#I'm just... bad at writing this kind of thing ashjk...
sixtyfourk · 3 years
Ahh, thank you!! Okay, for you... you’re going to get my Clora kiss that I’m super embarrassed about but also kind of proud of adjkhfd... it’s from a fic that I wrote back in the summer that is super depressing (they’re soaked from the rain and crying in the car) and I don’t think I’m ever going to finish it, but I’m hoping to write something similar and less depressing for the Clora week day 6 prompt. Anyway, enough preamble... sdhjka...
Her mouth is warm against his icy lips, and her frantic breaths heat his lungs, breathing enough for the both of them, and, with a shuddering, gasping breath, he suddenly realizes how cold he really is. He can’t stop shivering, but at least he remembers how to breathe again. She seems startled by his sudden trembling, and pulls away, studying his face with wide, worried eyes. Clive raises a trembling hand to her cheek, and, pulling her back to him, kisses her, hard, suddenly, while he still has some semblance of control over himself. Then control shatters into oblivion, and he bursts into tears.
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