#I'm the fucking Chip Awful Hospital of the story
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This isn’t What I Wanted: Chapter 1-Arrival
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Waking up in a hospital is always alarming, waking up in Hope County Hospital is terrifying. Suddenly thrust into a body that isn't hers and knowing nuclear fallout is on the horizon. Adaine must gather supplies while she can before the big day happens, and trying to stay clear of a radical cult is easier said than done.
Hi and thank you for clicking! I'm very nervous to be writing again, I haven't written fanticion since 2013. So please be patient with me if things don't seem right or if there are mistakes. I hope you enjoy reading!
    Also, I do know there is no real hospital in Hope County, but I’ve based this in Faith’s region near the jail.
FInd the story also on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25543036/chapters/61978045#workskin
TW: Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Death, Description of dying, Car crash, Slight body Dysphoria.
Her name is Adaine. She loves her mom, likes animals and gardening, hasn’t found a real spot in life to settle into, and relaxes with a good game night with her friends.
(Adaine dies but at the same time she doesn’t. Nothing could have prepared her for this. Nothing in the world.)
Blearily waking to the sounds of quiet machines, voices murmuring faintly out of ear shot, and faint alarms going off in the distance. Her thoughts were slow, her whole being ached with a dull pain. Opening her sleep crusted eyes to a hospital room was surprising, given she knew the probability of her surviving a 50 foot drop off was astronomically low. But she needed answers, ‘How did you find me? Is my family coming? Where am I?’ Reaching for the call button was painful, but so worth the relief of seeing another person.
    Adaine had been out for 3 days, massive head trauma, a cracked rib and a broken foot. The Doctor had joked that she was lucky to survive the crash, but she didn’t survive a car crash. Last thing Adaine remembers was hiking and taking a tumble down a drop off, explaining this too the staff was met with gentle pitying tones of “Oh honey, your mind is blocking out the crash, it was a traumatic accident.”
    But it was all wrong, she had gone for a nice day walk on the Appalachian Trail in Kentucky and taken a nasty fall. How she ended up in bumfuck Montana after a car crash was nerve wracking. The staff had at least managed to get her phone, but everything in her phone was wrong. Her mother’s number was wrong, she didn’t have her best friend's contact info and all of her pictures told a different life than the one she led. Her social media timeline was off, her job wasn’t her job. Her mother’s number didn’t work. Having a major panic attack made the doctors take her phone rights away, sighting it was “detrimental to her health for the time being, we should focus on rehab for now.”
    Being stuck in a hospital for weeks was awful. The food was bland, the local accents were different, she didn’t have anyone here. She felt as though she was in a horror movie, when she looked in the mirror something was just off; her hair was longer, the mole she’s had all her life was gone. She was missing scars or the scars had simply moved a inch or so in another way. She had a million questions and no answers, ‘Where did the old Adaine go? Had her and her counterpart swap bodies? Why was this Adaine going to Montana?
When she tried contacting her family there was no answer and when she tried with friends, most claimed they had only met once or had never known her. The loneliness of the situation finally hit, Adaine didn’t get a good night's sleep for the rest of that week.
        Adaine had finally found the reason the old Adaine was in Montana. Apparently her great aunt had died and left her property and possessions to Adaine, the only family member she deemed “Smart enough to know what was really going on”. Whatever the fuck that meant. But, she felt a spark of love when she thought about the old woman, either from the old Adaine’s consciousness or the gratefulness she felt because this meant she wasn’t homeless and had a source of income for the time being. The property was 40 acres which had a house, river access at the back of the property, and a fallout bunker. Adaine felt a great sense of loss looking over the paperwork sent to her by her great aunt’s lawyer.
Hospital got marginally a little better every Friday, a small group from a local church would drop by and bring well wishes to those who were sick, and most importantly for Adaine, a chance of company. Adaine sometimes invited them in, but other times the thought of company was too overwhelming. She even met the Pastor of the church, Jerome Jeffries, a nice man who sat with her and talked about his own experiences in the hospital. However, every time he left, Adaine had a small voice ringing in her head.
You know him 
        Adaine could have jumped for joy, if she didn’t have boot on her foot, when she was cleared to leave the hospital. On the count she didn’t currently have a vehicle or that there wasn't any taxi service in such a rural area, Pastor Jeffries had offered to drive her to her new home.
