#IoT platform
todayiot · 1 month
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customiotsolutions · 3 days
Maximizing the Value of Your Connected Devices: A Guide to IoT Device Lifecycle Management
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed from a futuristic concept to a tangible reality, revolutionizing various industries. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are at the forefront of this revolution, deploying billions of connected devices that generate massive amounts of data. However, effectively managing these devices throughout their entire lifecycle is crucial for maximizing their value and minimizing risks.
IoT Device Lifecycle Management is a comprehensive process that oversees every stage of an IoT device's journey, ensuring secure operation and performance from initial design and manufacturing to deployment, operation, and eventual retirement. This strategic framework offers several benefits for OEMs:
Enhanced Security: With a vast attack surface for cyber threats, robust security measures at every stage safeguard devices from potential breaches and protect sensitive data.
Improved Performance: Proactively identifying performance issues, minimizing downtime, and extending device lifespan through IoT monitoring platforms and predictive analytics tools.
Reduced Costs: Streamlining device deployment, operation, and retirement processes can help reduce overall costs and improve efficiency.
Scalability and Flexibility: Adaptable device lifecycle management strategies allow for seamless integration of new devices and facilitate future growth without compromising efficiency.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Integrating IoT data to develop innovative services, optimize product offerings, and drive new revenue streams.
The key stages of IoT Device Lifecycle Management include planning and design to define device requirements and select hardware and software, deployment to provision and configure devices, and operation for monitoring, performance optimization, and maintenance.
Implementing an effective IoT device lifecycle management strategy is essential to unlock the full potential of connected devices and maximize return on investment. Bridgera offers a comprehensive suite of IoT solutions and services. Their IoT monitoring platform provides real-time visibility into connected devices, allowing businesses to proactively address issues. Bridgera's team of experts can help develop customized device lifecycle management strategies aligned with specific needs and goals.
In conclusion, IoT device lifecycle management plays a vital role in maximizing the value of connected devices for OEMs. By prioritizing security, optimizing performance, reducing costs, and leveraging data-driven decision making, businesses can thrive in the rapidly expanding IoT landscape.
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goofygeorge6 · 11 days
IoT is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry by integrating advanced technologies that enhance connectivity, data capture, and analysis throughout the manufacturing process.
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legacy-iot · 4 months
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Telecom Digital BSS Advantages in the Era of 5G
5G networks are anticipated to deliver a transformational customer experience with improved speed, connectivity, network coverage, interoperability, and more. This will be further enhanced with omnichannel support, which offers a highly personalized, consistent, seamless, and holistic view of the complete customer journey. Enabling faster speeds and connectivity, rapid service creation and monetization, and differentiated partnership models for new revenue streams will be a necessity for operators. Those ready with 5G Core (5GC) architecture before the 5G market matures will have a competitive edge. It provides a high level of orchestration and automation with the use of a modular 5G service-based architecture (SBA) required to meet future challenges and business needs. An effective telecom digital BSS helps to fully monetize this transformation and derive maximum ROI.
How does a telecom digital BSS platform unlock 5G potential?
With limited features and rigid architecture, legacy BSS cannot keep up with the evolving demands of customers as they embrace a digital lifestyle. With a digital BSS solution for CSPs, operators can seize the benefits of 5G – a fact they are well aware of. According to this report, the global telecom digital BSS market is expected to reach approximately USD 7,416 million by 2025, at a CAGR of roughly 15% between 2019 and 2025.
A digital BSS for telecom provides an elastic, modern, and convergent system in a virtualized network environment, giving telecom operators an edge over competitors and enabling them to readily offer unique 5G services. Effective business support system transformations help modernize fixed and wireless networks, as well as support CSPs to introduce differentiated services and automate business processes.
What should telecom operators look for in a telecom digital BSS platform?
5G facilitates real-time rating, metering, and charging for sophisticated digital services, along with monetization schemes such as QoS tiers, OTT billing and charging, partner settlements (B2B2X), and more – all of which is possible only with flexible and agile digital BSS solutions. Robust digital BSS architecture using the latest 5G standards is essential in this competitive and ever-evolving market – today and well into the future – to be able to support a dynamic environment and provide quick time-to-value in delivering new features and functions.
