mel-loly · 6 months
-Happy Birthday, Lela!🤍
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babyboibucky · 3 years
It’s been a while for college!bucky and college!steve.
Seeing as it’s Chris Evans’ birthday today, maybe show college Steve a lil love.
Imagine college Steve is just like “listen guys all I want for my birthday is for you to not fuck. Or if you do just not in this room. One day”
Or him insisting that y’all don’t do anything for him and you’re like yeah mhm sure Steven and then just get everyone together and do something really nice for him and he’s like guyssssssssss
When was the last time I posted a Project V piece??? Has it been that long lmao I can’t remember akjssks anywayyyy LET US GIVE COLLEGE!STEVE SUM LOVING
Pairing: College!Bucky and Fem!Reader x College!Steve (this is wholesome and platonic okay lmao)
“I thought you and Peggy are going out.” Bucky asked as you laid next to him on his bed.
The two of you were hanging out and just watching Steve get ready for his birthday celebration. Bucky and Sam offered to treat him out to beer pong, but Steve insisted that he would be spending the entire day with Peggy.
“Yeah about that…” Steve trailed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Bucky narrowed his eyes at Steve, “She had to cancel, doesn’t she?”
Steve made a face. Bucky sat up with a scowl, “Why didn’t you say so?! Then we can go have some fun tonight and now Sam made plans with someone else.” He complained.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Well…ugh, I wanted to spend my birthday alone.”
“Psh, loner.” You teased.
“Because whenever we go out, it’s either the both of you would end up fucking right in front of my eyes or get in trouble. Then I’d have to bail you out or do something to save both your asses!” He huffed out.
“Then stop being the responsible one!” Bucky said, as if it was a very obvious solution.
Steve merely grunted and grabbed his jacket, “I’m heading out and I’ll be back after dinner. And please, don’t be doing the nasty when I come home. I beg of you, consider it as a birthday gift. Please?”
You and Bucky exchanged glances before shrugging, “Uh huh. Sure.” You both grinned and Steve already knew that he’d come home to another disaster.
It was around nine in the evening when Steve stood in front of his room. He went out to spend the day by himself, something he actually enjoyed doing. However, as the hours passed, the lonelier he felt and suddenly, he regretted turning down the beer pong offer.
He sighed in advanced defeat, somehow already expecting what scene he would probably be greeted by.
Pushing the door open, Steve was met with darkness and momentarily, he was relieved that you and Bucky probably went out. Upon closing the door behind him, a bunch of poppers exploded followed by the lights turning on.
“Happy Birthday, Steve!!!”
Inside his room was you, Bucky, Sam and even Peggy who was holding a cake. The entire room was decorated messily (he assumed it was Bucky’s doing) with lots of balloons scattered around. Boxes of pizza and sodas laid around as well.
“What the hell?” Steve asked, but a smile was tugging at his lips.
“We has to keep you away so we can prepare all this.” Peggy explained. “Happy Birthday, love.” She greeted.
Steve briefly kissed her before offering a grateful smile over at you, Bucky and Sam. Peggy urged for him to make a wish and when he finally blew the candle, everybody cheered.
“What did you wish for?” Sam asked curiously:
Steve’s eyes went over to you and Bucky, oblivious of his stare while the both of you were fighting over the pizza.
“For those two to stop fucking when I’m around.”
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frenchiefie · 4 years
AAaaaaaa I started writing out a post talkin about my bday but fell asleep pretty soon after finishing up everything else for the night so lemme get this all typed up now!
I just wanna give a hugeeeee thank you and hugs and tears to my amazing friends and family, this was my best birthday in YEARS. ;w; I went into it not expecting anything other than a normal day since the last few years have been really shitty and I didn't wanna get my hopes up, but everyone was just so!! Kind and thoughtful in the most soft and personal ways, nothin extravagant or anything but, little personal shows of love or really knowing me that absolutely melted my heart!!
