#I'm always busy when hoyo drops something
lwy-0009 · 1 year
Me, knowing I have to go throuh school and strenuous co curricular activities but want to play honkai star rail when I go home on release date
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
*me remembering that I promised a scenario of a drunk Chisaki* oH FUC-!
One or three bottles of sake
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You were simply messing around in your phone, snickering at seing other people do shit on the internet before you heard a knock... which is weird since you were in the living room... not the bedroom.
"Excuse me? (Y/n)-sama?" The man asked hushed while you giggled at his exaggerate manners.
"Tengai I told you already about the formalities!" You smiled and put your phone down to look at the man "Just call me by my name, really is okay!"
"I apologize for this." The huffed a smile while scratching the back of his neck before returning to a serious expression "Pardon about bothering you in such a hour at the night... but could you accompany me please?"
You nodded and followed the calm man through the halls.
"Something wrong?" Tengai sigjed loudly before scracthing the back of his head again.
"Sadly. You see, the eight precepts, Chrono and Mimic were reunited on a room and that thug Rappa just brought along with Deidoro some alcohol drinks... To celebrate or just drink the night off or something similiar."
You snickered a bit, gulping down immediately after Tengai arched his eyebrow at you before returning to his explanation.
"Anyway. I refused since I'm not much a fan of alcohol in general. But the rest was the opposite... Master Overhaul got them on the act and went to stop that nonsense before Rappa just made one mistake..."
You started to grow worried before Tengai opened one door to reveal a bunch of drunk mens while you saw your boyfriend.... chugging and hitting the cup on teh cofee table as Chrono and Mimic shouted 'TAKE THAT' at a screaming Rappa.
You blinked once before looking at Tengai with wide eyes while pointing in disbelief at the scene in front of you.
"Yes... Rappa spoke something about master 'being a wimp on drinks or something, how would you be dissapointed at seing that your man didn't take one drink and that what type of yakusa boss he was if he didn't even could drink a cup of saque."
You returned your look at Chisaki who had the same stoic face as usual but the difference it was that his golden eyes were puffy and his uncovered cheeks were slightly pink.
"H-How much..?" You asked, giggling about at the way Chisaki miserably tried to slap Chrono's hand away form his back.
"When I left it was already gone one bottle... now?" He looked at the pile of empty bottles "I am afraid to know."
Suddenly Mimic snickered and while looking at you both extending his arms.
"Look at who decided to fucking join us! tEnGAI BiTcH GEt YoUR AsS DoWN AnD GeT DrUnK As WeLL!"
"I'll pass..." Tengai growled before glaring at Rappa for shouting that he was being a wimp.
"FinE ParTy BooMEr! (Y/N)! Go SiT YoUR AsS doWn thEn By OvErHaUL's SiDE anD FuCkInG DrInk!"
At the mention of your name the eyes of your lover widen just a bit before he drubkly looked up at his front... you were at his side...
"(Y/n)..? Wh..where the fuck is her?" He muttered while Deidoro left out a drunk laugh as he falled into his back at the ground.
"Tell the time then fucker." Setsuno snickered before juggling his cup.
"SHUt up midget!" Deidoro lifted up and pointed at a clock in the wall and screamed at it "THE BOSS IS REALLY FUCKING DRUNK!"
Hoyo spitted om his drink by his laughter while Chrono stood, a bit trembling, on his feet and cane to you.
"We fucked up.. sorry." He half smirked before almost dropping before you helped him out.
"For crying out loud how many drinks did you all had?!" You whispered shouted while Chrono showed one finger while muttering a 'bottle'.
And... everyone wasn't much different... excluding Chisaki who somehow was still searching for you and surprisingly didn't found it.
"Mimic you fucking liar, my angel isn't here." He growled before grunting when he just bumped his forehead on the table.
"Am FuCKInG NoT! THe ChiCk Is RighT TheRe!" Mimic pointed angrily at you while you could only deadpan.
"Alright." You started, accidentaly letting Kurono fall.. he at least made a thumbs up to tell you he was alright when you yelped "Everyone. Out. Night time for all of you."
