and by its mayor, Héctor Pons, they then moved to the Cooperativa Insular Ganadera - Coinga, where they were received by the mayor of Alaior, José Luis Benejam; the president of Coinga, Guillermo de Olives; the vice president of the governing council of Coinga, Luis de Olivar; and by the director of the Coinga Factory, Santiago Tadeo.
This Cooperative, which was founded in 1966, is made up of 80 farms and associates and is a benchmark for Mahón-Menorca Cheese made with Mahón cow's milk with a careful preparation and curing process, which gives it excellent quality with Denomination of Protected Origin.
Next, the King and Queen accessed the Assembly Hall of the Cooperative and participated in an open meeting with the president of the Regulatory Council of the Mahón-Menorca Designation of Origin, Bosco Triay, representatives of the Coinga Cooperative and with the president of The Hospital de la Isla del Rey Foundation, Luis Alejandre, were also able to observe the processes and details for making cheese during their tour of the cheese production and packaging facilities with a sample and tasting of Coinga products. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia took a group photograph with the factory employees.
Subsequently, Their Majesties the King and Queen moved to Ciutadella to visit the collective funeral monument Naveta des Tudons, highlighted as the most emblematic of the Talayotic culture of Menorca and dated between the 8th and 13th centuries, its peculiar shape of an inverted ship gives it its name and when it was restored - in the middle of the 20th century - remains of at least 100 individuals and objects of the time were found. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, during the tour, were accompanied by the mayor of Ciutadella, Joana María Gomila; the president of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Menorca, Cecilia Ligero; the member of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Menorca and decorated by His Majesty the King on the V Anniversary of the Proclamation, Francesc Isbert; the guide of Naveta des Tudons, Lluis Ameller;and by the owner of the land where the funerary monument is located, Johann Jacob Bütikofer.
Finally, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have taken a walk from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Ciutadella to the port, where they shared a lunch with the Balearic authorities who have accompanied them on this visit through the Menorcan towns of Mahón and Ciutadella.
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1-yolcu · 5 years
Vesveseye Karşı Önlem
"Şüphesiz, muttaki olanlara, şeytandan bir vesvese geldiğinde, (Allah'ı hatırlayıp, geleni) iyice düşünürler ve onun (rahmani mi, şeytani mi olduğunu) hemen anlayıverirler."( A'raf, 7/20I)
Yüce Rabbimiz, kalblerin cilasının takva, gıdasının zikir olduğunu bildiriyor. Kalp, zikrin nuru ile hayrı-şerri biribirinden ayırdedebilir. Hiç şüphesiz gerçek zikre edeb ve takva ile geçilebilir; kul takva sayesinde zikirde muvaffak olur. Allah korkusu ile elde edilen edeb ve güzel ahlak, insana iman selametini ve ahiret saadetini temin eder.
Vesvese, boş bir yaygaraya benzer. Mü'min her duyduğuna inanamaz; her sese yönelemez. Hele duyduklarını değerlendirmeden katiyyen amel edemez. Onların doğruluğunu ilim ve insafla ölçer; değerlendirir. Sonuçta dinin usul ve edeblerine uymuyorsa kaldırır atar. Kalbe gelen düşünceler, dinin helal ve haramını bildiren hükümler ile değerlendirilir; onlar helal ise haktandır, alınır. Haram ise, şeytandandır, kaçılır. Şu halde, insan ve cin şeytanlarjndan gelen fısıltı, fikir ve davetleri tanımak için herkese farz olan temel ilimleri bilmek gerekir. Cahil insan, şeytanın maskarası olur. Helali haramı biribirine karıştırır; hurafeye din diye sarılır. Her türlü cereyana kapılır; şeytanlar da onu istediği gibi kullanır. Bu, halden Allahu Teala'ya sığınırız.
Şeytandan gelen vesveselere karşı nasıl daranacağı-mızı Rasûlullah (s.a.v) Efendimiz şöyle öğretmiştir:
"Şeytan sizden birisine gelir ve: "Yeri kim yarattı, göğü kim yarattı, şunu kim yarattı, bunu kim yarattı?" diye sorar. Kul da hepsine: "Allah yarattı" diye cevap verir. Sonunda: "Peki, Allah'ı kim yarattı?" diye kalbe bir soru atar. İçinde böyle bir soru bulan kimse, onun şeytandan olduğunu bilsin, hemen soruya son versin, Eûzu besmele çekip Allah'a sığınsın ve: Ben Allah'a ve O'nun peygamberlerine iman ettim desin."( Konu ile ilgili hadisler için bkz:Buhari, Bedü'l-Halk, 11; Müslim, iman, 209-217; Ebu Davud, Sünnet, 18.)
Eğer benzeri soruları insan şeytanları sorarsa yine aynı şekilde davranmalı ve onlara karşı: "Allah birdir, O hiçkim-seye muhtaç değildir, doğurmamış, doğurulmamıştır, hiçbir şey Ona denk değildir." manasındaki "ihlas" suresini okumalıdır.( ilgili hadis için bkz:Ebu Davud, Sünnet, 18 (No:4722).)
Şeytanın vesvese yolu ve şekli çoktur. Kendisi mü'mi-nin kalbini çelemez ise, insanlar içinden seçtiği şeytan tipliler ile bunu başarmak ve kalbi karıştırmak ister. Bunun için yemin etmiştir ve bunu gerçekleştirmek için Allah'dan mühlet almıştır. Şeytan mü'minlerin azılı bir düşmanıdır. O bize saldırdıkça biz de Yüce Rabbimize kaçmalı, zikredip O'na yalvarmalıyız. "Felak" ve "Nas" sûreleri bize bunu öğretiyor. Allahu Teala, "Nâs" suresinde şeytanı "hannas" olarak tanıtmıştır. Hannas, kalbi boş bulunca ona saldıran, kalb zikre geçince de hemen sinip kaçan demektir. Hz. Rasulullah (s.a.v) Efendimiz, şeytanın bu halini şöyle anlatmıştır:
"Şeytan, vesvese vermek için insanın kalbine hortumunu uzatır; eğer o Allah'ı zikrederse hemen sinip kaçar. Allah'ı zikretmeyi unutursa kalbi iyice sarıp bir lokma gibi yutar. İşte bundan sonra vesvese vermeye başlar."( Ebu Ya'la, Müsned, VII, No:4301; ibnu Kesir, Tefsir, VIII, Nas suresi tefsiri. Benzer bir haber için bkz: Hakim, Müstedrek, II, 541.)
"Şeytan onlara galebe çalmış ve onlara Allah'ın zikrini unutturmuştur."( Mücadele, 58/19) ayeti, zikirden gafil olanların, şeytanın tuzağına düşeceğini belirtiyor.