It started off the second it hit midnight with a super cute and excited message from my bestest Tim which made me go to sleep smiling like an idiot sgadhaj and then I woke up to some super cute bday drawings from friends!!! ;o;
My brother came home with the Valentine's Dunkin donuts that I love so much on his way home from LA since he knew I wouldn't have had the chance to get them earlier, along with getting me a super bright and colorful high quality eye shadow palette since he knows I love doing extra colorful makeup!! He said he thought it suited me and it was just such a cute personal touch and ahhh.... I cry... ;w; My little sister drew one of my favorite scenes from Borderlands 2 on my birthday card that I have been gushing about and IT'S THE CUTEST THING!!! LOOK AT THIS!!
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So wholesome asdghasdj!! My other lil sis drew a pic of her and I on her card and worked very hard to get my hair side swoop just right and I’d post a pic of that too but my phone is dead rn so adghasdhasj maybe I’ll do a photo post in a bit!
My mom got me a really cool joker figurine and shirt since she knows I love my best boi, as well as some white cheddar cheez its which seems silly but is honestly super cute cause just last week we were at the dollar tree and I excitedly grabbed them, proclaiming them as my favorite flavor, but was reminded that her, my bro and I were about to get lunch so I was like “aaaaah heck ur right” bUT SHE REMEMBERED I WANTED THEM AND GOT ME A BUNCH OF BAGS,,, THAT’S SO CUTE,,,, and then my mum and stepdad noticed I’ve been dying in my raggedy old computer chair and they bought me a nice new one and just!! Idk every gift was so thoughtful and sweet and!! aaaaAAAA!! Not to mention my mom made an absolutely bangin ice cream cake using my very specific favorite ice cream flavor (breyer’s chocolate truffle ice cream mmmmm) and I’m just still so excited about everything days later >w<
My family and one of my best buddies all joined me at one of the fancy AMC theaters with the reclining chairs to watch the Sonic movie which was aBSURDLY CUTE!!!! And my friend gave me a huge bar of my fave kind of chocolate in the world ehehehe aND A LOT MORE SWEET FRIENDS OF MINE ARE STILL WORKIN ON GIFTS FOR ME WHICH IS THE NICEST THING AND I CR Y AND JUST!!! FEEL SO LOVED!! I love you guyssssssssss so much ToT <3333
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willreadforbooze · 5 years
Here’s our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =)
Sam’s Update:
I got a lot of reading done this week. I was in the Poconos for a friend’s birthday and it was super chill, then I made sure to dedicate some reading time since I have 5 (yes FIVE) more books to read to finish up my NEWTs.
What Sam finished this week:
NEWTs E-level Transfiguration: Age of Legend by Michael J Sullivan: This is the 4th installment of this series. This wasn’t my favorite of his books, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t exceptional. I love all of this man’s books. So much.
NEWTs O-level Transfiguration: Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian: this is the sequel to Ash Princess. I think this one was ok, but not nearly as good as the first. Suffered from 2nd-book syndrome I think.
NEWTs A-level Ancient Runes: All Systems Red by Martha Wells: This was a re-read for me since I had basically forgotten the plot. I knew I loved Murderbot but not what had happened. I’m pretty happy with my reread (also switched this out from Radical Candor because that one was too long for this readathon)
NEWTs A-level Arithmancy: Fireborne by Rosaria Munda: Picked up this ARC at ALA and damn it was a good choice. Great debut, great story. Full review to come.
NEWTs E-level Charms: Illegal by Eoin Colfer: A graphic novel about a boy from Ghana trying to get to Europe for a better life. This was heartbreaking to see the boy go across the desert, across the sea, and all its horrors. Flew through this.
What Sam’s reading now:
NEWTs E-level Ancient Runes: Nottingham by Nathan Makaryk: Another ALA ARC grab, but am listening on audio since it came out on Aug 6th. In this story, Robin Hood follows King Richard on his crusade and it’s Maid Marian who is steals from the rich to give to the poor. Only just started but I am excite.
NEWTs O-level Charms: The Future of Another Timeline by Annalie Newitz: Considering I’m only a chapter in, I will save the summary and my thoughts until next week.
Ginny’s Update:
I hope you’ve had a great week and are ready to jump in to Monday proper. I have a massage lined up for tonight so regardless of how the actual day goes, I know I’m gonna have a great afternoon!