Top benefits telecom operators enjoy with digital BSS
Modern digital BSS features help improve and monetize legacy as well as next-gen networks, driving the following benefits for operators:
1. Rapid and phased deployments
A truly modern digital BSS platform for telcos is modular, cloud-native, and deployed virtually. For telecom operators not wanting to undertake complete digital transformations at one go, it’s possible to implement in phases, so there is low risk involved in migration and fewer resources are required to launch it. Further, End of Life is less frequent, and the hardware is much easier to manage.
2. Accelerated monetization of use-cases
A 5G-ready digital BSS stack lets telecom operators rapidly monetize the data network with innovative and personalized offerings, enhancing the digital experience for subscribers and improving customer loyalty. The elastic and convergent platform provides a network environment for CRM, convergent charging, and billing, with REST APIs that offer the flexibility to quickly introduce a host of digital services with new billing models.
3. Centralized catalog management
With 5G, network slicing, and the surge of IoT platforms for telecom and other data-intensive services like AI and VR, it will be challenging for CSPs to meet the demands to support new business models and use cases on the fly without expensive and lengthy backend code changes. A digital BSS stack with a centralized product catalog enables telecom operators to swiftly respond to this network evolution. A common product repository and robust API framework allow CSPs, partners, and distributors to accelerate TTM for new products and services and improve revenue and customer engagement. With modern centralized catalogs, plans can be defined by many metrics such as volume, value, time, and quality of service. This core functionality helps ease teamwork and collaboration, manage offers efficiently, support multi-play offerings, and provide quick access to the prebuilt use cases library.
4. Improved customer management
Customer relationship management covers all important aspects of the customer lifecycle, from registration and hierarchy to offering a 360-degree view of CSRs for subscribers as well as enterprise customers. With digital CRM, operators can implement automated workflows, streamline sales and support, and use chatbots and AI to reduce manual CSR workload. Additionally, it enables instant issue redressal and quick troubleshooting with web and mobile self-care including live chat options, lowering operational expenses and reducing churn.
5. Efficient revenue management
CSPs need real-time billing and policy control capabilities to seize and monetize opportunities that all IP networks bring. Convergent charging facilitates automated rates and charging mechanisms. Further, revenue management solutions with reliable interconnect and billing for roaming help manage diverse partnerships, enabling telecom operators to efficiently charge other operators for the use of their voice, data, SMS, and other network infrastructure. A modern telecom digital BSS solution with real-time APIs can also facilitate new 5G use cases like surge or congestion charging at times when the demand for digital services is high.
6. Enhanced partner management
A digital BSS stack with an integrated partner management platform helps improve operational agility by streamlining the partner lifecycle. It helps cultivate relationships with simplified onboarding, self-service, and support for a host of partner functions such as content, OTT, IoT, interconnect agreements, roaming, MVNO, and others. A partner management solution with open API integration works seamlessly with third-party systems.
7. Automated omnichannel support
Improving customer experience is not merely about providing better user interfaces on various devices, but also integrating the process across channels. Omnichannel support allows operators to provide a consistent, seamless, and highly personalized self-care experience through the web, mobile, and social media platforms, ensuring swift problem resolution while making customers feel more connected and valued. The most recent additions to this trend are WhatsApp, AI, and NLP-powered chatbots for instant redressal of customer queries.
Telecom operators are already in the battle to build 5G networks and intend to offer improved quality of service to customers. As they invest billions of dollars in 5G RAN, they must remember that an effective 5G strategy includes IT systems to generate ROI on that investment. Digital BSS has the great benefit of being modular so it can be rolled out in phases, mitigating the risks involved in a large-scale migration of one’s billing system. To maximize their chances of success, operators must modernize their infrastructure with a digital BSS transformation today.
Interested in learning more about Canvas, a digital BSS platform from 6D Technologies? Please visit https://www.6dtechnologies.com/products-solutions/digital-bss-solutions
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nish0930 · 9 months
What are the actual criteria to choose the right IoT platform?
