#I won't be doing full bodies for all the evas since while doing that is fun it's insanely time consuming
fried-trash · 9 months
gonna take a small break from Eva AU stuff, gonna just compile everything I have so far here
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duhragonball · 2 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 12
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I'm old enough to remember when 2000 A.D. was kind of a big deal, and now it's just whatever 1976 was to people who lived in 2000 A.D.
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Gosh, this takes me back. Remember back in 2000, when everything was mustard-toned for some reason? Triple H and the Rock kept trading the WWF title back and forth, and Antarctica was on fire?
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We got a glimpse of Misato's past in that flashback, but in the present, she's been promoted to Major. Shinji and Asuka didn't even notice, but Big Rigg Mahoney caught on right away, because he's an expert on rank insignia and such. Suzuhara knows too, but come on, we all know he learned it from Big Rigg Mahoney.
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The Eva pilots do some sort of "stress test" thing at the base. I'm not sure what this is for, but Shinji shows great improvement so he gets a gold star for it. He's uncomfortable being praised, though.
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Later, the kids throw a little party to celebrate Misato's promotion. Oh, I didn't notice the sash she's got on, that's adorable!
Naturally, Big Rigg Mahoney organized this whole shindig, and the writers honor him by using his full name for the first time since Episode 4. It's too late, though. He's been Big Rigg Mahoney for too long now, and he won't go back.
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Speaking of guys I had to rename because I don't dare look up what they're actually called, I think Vice Commander Clownshoes needs a cooler rank. "Admiral Clownshoes" has a nice ring to it.
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The others make a lot of loud screeching noises, and Shinji and Misato have this quiet conversation in the middle of it, which seems kind of impossible, with the noise, but okay. They both don't handle praise very well, and Shinji asks why she joined NERV, and she dodges the question.
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At the moment, Major Katsugari is in charge of NERV, because Geno Ikari and Admiral Clownshoes are on some expedition to Antarctica, or what's left of it. We never find out why they're there, so I'm just gonna skip over this.
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No, wait. Imagine a "Steamed Hams" bit featuring these two. Clownshoes feeds him Krustyburgers and Gendo just clasps his hands over his beard and stares enigmatically.
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Oh, this is the dumbest looking one yet. I thought the Angel from Episode 1 looked kind of weak, but I didn't mind because I assumed they would get cooler looking as the show went on. Now I'm starting to wonder if that guy was my favorite the whole time.
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This Angel just floats in low orbit over the Earth and drops pieces of itself. The telemetry indicates that it's just practicing, improving its aim, but Misato figures it'll eventually launch an attack on NERV headquarters. Ritsuko further speculates that it'll drop its entire body when that happens, which would cause tremendous devastation. They seem very chipper about this.
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So the Angel's attack strategy is.... falling. Really hard, I guess. Misato's counterplay is... catch the Angel before it hits.
Let me back up. A while back, it was established that Angels have an "AT Field" which protects them from conventional weapons. The Evas can neutralize this advantage, and this is apparently because the Evas possess their own AT Fields. I'm not sure if the fields cancel each other out, or if the Evas can use their fields to penetrate the fields of their enemies. Anyway, I think this Angel isn't just falling from a great height; it's also using its AT field to make a bigger impact when it hits. Likewise, Misato's plan seems to depend on the Evas' AT fields being powerful enough to halt the angel just before it hits the ground.
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But this is still an objectively stupid plan. The calculations say it only has a 1-in-10,000 chance of working. Even the pilot kids can tell how stupid it is. Misato has already ordered the evacuation of Tokyo-3 and all non-essential NERV personnel. The kids still agree to do it, but they don't expect it to work. Misato offers to take them all out for a steak dinner if they win. You know, if the four of them all came out of this episode wearing Ribera jackets, that would be fuckin' awesome.
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I'm not gonna photoshop it, but just imagine them all showing up for work the next day rocking these bad boys. Wait, the Ribera steakhouse is in Tokyo, so I guess it got destroyed in the wars that followed the Second Impact. Well so much for that.
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Asuka doesn't plan to write a will because she doesn't expect to die. Rei also has no use for a will, but it's spookier when she says it, like she doesn't need a will because she cannot be killed in any way that matters. Shinji doesn't need to write a will because I'm pretty sure the only thing he owns is that stupid shirt of his, and the tape player that he's probably worn out replaying the same two songs over and over.
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Also, Rei pre-emptively refuses the steak dinner. Not because she's afraid of failure, or because she is confident in her success. She just doesn't care for meat. Bad. Ass.