Allahu Teala, insanın azılı düşmanı olan şeytanın şu itiraflarını bize bildirmiştir: "Yemin ederim ki, onları sapıtmak için senin dosdoğru yolun üzerine oturacağım. Sonra muhakkak ki; onların önlerinden, arkalarından... geleceğim onları sapıtacağım"( A'raf, 7/16-17)
Rasulullah (s.a.v) Efendimiz, imana ve hayırlara koşanların yolunu şeytanın nasıl kestiğini şöyle belirtmiştir:
"Şüphesiz şeytan, insanoğlunu hak yoldan ve hayırlardan saptırmak için onun yollarında oturur. Önce islam yolunun üzerinde oturur ve ona: "Sen dinini ve babalarının dinini terkedip müslüman mı oluyorsun? sakın İslam'a girme!" der. Müslüman olacak kimse, şeytana isyan ederek islam'a girer. Sonra onun hicret yolunda karşısına çıkar ve kendisine: "Yerini yurdunu terkedip hicret mi ediyorsun?" der. O da şeytanı dinlemiyerek hicret eder. Sonra, cihada giderken yine yoluna çıkar ve: "Cihada mı gidiyorsun; o, bir meşakkat ve malın zayi olması demektir. Hem savaşacaksın, hem öldürülebilirsin; hanımını başkası nikahlar, malını paylaşırlar, vazgeç bu işten" der. O da şeytanı dinlemeyerek cihada gider. Kim şeytana karşı bu şekilde davranır ve o halde ölürse, Allahu Teala'ya, onu cennete koyması hak olur."( Nesai, Cihad, 19; Ahmed, Müsned, III, 483)
Ölene kadar yakamızı bırakmayacak bu sinsi düşmandan korunmak için devamlı Yüce Mevlanın yardımını istemeliyiz. Onu aklımızla değil, ancak İlahi destek, aşk ve zikirle defedebiliriz. Rasululah (s.a.v) Efendimiz'in şu beyanları bunu gösteriyor:
"Sizden her birinizin bir şeytanı vardır." Bunun üzerine Ashab-ı Kiram:
"Sizin de şeytanınız var mıdır? Ya Rasulullah?" diye sorunca, Allah Rasulu (s.a.v):
"Evet, benim de şeytanım var. Ancak, Allah ona karşı bana yardım etti ve teslim olup emrime girdi." buyurdu.( Ahmed, Müsned, l, 375)
Demek ki şeytan tek başımıza yenilecek bir düşman değildir.
| Dilaver Selvi - Ehli Sünnet İnancı
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
Tagged by @lunarowena for the muse meme, thanks, dear
Gonna tag @storyknitter, @greyias and.... @captainderyn :D
your muse’s name: Trinne Amell
one favourite picture / faceclaim of your muse
JUST ONE?! OY. Well, if we’re talking just her(bc this one with Harvey is ALWAYS going to be my favorite), one of my faves is this:
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from @emegustart​, even though it’s a few years old because it’s fabulous two headcanons you have for your muse:
She cannot hold her liquor. At all. Girl will get tipsy off one beer, drunk off two, and plastered off three. She’s mostly a giggly drunk, but also a hundred times more ready to fight you if you insult her/someone she cares about. Her low alcohol tolerance is at least partly due to growing up in the Circle.
She loves animals. All kinds. And has nearly been bitten for this more times than she likes to admit.
three things that your muse likes doing in their free time
Draw, play with her mabari, and read 
seven people your muse loves / likes
Harvey(husband), Jowan(bff), Sigrun, Simone & Isla(sisters), Wynne, and Liam(son)
a phobia your muse has
Being mind-controlled
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ellymunro-blog · 5 years
Hello everybody! The name’s Cat (or Speedy... I answer to both). I’m 25, cisfemale, and from the EST timezone. I’ve recently just started a new job; and I’m also still recovering from a surgery I had last month. So I will apologize in advance if my activity isn’t the greatest. I promise it’ll pick up once my life becomes less hectic...
Anyway, I bring to you my little weirdo Ellis “Elly” Munro. She’s a modified version of a character I’ve played in a few groups before; so I’m interested in seeing how Crownsville Elly turns out. This RP honestly looks so great; and I can’t wait to start plotting with y’all! 
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[ willa holland, twenty-three, cisfemale, she/her ]  — hey, I just saw [ ellis “elly” munro ] walking down the streets of crownsville. they’ve lived in town for [ two years ], and you can catch them around town working as a [sales associate at shazam comics ]. I hear they’re known to be [ loyal & determined ] and [ stubborn & cynical ]. if asked, they would say their aesthetic would be [ sushi rolls, piles of comic books, extra large cups of coffee, movie theatres, bruised knuckles, hospital bracelets ].
Backstory (trigger warning: mentions of chronic illness)
Ellis Amalia-Rose Munro, more commonly known as Elly, was born and raised in Los Angeles (Hollywood), California to an up-and-coming thriller screenwriter/director and his trophy wife. She was their second child, having a brother roughly thirteen years older.
Growing up, her family was well-off due to her father’s success with many of his films. He was, by no means, a household name as far as filmmakers went; but for fans of thrillers, most knew at least a good handful of his work (think of him like Shyamalan only not quite as popular).
She actually had a tendency to have a small role in every single one of her father’s films. This continued up until she moved away for college.
At the age of 3, she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. She had faced multiple lung infections as well as poor weight gain for her first few years of life, thus leading to the diagnosis.
Her CF has always been well managed. It’s not something she ever let get in her way. She was always the very rambunctious and active child, just sometimes needing to take more breaks than others.
She was also a child model from the ages of 7-11. An agent had seen her in one of her father’s films and reached out. She was compliant for a few years; but modeling just was never really her thing.
Her mother is from Chelsea, London; and she grew up visiting her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins there every summer. London is one of her favorite places to go; and she’s quite proud of her British heritage.
At a young age, she was introduced to the world of comics and superheroes; and she was hooked from the start. She used to pretend she was a superhero, running around her house dressed like her favorites and wishing she had superpowers.
Due to her love of comics and superheroes, her parents thought it would be a good idea to get her involved in activities that would allow her to “train to be a superhero”. They signed her up for martial arts (she’s now a 4x blackbelt) and gymnastics. This way, she could use her imagination and stay in shape.
As the years went on, fencing and archery were added to Elly’s list of activities. And as soon as she learned what it was, she took up parkour as well. And out of everything she’s done, parkour has forever been her favorite.
She was actually once scouted for the Olympic archery team; and her coach kept encouraging her to train for a goal of the Olympics. But she never had any interest. To her, archery was just a hobby and nothing more.
After high school, she decided to go across the country for college; and wanting to stay in an area with warmer weather (she hates the cold/snow), she decided on attending the University of Miami as a psychology major.
While attending the University of Miami, she initially had no desire to end up on Greek Row. But she ultimately ended up pledging for and joining a sorority (Chi Omega) during her time at the college. 
Loving the east coast, she figured she’d want to stay in Miami or go elsewhere in Florida upon graduation (or not as she only finished three years of school); but she somehow ended up settling in the small town of Crownsville, Georgia. She’d gone home over the holidays with a friend who lived there; and she just felt drawn to the town.
That was a little over two years ago. Elly’s been in Crownsville pretty much ever since. She’s started making a life for herself here. She’s gotten a job working as a sales associate at Shazam Comics; and she’s also gotten herself a little apartment downtown. And while she often does miss California and her family, she’s started to become really happy in small town Georgia.
When it comes to her CF, she’s always been one to not feel the need to hide it. She’s been like this since she was little; and even now, she doesn’t feel the need to hide. It’s not something she tells everything; but she’s okay with people knowing she’s sick.
Another important thing about Elly is the fact she’s training to hopefully make it on to American Ninja Warrior. She fell in love with the show when she first saw it several years back; and given her hobbies, she’s always felt like she was a good candidate. She has yet to try out; but her plan is to try out this upcoming season.
Recently, however, her health has started to decline. Her lung function is now in the yellow; and it’s really scared her. She’s started to wonder if she should give up on her American Ninja Warrior dream in favor of her health. Her fall back plan is to open her own archery school or maybe get back into acting.