IoT, referred to also as the Internet of Things, is not merely a word that we all have heard these days a lot of time, it’s a trending technology, which is nowadays getting more attention from developers across the planet by allowing them to build marvellous tech innovations to simplify the global human lives. Well, in order to build an IoT centric application, it requires us to choose a right IoT platform that can splendidly fulfil all the requirements of the respective application or software.
Doesn’t matter either you are a newbie or an experienced one in the IoT sector, choosing a right IoT platform is definitely a bit massive and complex task, and to make this selection process a hassle-free task, here we are exploring a list of all the criteria’s that you must to consider while choosing a right IoT platform, and thus, first you have to grasp IoT with its types and verticals.
Visit us: https://www.perfectiongeeks.com/platform-for-iot 
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thingsupiot · 9 months
IoT Platform Integration: A Step-By-Step Guide
The Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved into a transformative technological paradigm that affects nearly every aspect of our lives. IoT devices, ranging from smart thermostats in homes to sophisticated sensors in industrial settings, generate a staggering volume of data. To harness the full potential of IoT, organizations and individuals alike rely on IoT platforms. However, the often-overlooked key to a successful IoT ecosystem is IoT platform integration. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into IoT platform system integration, explore its significance, and provide a detailed roadmap for navigating this complex landscape.
Importance of IoT Platform Integration
The IoT landscape is expanding at an astonishing rate. By 2021, it was estimated that there were over 30 billion connected IoT devices globally. With this exponential growth comes the need for effective management and utilization of IoT-generated data. IoT platforms, which form the foundation of these ecosystems, facilitate the collection, processing, and analysis of data from diverse devices. Yet, the true power of IoT emerges when these platforms can seamlessly communicate and share data with each other. This is where IoT platform integration comes into play.
Consider a Third-Party Integrator
IoT platform integration can be a formidable challenge due to the sheer diversity of devices, protocols, and data sources involved. To navigate this complexity and ensure interoperability of your IoT ecosystem, many organizations turn to third-party integrators. These experts specialize in bridging the gaps between diverse IoT components, saving time, reducing headaches, and ultimately, ensuring that your IoT system operates harmoniously.
Scope of IoT System Integration
Before diving into the intricacies of IoT platform integration, it’s crucial to gain a holistic understanding of the scope of your IoT system. This involves considering the following factors:
1. Device Variety:
Identify the different types of IoT devices present in your ecosystem, ranging from sensors and actuators to gateways and control units.
2. Protocols and Communication:
Take stock of the communication protocols used by these devices, as they play a pivotal role in integration. Common protocols include MQTT, HTTP, CoAP, and more.
3. Data Sources:
Recognize the various data sources within your ecosystem, which may include real-time sensor data, historical databases, external APIs, and more.
4. User Interfaces:
Consider how users interact with your IoT system, whether through mobile apps, web interfaces, or other means.
5. Scalability:
Anticipate the growth of your IoT ecosystem and plan for scalability accordingly.
Understanding these elements is fundamental to planning and executing a successful IoT platform integration strategy.
What IoT platform Integrators Deliver
IoT system integrators offer a wide range of services and solutions to ensure the seamless operation of your IoT ecosystem:
1. Interoperability:
Integrators work to ensure that devices from different manufacturers and with varying communication protocols can communicate seamlessly within your IoT ecosystem.
2. Data Management:
They handle the flow of data from devices to the cloud, ensuring efficient processing, storage, and retrieval of data.
3. Security:
Integrators implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data and IoT devices from cyber threats, safeguarding your entire ecosystem.
4. Scalability:
Integrators design your IoT system to be scalable, accommodating future growth and expansion without major disruptions.
5. Analytics and Insights:
They assist in extracting meaningful insights from the data generated by your IoT devices, enabling data-driven decision-making.
How to Select an IoT System Integrator
Choosing the right IoT system integrator is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your IoT project. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to select the ideal partner:
1. Experience:
Look for integrators with a proven track record in your industry or a related field. Experienced integrators often have a deeper understanding of industry-specific challenges and requirements.
2. References:
Request references from past clients to gauge their satisfaction with the integrator’s services. This can provide valuable insights into the integrator’s reliability and performance.
