#I'm Unishine!
demotypeidentifier 10 months
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anthro-cat 2 days
i'm so happy!!!!!!!! i have an owner!!!!!!!!! i'm @unishine's pet!!!!!!!! i'm so happy i have never been happier in my life!!!!!!!!!! i'm owner's pet and owner takes care of me and owner makes me happy and owner loves me with all of their heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi :D
I am very inspired by your posts on stressless summer learning and I honestly love it! I've been learning inverse kinematics for a robotic arm lately using similar learning methods because fuck yea robotics 馃コ
However I do have to ask, where do you like to learn? I find sitting at my desk prompts me to play games or doomscroll youtube at times, while sitting outside to write in my journal causes me to want to go inside. I just feel attached to playing the same games every day and I honestly hate the cycle.
Very happily - Unishine
Ps Electrical engineering rocks!
Thanks, I'm happy that you feel inspired by my post 馃檪 and that you know, what you want to learn. Good luck!
I usually learn at my desk, because what I'm learning requires a computer and I'm too lazy to take a laptop and go outside 馃檭. I'm planning to change it, because I know I spend too much time indoors. Maybe I can go study at a park or on a caf茅? And maybe you can do it, too. Although changing your studying environment may help you concentrate, I think your main problem isn't where you study, but that you have access to these games. If you have more than one computer (for example, a laptop and a PC), you can uninstall these games from one od them, or, if these are online games - use a browser extension, that blocks certain websites to block them. For example, you can have the games on the PC, but uninstall/block them on the laptop and use this laptop only for learning. Same with YouTube, you can block it, of it makes you distracted. And if it's something, that doesn't require internet connection, you may download all necessary study materials, and study offline. And when you find yourself doomscrolling, try to distract yourself from the bad news, even by watching another YouTube video, but a more positive one, or by talking to someone, or reading something positive. This applies to all times you doomscroll, not only when you should be learning, because the only thing doomscrolling does to you is drain your energy and make your mood worse. It's not worth your emotions.
Hope it helps,
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