#I'm talking about Mark Hamill and his upset about Luke Skywalker in TLJ
artist-issues · 7 months
you guys it's possible for an actor to be disappointed in his character's new direction without that character's new direction actually being bad
#I'm talking about Mark Hamill and his upset about Luke Skywalker in TLJ#Hamill excuses it with “well the new trilogy isn't about my character anymore”#but like#why didn't he just see that Luke died fulfilling the greatest lesson his character ever had to teach:#that there's hope for everyone#and by choosing not to kill Kylo and have the “ends justify the means”#Luke Skywalker is finally FOCUSING on the future in its proper place: hopeful because of the here and now#that was always Luke Skywalker's big character flaw even in the 80s#he looked at the future like it was something slipping away out of his reach and he had to ACT to fix that#“gotta go to the academy. gotta go save Han and Leia. Doesn't matter if I'm 'needed' doing something that feels less-important”#“I gotta control the future!!”#And in TLJ that leads him to some sad places sure#but ultimately he does the most hopeful thing his character could do and finally fulfills the lesson he started championing in EP VI#come on#just because an actor can't see what the writer is doing correctly doesn't mean he knows what his character should do better than the write#the last Jedi is an example of that#the last Jedi#the last Jedi hate#Jake Skywalker#He's not the only actor who's been wrong about his character but still done a good job before#the last Jedi defense#Rian Johnson#I do think Rian Johnson's should've taken more time to explain and show Hamill how good his character's conclusion was#and sometimes I think he did but Hamill just chose to be in this funny “Jake Skywalker” lane and stay there once fans ate it up afterwards#Anyway
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returnofahsoka · 6 years
long post ahead
okay i feel like i gotta talk about tlj cause it's really bugging me:
coming out of the theatre i was all like 'what a good movie i love it' but as the days passed i became less and less sure about it because honestly? it sucked.
what annoyed me about tfa was the weak plot but what i absolutely adored was how well the characters were built up and how great they all were.
but i felt none of that in tlj. especially with luke. lemme quote mark hamill here "he's not my luke skywalker." i'm not saying luke shouldn't have flaws (he already had some in the ot) but this was totally out-of-character for him.
finn and poe were both sidelined and ignored in favour of kyle's story.
now don't get me wrong! if you had asked two weeks before who'd want kyle to have a redemption arc, i'd have been the first to say 'ME!' because i love redemption arcs.
but he had been given a second chance. not even a second chance, he had been given multiple chances for redemption and he showed again and again that he doesn't want to take them. (i mean, he did become the leader of the fo and the big villain guy after killing snoke. let's clarify that he killed snoke to take control of the fo. saving rey was a secondary thing in his mind because he knew how powerful she was. if it really was just about saving rey then he would have helped her save the resistance. but instead he offered her a place by his side, to rule the galaxy. remember when luke was offered the same thing and he jumped off a bridge?)
btw i liked the revelation of rey's parents being nobodies because it was surprising, ya know? it would have been so easy and satisfying to say that she's a skywalker/kenobi/solo/bridger but she's not, she doesn't have that legacy to define her, she's her own character. that was cool.
i liked rose. and paige.
the codebraker storyline was the perfect opportunity to bring in lando and they didn't take it and i'm so upset. nobody even mentioned him.
luke and leia were separated for most of the film! i have only one question: why?
guys, i'm so upset and disappointed and bitter about tlj. the character's writing was horrible, the plot was barely okay. or let's say the plot was passable. i mean if you liked it, good for you, that's your business.
tl,dr: i'm bitter because of the last jedi and no, i'm not overreacting.
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