3. Expertise:
Ensure that the integrator possesses expertise in the specific technologies, protocols, and IoT standards relevant to your project. A knowledgeable integrator is better equipped to address unique challenges.
4. Scalability:
Confirm that the integrator can design your IoT ecosystem with scalability in mind. They should be able to outline how your system can grow seamlessly as your needs evolve.
5. Cost:
While cost is an important factor, it should not be the sole determinant in your decision. Compare quotes from different integrators, but prioritize quality and reliability over cost savings.
6. Communication:
Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Ensure that the integrator has a clear communication plan in place to keep you updated on project progress.
The Role of Cloud Technology
Cloud technology plays a central role in IoT platform integration, providing a flexible and scalable infrastructure to manage and process the vast amount of data generated by IoT devices. Several major cloud providers offer dedicated IoT platforms and services designed to simplify integration, including AWS IoT, Azure IoT, and Google Cloud IoT. Here’s how cloud technology contributes to IoT integration:
1. Scalability:
Cloud platforms can easily accommodate the growing number of devices and data streams within your IoT ecosystem. They offer the ability to scale resources up or down as needed.
2. Data Processing:
Cloud services provide powerful tools for real-time data processing, analysis, and storage, making it easier to derive valuable insights from IoT data.
3. Device Management:
Cloud platforms often include features for remote device management, allowing you to update firmware, configure settings, and troubleshoot devices from a centralized location.
4. Security:
Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, including encryption, access control, and threat detection, enhancing the overall security of your IoT ecosystem.
4. Integration Tools:
Many cloud platforms offer pre-built integrations with common IoT protocols and device manufacturers, simplifying the integration process.
 Key Takeaways
IoT platform integration is the linchpin of IoT success, enabling the seamless operation of interconnected devices and data sources. To summarize the key takeaways:
Consider a third-party integrator to streamline the integration process and ensure interoperability.
Understand the scope of your IoT system by identifying devices, protocols, data sources, user interfaces, and scalability requirements.
Be aware of what integrators deliver, including interoperability, data management, security, scalability, and analytics capabilities.
When selecting an IoT system integrator, prioritize experience, references, expertise, scalability, cost, and effective communication.
Recognize the crucial role of cloud technology in IoT integration, providing scalability, data processing, device management, security, and integration tools.
By following these steps and understanding the significance of IoT platform integration, you can ensure that your IoT ecosystem operates seamlessly and efficiently, paving the way for innovation and growth in your industry. In a world increasingly shaped by IoT, successful integration is the key to unlocking its boundless potential.
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syscraftonline · 1 year
Unlock Your IoT Device Security with These Proven Practices
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In today's world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. From intelligent households to interconnected vehicles, IoT devices have become ubiquitous. However, as the number of IoT devices continues to rise, the vulnerability to cyber threats also increases.
Common IoT Security Threats to Look Out For
There are a number of common IoT security threats that organizations should be aware of. These include:
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Malware attacks: Malware attacks are one of the most common threats to IoT devices. Malware can be used to steal data, disrupt operations, or even take control of devices.
Denial-of-service attacks: Denial-of-service attacks can be used to make IoT devices unavailable to their intended users. This can be done by flooding devices with traffic or by exploiting vulnerabilities in their software.
Data breaches: Data breaches can occur when sensitive data is stolen from IoT devices. This data could include personal information, financial data, or intellectual property.
Privacy violations: IoT devices can collect a great deal of data about their users. This data could be used to track users' movements, monitor their activities, or even spy on them.
Boost the Security of Your IoT Solutions with These 5 Simple Tips
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There are a number of simple steps that organizations can take to boost the security of their IoT solutions. These include:
Use strong passwords and security settings: IoT devices often come with default passwords that are easy to guess. It is important to change these passwords to something strong and unique. Additionally, IoT devices should be configured with strong security settings, such as enabling encryption and two-factor authentication.
Keep your devices up to date: IoT devices often have firmware updates that can improve their security. It is important to install these updates as soon as they are available.
Use a firewall: A firewall can help to protect your IoT devices from unauthorized access. It is important to configure your firewall to block all incoming traffic except for that which is necessary for your devices to function.