Likes: comic books, superheroes, coffee, sushi, movies, parkour, archery, katanas, tattoos, cosplaying, video games, flannel, hoodies, beanies, combat boots, avocados, star wars, workouts, roses, kingdom hearts, stitch, stuffed animals, british sweets, funkos, motorcycles, skateboarding, jolly ranchers, american ninja warrior, bdsm
Dislikes: hospitals, swimming, cold weather, snow/ice, kale, cats, needles, alcohol, energy drinks, high heels
Misc. Facts
Her parents almost named her Ellis Isla; but they opted not to due to the fact it sounded too close to Ellis Island.
She has 4 blackbelts (karate, taekwondo, jiujitsu, krav maga); so don’t piss her off.
She can swim; but she’s honestly not a fan of water. Despite growing up in California, she doesn’t like the ocean.
She doesn’t like the taste of alcohol; so she doesn’t drink. If you ever see her drinking, she’s probably in a really bad place.
She can do a spot-on impression of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts and a pretty decent impression of Stitch. 
She loves stuffed animals. Her bed is covered in them. Her favorites are Batbear, Stitch, Toad, and a sushi roll with a face. Batbear is like her security blanket.
She does have her driver’s license; but she doesn’t have a car in Crownsville. She has her red Ducati; but Uber is still her preferred mode of transportation. 
She was born a month and a half prematurely. Her due date was February 14th. 
Because of her CF, she has a feeding tube (g-tube) that’s normally hidden under her clothing. She also does several daily treatments (nebulizers, vibrating vest) to combat her symptoms as well as takes pancreatic enzymes before each meal.
She wears a medical ID bracelet that states she has CF and that she’s allergic to latex, penicillin, and prednisone. It’s not noticeable as an ID bracelet unless one really looks at it.
She has saved two people from getting hit by cars by pushing them out of the way and taking their place. The first time, she was 15. The second time, she was 23.
[trigger warning] She is actually unable to have children of her own; but she doesn’t actually know this yet. could be potential plot-line if anyone is ever interested
Wanted Connections
Older Brother  —  This is pretty self explanatory. Elly has an older brother; and this connection is for him. I picture him being roughly ten years older than she is (give or take a few years) and being in Crownsville for reasons UTP. His faceclaim and name are also UTP (though I gotta admit my bias towards Stephen Amell or Colin Donnell FCs). OPEN (0/1)
Father  — Elly’s father is a thriller screenwriter and director by the name of Chandler Munro. I think it might be cool if he showed up in Crownsville for whatever reason. He could be filming a movie in the small town or just coming to catch up with his children. I would like his FC to be John Barrowman; though I am open to discuss others. OPEN (0/1)
Extended Family  — Maybe for some reason, one of Elly’s extended family members (most likely a cousin from England) comes to visit her in Crownsville and ends up staying for awhile. OPEN (0/?)
College Friend  — This connection is for the friend with whom Elly went home for the holidays with one year while attending the University of Miami. This friend lived in Crownsville and is part of the reason Elly lives there now. Everything about this friend is UTP: name, age, gender, faceclaim, etc. I’m not picky; though I would love for them to have stayed friends. TAKEN (1/1)
Childhood Friends  — This is for any friends of Elly’s from back when she lived in Los Angeles. She could’ve known them back in elementary, middle, or high school. They could’ve lost touch and then met up again in Crownsville or stayed friends since they first met. OPEN (0/?)
Roommate — Upon first coming to Crownsville, Elly got herself a decent sized apartment downtown. I would love for her to have a roommate she shares this apartment (and its rent) with. TAKEN (1/1)
Ex-Roommate  — This was a previous roommate of Elly’s. This individual stopped being her roommate for reasons open to discussion. OPEN (0/2)
Ride or Die  — Give me a ride or die bestie for Elly please. I have no preference for gender, age, how they met... Everything would be discussed upon inquiry. I just want her to have that one person she’d do anything for. OPEN (1/2)
Nurse Friend(s)  — Elly is kind of a wild one. With her hobbies and desire to be on American Ninja Warrior, she has quite the tendency to get injured. She could definitely use some friends with medical training to help her out from time to time. OPEN (1/?)
Doctors  — Since Elly has CF, she does spend a good amount of time at doctors offices. This connection would be for any of the doctors who treat her; though I mostly would love to see her pulmonologist. OPEN (0/?)·         
Red Band Society  — This is for anyone else dealing with any type of medical condition. Elly and these individuals have formed a sort of support system for one another. OPEN (1/?)
Ex-Boyfriend(s)  — Again, this is super self explanatory. Elly and this guy (or guys if I decide to make her have more than one ex) used to date. And now they’re not. Why they broke up and all the details of their relationship would be discussed upon inquiry. They could either be total enemies now or still be cordial. OPEN (0/3)
Friends With Benefits — I feel like most of my wanted connections are self explanatory. This is your standard friends with benefits connection and plotline. It could have the potential to turn into something or just stay FWB. OPEN (1/2)
Straight Until Prove Bi  — As of now, Elly identifies as straight; but I am not against her having an experience with another girl. OPEN (0/1)
Future Love Interest  — Self explanatory. At some point in the future, Elly is gonna end up in another relationship. This is mostly open to males; but I would not object to a female if the chemistry was there. OPEN (0/1)
Workout/Sparring Buddies — Elly spends a lot of her free time working out; and it’d be great for her to have someone she can work out with. Whether it be at the gym, while kickboxing, or even while doing parkour, a friend can make a workout so much less boring and routine. OPEN (0/?)
Stylist  — Elly has been very much a tomboy since she was small. This connection would be for the individual in Crownsville who attempts to give her a makeover and make her more “girly”. TAKEN (1/1)
Tattoo Artist  — Elly loves tattoos and is working on obtaining quite the collection. This individual is the one who has done most of hers and is the one she’d go back to when she’s ready to get her next tattoo. OPEN (0/2)
Fans of Chandler Munro — Like stated in her little backstory, Elly’s father (Chandler Munro) is a thriller movie director and screenwriter. I’d like if there was someone who was a big fan of her father’s films and tried to use Elly to get autographs, spoilers of upcoming movies, a small role in an upcoming movie, etc. OPEN (0/?)
General Friends, Frienemies, Co-Workers, Neighbors, etc. 
More to come...