You were so grateful that you had the respect of those man, or else it would probably take AGES for them to listened to you...
You stopped Nemoto though, being one of the last to leave, and pointed at Chisaki... lost look as he stared at his front.
"How many did he had Nemoto?"
"About (hic) three bottles. Rappa challenged him so..(hic) you knwo how master is."
You sigjjed and thanked the man, slowly going into his side to bring a hand to touch his shoulder before he slapped it away.
"Don't touch me filth... only one person can do that and is not fucking you so out." He mumbled, still not looking at you as he tried to get up... tried.
"Uh? Who?"
"Not your fucking business but is my (Y/n)." He growled before hiccupping "The sweetest and the most beautiful thing on this sick world and my angel is the fucking bes-" he tripped on his own foot and dropped to his knees with a hiss.
You blushed at his words... normally drunk people werent on their right mind but they never spoke lies... especially your Chisaki. You knew how he was reserved but those sweet words he almost never let out.
"I am all that?" He looked up to send you a glare before widening his eyes at sieng your blushing and smiling figurine.
"Angel..." he smiled a bit, surprisingly standing up and accepting your help "Since when you're here?"
"Not too long. Why?"
"I was going to kill some filth shit in this room.. but is all gone because you're here.." he sluttered before dropping his head on teh crook of your neck "My angel is the best..." he cooed before nuzzling his face into your neck.
Oh god what was happening?! Was this what too much of alcohol did to your boyfriend?!
He grunted a bit before mumbling in your skin.
"You're not hugging me back (Y/n).. did I do something?" You went to look at him befor eyou noice he was POUTING.
"No no!" You immediate answered, waving your hands a bit "I-Is just tha-"
He grabbed your hand weekly and kissed your palm before nuzzling his face on it.
Dear lord what was happening with him?!
"My angel..." he cooed in your hand before hugging you again "I missed you..." he said a bit more sleepy while your heart was almost combusting at this overwhelming event.
"U-uh.. K-Kai how about some water then we can go to bed?"
He nodded in your neck, grunting in disaproval at losing his warmth and just blindly following you through the house... at least he had his hand on yours.
Pops was just getting to his room before he spotted you two.
"Good night you two." He smiled at your gretting but frowned at sieng his successor "Chisaki my boy, are you alright? You look a bit.. flustered?"
Chisaaki let out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing his cheek on yours, you with wide eyes and face burning form embarrassment.
"Nothing. Just my (Y/n) giving me her warmth... my angel is so warm..." he buries his nose, missing the wide eyes of his father figurine and his lover looking at him in shock "I just love it since I'm always so cold and is also soft..." he sighed in bliss at finding some comfortable position and just remained like that.
You gagged before looking at Pops, same wide eyes as you had on that moment while looking back at you.
He pointed a finger to your boyfriend and you sighed in defeat.
"Saque. 3 bottles." The elder arched a eyebrow before returning to see Chisaki nuzzling even more his nose on your neck and burring right in your ear.
"Well. What alcohol does with a man.." he smirked a bit at seing his adopted son attempting to growl at seing that your attention wasn't on him "Think you can take care of my boy for the night (Y/n)?"
"I'll try my best." You giggled, replying the good night Pops gave to you and smilling like a dork when Chisaki said something with the word 'father' on it.
"Alright my devil. Let's get you to bed." He grunted before tightening his hold on you.
"I'm not a infant (Y/n)..." he muttered but complied anyway while following you to his room.
He took the seat down with a yawn and hic up before he smirked dreamily when you helped him on taking off his shirt.
"Naughty little angel we have..."
"Ahaha.. no mister. You're way too drunk." You laughes and mockingly pointed at finger at his nose.
Although you yelped a bit at the nibble he manage to do in your finger.
"Kai!" He smirked devilish back at the call of his name before you giggled and rolled your eyes, going to the bathroom for wash your face before you felt a tug in you clothing.
"Wh.. where are you going?" You went to answer but the way his voice sounded so.. broken and fearful made you worry "Don't.. don't leave me alone angel.. please?"