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So they start getting ready for this, and Misato basically tells her crew that she has no idea what she's doing, and most of this plan is pure guesswork. It only works if the Evas manage to get under the Angel as it comes down, and they have no idea if it's even going to crash on them. She's just pretty sure it will, and she even trots out that "woman's intuition" line, which is one of the hackiest things in the hack playbook.
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On their way to deploy, Shinji asks Asuka why she pilots the Eva, and you might want to sit down for this: She does it for the attention. Just the mere fact that people will acknowledge her existence, as if anyone could ignore this kid. She asks Shinji why he pilots the Eva, and he doesn't know. This is episode twelve, by the way. We'll get our answer today, but let the record show: this is episode twelve.
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Then we get a flashback? Flash forward? At some point, Misato finally reveals to Shinji why she joined NERV. Her father was a scientist who threw himself into his work, just like Shinji's dad. Misato resented him for it, but when Second Impact happened, he sacrificed himself to save her, and she's felt a burning desire to defeat the Angels ever since. It's not just to avenge her father, but perhaps to spite him. Shinji can sort of relate to this.
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Back to the mission, the Angel has begun to descend, so the Evas have to hustle those buns before McDonalds switches from the breakfast menu to the lunch menu. "McDonalds had all-day breakfast in 2015", you may say. Yare yare daze. In this world, where the Angels have destroyed half the world's population, the visionaries who made all-day breakfast possible no longer exist. The funding and logistical support for such an initiative has been siphoned away to fund the NERV agency. And so, manga man, the breakfast menu will end at 11:00am.
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Anyway, yeah, Shinji gets under the Angel and catches it, then the girls swoop in to add their AT fields to his, and then Asuka stabs it in the eyeball to kill it.
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I guess this makes sense.
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With that settled, Misato receives a call from Gendo Ikari in the Antarctic. He congratulates her on her success, and handwaves the damage done to Eva Unit 01, since destroying Angels is their purpose. He then asks to speak with the pilot of Unit 01 and tells Shinji, directly, that he did a good job. Wow. I just assumed this would never happen, or maybe Gendo would say half of this with his dying breath in the final episode or something. But no, they just gave this away in Episode 12. Huh.
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Later, the kids take up Misato on her steak dinner promise, but they choose a ramen stand instead, because they know she's poor as fuck. Also, Rei doesn't like meat, so this just makes sense. They should have gone to Taquiera Goku. This is so close, but yet so far.
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Anyway, while they eat, Shinji tells Misato that he finally knows why he pilots the Eva. It's so he can hear the praise from his father, like he did today. That's what keeps him going, even if it took this long for him to get it.
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Well, we're inching a little closer, I guess. This will probably all come together quickly, so let me use this space to throw out a few theories I've had in mind.
The Eva pilots have to be 14-year-olds for some reason. I can see no good reason for this, except that there must be some quality in them that literally did not exist prior to Second Impact. Either they got magic powers from it, or they've been genetically engineered to pilot Evas, or some other thing, but it's got to be some deal where the pilots were "invented" around the same time as the Evas themselves. NERV doesn't want to use fourteen year-olds, but there literally isn't anyone older who would be compatible, and they simply can't wait any longer for them to grow up.
I suspect that the Evas are Angels themselves, or some sort of technology built from Angel corpses, or something like that. That's why they have AT fields, and why no one else has any idea how to recreate the technology.
I also get a strong I Am Legend vibe from this whole story. I only saw the Will Smith movie, but as I understand it, the book follows a similar track, where this lone human is trying to get rid of the vampires, only to discover that the vampires see him as the monster, since he's this lone enemy who constantly tries to destroy their community. He's their legend now, just as Count Dracula was the legend in his culture once.
The Angels keep attacking NERV, getting bolder and smarter each time, and no one knows or cares why this keeps happening, because they're too worried about defending themselves. But it sure feels like the Angels are trying to defend themselves, since NERV is committed to their destruction. And if I'm right, it sure seems like Gendo Ikari is doing some shady shit involving Angels, which might make him seem like a major threat to the Angels. They're trying to destroy humanity before humanity destroys them. Second Impact itself may have been caused by Angels trying to stop Ikari or Misato's dad from hurting them.
So I predict this will get revealed near the end. The Angel attacks will get more intense and brutal, and then the kids will find out that they've been the baddies all along, and shit will hit the fan. Don't tell me if I'm right or not, but that's how things are looking to me right now.
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infiniteeight8 · 1 year
cosplay plans for the next 6-12 months
Rose City Comic Con is in 6 months, and next ECCC is 12 months away, so here's the stuff I have planned for the next year. A bunch of repairs and improvements, one old project that I still want to finish, and two (related) new projects that I just came up with in the last day or two.