click here for Elly’s stats page
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, January 21
Cover: Jessica Simpson’s Dangerous Pregnancy 
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Page 1: Meghan Markle’s dad to crash the palace to meet his grandchild, Meghan can’t stop crying and wonders why everyone hates her 
Page 2: Contents, The Bachelor Colton Underwood 
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Page 3: Emma Roberts, Paul McCartney and wife Nancy Shevell, Kendall Jenner and Charlotte Lawrence 
Page 4: Angelina Jolie running for office 
Page 5: Justin Theroux’s creepy new bromance with director Travis Knight, Presley Gerber blames DUI on dad and mom’s drinking and he’s jealous of sister’s Kaia’s success 
Page 6: Calista Flockhart trying for an Ally McBeal reboot but there aren’t any takers, Chip and Joanna Gaines don’t let their kids watch TV but watch it themselves, Spot the Stars -- Allison Holker and Stephen “tWitch” Boss, Zac Efron, Pauly D, JC Chasez, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mindy Kaling, Ray Kelly 
Page 8: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are splitting and Kim is getting their new baby in the billion-dollar divorce 
Page 10: Star Shots -- Yara Shahidi, John Mayer and Dave Chappelle, Hailey Baldwin
Page 11: Mindy Kaling and daughter, Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn 
Page 12: Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Hudson and will.i.am, Ellen DeGeneres and Dax Shepard 
Page 14: Pippa Middleton and new son, Lisa Rinna and daughter, Katy Perry and Adam Lambert 
Page 15: Isla Fisher
Page 16: Bikini Babes -- Lady Victoria Hervey, Karrueche Tran, Olivia Culpo 
Page 17: Sofia Richie, Dua Lipa 
Page 18: Trevor Noah, Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham, Rita Ora 
Page 19: AnnaSophia Robb and boyfriend, Venus Williams and Serena Williams 
Page 20: Madison Beer, Mario Lopez, Stephen Amell 
Page 21: Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler 
Page 22: Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Chloe Bridges and boyfriend Adam DeVine 
Page 24: Normal or Not? Lauren Silverman and son, Marc Jacobs and dog
Page 25: Cardi B, Ariel Winter, Steven Van Zandt 
Page 26: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Natalie Portman, Dua Lipa, Kate Bosworth
Page 27: Lupita Nyong’o, Amandla Stenberg 
Page 28: Hot Sheet -- Olivia Culpo, Teresa Giudice, Dwayne Wade 
Page 30: Tom Cruise’s New Year’s resolution -- see Suri 
Page 31: Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx 
Page 32: Stars celebrate New Year’s in style -- Ryan Seacrest, Post Malone, Mariah Carey, Quavo and Takeoff of Migos, Drake 
Page 33: Kate Beckinsale, G-Eazy, Christina Aguilera, Camila Cabello, Aliana Lohan 
Page 34: Star Couples -- Heartbroken Tarek El Moussa may go off the deep end now that ex-wife Christina is remarried 
Page 35: The real reason for Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth’s quickie wedding was tax purposes, Victoria Beckham fears spendaholic David Beckham is bleeding the family dry as her fashion label loses $5,000 a day, Heidi Klum’s kids aren’t thrilled with her engagement to Tom Kaulitz and want to move in with dad Seal 
Page 36: Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk and Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson’s awkward family vacation, Gigi Hadid dumps druggie Zayn Malik, Love Bites -- Usher and Grace Miguel split, Wyatt Russell and Meredith Hagner engaged, Rob Delaney and wife Leah welcomed a baby boy, Ricky Martin and husband welcomed a girl 
Page 38: Cover Story -- Pregnant Jessica Simpson pigging out 
Page 42: Hollywood hunks’ diet secrets -- Zac Efron, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson 
Page 43: Terry Crews, Henry Cavill, Mark Wahlberg 
Page 44: David Beckham, Hugh Jackman, Chris Evans 
Page 45: Nick Jonas, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds 
Page 46: Burning Questions -- Kevin Spacey charged with sexual assault and released a bizarre video in response, what Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got his mom for Christmas, Macaulay Culkin to change his name to Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin 
Page 47: Louis C.K. in hot water again, Madonna boosts her butt 
Page 48: Wicked Whispers -- Demi Lovato demanded tons of free samples at Sephora, Kelly Osbourne left a restaurant with toilet paper stuck to shoe
Page 49: Kurt Russell’s had to man up when he was just a little boy, James Corden’s wife has signed them both up for healthy cooking classes, blind item 
Page 50: Double Takes -- Jessica Biel vs. Jessie James Decker 
Page 51: Priyanka Chopra vs. Jennifer Lopez 
Page 52: Style -- Olivia Culpo 
Page 56: Beauty -- Weatherproof your hair -- Nicole Kidman, Hailey Bieber 
Page 57: Kate Mara, Shay Mitchell, Marion Cotillard 
Page 58: Entertainment 
Page 60: Harley Pasternak’s at-home workout 
Page 70: Wait There’s More! -- Chrissy Teigen shades Kim Kardashian for being late to Bird Box, Ryan Seacrest’s New Year’s resolution 
Page 71: Taylor Swift’s New Year’s Eve bash featured only 2 A-listers, Kourtney Kardashian’s snowy show odd, Wise Words from Abby Hunstman 
Page 72: Lady Gaga kicks off her residency in Las Vegas 
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canalmenorca · 2 years
Queso Mahón Artesano. Elaboración tradicional de este alimento
Queso Mahón Artesano. Elaboración tradicional de este alimento #quesomahon #binixabo #EugenioMonesma #QuesoArtesano #Formatge #Mahon #Alaior #baleares #viajar #Menorca #turismomenorca #travel #naturaleza #Tradicional #Alimento #FlorianAmeller #Predio
Excelente Documental de Eugenio Monesma sobre la actividad ganadera y la posterior transformación de la leche en el exquisito queso tipo Mahón que se desarrolla en los predios de la isla de Menorca . En Binixabó, cerca de Alaior, Florián Ameller y su familia nos mostraron en este vídeo del año 1998 la escasa diferencia que hay entre el proceso tradicional que se utilizaba hasta hace muy pocos…
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helpersofindie · 6 years
could i please get some suggestions for faceclaims ( male and female ) that are 35+ and have some resources, like a pack of gif icons or a gif hunt, to be used? poc and non poc mixed in would be perfect!!
hi anon! i’m putting this under the cut because it got very long. under the cut there are 189 female faceclaims 35 and up that have at least one gif hunt and gif icons in the tags, and 206 male faceclaims 35 and up that have at least one gif hunt and gif icons in the tags. i hope this helps you out!
ruth negga (35)
constance wu (35)
melissa fumero (35)
lesley ann brandt (35)
priyanka chopra (35)
rebecca hall (35)
dichen lachman (35)
natalie dormer (35)
sophia bush (35)
anna camp (35)
kelly clarkson (35)
lauren cohan (35)
natalia cordova buckley (35)
alison brie (35)
alyssa sutherland (35)
lisa schwartz (35)
bridget regan (35)
anne hathaway (35)
alexandra breckenridge (35)
meghan ory (35)
lizzy caplan (35)
cobie smulders (35)
chyler leigh (35)
mercedes mason (35)
clemence poesy (35)
lily rabe (35)
jenny slate (35)
kirsten dunst (35)
billie piper (35)
priyanka chopra (35)
romola garai (35)
emilie de ravin (35)
krysten ritter (35)
alicia keys (36)
elodie yung (36)
meghan markle (36)
fan bingbing (36)
janina gavankar (36)
jessica alba (36)
stephanie beatriz (36)
julia jones (36)
jenna dewan tatum (36)
adriana lima (36)
beyonce knowles (36)
nasim pedrad (36)
genevieve cortese/padalecki (36)
judie gonzalo (36)
caterina scorsone (36)
alexis bledel (36)
bethany joy lenz (36)
song hye-kyo (36)
natalie portman (36)
katharine isabelle (36)
vanessa ray (36)
christina aguilera (36)
alessandra ambrosio (36)
rachel bilson (36)
kareena kapoor (37)
sarah shahi (37)
hannah simone (37)
alaina huffman (37)
olivia munn (37)
kristen bell (37)
kristen connolly (37)
maimie mccoy (37)
laura jane grace (transgender)(37)
rachel miner (37)
laura prepon (37)
