#I've never seen some people inhabit a fandom in which they are so salty
cryptidhyrst · 2 years
I've never once entered a fandom where my first thought was to use the block button immediately on some tumblrs, but hoo boy, IWTV/VC fandom, I have considered it.
I mean, I love the fandom and all the joy it brings. It was my little niche literary bible for middle school/high school/baby me who was trying to figure out where I fell into this "idk who I am because I'm goth, but don't dress it, I'm a POC who's been called an oreo, and I'm struggling to figure out my sexuality and gender identity" hole that I was in. And VC/1994 film was there for me.
But holy shit, some of y'all seemed hella determined to hate the show before it even started. In a way, that to me, makes it seem like you needed to quickly find super small reasons to hate the show that wasn't for obvious purposes.
Like hating the fact that the D in du Lac is capitalized, on a letter that's written in cursive. Like aside from the fact that I'm surprised anyone writes in cursive other than me, it's a super small production error for a prop. That shit happens all the time.
Or hating the fact that Louis now runs and owns brothels (but he owned plantations in the novel! I hear some cry). Yea, and they touch on the fact that Louis had to adapt to survive in a world that was against him, especially seeing as how his father, a free black man, owned slaves and ran a plantation. Which is something I didn't even know was a thing. But even then people complained, not about anything noteworthy, but for the mere fact that it wasn't a sugar plantation but a lavender one.
It's just these really small things. These small details, this outcry of how the show isn't like the novels, when it very much is. It very much is similar to the tone and style of the novels, but trimmed up much neater in that non rambling way that Anne Rice tended to write in. Or the outcry of how Anne Rice would have hated the display of her vampires getting it on. Like...the same Anne Rice who wrote extreme bodice ripper's in her free time? That Anne Rice?
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