Currently Reading:
Normal People by Sally Rooney: I’ve heard such good things about this book and it finally came up from the library! It follows two teens, one popular/one not, as they start dating away from the public eye. I think it’s going to swap when they go to college but I haven’t gotten there yet. The characters are realistic and can be oblivious in the way I’ve always felt a little bit oblivious, so I’m enjoying it so far. 
Stormrise by Julian Boehme: I literally just started reading this so I’m like 20 pages in and don’t have much to say yes. Except apparently this is going to be Mulan but with dragons!!!!! I’ve been playing a lot of Skyrim recently so I AM HERE FOR DRAGONS!
Just Finished:
Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh: Yeah this is a series where I’m constantly either going to be reading one of the books, or will at least have it on hold at the library. This follows one of the secondary characters is the first book, and includes an F-psy who can forecast the future. There’s a lot of him trying to get her acclimated to physical contact which was not necessarily my jam. A little too much, i know better than her, which, ugh. Regardless, still a fun story and gets a 3.5/5
Hope Never Dies by Andrew Shaffer: I wrote a review. I have strong opinions. Book club for this is Wednesday… … … 
Forbidden by Beverly Jenkins: This will surprise no one but I follow a bunch of romance novelists on twitter. They are delightful and have definitely influenced my reading list. I’ve heard about this author forever and I’m disappointed it took me this long to finally read one of her books. Eddy is a badass and is slowly working her way towards California with both good and bad luck. Rhine is a former slave who is light skinned enough to pass as white and has decided to do so. They meet and there’s instant chemistry. Except Eddy shuts that shit down, she knows what happens between a mixed race couple after the civil war…. It’s delightful. 4/5
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow: I love a good portal novel and whoo boy. I’m definitely writing a review of this one because I would like to honor January’s love and honor of writing and the power of the written word.
Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire: This is the sequel to Discount Armageddon which I read last week. The worlds that she builds are SO GREAT! Quick summary. Verity has been warned by her quasi-boyfriend that the Covenant are coming to New York for a purge. Obviously this is worriesome. Review forthcoming.
The Attack by Yasmina Khadra: In my head I’m singing “One of these things is not like the other.” This was a look at what happens in a country that has dealt with constant low level terrorism. The main character’s wife is a suicide bomber in an attack that kills a number of people. He decides he needs to figure out what happened and where he went wrong. The search is interesting, but I found the ending to be a little bit abrupt. While that makes sense in the narrative arc of the book, I still found myself disappointed that there wasn’t some sort of ending that allows Amin to choose a side and make a directional shift. 3/5
Minda’s Update:
Oof. Still doing NEWTs, but it’s slow going.
What Minda is reading now:
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow – Moving along, but it’s moving slowly.
Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente – Expected to pick this up last week, but didn’t. This week it is!
Linz’s Update:
Oh god I felt so ready for DragonCon and now I feel woefully underprepared. I literally went into my calendar and blocked next Saturday off to finish work.
What Linz read:
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern: YOU GUYSSSSSSSSSS. UGH. EVERYTHING.
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Asad: Middle East/central Asia-inspired debut fantasy, with djinn and lots of food and some great characters. (It was a solid debut and honestly I preferred it to City of Brass).
The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson: So, a bunch of girls were kidnapped by a rich crazy guy, who makes them live in a hidden garden and tattoos butterfly wings on their backs.They get rescued (THIS IS LITERALLY IN THE GOODREADS DESCRIPTION NOT A SPOILER), and the FBI tries to pick apart what happened with a cagey survivor. You def already knew what happened so it lost some of the potential tension, and the survivor isn’t really that mysterious, just has a drama-heavy backstory. It was fine?
After by Anna Todd: NOPE. Review forthcoming.
What Linz is currently reading:
I actually had to take a little reading break to get stuff done, but I *did* just get Samantha Shannon’s The Priory of the Orange Tree from the library, so likely starting that today, or my ARC of The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones
Until next time, we remain forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Melinda, Linz, and Ginny
Weekly Wrap-Up: August 11-18, 2019 Hello! Here's our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =) Sam's Update: I got a lot of reading done this week.
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