eva green (37)
minka kelly (37)
tegan quin (37)
sara quin (37)
zooey deschanel (37)
sarah drew (37) 
bianca lawson (38)
rosario dawson (38)
yara martinez (38)
lee hyori (38)
karen david (38)
maggie q (38)
freema agymean (38)
jennifer morrison (38)
caroline flack (38)
danneel harris (38)
caitriona balfe (38)
morena baccarin (38)
evangeline lilly (38)
lee hyori (38)
rosamund pike (38)
rose byrne (38)
shiri appleby (38)
yasmine al massri (39)
zoe saldana (39)
michelle rodriguez (39)
michaela conlin (39)
aj cook (39)
rachel mcadams (39)
ginnifer goodwin (39)
danai gurira (39)
katheryn winnick (39)
kerry washington (40)
shakira (40)
lana parrilla (40)
andrea navedo (40)
jessica chastain (40)
liza weil (40)
sarah wayne callies (40)
amber benson (40)
jaime murray (40)
liv tyler (40)
sarah michelle gellar (40)
rashida jones (41)
evelyn lozada (41)
jessica capshaw (41)
carice van houten (41)
ali larter (41)
isla fisher (41)
reese witherspoon (41)
amy acker (41)
milla jovovich (41)
emily deschanel (41) 
angelina jolie (42)
charlize theron (42)
eva longoria (42)
marion cotillard (42)
christina hendricks (42)
sarah paulson (42)
sara ramirez (43)
eva mendes (43)
holly marie combs (43)
grace park (43)
jenna fischer (43)
alyson hannigan (43) 
aishwarya rai (44)
kate beckinsale (44)
li bingbing (44)
lena headey (44)
vera farmiga (44)
alyssa milano (44)
sarah rafferty (44)
sofia vergara (45)
gwyneth paltrow (45)
angie harmon (45)
kirsten vangsness (45)
jennifer garner (45)
darby stanchfield (46)
amy poehler (46)
carla gugino (46)
shannen doherty (46)
winona ryder (46)
jennifer connelly (46)
madchen amick (46)
charisma carpenter (47)
rachel weisz (47)
taraji p henson (47)
gina torres (48)
lucy liu (48)
cate blanchett (48)
gina torres (48)
jennifer lopez (48)
ellen pompeo (48)
lucy lawless (49)
megan follows (49)
jorja fox (49)
gillian anderson (49)
lili taylor (50)
kate walsh (50)
leslie jones (50)
salma hayek (51)
helena bonham carter (51)
robin wright (51)
viola davis (52)
monica bellucci (53)
courteney cox (53)
famke janssen (53)
sandra bullock (53)
mariska hargitay (53)
calista Flockhart (53)
hulya avsar (54)
alex kingston (54)
ming na wen (54)
elizabeth mcgovern (56)
julianne moore (56)
susanna thompson (59)
angela bassett (59)
michelle pfeiffer (59)
jessica lange (68)
helen mirren (72)
maggie smith (82)
jamie dornan (35)
arthur darvill (35)
matt smith (35)
sebastian stan (35)
dan stevens (35)
riz ahmed (35)
harry shum jr (35)
matt dallas (35)
jared padalecki (35)
cam gigandet (35)
paul welsey (35)
miguel angel silvestre (35)
lee joon gi (35)
sam huntington (35)
eddie redmayne (35)
daveed diggs (35)
adam lambert (35)
ricky whittle (35)
justin chatwin (35)
adan canto (35)
chris evans (36)
tom hiddleston (36)
colin o'donoghue (36)
david anders (36)
jesse williams (36)
rami malek (36)
lee dong wook (36)
chad michael murray (36)
joseph morgan (36)
boyd holbrook (36)
frank iero (36)
taylor kitsch (36)
elijah wood (36)
brandon flowers (36)
taylor kinney (36)
stephen amell (36)
michiel huisman (36)
russell tovey (36)
shahid kapoor (36)
fawad khan (36)
jay ryan (36)
michael pitt (36)
ben barnes (36)
fran kranz (36)
hayden christensen (36)
jo jung suk (36)
tom burke (36)
brian j smith (36)
jo in sung (36)
jake gyllenhaal (36)
ben whishaw (37)
tablo (37)
ryan gosling (37)
david giuntoli (37)
sam heughan (37)
sam riley (37)
lin manuel miranda (37)
gustaf skarsgård (37)
charlie hunnam (37)
chris pine (37)
matthew gray gubler (37)
dj cotrona (37)
james mcavoy (38)
adam levine (38)
chris pratt (38)
conrad ricamora (38)
daniel henney (38)
oscar isaac (38)
luke evans (38)
gong yoo (38)
mike vogel (38)
john krasinski (38)
joel kinnaman (38)
brandon routh (38)
lee pace (38)
jason momoa (38)
jesse metcalfe (38)
travis fimmel (38)
aaron paul (38)
matt davis (39)
anthony mackie (39)
nick zano (39)
jensen ackles (39)
aaron abrams (39)
gael garcia bernal (39)
bill hader (39)
ben mckenzie (39)
andy samberg (39)
shane west (39)
dominic cooper (39)
james franco (39)
matthew goode (39)
michael raymond james (4
tom ellis (39)
charlie weber (39)
zachary quinto (40)
milo ventimiglia (40)
justin hartley (40)
michael fassbender (40)
tom welling (40)
orlando bloom (40)
matt czuchry (40)
jonathan rhys meyers (40)
matt bomer (40)
sam witwer (40)
joe manganiello (40)
alexander skarsgård (41)
cillian murphy (41)
mike colter (41)
ryan reynolds (41)
charlie day (41)
chadwick boseman (41)
ian bohen (41)
jon bernthal (41)
ryan kwanten (41)
dean o'gorman (41)
colin farrell (41)
abhay deol (41)
sean maguire (41)
daniel gillies (41)
vincent piazza (41)
noel clarke (42)
bradley cooper (42)
hugh dancy (42)
jason sudeikis (42)
pedro pascal (42)
tahmoh penikett (42)
paul amos (42)
mahershala ali (43)
burn gorman (43)
leonardo dicaprio (43)
isaiah mustafa (43)
christian bale (43)
ryan phillippe (43)
joaquin phoenix (43)
misha collins (43)
chris messina (43)
seth meyers (43)
andrew lincoln (44)
patrick wilson (44)
anson mount (44)
adam scott (44)
brian austin green (44)
noel fielding (44)
jude law (44)
sasha roiz (44)
eric dane (45)
john cho (45)
karl urban (45)
jonny lee miller (45)
ben affleck (45)
ricky martin (45)
idris elba (45)
wentworth miller (45)
jeremy renner (46)
alan van sprang (46)
david ramsey (46)
mark wahlberg (46)
david tennant (46)
richard armitage (46)
jon hamm (46)
jr bourne (47)
skeet ulrich (47)
raul esparza (47)
nikolaj coster-waldau (47)
justin chambers (47)
shemar moore (47)
paul rudd (48)
josh holloway (48)
timothy omundson (48)
simon baker (48)
norman reedus (48)
manu bennett (48)
will smith (49)
daniel craig (49)
owen wilson (49)
rufus sewell (50)
vin diesel (50)
john barrowman (50)
liev schreiber (50)
mark ruffalo (50)
jeffrey dean morgan (51)          
billy burke (51)
mads mikkelsen (52)
frank grillo (52)
mark pellegrino (52)
christopher eccleston (53)
brad pitt (53)
david thewlis (54)
donnie yen (54)
andre braugher (55)
clark gregg (55)
robert carlyle (56)
george clooney (56)
david duchovny (57)
linden ashby (57)
colin firth (57)
hugh laurie (58)
sean bean (58)
peter capaldi (59)
jeff goldblum (65)
jeremy irons (69)
ian mcshane (75)
sam waterston (77)
ian mckellen (78)
morgan freeman (80)
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destapaciones · 4 years
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Estamos viendo Arrow (en Hispanoamérica: Flecha) es una serie de televisión de un vigilante estadounidense desarrollada por los escritores/productores Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg. Está basado en el personaje de DC Comics Green Arrow, un luchador contra el crimen disfrazado creado por Mort Weisinger y George Papp. La serie sigue al multimillonario playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), quien, cinco años después de estar varado en una isla hostil, regresa a casa para luchar contra el crimen y la corrupción como un vigilante secreto cuya arma de elección es un arco y flechas. (en DESTAPACIONES ACQUAGAS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIAjJVje7Z/?igshid=1ey7gvbuagtej
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sinizade · 9 months
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Isla Amell
21 years old (beginning) // 36 years old (Warden Commander)
Mage - Blood Magic and Daggers
Romance: Leliana
Besties: Zevran / Ogrhen / Morrigan / Shale / Velanna / Madame (Dog) / Sigrun
Not Besties: Sten / Justice / Wynne / Alistair / Anders / Nathaniel
Isla has rage... a lot of rage. Not even her position among the nobility could prevent her from being taken to the Circle against her will... Years and years of abuse and submission to get a single crumb of humanity from the damned Templars turned her into a cold and manipulative woman, using her charm and her appearance to be able to "cheat" some rules in the Circle and get contacts to at least have a life with a little more dignity. Duncan's arrival in the Circle was like a one-way ticket out of that hell, but for that she had to betray her only friend...
