#I'm what people may call a ''baby gyaru''
dont-tell-them-i-died · 11 months
every once in a while i just stop and think about how ridiculous my presence on this site is bc like. If you just saw me walkin on down the street you would NOT think i have a tumblr account especially not an umbrella academy themed account. Like. I don't think y'all can get it without knowing that like. I dress gyaru most if the time so I just kinda look like a pile of sparkles in a teal Juicy track suit and leopard print shoes. I don't look like i should be here at all...
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sunnythegyarufreak · 1 year
Should you join a gyarusa? + Tips and Tricks for auditions
Hey gals! I know this isnt the post I promised you guys but I'm working on it I promise! I've just been going through some writing block but I'm back now :D
So, the question that every gal asks themselves...
"Should I join a gyarusa?"
And the answer to that question is...I don't know!
Everyones gyaru journey is different and unique to themselves. Every gal is trying to find their style and perfect their makeup. And while doing this many gals might make mistakes. Which is totally ok! I know that I've made a lot of mistakes myself. One of them being joining a gyarusa after only being a gal for 1 and a half months.
When I was doing my research on gyaru I saw all of these gyaru's in gyarusa's and I felt left out. So I joined a gyarusa. And the members of that gyarusa were lovely and welcomed me! However I wasn't ready to be in a gyarusa and I ended up leaving. I then took some time to myself and experimented as a gal. Then I decided to join another gyarusa! I love that gyarusa with all of my heart! They are so welcoming to baby gals and the leader and all the members are so so so nice! (Go follow them on insta and tiktok!! They're called Mango Galsa) I however did end up leaving that galsa for mental health reasons. I am now in a different gyarusa and I'm very glad that I get to be in a group with so many creative people!
So back to the question. Should you join a gyarusa? From my experience I would recommend waiting to join a gyarusa. Like I said everyones gyaru journey is different and you may be ready to interact with the community while others aren't. Many gals don't say this but sometimes the community can be very toxic at times. If you aren't in a gyarusa that's totally fine! Tons of gals never end up joining one and that's alright. It doesn't make you any less gyaru :)
Let's get on to the tips and tricks for gyarusa auditions 😈
Tip 1: Be Honest
Being honest is one of the most important things when auditioning! Answer questions truthfully. For example, if the gyarusa is 16+ and the leader asks you how old you are and you're under 16 say your actual age. Sometimes age limits are for a reason and there will always be other gyarusas that are for your age!
Tip 2: Mention your skills
If the gyarusa you're auditioning for is very present on social media they may ask what you can contribute to the gyarusa. Like if you know how to make deco nails you could teach other gals how to! It could really be anything! Good cheap makeup for beginners, nail supplys, para para tutorials, gyaru history, or how to gyaruify random things. There are a bunch of things that I'm sure you gals are good at! So never be afraid to put your skills out there for the world to see :D
Tip 3: Wear your gyaru make during the interview
Some gyarusas will require you to wear makeup during your interview. This is actually pretty common and nothing to be worried about. If you're sending in your application you'll also probably be required to send pics of you in gal. This may be because the members want to get a sense of your style.
Tip 4: Be nice and have energy
I've seen many gals make this mistake but always be nice to the people who are interviewing you!!! Gyarusas will look for people who are nice and people who will fit in well with the other members. Also be happy and interested when you're being interveiwed. If you are being dismissive and giving short answers you aren't very likely to be accepted. Have energy and be sure to give good answers that point out your skills and qualities.
Well that's all the tips I've got for right now! I wish you all luck with your auditions! And remember, not being in a gyarusa doesn't make you less gal. You're allowed to do your own thing :) Have a good day and I'll talk to you guys later.
This is Sunny signing off for the night :D
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