#I'm having a blast with the other event btw o7
sharada-n · 8 months
It's so frustrating that people are still going like "Why is AI-less whumptober a thing when the original whumptober people have said they discourage AI and won't reblog it 🤨" when in actuality:
Discouraging something is not the same as disallowing it. I'm not comfortable with an event that only 'discourages' the use of scraping AI instead of taking a stance against it
The reason whumptober said they want to discourage AI is because it 'feels like cheating', comically missing the point on why scraping AI should actually be disliked (ie that it's an inherently unethical tool made from cannibalized works of other creators, whose works are nonconsensually scraped in an act that should be considered art theft, and that has actively harmed the industry and other creators)
When this was pointed out, they went the ableist route of saying this sort of AI is fine because it's an accessibility tool. When educated on the difference between actual accessibility tools that use machine learning vs an AI built on scraping like ChatGTP, they accused me and several others of 'not actually being disabled
They refused to admit that AI that scrapes content against creators' consent is art theft. They said that even if it was, using the tool made of art theft is not the same as committing art theft yourself because the content was scraped anyway so might as well use the AI then. They said AI art was only a debate in fandom and said it has never harmed actual, real creators' income. When given links to prove the contrary, this went ignored
When asked what creators should do if they don't want their content scraped by an AI, whumptober said 'then just don't post it online. If it's online, people are going to steal it'. Which is a common art theft stance
They blocked people speaking out against them and said we were harassing them, all while deleting all evidence of the above, so they could spin the story as "we can't check every entry for AI and that makes people mad :(" and not "we don't actually discourage AI at all, we just think it's cheating but not art theft, and we're being ableist"
At least one of the whumptober mods - possibly multiple - actively reblog AI art on their main a lot. So 'discouraging' my ass, they just want to make their event look good but clearly think AI art is okay
If you're against scraping AI, you should be against whumptober. Period.
Support @ailesswhumptober
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