Repairs & Improvements
Star Lord armour: - Test magnets as the new armour-to-bodysuit attachment method. - Assuming the magnets work, install a whole lotta magnets. - Replace/Repair the shoulder clip that's missing half the clip. - Super glue the velcro to the head piece. - Adjust boots to fit over running shoes. (And you thought the two boot adjustments I've done were the end of it! LOL.)
Paladin armour: - Figure out how to fix up the shoulders. (I could just adjust the positioning of the left one, but I'm considering permanently attaching the superstructure to the substructure. The only problem with that is that they will take up roughly 3x as much space in my luggage at a result, so I have to ponder.) - Put a clear coat on all the armour parts. - Repair the chipped paint on the shoe armour. - Install rubber/foam edges on the leg armour to hopefully prevent further shoe armour damage. - Add moar magnets to the flames so that they stay on better. - Make a mechanical attachment for the belt piece (the magnets work, but fall off way too easy--I'll relax more wearing it if its more secure).
Green Lantern - Eventually, remake the boots. Again. Don't get me wrong, I think they turned out well given the rush, but I can do better. - Replace the gloves. They're getting a bit tattered. - Possibly remake the pants. Honestly, they're too small. I can squeeze into them, but they kind of... slide down during the day. But if I'm really lucky, by the time I get around to doing this, it won't be necessary anymore. (Unlikely, but hey, you never know.)
In Progress (generalized points, as this is a long term project and I don't see the point of listing every tiny step separately at this stage)
Tron armour: - Finish making the helmet. - Probably re-make the bottom part of the boots. I can't recall which shoe I made it for. - Test the fit of the rest of the armour and adjust as needed. (I've gained weight since making it originally.) - Figure out the attachments. Never did get these working to my satisfaction, although I have a vague memory of what I planned to try after attempt #1 failed. - Determine amount of EL wire needed for the lighting / Figure out EL wire mounting strategy. Order & Install EL wire. - Make the undersuit. - Figure out how not to die of heat exhaustion while wearing a full body vinyl undersuit and a a near full body armour, including helmet, made out of layers of plastic and foam and absolutely covered in lighting.
New Projects (generalized as above)
Project #1: Captain Marvel leather jacket. Yes, I know people sell various versions. No, I don't like any of those enough to buy them. My sewing skills are very limited, so this will be a long term project involving a lot of test/learning stages.
Project #2: Captain Marvel armour. Yes, I like the design enough to make this sucker twice in two different styles. The armour would be EVA foam, not worbla. I've never worked in EVA foam before, but I've worked with other types of foam, and I've done armour generally. I still expect a learning curve, but I'm much more comfortable with this project than with Project #1.
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let-them-eat-rakes · 5 years
Item #: SCP-354
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-354's immobile nature, Area-354 has been built around it. Area-354 houses forces and D-class personnel prepared to deal with threats emerging from SCP-354, as well as researchers studying SCP-354 and its properties. For their own safety, no on-site personnel are to approach SCP-354 at any time. Direct interaction with SCP-354 is permitted only for the purpose of research to eliminate SCP-354 and must be approved by O5 personnel.
Area-354 was constructed to contain and neutralize any and all further threats emerging from SCP-354. At the heart of Area-354, a twenty (20) foot wall of concrete reinforced with [DATA EXPUNGED] has been constructed around SCP-354 to prevent emerging entities from escaping into the area at large. High-speed motion detection cameras are placed atop the wall looking down into the pool, and armed guards can easily shoot down into the enclosure from catwalks placed above the pool.
Description: SCP-354 is a pool of red liquid discovered in northern Canada. The liquid is of a consistency similar to that of human blood (hence the colloquial name Blood Pond) but is not of a biological nature. The pool does not have definite banks; soil mixes with the liquid until, at a certain point, there is more soil than liquid and the ground is mostly solid. The liquid becomes denser as one descends deeper into the pool; if the pool has a bottom, it has yet to be reached.
Periodically, entities emerge from the pool and attempt to escape from the enclosure. Thus far, nearly all creatures emerging from SCP-354 have been extremely hostile and highly dangerous.
SCP-354 is believed to have been first discovered in ████ by survivors of a plane crash, who encountered SCP-354 by chance. SCP-354 had developed into a local urban legend long before Foundation personnel arrived to deal with the threat.
After locating the source of the legend, SCP personnel set up Watch Station Epsilon-38 to monitor the pool and to deter future travellers from finding it. SCP-354 was classified as Euclid until its properties were further discovered.
At 1403 hours on ████, an unidentified entity emerged from SCP-354. Contact with Watch Station Epsilon-38 was lost. Mobile Task Force ████ was dispatched to deal with the entity and were eventually successful. All personnel at Watch Station Epsilon-38 were found dead. Area-354 was subsequently constructed to contain SCP-354.
