#I'm still laughing at the fact that the plan to deal with Akanthus is to throw him into Lore's garbage bin
vaalthus · 8 months
The Only Path (Spoilers)
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Given that Alteon didn't bite back at Sepulchure's hard blows, even when taking into consideration that he feels accountable for much that has happened during his rule, I'd say it's a safe bet that Alteon feels extremely guilty for Valen choosing to don the Doomknight armor, if that wasn't evident enough from the last quest. Even moreso that he refused to come out challenge Sepulchure directly when he attacked all of Greenguard. Furthermore, there is the indication that Alteon more than understands why Valen became Sepulchure which is why he seems to refuse to bring up the immorality of his actions during the orb saga. It is evident that what happened between him, Valen, and Lynaria bind the two in a way that he feels he couldn't truly believe that
Clearly much of their original strife began surrounding events regarding Lynaria and yet much would imply we are still missing heavy details here that sets them apart from what occurred in AQW's timeline. Which makes me wonder again if there any more hints or clues Valen's story regarding his background in this timeline. I doubt it but it is something to ponder.
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I know this is technically helping and that the person whose body that used to belong to is either straight up dead or is having their soul pilot a golem now but it just feels wrong.
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Yeah you and Xan are so getting dragged to Celestia's grave when this over buddy
Ah but we finally have a plan to deal with Akanthus!
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And it's to toss him into the trashbin where he belongs.
Alright jokes aside, this is somewhat of solid plan...in theory. We have no means of hurting Akanthus nor keeping him under confinement on Lore so it makes sense that perhaps the best solution is just throw him into completely different reality and hope at best that it kills him or at worst takes him forever to find his way back out.
The problem here though is that nothing in the Void might actually be able to harm him either so he eventually might find his way back. The Void having its own core might override that fact as well the fact this void pearl might place him in an unpleasant part of the Void to keep him occupied but this would seem to only delay the inevitable. I am curious if Akanthus could even be affected by Void Madness.
The other problem of course is pointed by the Hero right here:
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The last thing the Land of Dragons need is yet another rift leaking out all manner of ugliness and madness that's associated with the Void. The pearl potentially allowing something to come in from the Void seems high given the Magesters haven't properly tested it either.
There is however yet another problem addressed in this particular moment
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There is a bright side to this quest though
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It's also nice to know here that Victoria does have an out if she no longer wants to sit on the throne anymore but it is equally a joy that she's no longer as alone nor as ungrounded as she was when was originally forced to take up the crown's mantle to deal with Jaania and the Rose.
Finally there's this....
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If I didn't know any better I'd say this was from our dear water elemental invaders from the Deadlands rift. Which if true I find their comments concerning and not just about invading part. In fact, I find it most worrying that they consider the Deadlands to be more suitable to inhabit than the Elemental Plains.
Past observations would lead one to assume that these Water Elementals hail specifically from the Elemental Plane of Water, much like the Lagohmorphs with the Manufactory, and unlike the Rifts that indicate their combatants came from the parts of the Elemental Plain that are designated as the Wastes. This would lead to the assumption that if that is the case then these Water Elemental's home are under control and stabilized when compared to the condition of the Wastes. Yet this speaker indicates that wherever they are from their place of origin is far too chaotic and imbalanced for their liking.
This leads me to two potential train of thoughts. The first is that these are in fact water elementals from the Elemental Plane of Water that Neso created and the Plane has been in a state of disarray and decay since she and the other Avatars were reduced to orbs due to Notha and Myalos fight with them. A problem likely made worse by the fact that we know that the Wastes has "heroes" and beasts that the Plane of each element has to likely defend itself against. Although unlike the Manufactory for the Lagohmorphs, the inhabitants of the water plane are likely not fairing as well when confronting the absence of their Avatar and are simply looking for a means beyond their own Plane to escape the chaos.
The second thought is that these water elemental are actually denizens of the Wastes that miraculously have managed to lockdown a section of it dedicated to water but without the influence or support of Neso. The problem with this though is as expected. They are still in the Wastes while doing this, meaning they would be under a much heavier assault of the chaos that is often noted to occur in the Wastes due to the clash of the elements for dominance.
The first thought admittedly seems more likely but I'll be intrigued if it somehow manages to be the latter.
Also I'm absolutely loving this Timeless drip for my alt.
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