#I've seen a lot of people ignore this when writing for sdc and I get why but I wanna keep in mind the stuff in that time
white-nolse · 1 year
sorry to hop in your asks again so often lately ^^”
re: your inthetags reblog tho, i’m not an expert so i can’t really say much for other countries but if you have any specific questions about 80’s egypt i can try to answer the best i can since i’ve researched it so much ;w;
as for dress codes i know it’d vary by country, but i’m assuming a lot of them would just have a ‘dress code’ around modesty (i.e. no exposed midriffs, short shorts, exposed shoulders, etc.) that would most likely require at least a head covering of some kind the further into the middle east you get, especially saudi arabia and afghanistan — i can’t find specifics for the 80’s beyond head coverings in saudi arabia (hijab, shayla, etc.) so i can’t say for sure… also trying to remember what countries the crusaders had to go thru but i’m drawing a blank rn OTL
however i can say for sure thanks to (too much) research that egypt was very lax on head coverings and it was more likely than not to see young women with their hair down and styled vs hidden. not sure about a dress code back then but i’d imagine it’s similar to today’s; capri length pants at minimum, no exposed shoulders (especially not in mosques/temples), etc. cairo at least is a very tourist-y city so i can’t see any legal trouble happening, at worst just dirty looks and ‘tsk tsk’–ing from the locals.
this is really long i’m so sorry for rambling in your inbox but your reblog got me thinking and i know if i didn’t mention it now i’d forget qwq”
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Omg Kat!!! Please don't apologise, this helps!!
I was aware that the dress code would pretty much be a "don't show to much skin but tourists might get a pass sometimes". But I'm still a bit afraid and confused as to where and when.
I mean- afaik even Polnareff's clothes would be hella inappropriate in some places at that time!
I want to keep an accuracy when writing since I know it's part of a culture and I don't want to just ignore the social aspects of the countries (I know it's Jojos and the weird fashion kinda throws this out the window, but still). But I don't want to seem ignorant or put it in a way that might be upsetting for someone.
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