Document 354-1-a: Partial log of entities to have emerged from SCP-354 prior to Event 354-20.
SCP-354-1: Original entity which destroyed Watch Station Epsilon-38. Resembled a giant bat. Neutralized by Mobile Task Force ████.
SCP-354-2: Bear-sized mammalian creature covered in razor-sharp spines. Resembled an echidna. Was virtually bulletproof, but was unable to escape the enclosure surrounding the pool. Neutralized via napalm.
SCP-354-3: Black metallic sphere capable of levitation. Emitted concentrated levels of radiation in precisely directed beams sufficient to instantly cripple and later result in death. Then-Area Head Dr. ██████ struck SCP-354-3 with a sledgehammer, disabling it. SCP-354-3 then self-detonated, causing minor structural damage and severely wounding Dr. ██████. Dr. ██████ made a full recovery and has been commended for his bravery.
SCP-354-4: Humanoid reptilian creature, approximately 4.6m (15ft) tall. Escaped both the walled enclosure and Area-354 altogether. Gunfire caused very little physical harm and was highly ineffective. Mobile Task Force Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" was dispatched and was successful in neutralizing the creature.
SCP-354-6: Appeared to be a human male of Indian descent. As the enclosure around the pool had not yet been fully repaired, SCP-354-6 was immediately shot before it had a chance to escape. Area Head Dr. ██████ has expressed his displeasure in the rash execution of SCP-354-6, which testing revealed to be identical to an average human being.
<data corrupt>
SCP-354-14: Majority of creature's body remained well beneath the surface of the pool. Five (5) octopus-like tentacles were seen emerging from the pool and reached up over the enclosure. Several D-class personnel were grabbed by the tentacles and pulled back beneath the surface of the pool. After receiving massive damage from gunfire, SCP-354-14 retreated back into the pool and disappeared. No personnel taken by the creature were recovered.
SCP-354-15: Feline creature composed of a blue-hued crystalline structure later revealed to be ice. Was able to jump above the walled enclosure and was agile enough to dodge most gunfire. Was actively hostile and mauled any personnel that engaged it. Subject engaged SCP-354-16 upon its emergence from the pool and was terminated in the fight.
SCP-354-16: Feline creature composed of a dark red-black stone later revealed to be partially solidified magma. Gunfire proved mostly ineffective against its hide. Was not hostile to personnel and did not attempt to escape the walled enclosure until being engaged by SCP-354-15. Successfully terminated SCP-354-15 and grew less active as its body cooled. After fully solidifying and having remained motionless since, subject was moved to Dr. ██████'s office for aesthetic purposes.
SCP-354-18: Metallic humanoid machine described by several D-class personnel as a "Terminator." Subject possessed a cloaking device rendering it invisible to human eyes. Subject was highly adept at combat and killed nearly 90% of Area-354's guard personnel as it rampaged through the facility. Approximately sixty (60) minutes after emerging from the pool, subject ceased function and powered down. Subject was dismantled and its power cell was disposed of. Subject's remains are under study.
Note from Area Head Dr. ██████: That's thrice now that we've had to fall back on Pandora's Box to deal with stuff coming out of SCP-354. Able can't complain, though… you can tell he enjoyed fighting SCP-354-11. Maybe we should set up some kind of "hotline" to MTF Ω-7?
Document 354-3-a: Log of Exploratory Mission 354 Alpha
See log for details.
Note from Area Head Dr. ██████: It has been twenty-two months since the last entity emerged from the pool. Before this, the longest period of time between emergences was eight months. I suspect this means one of two things. Either the Red Pool has "died" or "powered down" or whatever the correct term for it is; or it is "charging up" for something big to come through. O5 believes the former is the most likely explanation, and has recalled 30% of our total personnel and cut 25% of our funding. While I can only hope that they are correct, if the latter situation is true, we're soon to face some terrible monstrosity and we won't have anywhere near the force necessary to deal with it. I worry for all of our safety.
Document 354-4: Event Log 354-20
In the morning of [DATA EXPUNGED] the entire staff of Area-354 evacuated the facility. However, the staff also shut down power to the area and took a number of supplies and vehicles from the facility, indicating that the evacuation had not been done due to an emergency. Mobile Task Force Theta-12 was dispatched to investigate the cause of the evacuation and, if possible, make contact with Area's staff. However before MTF Θ-12 could make contact with Area-354 or its evacuees, the Area's on site warhead was detonated, resulting in the destruction of the entire facility and the deaths of [DATA EXPUNGED].