Use a VPN: A VPN can encrypt your traffic and make it more difficult for attackers to intercept it. This is especially important if you are using your IoT devices to connect to public Wi-Fi networks.
Be careful what you connect to: IoT devices can be connected to a variety of networks and services. It is important to be careful about what you connect your devices to. For example, you should avoid connecting your devices to public Wi-Fi networks unless you are using a VPN.
How to Maintain Privacy of IoT Devices
In addition to taking steps to boost the security of your IoT devices, it is also important to take steps to maintain their privacy. This includes:
Only collect the data that you need: IoT devices often collect a great deal of data about their users. It is important to only collect the data that you need for your intended purpose.
Encrypt data in transit and at rest: Data that is transmitted over the internet or stored on IoT devices should be encrypted. This will help to protect it from unauthorized access.
Be transparent with users about how their data is being used: Users should be aware of how their data is being collected, used, and shared. It is important to be transparent with them about this.
The Risks of Ignoring IoT Device Security
The risks of ignoring IoT device security are significant. These risks include:
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Data breaches: Data breaches can expose sensitive data, such as personal information, financial data, or intellectual property. This data could be used to commit identity theft, fraud, or other crimes.
Malware attacks: Malware attacks can damage or destroy IoT devices, disrupt operations, or even take control of them. This could lead to financial losses, productivity losses, or even physical harm.
Denial-of-service attacks: Denial-of-service attacks can make IoT devices unavailable to their intended users. This could disrupt businesses, inconvenience individuals, or even put people in danger.
Privacy violations: IoT devices can collect a great deal of data about their users. This data could be used to track users' movements, monitor their activities, or even spy on them.
The IoT is a powerful technology with the potential to improve our lives in many ways. However, it is important to be aware of the security risks associated with IoT devices. By taking steps to boost the security of your IoT solutions and maintain the privacy of your data, you can help to protect yourself from these risks.
Do you want to leverage the power of IoT to transform your business and create new opportunities? Look no further.
Syscraft's custom and scalable IoT solutions can help you achieve your goals, including device management, data analytics, cloud integration, security, and user experience.
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marklovesdata · 1 year
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nividitsolutions · 1 year
What Makes IoT so Popular?
We live in an age of technology where services are delivered to us at super fast speed. Amazon won the market game with 1-day deliveries. This speed applies to all industries and markets. All actions, be it business, service, maintenance, or anything else, are proactive now. Internet of Things have jumped directly from reactive to proactive in all aspects of business today. It is always about anticipating the next need of the customers, the next problem, the next emergency, the next trend, the next demand, the next environmental crisis, and the next everything.
To anticipate the next, you need data, and to get all the possible data from all the systems possible, we have the Industrial Internet of Things,
The entire business model today has moved from data-centric to event-driven. A business today does not wait for their customers to realize the need for their brand; they either anticipate the need in advance or create it. Gone are the days when technology was used to store data. Today, technology is meant to collect, store, and process data and take actions based on it.
At the core of the event-driven architecture is the Internet of things.
Internet of Things, is the key to ‘anticipating the next and being prepared for it.
Uses of IoT
As discussed briefly, IoT has multiple applications and is not limited to any industry or sector. To broadly categorize the uses of IoT, we can have five categories:
As the name suggests, IoT for personal use is the way Internet of Things is implemented for an individual’s usage. For example, your smartwatch. You can even have an IoT-enabled household where all your devices and systems are interconnected for your convenience.
These smart homes are a reality today because of IoT. When you go to sleep at night and turn on night mode on your phone, the lights in your bedroom automatically dim, and soothing music starts playing on the speakers that put you to sleep. In the morning, when your alarm goes off, the blinds automatically open, and you can feel the morning sun through your windows. As you reach the kitchen, your smart coffee maker is already running, and your coffee pot has freshly brewed coffee for you. Your toaster pops out freshly toasted toast for you, and your day starts.
Customer Engagement
Brands use IoT to deliver the best customer service and build better customer engagement with their customers today. A newly emerging electric vehicle brand has fitted sensors in their machines that detect wear and tear and can send a servicing alert to the user. They also have performance monitoring sensors that help them study their vehicles and improve their design. Many brands send you sale alerts on your phone when you are in the vicinity of their physical stores while shopping.
