lostcauseinc · 2 days
You asked for something cute, tell me if this lives up to your expectations! ^~^
I’m a gross little thing. I’m into a lot of the worst, bad, straight unethical stuff but at the same time I’d love to be corrupted! I’d love to be your innocent little sibling you’ve made completely dependent on you, who trusts and loves you very much. So much so that I’ll do anything you want if you ask me!
You took care of me more than our parents ever did. Made sure I was well fed and studied well for school. I owe it to you don’t I?
That’s when you start asking me to do bad things. I don’t question it, you know best! Even if it’s telling me that I’d look so cute and beautiful with scars all over my body…
Or when you ask me to act as your punching bag after a hard and stressful day after which you compliment my bruises.
I’m hesitant at first but, who would I be to reject my big sibling?
And so your asks become more depraved and nonsensical. Making me touch your sensitive bits, teaching me how to touch mine or that of the family dog <3
I want you to make me enact your weirdest and most unethical Fantasies and I want to become addicted to it. The more we do, the more I want to do them. You notice that depraved acts excite my tiny brain and parts so much that I wait every day for you to be there to see what other “fun activity” you come up with during the day.
I want whatever’s left of my life outside of you to be plagued with depraved and horrible desires as you teach me to enjoy being a perverted little freak… haaaah,,,
Well that- that was horni thought of tonight hope- I hope it was cute thank you for this opportunity big bro >////<
- 🐇
I've gotta say, my expectations were exceeded.
Aren't you just the most precious little sibling I could ask for? So trusting and loving, so easy to take advantage of and shape how I see fit.
This brought the most vivid mental image to mind for me; of you, trembling and cowering in your room after I get home pissed off, knowing I'll use you to blow off steam. And you sit there and shake, and you don't even know if it's from nervousness or excitement anymore, and all your little head can worry about is what I might do to you this time. And when I push open your door and say your name in that dangerous tone you get butterflies in your stomach and come right up to me without even thinking about it, presenting yourself to danger without a second thought.
God I also had the lovely idea of *slowly* introducing you to something like scarring yourself all pretty for me. Holding your hand in mine while I carve cutesy little shapes into your skin, telling you how good you're doing when you let me finish the little stars dotted down your thigh. Complimenting them every night as they heal over, telling you how cute they are and asking over and over "don't you agree?" And you know better than to disagree, so over and over you tell me how pretty they are until all doubt is erased and you believe it whole-heartedly.
I'd absolutely love to infect your mind like that, to know that every moment you're off doing something else, supposed to be focusing on important things and other people, your mind will always wander back to me. I'll litter you in bruises and cuts and marks that you feel all throughout the day, make you so fucking sore in spots you didn't realize could ache so you're reminded of everything I do to you constantly.
It’d be so nice to use my cute little sibling to get out all those awful impulses and obsessive thoughts that bother me. And wouldn’t you feel so useful, knowing you’re helping me out by letting me enact them? Being my perfect little source of relief. I’ll whisper all the disgusting thoughts I have at night in your ears, only to show you exactly what I meant the next day. And you’ll get so used to it that you’ll start thinking things up on your own, coming to me with your own crooked ideas for me to toy with. Spending all day trying to find something new to surprise me with, all so I’ll tell you how brilliant and perfect you are for me.
I’ve got a whole rotten host of thoughts on the bit about touching, but I think you can wait to hear that. You’ll be patient for your big brother, won’t you?
// Also, don't think I didn't notice you sending in two versions of this. I was half tempted to keep this one to myself, but I'm sure you'll offer me plenty of other little things that I won't have to share. Isn't that right little sib? You’re fucking precious.
Don’t mind that this took a while for me to respond to- You did so well for me, I wanted to make sure you got something nice in return. A little reward, yeah? Though I do wish I could give you another sort of reward. 🖤
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apinchofsanity · 7 years
Why the hate on Joss Whedon? Did he do something? I'm out of the loop so I'd like to know. Thank you.
No problem, thanks for asking :D My personal opinion on Joss Whedon is that he has a very strict vision of what writing women entails, and fair enough in the 90s and early 2000s that vision was refreshing to see on mainstream tv, he had a multitude of strong female characters in Buffy and Firefly which I love and will continue to love throughout my life. BUT!!! my problem is with his treatment of women, both as characters on screen and as real people in his life. 