Leliana was a sweetheart, a type she hadn't met before and wouldn't even imagine meeting, a Chantry sister being so kind to someone like Isla was really a surprise.
Blood magic made Isla feel not just powerful, but confident, strong. As if she would never need someone to help her again, as if no one would EVER DARE to try to hurt her again, for that she only needed to trick some nobles and pretend to save a little brat who played with magic.
She is now a Gray Warden, a commander, yes, she is looking for a cure, but she will not leave her post at such a delicate moment for the wardens and even if it hurts her heart to be so far away from Leliana, she cannot risk it. Her blood magic helps control the Calling and that has been a relief, but there were still days when it was complicated... Voices that sometimes called her from the shadows, that whispered in her ear, she was never afraid of ghosts and It won't be now that I would fear. Isla will find the cure for The Calling and help not only her, but all the Wardens she needs, she will return safely from her quest and will soon be in the arms of her beloved again.
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
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August 13, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Mahón and Ciutadella on the island of Menorca.
Don Felipe and Doña Letizia arrived in the town of Mahón and were accompanied by the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol; the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gómez; the delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, Ana María Calvo; the president of the Insular Council of Menorca, Susana Mora; and by its mayor, Héctor Pons, they then moved to the Cooperativa Insular Ganadera - Coinga, where they were received by the mayor of Alaior, José Luis Benejam; the president of Coinga, Guillermo de Olives; the vice president of the governing council of Coinga, Luis de Olivar; and by the director of the Coinga Factory, Santiago Tadeo.
This Cooperative, which was founded in 1966, is made up of 80 farms and associates and is a benchmark for Mahón-Menorca Cheese made with Mahón cow's milk with a careful preparation and curing process, which gives it excellent quality with Denomination of Protected Origin.
Next, the King and Queen accessed the Assembly Hall of the Cooperative and participated in an open meeting with the president of the Regulatory Council of the Mahón-Menorca Designation of Origin, Bosco Triay, representatives of the Coinga Cooperative and with the president of The Hospital de la Isla del Rey Foundation, Luis Alejandre, were also able to observe the processes and details for making cheese during their tour of the cheese production and packaging facilities with a sample and tasting of Coinga products. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia took a group photograph with the factory employees.
Subsequently, Their Majesties the King and Queen moved to Ciutadella to visit the collective funeral monument Naveta des Tudons, highlighted as the most emblematic of the Talayotic culture of Menorca and dated between the 8th and 13th centuries, its peculiar shape of an inverted ship gives it its name and when it was restored - in the middle of the 20th century - remains of at least 100 individuals and objects of the time were found. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, during the tour, were accompanied by the mayor of Ciutadella, Joana María Gomila; the president of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Menorca, Cecilia Ligero; the member of the Association of Friends of the Museum of Menorca and decorated by His Majesty the King on the V Anniversary of the Proclamation, Francesc Isbert; the guide of Naveta des Tudons, Lluis Ameller;and by the owner of the land where the funerary monument is located, Johann Jacob Bütikofer.
Finally, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have taken a walk from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Ciutadella to the port, where they shared a lunch with the Balearic authorities who have accompanied them on this visit through the Menorcan towns of Mahón and Ciutadella.
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nomadasdigital · 4 years
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Advertencia: contiene spoilers de Arrow: Temporada 8, Episodio 7. 
“Purgatory” probablemente no debería funcionar tan bien como lo hace. Arrow ya hizo su gran regreso a Lian Yu anteriormente. El final de la temporada 5 arrastró a Ollie y sus amigos de regreso a la isla para una batalla final con Adrian Chase. El resultado fue (y sigue siendo), el mejor episodio de Arrow. El "Purgatory" no alcanza ese nivel, pero está lo suficientemente cerca. Y en el proceso, Arrow demuestra que Oliver Queen todavía puede volver a casa. Con la Temporada 8 rindiendo homenaje a varios fragmentos del pasado del programa, parece que todo encaja en un episodio ambientado en Lian Yu. La justificación para traer de vuelta la isla luego de su destrucción apocalíptica en la Temporada 5 es endeble, en el mejor de los casos. Debes respetar el enfoque de "Ehh, solo sigue adelante", uno que convenientemente restaura a Lian Yu a su antiguo y exuberante ser y hace surgir las resurrecciones de Yao Fei, Edward Fyers y Billy Wintergreen sin traer también a Shado y Slade Wilson. La trama realmente no es el foco principal esta semana.
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En cambio, el objetivo era claramente atar los diversos cabos sueltos emocionales que conducen a la crisis, y es allí donde "Purgatory" ata sus cabos. Hay mucho drama de personajes en este episodio. Puede que Ollie finalmente haya aceptado su destino, pero ¿puede convencer a sus hijos de que hagan lo mismo? ¿Puede Diggle hacer las paces con el hecho de que su esposa ha estado coludiendo con un antiguo dios del espacio a sus espaldas? ¿Puede Ollie finalmente hacer las paces con este terreno infernal que lo ha atormentado los últimos 12 años?
Estas preguntas alimentan muchos momentos poderosos este episodio. Como lo ha hecho toda la temporada, Stephen Amell es genial al capturar esa mezcla de obsesión militante con la misión y triste anhelo ante la idea de tener que despedirse de su familia para siempre. Aporta un peso y autenticidad muy necesarios a estas interacciones emocionales con el personaje, ya sea en sus conversaciones de padre/hijo con Mia y William o en una última charla con Diggle. Sin mencionar que toda esta premisa vale la pena solo para ver a Ollie interactuando con Yao Fei de Byron Mann por última vez.
Equilibrando todo el drama de los personajes, "Purgatory" también cuenta con varias secuencias de acción fuertes. No es que debamos esperar menos cuando James Bamford está detrás de la cámara. La batalla final entre Team Arrow y el ejército de Fyers está bien organizada y hace un fuerte uso de ese tiro de seguimiento extendido que Bamford hace tan bien.
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Una de las características distintivas del final de la temporada 5 fue su final de suspenso, ya que los fanáticos tuvieron que especular qué miembros del Team Arrow perecieron en la explosión. La temporada 6 no hizo absolutamente nada con ese cliffhanger. En ese sentido, "Purgatory" en realidad tiene una ventaja sobre "Lian Yu". La lesión casi fatal de Roy y la posterior amputación demostraron que hay consecuencias duraderas para algunos héroes que se encuentran atrapados en la isla. Además, este giro pone en tela de juicio lo que sucederá cuando Team Arrow 2.0 intente regresar al futuro. Con el pasado divergiendo más y más de lo que era, ¿tendrán incluso un hogar al que regresar?