The possibilities of elevating brand engagement through Internet of Things are increasing daily, and the brands are just getting started.
With IoT, machines can talk to each other. What can simplify monitoring than having all your machines communicate effectively through data? Large-scale industrial plants, warehouses, hospitals, service providers, etc. Use IoT-enabled asset management or inventory management solutions that help them track and monitor the health of all their assets and machines. This is a wonderful breakthrough for businesses that have to deal with regular machine maintenance and warehouse management.
They can track the status of their inventory items, perform a maintenance check on their machines, track a faulty link in case of a breakdown, or monitor the performance of any equipment, all with a few clicks within their systems. The IoT sensors power all this.
Automation is the key today. Automation is only possible when there are data-based triggers in the system, and the data is collected from the devices without any human intervention. Thus, IoT is the key to the automation of systems.
Like the example of smart streetlights discussed above, IoT-driven automation has enabled businesses to save costs, eliminate bottlenecks, streamline their processes, and deliver services or products faster.
The industrial application of IoT, better known as IIoT, is the application of IoT for all industrial setups. Industrial setups require detailed monitoring and efficient automation, asset management, and inventory management. IIoT also includes Machine learning and artificial intelligence that adds a layer of automation and brings forth the modern business model for industries. It leverages allied technologies – the cloud, AI/ML, and IoT with machine-to-machine (M2M) communication to achieve a truly wireless control experience.
Visit Us: https://www.nsmart.io/the-internet-of-things/
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todayiot · 2 days
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Meshtek's IoT platform's advantages for outdoor lighting
Find Out How Meshtek's IoT platform is Revolutionizing Municipal Lighting by Using State-of-the-Art Technology to Clearly Illuminate Cities
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customiotsolutions · 9 days
IoT Device Lifecycle Management: A Key to Unlocking Device Value
In the rapidly evolving digital world, the Internet of Things (IoT) stands out for its ability to connect billions of devices, transforming how industries operate and create new service models. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) find themselves at the forefront of this revolution, faced with the challenge of effectively managing the lifecycle of these devices. This detailed blog highlights the vital role that IoT Device Lifecycle Management plays in optimizing the performance, security, and management of these connected devices.
IoT Device Lifecycle Management is crucial for overseeing a device's entire journey from its inception and manufacture to its deployment, operation, and eventually, its retirement. Implementing a sound IoT Device Lifecycle Management strategy ensures devices are deployed securely, function efficiently, and are decommissioned responsibly, addressing common challenges like security vulnerabilities, performance optimization, and regulatory compliance.
The Lifecycle Stages encompass planning & design, deployment, operation, optimization, and retirement, each requiring careful attention to security, data management, and performance. Planning involves security measures and selecting the right hardware and software. Deployment focuses on setting up and connecting to the network. The operation phase includes continuous monitoring and maintenance, while optimization uses data insights for improvements. Finally, retirement addresses secure data deletion and device recycling.
Advantages of a robust IoT Device Lifecycle Management include enhanced security, better device performance, reduced costs, scalability, and informed decision-making. These benefits underscore the importance of a comprehensive Device Lifecycle Management strategy for OEMs to navigate the competitive IoT marketplace.
Bridgera offers specialised IoT consulting services and a proprietary IoT monitoring platform to assist companies in managing their IoT devices effectively. Their expertise enables real-time performance tracking and issues management, helping businesses fully realize their IoT investments’ potential.Conclusion: Effective IoT Device Lifecycle Management is essential for deriving maximum value from connected devices, ensuring longevity and reliability. Through strategic lifecycle management, OEMs can protect their devices, optimize performance, and unlock new opportunities for innovation. Bridgera’s IoT solutions provide a strategic edge, facilitating successful and sustainable IoT device management.
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goofygeorge6 · 2 months
Explore how IoT drives operational efficiency, enhances decision-making, and enables scalability, ultimately paving the way for sustainable growth and success in today's fast-paced business landscape.
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legacy-iot · 8 months
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