MTF Θ-12 was ordered to make contact with the evacuated personnel and, in the event of hostility, was given clearance to terminate any uncooperative personnel. A large convoy of vehicles taken from Area-354 was spotted heading southward from Area-354 at high speed. Final audio logs from MTF Θ-12 indicate that the convoy was made up of Area-354's staff, and that the previous chain of command had broken down in its entirety, with armed D-class personnel and research personnel firing upon MTF Θ-12. MTF Θ-12 was annihilated and no further contact with the former personnel of Area-354 has been made since.
Document 354-5: Following the total destruction of Area-354, the Red Pool Containment Site was constructed in its place. Basic maps of the new facility can be found in ████████-███-█ and ███-████-█████████. Unlike the previous facility which was focused on research and neutralization of entities emerging from SCP-354, the new facility is devoted entirely to the containment of SCP-354 and entities which may emerge from it, as well as any unforeseen forces which it may create directly. This is due largely to the advisement of the new Site Head [DATA EXPUNGED] who believes that the events of Log 354-20 were the result of a psychic or mental attack generated by SCP-354 itself.
Document 354-6: Interview regarding [DATA EXPUNGED]
Dr. ██████████: Is it all right if I record this?
Agent ████: Yes, go ahead.
Dr. ██████████: Good, good. (pause) So, let's start at the beginning. What happened at the Red Pool containment site?
Agent ████: Looking back now… it seems strange that nobody ever suggested draining the pool. When Dr. ████ came up with it… it seemed like such a good idea at the time.
Dr. ██████████: Exactly what about the idea was so appealing?
Agent ████: It was a way out. That SCP entry… I've read what it says. It's a joke. It makes it seem like we have the pool under control.
Dr. ██████████: I take it you do not?
Agent ████: There's a half meter slab of reinforced concrete in place over the pool. And yet every time some beast tries to come through somehow it manages to get loose into the building. People die, every single time. I've seen [DATA EXPUNGED] a man's own intestines. Can you imagine what that looks like, old man?
Dr. ██████████: So to you, and of course to the other people stationed at the Red Pool containment site as well, draining the pool seemed like a fine solution to the suffering caused by SCP-354.
Agent ████: (chair scrapes as Agent ████ stands up) Suffering? That thing doesn't just-
Dr. ██████████: Please, sit down. This is going on record. (pause, Agent ████ sits) So, O5 approved the draining of SCP-354, and then what happened?
Agent ████: They evacuated the nonessential personnel to a location a couple kilometers away, leaving just basic defense crew and the people who'd run the equipment. Mostly D class, plus a few Agents to keep things going.
Dr. ██████████: And you were among those Agents.
Agent ████: Yes.
Dr. ██████████: How did they go about draining the pool?
Agent ████: Tech guys brought in this big pump thing with all these hoses. We retracted the slab, but… (pause)
Dr. ██████████: But…?
Agent ████: Have you ever had a dream, where it seemed so real, but you knew you were dreaming, and it felt like you had to wake up to escape from it?
Dr. ██████████: I can't say I have.
Agent ████: Yes you have, we all have. That's what it felt like when they put the hose in to try to drain it. Everything stopped being real. It was like we had to escape right now.
Dr. ██████████: And you were the only one feeling this sensation?
Agent ████: No, everyone had it at the same time. It came from the fucking pool!
Dr. ██████████: Please, lower your voice. What happened when they activated the pump?
Agent ████: We never did. We couldn't. It wouldn't let us.
Dr. ██████████: What wouldn't let you?
Agent ████: The pool!
Dr. █████████: Please, I ask you to lower your voice.
Agent ████: Up until now it's been content just throwing monsters at us. It's been playing. But now we have it locked up and we just tried to execute it! Now it's angry!
Dr. ██████████ (to PA) Guards, please restrain Agent ████.
Agent ████: My buddy measured its banks once and compared them to the photos from its first discovery. You know what he found? (Agent ████ grabs Doctor ██████████)
Dr. ██████████: Guards!
Agent ████: It's growing! The pool is growing! It gets bigger and stronger every day and now we've made it angry! Get your hands off-
Dr. ██████████: Sedate him. We'll continue this in the morning, if he's lucid by then anyway.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
"Fire and ice. Night and day. Moon and sun. Twins. They are coming, mama."
Was dear Cassandra's prophecy.
Nine months later, Vergil and Dante came to our life. Finally, the gods have answered our prayers. And so, our happy family just became bigger.
The moment she laid eyes on him, Andromeda took a great liking to Dante. She always played with him, made him laugh, and when he got a bit older, she started showing him how she trained with the Rebellion. She told him a lot of stories of her adventures with the mighty sword. She influenced him too much that he was starting to grow just like her - courageous and strong, both in will and in body.