“Pastor, I honestly can’t thank you enough.” Her voice breaking the quiet interior of the old pick up truck. She’s so nervous and excited, her stomach now housed butterflies and her heart had moved to her throat. Peering into the bed of the truck, where her measly belongings that survived the crash were stashed, she looked back at the normally soft spoken man driving.
Turning his expressive dark eyes to glance at her for a brief moment before he spoke, “Think nothing of it Adaine, I’m always happy to lend a hand to those in need.” His lips turned into a warm comforting smile, but warmth of the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. His hands tightened on the worn steering wheel, before relaxing once more. Feeling as though she had misspoke or had bothered him, she turned her head to look out the window. She could understand why her great aunt had moved out here, it was beautiful. Tall evergreen trees covered the landscape, roaming hills and valleys that were cut by crystal clear water of slow rolling rivers. She rested her head against the glass and let her mind wander.
    Her thoughts were broken when Pastor Jeffries spoke, “I’m sorry for your loss, I personally didn’t know your Aunt very well. Most folks who live up here tend to keep to themselves, hell I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance that i’ll never meet 15% of the population who lives here.” He waved at a passing car on the small dirt road they had taken, his attention once again back on Adaine. “Do you plan on living here? If you don’t mind me asking.”
    “No I don’t mind, I’m planning on staying here for a while at least. I’ve got to clean the house and the bunker before I’ll make a decision.” He nodded and hummed in understanding, before gesturing to her broken foot.
    “That's going to be a problem for you, I can give you a number to call for some help. He’s a good kid, his family is-was part of my congregation, name is Jackson Wilson. I would like to help but… there are some problems I need to deal with.” His lips tightened into a small frown as he talked, and when he finished his brow had furrowed. She couldn’t tell if his mood was downed talking about the family, his inability to help her, or the problems within his own life. 
Adiane offered a small grateful smile to him. “I would love to have some help around the house. Thank you again for helping me out, it really means a lot. And, if you ever need any help please let me know.” He nodded and smiled as they pulled onto a small dirt road with a rusty mailbox at the end. 
“Well this is the address.” A little ways from the main road sat a large old white house, the flowers her Aunt had planted were being strangled by tall weeds, paint chipping off the window shutters, and a rusty old pick up truck sat in the driveway. 
….It was a fixer upper for sure.
Carefully stepping out of the truck, Adaine took in a deep breath, her ribs twinged at the notion, but the smell of the forest surrounding her senses was worth it. Helping the Pastor Jeffries take her stuff out the back of the truck and lugged it to the front door, she fished out her keys and slotted it into the door. It opened with a small click, and she released a sigh of air she’d subconsciously been holding in. They placed her things in the foyer and took in the sight of her new home. Books, magazines, and mail were pilled here and there, dust covered the majority of the windows and end tables, and an old ratty blue rug greeted them.
    Coughing into his elbow, Pastor Jeffries took a step back out the door. “Well, it's a diamond in the rough.” His eyes darted from the overgrown garden to the inside of the dusty house. “A lot of rough.” He pulled out a cellphone from his back pocket, “Here let me give Jackson’s number.”
    Exchanging numbers with Pastor Jeffries and an introductory text from Pastor Jeffries for her, and an exchange in goodbyes. He moved to walk back to his truck, but stopped and took a few steps back toward her. The same frown he had had before on the car ride was back on his face.
    “I don’t want to seem rude, or God forgive me if I’m just being petty, but I think you should know something about Hope County.” He took in a deep troubled breath, “Recently there have been...disturbing allegations about a local religious group. It’s called Eden’s Gate, and I just want you to be careful around these people. It's run by a man named Joseph Seed and his brothers, I just don’t want you walking in blind, but I'm sure it’s nothing. I need to be heading back now, hope to see you later Ms. Adaine.” Adaine stood in stunned silence as Jermone Jeffries drove off. Ice cold fear shot through her body, she could feel her heartbeat in her ears like a rapid pace drum.
Eden’s Gate.
Project Eden’s Gate.
The Seeds.
Far Cry.
How could she be so oblivious, the familiarity of Pastor Jermone Jeffries, Hope County a name that she should have known. God she was so stupid.  Shaking hands grabbed the door frame to support her body from collapsing. The bombs, there was going to be a nuclear fallout and she was stuck in place that would become ravaged by a lunatic cult. Adaine sucked in a deep breath before her knees collapsed under her and her mind was overcome with fear.