"I was only going to wash my face to go to bed Kai..." you stopped in your tracks to carress his face with your thumbs "How could I leave you for real anyway?"
"You should." He hiccuped, eyes darkening a bit "Because I'm fucked up."
"No you're not!"
"I am.. like.. you-you're just the pool of sweetest and brightness" he pointed at you with his pam before plopping down "Then we have this demon here, the total opposite of you... but I am selfish.." he muttered the last part before burring in your stomach.
"I want you with me... only with me..." he juzzled in hour tummy before looking up at you. "Promise..."
"Promise what my devil?"
"Promise that you wont leave me in the dirty like some people did already.."
You made a hurt face before carresing his looks, giggling at the vibrations that the pleased sounds he made were making shivers crawl down your spine.
He suddenly groaned, burrowing his face even more on you while you poked him and ask what happened.
"Fuck that piece of shit Rappa now tommorow I'm going to have a headache... fuuuucck i wanna kill him.."
You giggle, hoping that tommorow his hangover wasn't going to be that painful...
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
My god you people are sadistic and masochistic ☹😫 who wants to see Chisaki's S/o dying...
This and more asks about deaths, kidnapping. Just general things about the mafia *shrugs*
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"This is bad." Chrono comented with a wince as he looked down at the message on his cellphone... a warning actually as all the eight precepts, him, Mimic, Overhaul and (Y/n) were on the same room.
"Put bad on this. We're fucking being tARgEtEd By A BunCh Of pUNKS-!"
"Sit down Mimic." Chisaki spoked nonchantly as he saw the many death threats that appeared for him.. most of them mentioning your name on it.
He should have been more careful...
"What's the issue? We get many death threats and in teh ne we always kill those fuckers." Rappa layed himself on the wall as Tengai glared at his commurate for his disrespect "So what makes this fucking different?"
"Many things." Nemoto manifested as he read one of the letters "This gang in particular had been tracking the Shie Hassaikai for years already, and this time the threats are getting way too serious."
"Serious in what level?" Setsuno asked nonchantly as he swung his katana around uncaringly.
"(Y/n) is their target." Chisaki spoked numbly as he looked down at his desk. All room went silent and you rubbed your palms a bit nervously.
"... what?" Deidoro broke the silence and everyone sighed hopeless.
"Since miss (Y/n) is their target, then they are the person in here they're going kill drunk dumbass." Rikiya spoke as Deidoro slapped the air mumbling he already knew that.
"Why though? Sure, (Y/n) is a great help but why exactly her?" Tengai asked calmly as Chisaki sighed with hatred.
"I want the security of this place ten times increased. (Y/n)." He called and you looked at him "You're forbidden to leave this place until second order, understood?" You nodded at your lover and gulped the thick air stuck on your throat.
"Maybe is because they are Overjerk's partner. Then I am the dumbfuck here." Rappa muttered as Tengai decided to ignore it.
"Well." Another voice manifested in the room and all the men in there turned wide eyed as they looked at you... more at the person behind your back actually. "The muscular there is not wrong. After all-" the person smiled wickedly "She is last thing your leader would want gone."
Chisaki widened his eyes in realization that their person's quirk was probably teleport as he almost jumped from his chair.
"Get them! Now! (Y/N)!" He shouted but sadly, even despite all trying to reach you, you were gone with the masked person on the blink of an eye... just when he had reached his hand to grab you... touching the ground instead.
He tsked his tongue before letting out one shout that left everyone in the room afraid for their lifes as even the ground itself breaked due to his quirk.
"SON OF A BASTARD!" Overhaul's shout seemed even to echo in the whole house before he bursted the door open, jacket on his gloved hands as he ran out of the house.
"The hell?!" Rappa broke their shock as Kurono and Irinaka shook their heads and ran after Chisaki.
"That was teleport quirk, surely." Tengai spoked as Rappa, Hoyo, Setsuno and Rikiya left after Overhaul shouted their names.
"I WANT ONLY THE ONES WHO HAS EXPERIENCE ON COMBAT." He shouted as Kurono tracked teh gang down to discover their address.
Hang on Angel. I'm coming
You stared in hate at the yakusa's boss in front of you. Arrogant bastard that had that smirk on.
