#I'm jsut here to enjoy my wee woo show!
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
you should explain it instead of mock people that have a right to be upset. explain what the writers are putting down because I'm still not seeing a valid reason why Eddie was completely almost erased from this episode.
I've seen your other ask as well and I'm answering it here.
I did explain it and I wasn't mocking people - and if it came over that way then its because I'm fed up with my inbox filling up with anons being incredibly rude to me (and others in the fandom) - I've had over 40 anon messages since the episode started - most of them either rude or nasty. Everyone has the right to feel how they feel about things, but they don't get to come into mine and other peoples inboxes and mouth off about there unhappiness over something which I've (and others) have interpreted differently to them - they have their own feed they can post it there - just as I do - our inboxes are not here for hatred - I have no issues saying what I think for everyone to ready - using anon for nastiness is not what its there for. They clearly don't think about the mental health of those whose inboxes they go to and that is never ever ok.
I won't turn my anon because I believe in its value - some people are shy about asking questions that they worry about being silly questions and I've made mistakes in things I've posted in the past and I've had lovely people in my inbox on anon explaining to me why I've got something wrong - its allowed me to learn and be better so I will leave anon on, but is it really any surprise that lots of people turn theirs off?
But to get to the question at hand;
For starters Eddie wasn't completely erased from this episode - we saw his reaction to Buck being in a coma - he was full in crying and trying to stop himself breaking down - not once but twice. I'll go into it in my costume meta, but the fact that he only has one outfit for the whole episode (after his turnouts), despite clearly being in the hospital for several days - thats very telling to me - especially coming from a costume background!
The reason we didn't see much Eddie in the real world, or any in the coma verse is because Buck and Eddies relationship is not a familial one - as in they are not brothers, nor are they a parental figure to one another - that was the entire point of the episode - to emphasise the familial relationships and their importance to Buck (and the firefam as a whole more widely). I don't know how to explain that this episode was about family - about fathers and sons and siblings - in a different way!
The show by not including Eddie in Bucks Coma dream was very clearly saying that Eddie doesn't fit into the parameters of those boxes - that Eddie has his own box - one that is very much separate from any one else in the episode and one that Buck is not in a place to open yet. because opening that box means reckoning with romantic feelings and accepting that he's in love with his best friend. Buck needs to do a bit more work on himself before he reaches that point (and Eddie does as well actually).
Hopefully this has helped you understand more of where I'm coming from. Subtext is a very powerful tool in the writers arsenal and they are very deliberate in how they use it.
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