And as he grew up with Andromeda, Dante became attached with the Rebellion, as well, and the aspect of slaying Demons with it. More so than her that he begged his father for him to have it. And he relented, saying that he could have it at the right time. A few years later, the two started training together. There never was a pair so perfectly matched and balanced than those two.
Vergil, on the other hand, grew up very differently from Dante. While he was equally strong in both will and in body just like his younger brother, he was wiser than him. Much more than most children of his age.
And during those years of growth, he was watched over by none other than the shy and gentle Galatea.
As soon as he was born, the Bearer of The Past stayed with him. She told him lots of stories, read to him William Blake's poetry ( he took a great liking to the poet's Book of Urizen ), and sang to him sweet, sweet lullabies. And above all, she showed him unconditional kindness and gentleness. Just like what I did for her when she was a bit younger. The love I have for her extended to him.
Galatea loved Vergil. So much that she pledged her own life to protect him.
Andromeda for Dante and Galatea for Vergil,...
However, during those years of the twins' growth, Cassandra has become a bit of a recluse. She rarely spoke, rarely ate, and she doesn't play with her younger siblings anymore. She often isolated herself from us, always watching us from afar.
I tried to speak with her, to convince her to open up, and she would only sigh and glance at me with those dark, sorrowful eyes.
As years went by, she became more and more distant, she, herself, becoming a different person, altogether.
She would watch the weather outside, and would stare for hours when it rained or stormed. Her sisters, including the twins, convinced her to be with them, to no avail.
Then, one day, when my husband spoke with her, she simply broke down and cried. She was,... pleading with him, for an unknown reason.
For one last time, she begged him,...
... and on that night, he left us, just like that,...
And Cassandra? She locked herself in her room and cried day and night. I managed to convince her to let me in, to tell me everything she knew.
And that's when I finally found out,...
... the inevitable,...
Vergil, Dante, if you are reading this right now, the Demons might have already killed me. But, do understand that I did it to protect you, to keep you away from your father's enemies.
But, I beg you, please! Do not hate your father. He has a fair reason to leave us. Cassandra told me everything. It has to happen.
You two are the only family I have left. Please, protect each other, have each other's backs. Use the weapons your father gave you, the Yamato and the Rebellion.
Then, find the sisters of Fate. Find Cassandra, Andromeda, and Galatea. They will lend you power - the power to defeat the true enemy. No matter what those people say about them, they are not the enemies. Do not believe them. You need these girls, as much as they need you. They need your help, as much as you need theirs.
And finally, I love you so, so much, my sons. Forgive me for everything.
Vergil and Dante, I love you, so much.
This journal was owned by Eva Sparda.
The Sisters of Fate mysteriously vanished after the demonic attack in Red Grave.
Dante survived the ordeal and used a different name to conceal his true identity from Sparda's enemies.
Vergil, like the Sisters of Fate, vanished that evening.
This is Eva's final journal entry.
You were staring at your own trembling hands, your body feeling tense all over.
The Aspect of The Future has finally shown you how to fulfill the wish.
After so many years of searching, of longing to see that white - haired man in your visions, it has finally come to this,...
You knew that you will be succesful in your mission, yes.
But, deep inside your aching heart, you don't want to do it.
You were so afraid and so confused. You want to shout at the universe, to tell each and everyone who lived in it how unfair your life was. You believed you would have your precious, happy ending. You honestly, achingly, believed that you would be with this man.
But, alas, you were wrong.
For your life, ever since that night you were taken over by the entities that saved you countless of times, belonged to them and to this man, and has never been yours.
And this life you had, you knew you must offer.
You knew everything was inevitable, and, yet, God! You don't want to die just yet. You want to live! You want to live longer,...
Four days prior
Nico and Nero found out, without you even telling them, how V didn't confess to you that evening.
And since then, you two have become even more distant with each other.
Especially V. He stubbornly refused to take breaks, volunteering to do extra rounds of Devil Hunting even if he didn't have to. Even if he looked like he was about to collapse at any given moment. He worked his familiars to the bone, which was very evident with Griffon's complaints. He rarely showed himself to the rest of the crew, and when he did, he never really paid any attention to all of you.
Especially you. He avoided you like the plague, he never even bothered to look at you. And during those times when you had no choice but to lock eyes, he just looked at you with those empty green ones of his, devoid of his usual warmth towards you.
He has become a different person, altogether. And you didn't understand why.
"Well I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord.
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this:
The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift,
The baffled king composing Hallelujah!
That afternoon the next day, V simply went out of the van without saying a word. Nero shook his head in disbelief and faced you as you sat on the sofa, listening to that dreary song on the radio.
"Well your faith was strong but you needed proof.
You saw her bathing on the roof,
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.
She tied you to her kitchen chair,
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair.