El mayor crédito que podemos darle a "Purgatory" es que este episodio se siente como un final de serie adecuado. Claro, todavía hay Crisis en sí, más un par de episodios de epílogo en enero. Pero uno de esos epílogos parece ser más un piloto para Green Arrow y Canaries que cualquier otra cosa, y no hay garantía de que Ollie realmente esté vivo en "Fadeout". Con toda esa incertidumbre que rodea los últimos tres episodios, es bueno ver que “Purgatory” proporciona un cierre aquí y ahora. Si Ollie no es más que un recuerdo después de Crisis, todavía estamos en este episodio cerrando la puerta a su viaje de superhéroes y transmitiendo la última palabra sobre sus relaciones con Diggle y sus hijos. Es la despedida adecuada que se merece uno de nuestros shows favoritos.
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Si bien es fácil ser escéptico acerca de la posibilidad de que Arrow regrese una vez más a Lian Yu, "Purgatory" es un fuerte argumento de por qué el viaje de Ollie necesitaba regresar a la isla una vez más. La explicación real detrás de las grandes resurrecciones de este episodio es bastante endeble, pero la trama de "Purgatory" es mucho menos importante que la tensión urgente, la acción contundente y los momentos ricos y emocionales de los personajes. Si este fuera el final de la serie real de Arrow, sería una despedida adecuada para Oliver Queen.
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Worth It
Merry Christmas, Alex! :D Partially inspired by this from Christmas a couple years ago, partially by the ugly-Christmas-sweaters-everywhere thing. They took forever to give me an ending, hence the silence about its existence. I wanted to be sure it wasn’t going to stay a WIP. xD
“C’mon, Harvey, we’re leavin’ in, like, ten minutes for my house; you need to get ready.” Trinne leaned over the back of the couch to kiss him on the cheek and playfully reach for his book.
Harvey absently leaned into the kiss but moved the book out of her reach. “I am ready.”
“Um, no, sweetheart.” She smiled almost apologetically as she dropped a pile of (mostly) green and brown wool next to him. “You hafta wear the sweater Mom sent you.”
He looked at her and raised an eyebrow(Trinne wasn’t sure if it was skepticism or reluctance. Maybe both. She couldn’t blame him). “Really? I have to?”
“Why the hell do you think I’m wearin’ mine?” Trinne retorted, tugging at the scratchy blue wool
Harvey shrugged and closed his book. “I figured you were being nice and trying not to hurt your mom’s feelings. You’re like that with your family.”
“Pfft, no,” Trinne snorted. “I’m not that nice, even with them. It’s Amell family tradition, trademarked when I was about.... five.”
“It’s not really cold enough for sweaters,” Harvey pointed out. “Everyone will melt.”
Trinne shook her head, grinning with extra (fake) sweetness. “Not if Dad turns down the heat. And you and I are serious enough, Mom considers you part of the family, so that argument’s no good either.”
“...Can we say Queen chewed on it?”
Another shake of her head. “You don’t wanna do that, trust me.” She climbed over the back of the couch to sit with him. “Two things will happen: she’ll bug Aed for a week minimum about has he taken his dog to the vet, is she okay, eating yarn is bad for dags, yada yada. And she’ll pull out the back-up sweaters for you to pick from.” Trinne made a face and raked her fingers through her hair. “This is a big deal for her and Dad.”
“Obviously, if there’s a box of back-up sweaters,” Harvey muttered, probably wondering what the hell he’d gotten himself into dating her.
“I mean, these sweaters are, like, twenty or thirty years old,” she explained, raising her hands in a gesture halfway to a shrug. “From when Mom and Dad were our age, so they smell like mothballs and are legitimately ugly. They’re awful. So we wear the newer cheesy-bad ones Mom gives us cuz the alternative is scare-off-your-date levels of ugly.”
“Okay, there’s a story these. Just not sure it’s one I want to hear.” He eyed the green and brown sweater and set his book down on the coffee table.
Trinne laughed, moving the sweater to Harvey’s lap so she could scoot closer. “Long story short, when Jowan was... seventeen or eighteen--I forget which exactly, but not long after he officially became part of the family--he tried to convince Mom the washer or dryer had mangled his sweater cuz his new girlfriend was comin’ and he didn’t want to wear it in front her. And I’m talkin’ new girlfriend; they’d only been goin’ out a month, tops. Her family was really “proper” and kinda classy and upper-crust-ish an’ I’m still not sure how Jowan got her to go out with him-”
“Trinne, this isn’t short,” Harvey interrupted, half-smiling as he nudged her shoulder with his.
“Right, right, sorry. So he tries to get out of wearin’ it by saying it got ruined, Mom goes ‘It’s okay sweetie’ and gave him one of the backup sweaters to wear. Didn’t let him pick, mind you, just handed him this monstrosity that looked like a Christmas tree ate a reindeer and threw up all over the damn sweater-”
“Descriptive,” Harvey said dryly, running his thumb over one of the santa hats that decorated his sweater.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure he had a few seconds where he almost wished we hadn’t adopted him. But only almost, b’cause, I mean, he got me for a sister, so that’s worth it, right?” Trinne joked. “Anyway, he and this girl were broken up before New Year’s. Not sayin’ it’s just because of the sweater, but I’m pretty sure that was a contributing factor. Course if she scared off that easily, she wouldn’t have fit in anyway...”
“Mm.” Harvey shot her a look. “Sounds like your parents use this to gauge the people you or your siblings date.”
“If it is, you’re afe,” she promised, poking his side teasingly. “Mom loves you. And, I mean, one good thing about this is she says it counts as her Christmas present, so we don’t mind doing this to make her happy. An’ that girlfriend is the only significant other who got scared off. We just don’t let Jowan live it down, ‘cause where’s the fun in that?”
Harvey shook his head with a small laugh. “You’re terrible, you know that?”
“Yep. It’s part of my charm,” she grinning, extra cheesy on purpose. “And if you really don’t wanna wear your sweater, I can turn said charm on my parents, try an’ talk ‘em out of making you wear one. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable...” She rested one hand on his shoulder and absently ran her fingers through his hair. “Or we can not go and I’ll apologize later.”
“No, that’s okay,” he assured her. “If it’s important to you, I think I can manage to wear a somewhat ugly sweater for a few hours. Besides, what’re you going to tell them for why we can’t come? It’s not like I have family parties to worry about.”
She nodded concession of that point. “Are you sure? I really will try and talk my folks down if you want me to. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Yes, it is,” Harvey contradicted, smiling fondly as he pushed to his feet, taking the sweater with him. “You gesture a lot and get all... rabbit trail-y when you’re talking about something that’s important to you. You’ve done both over the course of this conversation, so I will wear the sweater. It’s okay.” He picked up the offending garment and headed for his room.
“You could just change out here, y’know,” Trinne called after him, grinning as she slouched down on the couch and put her feet on the coffee table. “Nothin’ I haven’t seen before.”
“Clothes stay in the bedroom,” he returned, voice briefly muffled as he pulled on the sweater. “Or Aed’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
She frowned. “That doesn’t sound like him...”
“Because I always give him grief about how often he leaves his clothes everywhere,” Harvey clarified as he emerged from his room, dark green button-down exchanged for the sweater.
“Ah. That makes a little more sense,” Trinne laughed.
