#I'm like preeetttyy sure I have adult ADHD but have not been properly diagnosed
nardacci-does-art · 4 years
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WIP dump, inventory as follows:
- An entire month’s very late Mermay set based on fruits - More Cubes - Some Ghibli-related doodles & draws - I took a ton of screenshots while watching all of the Ghibli movies & I wanna choose 2 shots from each movie & do screenie redraws - Remember that KK Slider album cover art challenge? Yeah I started one & then my laptop screen broke & I had to order a new one & I forgot about the KK Slider album art challenge until I found it in my WIPS while taking these photos today OTL - A somewhat ambitious doll mod that I started while waiting for some glue to dry on the project listed below this. Just realized I also have another doll mod to finish but I already uploaded the max amount of pics so uuhh off-camera there’s a half-finished Hornet from Hollow Knight doll mod pffb - A 2-sided wall that I’m making to take pics of my dolls in front of, with a bunch of plants on one side & a personal library with cozy fireplace on the other - Some amateur embroidering using the wrong kind of thread & the wrong kind of base fabric - Furby face molds made from one of those little furby keychains from mcdonalds in the 90′s that I got off ebay, which I will use to make a Furberos - A Trish Una cosplay that I’ve been severely slacking on since the convention I was gonna finish it for got postponed indefinitely due to the Backstreet Boys’ reunion tour - Scripts for 2 more haunted doll comics that I thought of forever ago & just haven’t been able to draw yet, thx brain - Notes for a silly dressup photoset idea where I see how many styles I can put together using my existing wardrobe
I’ve been all stressed lately & when I’m stress’t’d I can’t like, focus on one thing to completion. I have been cursed to bounce around between projects for a while so I just gotta ride it out. I decided to put together this WIP dump to remind myself that just because I haven’t finished any of these doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on them.
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