#I'm adding this to the queue so it wont be eaten
wall-e-gorl ยท 7 years
I just realized that my thoughts on perfectly (well...mostly) harmless things is "Cute! Keep it away." For example, bats and (some) bugs. I'm flipping TERRIFIED of bats, I CRIED when I found out that there had been one in my room for a week around last 4th of July, but I am totally ok around pictures. Heck, I've even drawn them. When I went to glacier 2 weeks ago, a yellow and black bug had flown into the car and it wouldn't go away. It was in the front but then it went to the back, where I was sitting and I was like NOPE and moved to the back back. (Our car has 3 rows) AND THEN Last week, there was a huge fly or something on the kitchen counter while I was emptying the dishwasher and I slammed a water battle on it and I was shaky afterwords. But some bugs, like bumblebees (which these bugs looked like), are cute in pictures.
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