"Say. How long have you know that street rat? Chisaki Kai?"
You only increased your glare as you growled between teeth.
"None of your damn business."
"Woah. A sassy one." He mused out loud as he snapped his fingers, the man holding your chains pushed you out of the room "You will be a good use for us."
You flipped him off, hardly since your hands were chained, as the man pushed you like a dog around that place.
"You will be released soon." The man spoked suddenly "Your only use is being a bait for that sociopath."
You arched one eyebrow as he chuckled.
"You don't need to know much. After all, his life is not going to end very much... well."
Your eyes widened in realization that this was planned to be a trap... you couldn't let that happen!
Although, only a few minutes of walking an explosion was heard from teh other side of the house and you immediately knew what it was and who it was.
"They're faster then we presumed." He cursed under his breath and this time you smirked.
"We're full of surprises." You said normally before laying a great kick on guy's stomach, the man almost fly to the wall and almost puked before glaring up at you, sneakily grabbing his gun from behind.
"You little shit-!" He hissed and you dodged his attack before running down the hall.
You didn't know their plan... but if the guy already spilled tagt you were a bat, then Kai had to be very careful until you didn't reached for him.
Hang on devil, I'm coming!
"We came in here only to save (Y/n). Have that on your minds." He said to his commurates as he saw a bunch of teh guard coming into their direction
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun, right Overhaul?" Chrono smirked as he twirled his gun a bit before starting to aim at one guy's head.
"I usually despise messes." He said nonchantly before he saw a guy shouting with a sword coming into his direction.
He simply crouched down, took off his glove nimbly to just touch two of his fingers on the man's torso before his upper body exploded. remnants of blood gushing everywhere and some drops hit his green jacket ... but his thirst for killing was so great, it overcame even his misophobia of years as he looked numbly at the mass of man with their terrified eyes at him and his face almost errupted in hives... like he was some savage animal or a monster that came from hell.
"But blood from garbage will be spilled on this filthy ground. Merciless." He growled before his commurates started to attack their enemies as he made his way to the inside of the house.
He almost broke the door of the big house and shouted your name. Not having an answer he scoffed and made his way in hurry inside.
Please be okay. God, please be okay. It was all that he asked.
"Well, would you look at that." A elder voice echoed behind him and he immediately turned around to see that old man... once a commurate from Pops, but the bastard tried to steal their money and betrayed them by going into the police for some whatever reason.
He was young, but he reminded very well that bastard.
"You've grow a lot since the last time I saw you street rat. What gives me the honor of having THE Chisaki Kai inside my residence?"
"I will give you ten seconds to tell me where is them before I end up with your sorry excuse for a living." He growled and overhauled his gloves in anger. The man looked at him with a sarcastic smile before chuckling.
"So we have the right one." He looked at no where in specific before looking at Chisaki "Who would thought? When my old pal showed me he had taken a street rat home I didn't believe my own eyes when I saw it, especially since the guy had an daughter already... why grab someone who doesn't have any value?"
"If you're trying to get me with empty words them you're just waiting your time." He said nonchantly, but his anger didn't changed one bit "I will give you one more warning. Give her back, and I might leave you only with a rib cage broken."
"Rude and brute as always, eh?" He messed with the pocket of his tuxedo, and showed to Chisaki his gun. The young man simply arched an eyebrow and aproached his hand to the wall.
"No no no, my dear friend. This little present is not for you." He smirked devilish as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer "Is for your little..." he lifted his gun, aiming at Chisaki before abruptly shooting the place where your heart was.
".... weird." He smiled at you falling in the arms of his subbordinates while crying out loud "I thought angels were immortal creatures Chisaki." He said nonchalantly but smirked at the way Kai's golden, serious eyes had turned wide open as hives exploded even more at his face and forearms "Oh well. Just useless as you was."
Chisaki let out a inhumane shout before slamming his bare hand at the floor, plataforms being formed with force almost crushing the subbordinate atlnd the old man.
"Boss!" Mimic broke the house down with the help of Rikiya before he cursed out loud at seing the mass of blood coming from you and the situation.