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah!
"Hey, you okay?" The youth carefully asked you as he kneeled in front of you. He sensed your pain, and he hated to watch someone like you suffer in silence - because he knew you did not deserve any of it.
You made an effort to smile at the person who was worried about you, and yet your eyes remained the same - dull, lifeless, melancholic,...
"But baby I've been here before,
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor.
You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya.
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch,
And love is not a victory march.
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah!
"Other than my heart slowly falling apart, yes, I'm fine." You sincerely admitted to the boy, knowing full well that it would do you no good to hide your emotions from him.
Nero's eyebrows furrowed as he sighed in dismay. He held your hands and squeezed them as gently as he could. This simple, yet thoughtful, gesture of his made you emotional once more, and with a herculean effort, you held back the tears that longed to pour out since yesterday morning.
"Kyrie bakes the best apple pies in the world, no shit." Nero told you, his voice as calm and as gentle as possible.
"I won't argue with that." Nico agreed as she sat next to you and wrapped a single, protective arm around you. "Kyrie's pies are simply the best."
Nero smiled at her. For once, they weren't arguing. "When this is all over, I'd like you to come live with us in Fortuna for a while. I'm pretty sure Kyrie would love your company."
"Oh, I would love to. Thank you, Nero." You answered with a simple nod.
"And, ah,..." Nero held up his shiny new Breaker made from the materials that Nico got from the Electric Furies that you fought last Saturday, showing you its powerful fist. "... if you want, I can teach V a lesson or two. I'll even offer it free of charge. Just say the word." He graciously offered, then winked at you, his charmingly boyish smile making you giggle.
"Oh, you don't have to but, I'll think about that offer of yours."
"There you go!" Nero cheered for you as he playfully bumped his metal fist against your cheek, making you laugh. "That's it! You look nicer with that smile on your face. I can't wait to introduce you to my Kyrie."
"And I can't wait to finally meet her." You replied as you glanced at both him and Nico, the two people who never left you and stayed with you through this hard time. "I only knew her from Nico's many awesome stories about her but, I haven't actually met her personally."
"Yeah, but first, we have a Dreadnought to kill. Time to move on, Nico!" Nero said as he stood up. He nodded at her, saluted at you playfully, and finally left.
"What does that supposed to mean?"
"Like that. It's time to move on." Nico answered as she went straight to the driver's seat, sat down and fastened her seatbelt. "Honey, let's not wait for the grass to grow! Let's go!"
You hastily went to the passenger's seat and fastened your own seatbelt. Nico nodded, and started the trailer,...
"Well there was a time when you let me know,
What's really going on below.
But now you never show that to me do ya?
But remember when I moved in you,
And the holy dove was moving too,
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah!
"HANG ON TIGHT!" Nico shrieked as she drove the trailer past the ballroom towards the balcony where you had that last, painful conversation with V,...
... where you first met the man who was the cause of all your pain and everything else,...
... where you danced your first and last waltz with the man you loved and achingly missed,...
... where you met the love of your life,...
... where you saw your future.
"THAT'S THE POINT!" Nico answered with a wild smile on her face. "WE HAVE TO MOVE ON, RIGHT?!"
And just like that - she drove through the remains of the glass that separated the ballroom and the balcony and made your way towards the railing,...
"Maybe there's a God above,
But all I've ever learned from love,
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya.
And it's not a cry that you hear at night.
It's not somebody who's seen the light.
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah!
"AAAHHH!" You shrieked as Nico drove straight through the railing, destroying everything in her path, marble, pillar, and all, and made the abused vehicle fly in mid - air,...
You seriously thought that you're going to die. The ground looked far ahead, the things inside the vehicle that weren't attached flew as you went down, down, down towards who knew where,...
Just when the vehicle was about to land, you closed your eyes, feeling as if your whole world would end.
You felt everything around you quake violently, and when you could no longer feel the wild tremors, you opened your eyes and saw a breathtakingly - brand new scenery where the sunlight shone through every last picturesque structure.
Nico and Nero were, indeed, correct. Perhaps they felt that your old base was stifling and harsh.
Perhaps you just needed a breath of fresh air, along with a cleaner, more positive view of the outside world.
"Go get the guy, hon." Nico ordered you as she bumped your shoulder.
"What if he didn't listen to me?"
"Then, try again. And don't stop until he listens to you."
"And what makes you so sure this is gonna work?"
The artisan winked at you as she gave you a knowing smirk. "He loves you, too. I know. He's obvious."
"Is that so?"
The woman rolled her eyes. "You really are slow, aren't you?" She clapped her hands and spoke once more. "Go! Go! There are Demons to kill! The boys are out! No one's gonna see you transform! Except V. Let him see you do it. And while you're at it, tell him how you feel. He won't resist you by then. And that's your last resort! If it doesn't work, I don't know what will."