    His body was slammed into rapidly passing trees, he clawed at the steep rocky ground. He had to stop. Why wasn’t he stopping? As he tumbled, he got a fleeting glance of a large piece of wood jutting out of his abdomen. Fear gripped his heart as his head came crashing down on a rock.
    A jolt of movement and suddenly he was driving a car swerving into a large forest. Fuck, fuck, fuck, turn the wheel! Jerking the wheel, caused the car to flip and the last thing he knows is his head slamming into the steering wheel.
    Jolting awake clutching his head, Joseph stumbles out of bed, barely making it to the bathroom before he vomited violently into the toilet. Resting his face against the cool floor tile, Joseph gets the last bits of the vision.
    Groggily waking up in an unknown place. Pain. His body is Pain. This isn’t right. Nothing is right. Sadness. Loneliness. Why doesn’t someone come for him? All alone. 
    Flashes of a face not his own in the mirror. Wrong. Things are wrong. 
    Strength. This will not break me, move on you must move on. 
    A trembling smile comes onto his face, finally you were here. He’s waited so long.
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Do No Harm - Episode 2 Rewatch (Review)
(Sorry, I accidentally posted a draft of this earlier and didn't realize it right away)
- "But wules awe meant to be bwoken" Did this child actually just replace all his R's with W's??? Best child actor. Deserves all the awards.
- I never mentioned this before, but I like Josh. He's real nice and quite dorky (which I love). And his loyalty towards Jason is... problematic though, where he'd do anything he'll say without even having to know the reason why. Basically I guess he's just a good assistant at the end of the day?
- I've only known Ruby for 5 seconds but I would die for her. She's like Lyra Silvertongue but ginger, and an algebra whiz too apparently.
- Wait why does Ruby get to have all the personality meanwhile Cole, who plays a much bigger role in the story, just seems quiet and dumb??
- Ahh yes, thank you Ian for the Ferrari product placement
- "What possessed you to buy this?" , " I don't know, but I know I was possessed" Hah.
- I get that Jason wants to protect Lena (esp when he's just been threatened by a drug lord), but she is a neuroligist after all. Like she and Ruben probably could've worked together and figured out a kill drug a lot faster. Instead he leaves her frustrated on the sidelines with no explanation as to what's going on.
- Isn't Jason kind of famous as a neurosurgeon? I'm surprised these drug dealers never came across him or any information about him at all during the 5 years Ian was gone.
- Jason and little Ruby have such a sweet father-daughter vibe going on here. It should be a crime to give a minor character so much personality and make her so likeable but then only have her around for one episode
- "Did Jason make you kill someone for him cuz you really should charge extra for that" Gosh, RACD made me forget how carefree and silly Ruben used to be when he ain't going through trauma. Makes me feel all bittersweet..
- So Jason left his previous hospital because of something with an "Unauthorized project of some kind". This is obviously referring to the knockout drug, so that means that he had met Ruben before switching to IMH. So Jason must have switched to monitor him and the drug research closely?
- And now the most iconic scene of the whole show
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I fucking love you, Ruben
- I also love Ruby, but who the hell likes mint chip ice cream
- (And now, I am about to ramble some more about this show's missed opportunities) I love how this episode was about Jason and Ian being forced into each other's lives, and I wish the show focused on this more and less about a race to kill each other first. There's this anime film called 'Your Name', that tackles something similar and they execute it really well. In the film, these two complete strangers were suddenly switching bodies every other day, and though they never got to meet in person, they were still able to learn and understand so much about each other because they were literally given the chance to live in the other's shoes. The show could've been about that. It could've been about the two of them learning to understand each other when Jason and Ian's lives intertwine, thus eventually learning to coexist peacefully. *Sniff sniff* I think I smell a fanfic idea (I'd also really recommend watching Your Name if you haven't already. It's one of the best films I've ever seen)
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- I wish Ian's longing to be a father to Cole was treated more as like something good rather than something bad in the end of the episode. I mean I know, I know, Ian's a terrible person. Cole is 10x better off without his abusive ass and Olivia has every right to be afraid of him. But the show just loves to antagonize Ian and ONLY Ian when Jason can be just as awful and manipulative in later episodes. At the end of the day, they're both just awful people that want so badly to be apart from one another.
Okay now, this episode is waaay better than the first. I like that they addressed the life Ian had that had to go on hold when Jason started taking Ruben's KO drug. And I love watching them both run into each other's careers/businesses and watch how they deal with the problems arising.
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