"Something about my pal that I never agreed on Chisaki." The man gave him a psychotic smile as blood spilled from his mouth at the force of teh concreto crushing his body as Chisaki still was using his quirk and glaring at noth men with murderous wide eyes. "He had his honor and believes, but drugs were something that always put us on the top before the heroes days... so imagine if by my quirk of healing what we could do?"
"You have the nerve to even SPEAK?!" Chisaki formed another spike with the material of the floor and made it's way to the elder chest... he only coughed a bit of blood before laughing... his commurate already dead on his side.
"You see it's funny. You worry so much about killing us... that you forgot about that thing over there..." Chisaki followed the man's chin and jumped form his place when he saw you were still breathing.
"(Y/n). No no no. Hey! (Y/N)!" He cupped your face and ignored the mass of blood that was spilling from your chest "Is going to be alright, angel keep your eyes open! Do not dare to close your eyes on me!" He shook your head a bit before placing his hand on teh wound "I can heal it! See?! I can take the bullet's out! Stay just a bit (Y/n)-"
"There's no use." The elder laughed when Chrono put his gun at his temple and told him to shut up as he yanked the man on the ground. "We made sure that those didn't work with your types of quirks. Only one thing is needed. And well... is not even a good use."
"Kai..." you coughed, trying to find him in your blurry vision "Trap... you.. kill-"
"Don't waste your oxygen idiot!" He shouted and tried to lift you up... but stopped when he felt your limb hand on his wrist.
"Not... time..." you whispered and felt your body getting cold... worse than the cold of ice.
"She has a point." He laughed before he got pinned down by Rappa and Chrono. "This works like venom... even I didn't got the heart, it works just as fast as a bite from a snake."
"Stop this nonsense!" He shouted, ignoring the elder and cupping both of your cheeks again as you tried to mantain your breath "You're going to get through this..." he shook his head to stop his eyes from burning "Come on angel just-" he gagged a bit at seing your faint smile and eyes almost closed... lifting slowly your hand up to trace his covered jaw.
"At... least... I could get to see you... one.. last... time..." he grabbed your hand a bit too harsh but when his bare skin of his hand touched yours he widen his eyes in terror when he saw you letting out your last breath... your body going limp on his hold.
"No..." he whispered before putting his quirk on action. But even if he had gotten your back back your pulse still didn't come as well "No...!" He tried again "No, no no nO!"
He tried again, again... and again... all ended up in failure...
"Kai-" kurono tried to talk but the laugh of the elder surpassed his own voice.
"See what I told you?! Isn't it glorious?! My masterpiece worked! Even if I wanted more, seing teh next leader wrath and hatred is so much more valuable, it makes me really proud to be honest-"
"Shut-" Chisaki growled before slamming his hand on teh ground, sending Kurono and Rappa out of the man's body as he make the old man come to him by the the force of the wall pushing him "-THE HELL UP!" he lunched on the gut of teh man before opening his hand and overhauling the guys entire body... covering your limp body with his to not send any of the filthy blood in your angelic figure...
He breathed in and out before looking at your face... his limbs stopped working, be couldn't catch what his commurates and sobbordiantes were saying as he sneaked fhis hand on the back of your head as his free arm brough your cold one to his...
He didn't felt like this... in ages. And for the first time... he wish he could feel nothing at all... because for lord, that hurted he couldn't breath.
He didn't catch that Irinaka and Kurono asked for space to him. Setsuno, Rikiya and even Rappa nodded in respect and left to wait outside... all of them with a unconscious pain on their chest.
Kurono and Irinaka hesitantly aproached, not much close to Chisaki due to respect for the man as he hugged his death lover still on his arms.
Overhaul was so... quiet. It even scared both mans that had stayed to at least try to help his own grief.
"Chisaki... we-"
"No..." he interrupted Irinaka with a shaky sigh... shocking both again, since they never heard Kai sounding so... broken.
"Kai." Chrono took his mask out, surprisingly noticing a hint of two or three tears on his eyes forming before he wiped them quickly "We gotta go before the heroes come by..."
