#I'm always floored when ppl say they still care about Endangered ahhh <3 orz
mortior · 5 years
Aaaa I (don’t) love how tumblr doesn’t have in-app message notifications o^o sorry about the delay in answering these!! Also it’s nearly impossible to make answer posts like this without a desktop computer. orz
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markiz-marlock said: DUDE you are planning on making sequel to Endangered?? knowing that honestly made my day. not to fanboy or anythin but ive read your fanfic like 3 times probably and i loved it every time!! keep up your work you are amazing writer and i hope you will have lots od motivation to finish it:D
Thank you omg. I’ve thought a lot about how no one probably cares about the story anymore :`D but as long as there’s like, at least several people who want to see the sequel (and threequel) then it will be completed. \o/
Anonymous said: I think there's a typo in your description unless you meant to put "persterlog" 
Hhfhdhth see this is what I mean when I say I wish ppl would correct me sooner when they find mistakes / typos / whatnot. X`D I haven’t changed my header in YEARS lmao whoops.
Anonymous said: Hot new meta: epilogue verse would've been saved if johndirk happened. Neither can isolate themselves and get do wrapped up in their own bs that they ignore their friends. Dirk starts going down the meta villain path and John is like 'that's so stupid' and actually has the power to stop him. Jake gets to move on, and everyone holds an intervention for Jane. Also Terezi comes back and Vriska is there too somehow
God damn that would’ve been such an interesting story. John has like, Jade-level powers when it comes to being real with his friends. That is I story I would’ve happily paid money to read. ;w;
Anonymous said: i had no idea there was ever a sequel for Endangered in the works and now i'm happier! Endangered was the one HS fic i'd read before i even read HS. you could say it was like a gateway drug. imagine my surprise over who Dirk and Hal really were when i read HS this past year lmao. i keep Endangered downloaded for multiple re-reads. thank you for writing it. even if something happens and you cant finish the sequel, i'm really thankful for everything you've put out so far.
Oh damn, that is ngl the highest possible compliment for any fanwork imo ;u; thank you for the nice words aaah, I hope the sequel is enjoyable when it’s finished. We worked really hard on it :`3 and there’s still quite a bit of work left to do, but it’s a labor of love.
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