#IDK if I'll even like Ezri but knowing why she exists makes me not want to hate her on the mere principle of it
obessivedork · 2 years
OK I haven’t met Ezri yet or even seen Jadzia die, but I’m so mad at the writers because I found a very easy way to BS why Dax would take a step back in S7 fuck you Rick Berman and fuck whoever decided to give Dax’s actress being written off the show for expressing her needs!!!
So like. Joined Trill women can presumably still have children, right? So just BS that Dax is pregnant (which, IK another pregnancy arc, but it’s the 90s and that’s a normal part of life and I can see her and Worf wanting to have kids together). The homeworld finds out and she HAS to go spend most of her pregnancy there because of Trill law. Trill Doctors are deeply secretive about how a joined woman manages pregnancy and having a symbiont and it can easily become a dangerous situation for all three if she isn’t monitored carefully (at least, that is what we are told and what the Trill society tells us. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter). The fact that the baby is also part Klingon makes the Docs even more nervous. So we sometimes see Dax come visit her friends and husband (always with a random nanny Trill, presumably) and get into hijinks with them still, but she DOES have to be on or near the Trill homeworld with most of her time, and Worf can’t join her for this pregnancy because of duty, etc. Probably to the chagrin and anger of both her and Worf. And then Ezri can be the mat-leave replacement the homeworld/Starfleet sends for Jazia, either an unjoined trill or a different symbiont. Point is they can both coexist and Jadzia doesn’t get a death I haven’t seen yet but already hate as a writing decision.
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