#I'm still amazed honestly that people accepted the self insert so readily
delborovic · 1 year
i ABSOLUTELY have to ask... whatever happened to del? rellik's little companion in law of talos? i barely see anyone draw her now let alone even mention her, was her character scrapped? whats up with her?
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Oh... sweet, sweet anon... getting this message absolutely cracked me up. What happened to Del ? She got old... hahaha.
I knew this would be confusing even when I decided to do it for my Law of Talos entry- I've told this story a few times, but when Sins-of-Angels asked me to be in the OCT, she particularly said she liked Rellik (who I had drawn tons of art of already, as he was one of my favs) and asked if I'd use him as my LoT character. I said I wouldn't know if I could- because Rellik is very stubborn and wouldn't have a reason to fight for a wish, because he wouldn't care about that. I joked that the only reason he'd join an OCT is if I, as the artist/creator, told him to.
So... So I drew that. It was a very purposeful self-insert, and I thought it would be fun if Rel and I were more argumentative vs wish-fulfillment where I was powerful or cool. Then I also went with the "gets sucked into your character's world" (this is before isekai was really big lol) and the awful things that could happen to a normal person in that world.
I've always doodled chibis of myself with monkey + cat features so that just was part of my character too.
TL;DR Del is legit just me hahahaha and now that I'm older and I don't do as much meme stuff, I really have no reason to draw myself these days. I also would say there's a bit of negative self-deprecation in the way that I portrayed myself that I just don't have the same feelings about anymore.
I'm very glad that the Law of Talos fans can enjoy the LoT version of me/her and just kinda run with it and make it something new :) that's really cool to me. Though seeing RP blogs or posts of your self-insert character is always very surreal xD but I did this to myself lolllll YOLO
Hope that answers your questions, anon!
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