#I'm using a lot of poetic licence here
supernova3space · 20 days
Greatest of the Greeks, grieving
Let me lie down with you one last time
On our bed of firewood and oil
Let the flames of your pyre consume me
Before the inferno in my chest reduces me to ash
Cast aside the laws of the Immortals
What good have they ever brought us, my love?
Your restless soul was void of peace
And now it will never know it, will it, dove?
Your breath was my music and now
Where has it gone, my sunlight?
Your eyes would dance, I lived in them
Won't they look again at me, my flame bright?
Did he make you cry in pain
As he brought upon your end
An end meant for me, my North Star?
Had I destroyed my own world when I sent you away?
As your blood baptized the ground on which you lay
I kindled my soul as firewood for your pyre
I gave you my heart and now,
It burns with you, what do I have left now?
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