My number one big issue is his continued use of rape as a plot device, fair enough some of my issues with this are indeed personal (which I won’t go into detail), but you can’t deny that there is a worrying trend. This is very prevalent in his show Firefly. Joss Whedon himself said a few years after the cancellation of the show that he planned on having a “gang-rape scene” featuring one of the main female characters Inara, conducted by the cannibal monsters in the show Reavers. Not only do I have a MASSIVE problem with this horrific idea, but I also find myself extremely uncomfortable with the idea that a so called “feminist” writer like Joss could write such a scene with the INTENTION of using it as character growth for the lead male character Mal. He also used the threat of rape during the show on an episode called Objects in Space, where a bounty hunter Jubal Early boards the ship to kidnap River for the reward. He threatens the female character Kaylee multiple times with rape throughout the episode in order to get her to do as he says. 
Rape is once again used as a plot-device in Buffy in order to further the development of a male character. This time in the form of Spike and the episode Seeing Red, where Spike attempts to rape the main female character Buffy while she’s incapacitated. Not only does he force viewers to see something so traumatic he also makes it all about Spike? like forget the traumatizing of Buffy but let’s just focus on the fact that Spike feels #superguilty and thus runs away in self-disgust to “find his soul”. Also, the story apparently came from a female writer of the show who shared her experience in forcing herself sexually on her ex so they would get back together and her subsequent guilt about it. So not only did Whedon use rape as a plot device, he decided it was better to reverse roles? as if men can’t get raped by women?? I think if he used the original story he could have done a lot of good in raising awareness for male rape victims and help battle the stigma surrounding men being “unable” to be raped by women.
Next up is his particularly rotten treatment of a female employee. Christina Carpenter has said during the 2009 DragonCon that because she fell pregnant during the filming of the tv series Angel, Joss became noticeably more hostile in his attitude towards her. She believes full heartedly that her pregnancy was the reason behind this and that her becoming pregnant interfered with his “vision” for her character, which let’s face it is like a giant man-baby throwing a fit when people don’t play like he wants them too. She wasn’t even notified that she wouldn’t be returning for the fifth season which is petty as fuck from a writer who considers himself a “feminist icon”. 
(takes a deep breath, oh man I still have so much to say)
Moving on to the complete character butchering of Natasha Romanoff (I will forever be pissed about this ffs). Ignoring the fact that he has a male character in the first Avengers openly call Natasha a “whining cunt” throughout the movie Age of Ultron he single-handedly manages to embody everything that ISN’T Natasha Romanoff and force it down out throats. Number one, Natasha would NEVER! NEVER! date Bruce Banner, they have a good friendship in the animated series where Bruce trusts Natasha but it’s a friendship and a partnership as Avengers. That is ALL it should have ever been, not only do they have the combined chemistry of two inert gases, but the “romantic” scenes between them were so cringe-worthy I nearly died. Whedon was literally so BUTT-HURT over Clintasha and desperately wanting to be “unique” that he created a whole imaginary fucking farm family for Clint and forced two of the most unlikely characters together. In Avengers we see Natasha who is scared of Bruce and the Hulk and is only JUST at the end of the movie beginning to become comfortable with him. But now all of a sudden in Age of Ultron we’re supposed to believe she wants to have a romantic relationship with him?? No, just fucking no. Friends yes, teammates who trust each other yes, but boyfriend and girlfriend? fuck NO!! I’m not even going to touch the whole “I can’t have babies so I’m a monster like you” thing with a ten-foot fucking pole because I probably don’t have enough time. Other than completely demeaning Natasha’s character with a shitty romantic subplot, he also makes her the damsel in distress for Ultron, where she has to wait to be rescued by Bruce. Natasha fucking Romanoff does not wait to be rescued by anybody, she’s a feared ex-KGB assassin, one of the best might I add, a SHIELD agent and a general fucking badass!! She does not get rescued. 
Last but not least on my massive Anti-Whedon rant is the Wonder Woman script that was leaked online. Oh lord, oh my god. I can not express how happy I am that they didn’t let him direct, bless all the Gods, bless them. In the script, he manages to write a completely out of character Diana who is a loving, kind, strong willed and kick-ass female into a cold hearted warrior which basically goes against EVERYTHING Wonder Woman is about. He wrote Steve Trevor as a giant fucking condescending dick-wad who made grossly sexual jokes about Diana and who basically treat her like shit but she still falls for him? NO THANKS! 
SO… to wrap it all up. I am never going to see the Batgirl movie, my heart physically aches for the amount of shit this overly entitled self-proclaimed “feminist” is going to put my beloved Barbara Gordon through. 
Other people can see it that’s fine, other people can like Whedon and his writing that’s totally fine. I don’t judge, I don’t hate on people for what they like, even if they don’t share my opinion. 
Maybe, just maybe Whedon will wake up one day and stop being such a deep-friend douche-nozzle and actually treat female characters decently, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Until then you can count me out for anything that man writes. 
P.s this ranting felt really fucking good, thank you! :P I needed to let off some steam after taking a statistics exam yesterday :D 
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