#I'm sorry anon you caught me in a nostalgic mood
mncxbe · 11 months
could i request something with the superstition of “if you can tie a cherry’s stem, that means you’re a good kisser” and dazai? i feel like he’s the type of loser who’d believe that sentiment
This may be the cutest request I got and YES he would definitely fall for that and would struggle to master the technique. I hope you like it anon♡
Cheri Cheri lady🍒
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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It was the end of March and the cherry trees were almost in full bloom in Yokohama. The sweet, honey like scent of the flowers and the rosy petals, blown by a gentle breeze, were enough to make you feel like you were in another world.
Seeing the blossoms was all you could think about all day at work. Dazai noticed your aloof, almost nostalgic mood but didn't bring it up until the two of you left the office.
"Is everything alright? You seemed distant today"
"Yea, perfect actually. I was just really excited to see the cherry trees. Wanna join me?" you replied in a cheerful tone
The man could barely hide the look of surprise on his face. "Sure, I'd love to"
The two of you walked along the crowded streets of Yokohama until you reached Yamashita park. The trees bore a foliage of brilliant green and the air was fresh; it smelt like spring. As you strolled around the park Dazai noticed that pink and white petals covered the ground from place to place.
The cherry trees lined the wide alley next to the river.
"I used to come here with my parents when I was a kid" you began talking "We would sit next to the railing and look at the trees. My dad would often buy us cherries from a shop nearby and I remember they had this slightly sour taste, but nevertheless I loved them and~ oh sorry I'm kinda oversharing now"
"There's no need to aplogize. I like listening to you talk" replied your colleague. You took a seat on a bench under one of the blossomed trees and remained silent as you admired the scenery.
Dazai on the other hand only had eyes for you. He took in your features and couldn't help but marvel at how pretty, how serene you looked. You had a certain glimmer in your eyes, a longing of some sort but he couldn't quite place it. Occasional gusts of wind would blow the pink flowers off the branches; the petals delicately falling on your dark hair. He wanted to brush them off, to tuck a strand of your silky hair behind your ear and caress your face but he resisted the urge.
Instead, a caravan nearby caught is attention. The man was selling cherries. He swiftly got up and made his way to the merchant, buying a bag of cherries.
"Look what I just found" he said with a mischievous grin on his face as he dangled the bag in front of you.
"Thanks. I'm surprised they still sell them here." you replied, popping one of the fruits in your mouth. They had the same sour taste you so fondly remembered...
Half an hour later the sun began to set, painting the ink blue water of the river in a hue of red and orange.
"You know, Osamu. People say that if you can tie a cherry's stem with your tongue that means you're a good kisser."
"To tie? Really? How does it even work?"
He took one of the stems that had been discarded next to you and put it in his mouth. A smile rose to your lips as you watched the man next to you struggle to form the knot. After a few tries he finally got it.
"See, there's nothing I can't do. I'm a great kisser."
"I don't know about that. It's just a saying, it doesn't prove anything" you mocked playfully.
"Well then, how about I do something else to convince you"
His fingers slightly bruhed your cheek on their way to the nape of your neck and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips against yours. You softened in his embrace as his other arm went to the small of your back. The kiss was gentle and warm at first, but his tongue eventually slid past your lips earning a soft moan from you.
You felt Dazai smile. Being satisfied with your reaction he quickly pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.
"So, what do you think? I'm quite a good kisser, aren't I?"
You nodded slightly; your cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. Dazai ate one more cherry before leaning in again, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
"There's other things I can do with my tongue too, bella."
"Osamu!" you snapped at him, playfully slapping his arm. "Don't say that here"
He only laughed, eyes locked with yours. When the sun was almost down you got up and, grabbing the empty bag of cherries, motioned him to get up.
"We gotta go now"
"Why? The trees are beautiful under the moonlight too. We should stay a bit longer."
"That would ruin tomorrow's date, wouldn't it?" you said with a wink.
"A date? Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?" he teased but got up and followed you.
"What can I say, Osamu. You're a great kisser."
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