"Okay! Okay!" You answered as you stood and took your weapons.
"Grab that pretty, skinny ass, woman!"
"Stop. Just, stop,..."
For four days straight, all of you did the same routine. V ( who had a really rough time finding the new location of the van ) was always the first to leave, followed by Nero ( who laughed so unapologetically hard when the poet finally arrived at the trailer about three hours late the next day ).
And you? You always leave after the boys.
During that short time, you got used to the habit of leaving "after the boys" that it has become second nature to you.
And during those times of lonely Devil Hunting, you hoped and prayed that V would show up. As you sliced flesh after Demon flesh, you even envisioned yourself confessing to him. You would first apologize, then tell him how you missed him. After that, you could see yourself saying those words to him.
And then, you would simply smile at the nice and positive thought.
Yes, your situation with V as of the moment looked very dreadful. But, deep inside your heart, you knew that everything's going to be just fine.
Everything's gonna be alright.
It has become your ultimate mantra.
You were reciting it four days after you "moved on" as you killed a Demon, when, all of a sudden,...
"... find me when the time comes."
You heard a soft voice inside your head. You closed your eyes, feeling the entity inside you take over as it began showing you visions.
The moment you were transported to a different place, this time, to a house that was seemingly burning, you saw yourself touching a sword and whispering to it, pleading,...
"Our fates are connected. Our bond will remain unbreakable. Whatever happens, the Yamato will always bring us closer. Find me when the time comes, and then,..."
Just then, the door bursted open, and some menacing creatures entered with all the intention to murder you.
You grabbed the sword and held it high in an effort to guard yourself against the Demons.
"I will wait for as long as it takes. I only ask for one thing: don't forget about me,...
... Vergil."
Everything became blurry, and when everything cleared up, you saw her face once more - the woman who always haunted your dreams.
"Please, find him and save him before it's too late! Protect him at all cost. Save him from his death!" She begged you once more. "I' am so sorry, my dear. Fulfill my wish, I beg you,...
... Galatea."
Gala,... tea?
You reached out a hand but, you were too late. She was ripped open by the Demons around her.
Yet, despite that you could still hear her voice inside your head.
"I' am deeply sorry for hiding this for too long. Vergil is dying and you are the only one who could save him. But, in order to do it, you must offer your life,...
... willingly,...
... only then can he fully revive and defeat his enemies.
Forgive me, dear (Y/N). Forgive me."
You opened your eyes in utter shock. However, despite the fact that you just escaped from that unspeakable vision, you were horrified to find yourself in another one wherein you were looking at a pair of bloody, golden eyes,...
"This,... is what f - friends are f - for,..."
You were given no rest as you suddenly found yourself being sucked into another vision and saw yourself running endlessly away from something truly horrific. The thing which wounded those majestic eyes,...
Feeling tired and beaten to the bones, you stopped, only to hear a familiar voice that whispered to you,...
"What evil lurks, I must destroy!"
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, like you were being stabbed. Just like that dream you had,...
But, it wasn't the only pain you felt.
You felt hopelessness, melancholy,
... and above all, heartbreak,...
You jolted from your fearful visions, feeling all your tears pour out.
And who could blame you?
You just saw everything, and you finally have all the answers.
You were staring at your own trembling hands, your body feeling tense all over.
The Aspect of The Future has finally shown you how to fulfill the wish.
After so many years of searching, of longing to see that white - haired man in your visions, it has finally come to this,...
You knew that you will be succesful in your mission, yes.
But, deep inside your aching heart, you don't want to do it.
You were so afraid and so confused. You want to shout at the universe, to tell each and everyone who lived in it how unfair your life was. You believed you would have your precious, happy ending. You honestly, achingly, believed that you would be with this man.
But, alas, you were wrong.
For your life, ever since that night you were taken over by the entities that saved you countless of times, belonged to them and to this man, and has never been yours.
And this life you had, you knew you must offer.
You knew everything was inevitable, and, yet, God! You don't want to die just yet. You want to live! You want to live longer,...
To fulfill her wish, you need to die,...
For him to survive and regain his strength, he must drive that sword through your heart.
For him to defeat his enemies,...
... V,...
... the one you truly loved and vowed to protect,...
... must put an end,...
... to your life.
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nico's trailer defies all laws of physics. 👌
~ Tagging these friends, @heaven-on-a-landslide , @lessy86 , @gxthghoulfriend , @boundbysoul , @ehrzeth , @krazy06 , @diabeticsugarush , @ceruleanworld , and @simmy-ships . 🖤
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