#I'd like to find a way to gently clean the mom cat... she's in good shape but kinda off-white and feels a bit oily
antisocialxconstruct · 3 months
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SO. I got the Puppy Surprise from 2018, and managed to find a Kitty Surprise from 1992 still in really good shape with all her kittens. I still can't really explain what it is about them that enchants me so much but it's even stronger in person 😭
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I'm so in love with the face sculpts and all the little details on the older set. Even for a set of ostensibly all white cats, there's variation in all the paint patterns, eye shapes and colors, and all three of the kittens have distinct head sculpts. I also just think they have a very pleasing body shape with the back legs sort of tucked up under them.
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On the other hand, I love the sheer audacity of the newer one... glitter nose, glitter eyeshadow, glitter fur, glitter babies... not to mention she's purple which is always a winner for me. The babies on the other hand..... a little janky LOL the heads aren't attached to the beanbag bodies with quite the same care as the kittens, and although they all also have different head sculpts, the differences are more subtle and they all have the exact same eyes which is a shame. But they're janky in a way I find amusing, especially the "runt" with its ludicrously small head, so it's all in good fun.
Anyway.... interracial lesbian couple and their six children from previous marriages
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