The shoulder of the dark brow haired man shook suddenly, and it didn't take long for faint sobs started to appear...
He was almost crushing your body to his as he almost yanked his mask from.his face in anger at feeling his tears coaxing the material... the disgusting fluid slidding from his eyes in all directions of his face possible.
He let out a louder sob before burring his face in the cold crook of your neck and letting out one of his worst, painful, loudest shout that even seemed to hurt his lungs.
He let ou a howl of your name after his outburst as he succumbed to sobs again, clinging around you... his knees were hurting but the pain he felt surpassed all of those he ever felt on his entire life.
Mimic and Chrono could only lower their heads and pay respect... not even flinching at the strenght of their... friend's shouts.
All of his tears fell like a water fall... but one single tear of Overhaul's had slided and emerged on your wound... not catching attention of anyone until Chisaki felt a warmth coming back from your chest.
He lifted his head a bit to look at your chest... tears still falling endless, he continued to have your body glued to his... a desperate wish that if he squeezed you hard enough against his living body, you could be back.
But he wasn't foolish.
He blinked before looking back at your face and he sucked a shaky breath in as he traced the side of your face with his fingers... he touched foreheads with yours before leaving a chaste kiss on your cold plump lips...
Just when he was about to lift you up a string of gold started to appear on the side of your neck... almost shinning if it wasn't for the rooftop blocking the sunlight.
"The fuck?" Mimic mumbled before cursing when Chrono punched the back of hsi neck with a scowl.
Chisaki arched both of his eyes brows before tracing the string of gold... looking more like tree branches then mere strings. Soom they started to gently trace your face and come lower and lower until they reached your chest...
"What the..." he muttered, his voice and throat, weak and sore from all of his outburst and shouting.
He placed his hand on where you were shoot and widened his eyes at not only feeling the warmth of your chest back neither that the strings had dissapeared... but the most important.
He felt your pulse. The beating of your heart right below his bare hand.
It... was he hallucinating? It couldn't be...
Suddenly you let out a grunt that even made Chrono and Irinaka shout a curse in shock before falling into their backs. Chisaki widened his eyes at feeling you stirring on his arms before lazily opening your eyes to look around you... getting confused a bit before looking up at him.
"..(Y/n)...?" He couldn't believe his own eyes as you arched one eyebrow at both man layed on teh floor not much away form you two. You soon looked up at Chisaki again, a confused and sheepish little smile as you asked shyly.
"Did... did I missed something?"
He let out a shaky sigh as a rare smile appeared on his lips before he almost crushed you for real on his arms and toned chest.
"(Y/n)!" You hugged him back, a bit confused, before yelping in surprise when he lifted you up in the air and started to leave feathery kissed in your cheeks, nose, forehead, most important were lips... everthing his lips could touch.
As much you were giggling in shock a bit you looked at Chrono, whose had recuperated from his scare, and pointed at Chisaki discretly with a questioning look.
"Where's my Kai?" You asked before giggling at his growl for you to shut up as he nuzzled in your hair, sighing in relief as he crushed you even more on his embrace.
"YoU ComE BacK FrOm ThE FucKiNg DeAd AnD YoU StiLL WAnT FuCKinG AnsWeRs FrOm Us YOu FReaCkinG PUNK ThAt Let Us AlmOsT DyInG-?!"
"Wait what?" You widened your eyes as you took notice of your lover's chest easing back a bit.
"Long story." Chrono sighed while picking his mask up as Chisaki breathed in and out before returning his usual expression.
He cupped your cheek and inspected a bit your face and body in general.
"We have to do tests to take notice what on all Earth and Hell happened with you..." he squeezed your hand back when you did the same as he had you close to his chest. "We need to clean this up before those heroes suspect of something or even the police. Call those three back."
"Yes boss." Just when they left he sighed and brought you close to his chest again, your face even hitting his chest.
"My angel..." he sigjed shakily as his hand carresed your hair, his touch seeming like you were some type of porcelain... form how gentle and careful he was being with you.
You had a LONG tests to give to him and a lots of questions... but right now you were happy to give the comfort that your devil was needing...
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