#I'm also getting tired of these bots dm'ing me
r-gie · 4 months
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My OHZ piece blew up and I couldn't be more happy :'^) Thank you all <3 Fanarts are the only ones that get reblogs/likes for me, so it's surprising to see how this got a lot of attention. I see every reblog tag and they're always fun to read, especially the ones that add their own interpretation of this piece. I've also reached 300+ followers because of it. FINALLY!! After 10 years of being on this site lmaoo I'm glad I got to experience this at some point :^D I've always wondered what it feels like to reach a follower milestone. 300 is not a lot, especially since most of them are not that active anymore. Still a cool number nonetheless hehe Most of the time, I see 2-3 regular people here who still interact with my work (you know who you are and I'm grateful for your support!). Anyways, hi to my new followers! I hope you enjoy your stay :'^D My art is still developing and I'm quite slow. I don't want to promise a regular upload but know that I'm always trying my best to create art one way or another. You can always DM me if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or you just want to say hi. That's cool too.
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