“It doesn’t have to be spotless or anything,” he said, offering her his hand.  “Just... the couch is for people, and occasionally large slobbery dogs. Not dirty laundry.”
She giggled as she accepted the help up. “That’s fair. And that sweater doesn’t look that bad on you, by the way.”
Harvey wrinkled his nose. “You’re just saying that-”
“Because it’s true,” she cut him off. “And cuz I know you’re wearing it for me.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”
He smiled. “You’re welcome.”
“We can count this as my Christmas present, too, if you want.”
“No, I already got you something. This is just one of those boyfriend things.”
“That you do with far less complaining than some, if any at all, because you’re a wonderful person,” Trinne finished for him, sliding her hand in his and trying very hard not to think about the last (only other) boyfriend she’d dated long enough to take to the family get-together. She mostly succeeded. “And I appreciate it so much, seriously. But we need to get going or we’re going to be late. Which is almost as bad as not wearing your sweater.”
“How many rules are there to this gathering, dare I ask?” Harvey said as he opened the door.
“Not so much rules as traditions,” she replied with an almost sheepish shrug.  “Like, there’s no real punishment beyond copious teasing. And those are the only two big ones, but Isla’s probably gonna throw mistletoe at me at some point--cuz that’s more fun than tricking us into standing under it--and various other things that... well, let’s just say if you wind up wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into with me, I won’t blame you.”
“Trinne, I’ve already done that at least once a month since we started dating,” he laughed on their way down the hall. “The answer’s pretty much always the same; nothing that isn’t worth it.”
Trinne felt her face heat. “Cousland, if you don’t stop being so damn sweet, we aren’t going to make it to my house. Even if it means I’m the one who gets razzed now instead of Jowan.” She grabbed the front of his sweater and tugged him down into a kiss. One that only ended because they sort of veered into a wall. “Oops..”
“Is this going to turn into one of our holiday traditions?” Harvey mumbled, only half joking, free hand still braced against the wall.
“What making out on the way to the car?” Trinne whispered, grinning mischievously as she released her grip on his sweater to rub the back of her head. “Shit, Harv, I’ll do that year round and you know it.”
“True,” he conceded with a small smile, pushing off the wall and tugging her with him. “I was thinking more along the line of us being late to this party because you can’t keep your hands to yourself,” he teased.
“Oh, that.” She paused to consider a moment. “Yeah, probably. ‘Specially if you’re this sweet about it every year.”
“Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, holding the door for her.
“So you can do it more or less?” Trinne needled with a laugh, unlocking’ the car.
Harvey smiled as they climbed in. “You’ll just have to wait until next year to find out, won’t you?”
“Jerk,” Trinne huffed and glared at him, but that just made him smile wider. “It’s a good thing you’re cute, you know that?”
He laughed. “That much of a handful, am I?”
“Don’t worry,” she smiled, leaning over to give him a peck on the cheek as she started the car. “You’re worth it.”
Ugh, I’m so rusty on these two I’m a little irritated at myself. :P Hence the modern AU; they’re a little easier there than in canon. And oh the irony of Trinne implying Harv’s the handful in this relationship. You’re lucky he loves you, you dork.
(for newer followers, bc GOD it’s been that long since I wrote them, Trinne Amell is mine, Harvey Cousland belongs to @errantgoat)
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lonelyharthq-blog · 4 years
Hello! any admin in? i want to bring a male n female muse in. mwf & mwm?
hello! the admin is finally online and i am so happy you are thinking about bringing us some muses! here’s our most wanted: 
Katherine Heigl, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Anna Kendrick, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Julia Roberts, Mila Kunis, Megan Fox, Zooey Deschanel, Reese Witherspoon, Judy Greer, Rachel McAdams, Ginnfier Goodwin, Isla Fischer, Aja Naomi King, Arden Cho, Aubrey Plaza, Constance Wu, Hannah Simone, Jamie Chung, Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor, Candice Patton, or Tessa Thompson! 
Bob Morley, Charles Michael Davis, Chadwick Boseman, Harry Shum Jr., Oscar Isaac, Rahul Kholi, Steven Yuen, William Harper Jackson, Winston Duke, Henry Golding, John Cho, Paul Rudd, Ryan Gosling, Chris Amell, Chris Evans, Adam Brody, Channing Tatum, John Krasinski, Andy Samberg, Chace Crawford, Chad Michael Murray, Theo James, Scott Eastwood, Sam Claflin, Jared Padalecki, or Grant Gustin! 
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radiomashupok · 5 years
Arrow y Batwoman revelan sus sinopsis
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La temporada final de Arrow se estrenará en la segunda mitad del año y esta es la sinopsis oficial
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Después de un violento naufragio, el multimillonario playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) desapareció y se presumió muerto durante cinco años antes de ser descubierto vivo en una isla remota en el Mar del Norte de China. Regresó a su hogar en Star City, empeñado en corregir los errores cometidos por su familia y luchar contra la injusticia. Como Green Arrow, Oliver salvó exitosamente su ciudad con la ayuda de su equipo, incluido el ex soldado John Diggle (David Ramsey), la experta en informática Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), el ex protegido Roy Harper (Colton Haynes), el conocedor de la calle René Ramírez (Rick González), la metahumana Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy), la brillante inventora Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) y Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). A raíz de descubrir lo que le depara su futuro, Oliver se encontrará a sí mismo en la batalla más desafiante hasta el momento, una que dejará al multiverso en la balanza. En la última temporada de ‘Arrow’, Oliver Queen se ve obligado a enfrentar lo que realmente significa ser un héroe
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Batwoman,que en breve hará su debut, también nos adelanta la sinopsis de su primer temporada
Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) nunca planeó ser la nueva vigilante de Gotham. Tres años después de que Batman desapareciera misteriosamente,la ciudad está desesperada. Sin el Caballero de la Noche, el departamento de policía de fue superado pandillas criminales. Hasta que llega Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott) y su empresa de seguridad privada de grado militar, que protegerá la ciudad con una potencia de fuego y una milicia omnipresentes. Años antes, la primera esposa e hija de Jacob fueron asesinadas en un fuego cruzado. Envió a su única hija sobreviviente, Kate, lejos por su seguridad. Después de una baja deshonrosa de la escuela militar y años de entrenamiento brutal de supervivencia, ella regresa a casa cuando la pandilla Alice apunta contra su padre y su firma de seguridad, tras secuestrar a su amiga, Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy). Aunque volvió a casarse con la millonaria Catherine Hamilton-Kane (Elizabeth Anweis), quien financia su compañía, Jacob todavía está luchando con la familia que perdió, mientras que mantiene a Kate, la hija que aún tiene, a distancia. Pero Kate es una mujer que ya no pide permiso. Para ayudar a su familia y su ciudad, ella tendrá que convertirse en la única cosa que su padre detesta: un vigilante. Con la ayuda de su compasiva hermanastra, Mary (Nicole Kang), y el astuto Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson), el hijo del gurú de tecnología de Wayne Enterprises, Lucius Fox, Kate Kane continuará el legado de su primo desaparecido, Bruce Wayne, como Batwoman. Aún teniendo sentimientos por su ex novia, Sophie, Kate usa todo lo que está a su alcance para combatir las oscuras maquinaciones de la psicótica Alice (Rachel Skarsten), que siempre está en algún lugar entre los sanos y locos. Armada con una pasión por la justicia social y un talento para decir lo que piensa, Kate vuela por las calles sombreadas de Gotham como Batwoman. Pero no la llames héroe todavía. En una ciudad desesperada por un salvador, primero debe vencer a sus propios demonios antes de aceptar el llamado a ser un símbolo de esperanza
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