#I'll start tagging stuff for the dating sim once I figure out a name
mountainashfae · 4 months
once I've moved past my current plan for the week I should definitely draw a visual for that still-unnamed dating sim joke project. Since it's not a joke anymore. But until then I should probably write down a little blurb about each character in it.
Godfrey Ainsworth. The renowned professor of biology and the effects of the divine upon it, a priest of the goddess of knowledge and the moon and an accomplished mage. An elder naga(1) philim(2) who rarely sets aside time for things other than his research or teaching, because he's too engrossed in it.
Alec Faustus. A young philim priest of the goddess of life and agriculture, seemingly far from home at the Jadena(3) magic university. Alternating personalities and a pair of mismatched eyes, haunted by some recent past he chooses not to speak on.
Reid Thomel. A human mercenary and blacksmith from the Adventurer's Guild branch in Smaragden(4) and your traveling companion to the city. Still much of a stranger to you, but a very friendly and well-connected one.
Orion. A mysterious aleph(5) from the far north who claims to be a deity on earth. They are powerful, yes, but not enough to be a god. After all, they are more than just their hands. Their white hands blessed by the goddess of winter and death. Emotionless and uninterested in others, it's up to you to make yourself worth having interest in.
Chloe Sialia. A powerful philim vampire(6) mage sating some craving for knowledge at the university despite having the knowledge to be an instructor instead. His age and power is far from the usual of his kind, seeming even more inhuman than he already is, but that humanity in him is not completely buried just yet.
Celeste Parrya. A rabbitfolk philim mage who claims to be taught by one of the god candidates themselves. She excels at time magic and would be an exemplary healer, and yet she does not pursue that path. She is simply aimless in her goals, accompanied by a man who is her entire opposite.
Mab. An Eldest of the First World of Golarion, a Queen of.... hey wait a minute that's the wrong setting! The fey queen of ice has been isekai'd, and well, she's completely unfamiliar with the world and especially its dragons. I'm sure with time she'll find a way back. Better question is how would she react to meeting the alternate universe versions of her children..?
Setting Glossary/Footnotes under cut:
(1) Naga - a person with the lower body of a serpent. An offshoot of Philim that became their own race. Name not final.
(2) Philim - a person born with the influence of a Devil. There are few overlapping traits between philim, but if enough are born from a specific devil's influence they can become a standalone offshoot.
(3) Jadena - the holy city of the goddess of knowledge and the moon and home to the largest university on the continent. It is home to many powerful mages and priests, sometimes both at the same time, and is the largest source of enchanted items.
(4) Smaragden - a city in the mountains known for its endless rainy season, theorized to be caused by a dragon. Many adventurers flock here in hopes of seeing the dragon, and to meet the three god candidates that live here.
(5) Aleph - DID YOU THINK I WAS GOING TO MAKE ELVES NORMAL? NO. Aleph are the longer lived of the pointed-ear folk. Their ears have a notable S curve and their hair and eyes shift with their emotions.
(6) Vampire - a philim offshoot that is the exception to the rule. Vampires are created either at the time of a mortal's death when the Devil of Undeath exerts his influence, or when another vampire kills a mortal with the intent to turn them. They are each defined by one of the seven deadly sins, which can be directed but the influence of that sin on each vampire cannot be ignored.
I'm not elaborating on rabbitfolk. You get it.
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