#I will gladly answer any other questions about it that don't spoil the plot
dragonslaved · 1 year
Hello All, Space here to tell you why YOU !! Should read classic manga Magic Knight Rayearth. 
“What’s that?” you ask? You’ve never heard of Magic Knight Rayearth? Well, I am here to tell you ALL about it.
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Magic Knight Rayearth is a 6 volume manga about magical girls, giant robots, and isekai. Yes, you read that right. All three amazingly loved tropes together and it’s done seamlessly and beautifully. You’ll laugh, you’ll say ‘wtf’, you’ll sob big Ghibli tears. 
Also like. If you have any intention to actually read this manga after this post, don’t google anything? Seriously don’t. It’s only 6 volumes but googling will spoil literally every twist and turn this series has and BOY DOES IT HAVE SOME. I’m not gonna spoil you for them. Don’t spoil yourself.
To put into perspective how much I love this series and how badly I've wanted people to read it for years: I was pinching pennies for p much my entire life until very recently. I read this series when I was 14 (~20+ years ago oh god) and fast forward to today I'm still a penny pincher but I went out of my way to collect 5 different full copies of this series in various printings and languages because I just. I gotta. I love it. I have a copy that is a dedicated loner copy so I always have one ready for someone to borrow and read. PLEASE understand how much I love this series and go along with me here.
All right, so the story goes like this: three middle school girls on a field trip to Tokyo Tower get summoned to an alternate world called Cephiro. Oh by the way, they go to different schools. Also they’ve never met before. 
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You’ve got rich, beautiful hothead, Umi Ryuzaki. Her magic element is water, fierce and unforgiving. Her two loving parents are still in their honeymoon phase 14 years later. They’re rich, she loves food, she is kinda selfish, but has such a great character arc because of it. She’s amazing and I would die for her. 
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After her, you’ve got polite but very very shrewd and thoughtful, Fuu Houoji. Her element is wind, kind, occasionally harsh, and healing. Fuu is the one with plans, who is very sweet and formal but also very conniving if you aren’t paying close attention. She cares deeply about those around her  while also being realistic. Sometimes she can be a little aloof, but it’s ok she’s cute.
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And finally last girl, BEST GIRL, Hikaru Shidou. Energetic, sympathetic, understanding, and eternally the best. Her element is fire, she IS the magic knight of Rayearth, the titular character, the beautiful perfect darling angel who has never done anything wrong in her life. She goes to an all girls’ school. She has three older brothers. Almost every girl in her school has a crush on her. She is oblivious as fuck. She grew up in a kendo dojo and beat her father in a match when she was in kindergarten and that’s why he’s not around. She has the biggest heart in the universe. I love her. I would beat gen urobuchi in a denny’s parking lot at 3am for her honor. 
These three girls meet a magician, Guru Clef. This lil dude. 
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The rare “small boy who is actually a bajillion years old” trope before it was such an annoying trope to use on women characters, but he’s 700+ years old and the most powerful sorcerer in Cephiro. He gives the girls magic and armor, and tells them they were summoned by Princess Emeraude to save Cephiro. 
How do they do that?
By talking to the chief Pharle (artisan, blacksmith, etc) of Cephiro named Presea to make them weapons. And oh yeah they have to use those weapons to revive the rune gods.
Big Giant Mechs. 
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Waking these bad boys up takes a lot for the girls and it’s really really good seeing how they go about it and what they're willing to do to accomplish it.
I’m not gonna spoil the story for you but I WILL go through some of the other characters.
You’ve got:
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Princess Emeraude. The Pillar of Cephiro, imprisoned and kept from praying for Cephiro’s well being. She’s sweet, she’s heartbroken, she wants her world to be safe again. 
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Next to her you have the High Priest Zagato, her second, the antagonist who got the ball rolling on this whole thing. He’s gloomy, he’s serious, he’s methodical and looming. 
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I mentioned Presea, did I mention her already? She’s great. She’s feisty and loud and would be THE most amazing dom queen if she could ever find a sub willing to tolerate her. 
She makes the weapons for the girls and also gives them a guide to find the rune gods.
Oh yeah their guide. 
So like. Probably obvious by now but in case it’s not, this is an early 1990s CLAMP series. You know CLAMP. They did xxxholic and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and Card Captor Sakura. Yeah, this series came before ALLLLLL of those. 
You know that lil fuckin rabbit mascot they have?
That’s Mokona. He’s their guide. This is the series he originated from. 
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Mokona is an adorable caring little shit who knows exactly what he’s doing at all times.  He helps them out but my god. The way he makes their blood pressure skyrocket on the journey there. 
Then we’ve got Ferio. A traveling swordsman who enters tournaments. Unfortunately Fuu’s straight alignment. But he’s fine, he’s cute. He’s got like… a whole Thing about him that I won’t explain but know that he’s okay. He’s all right.
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The latter three volumes expands their allies to some other people that I cannot spoil but please know: they’re gay. They are all gay. There’s no heterosexual explanation for any of them. You think "oh that's a straight couple". Wrong. They're all gay, even if they're straight. One of them is like. Holy shit I cannot express how obviously gay they are. This isn’t like. “Oh you’re reading too into it with your fandom eyes”, I mean this is like. Wow. You two had the worst ghosting breakup and should get back together because it was over something stupid. 
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There are a fair number of villains and only one of them is like. Pure Actual Evil and I won’t tell you which one it is but the rest are all VERY satisfying in their character stories and arcs and I love them all dearly. Got some hot magic ladies, got some nervous quiet men, and some awkward cute boys. The whole variety is there! 
Aside from the great characters, the artwork is GORGEOUS. 
I know in this day and age of 2023 digital art and speedy turnarounds of weekly manga releases, all the art is crisp and kinda minimal except for big scenes, and people like that. 
But also consider: gorgeous detailed intricate illustrations. 
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And I still won’t spoil you for the story, but it will still surprise you I swear to you. 
“Okay but isn’t there an anime? Can I just watch that instead?” Look at me. I am holding your hands gently, and I am looking you in the eye as I pull you close and tell you: no. 
You notice all the artwork I've shared is specifically manga art. The anime is. ……………………………………………… not great. It has its pros like padding out filler episodes so they can flesh out the girls’ friendship and some of the side characters. But in having to pad out a 6 volume manga to two 26 episode seasons, some Decisions Were Made that were not in the best interest of the series or its themes. And when I say that, I do mean the very core of some of who these characters are. Motivations and internal goals changed for no reason, added characters for padded run time, an entire character killed for no reason only for their (anime only) twin to dress up and pretend to be that character because the directors realized “oh shit that character is in the second half uhhhhh quick”. It’s not great and it’s just not a lot of fun. 
All I’m saying is please please give this manga a read. It’s very quick, you can finish it in like. 3 days tops. It’s beautiful, it’s heartbreaking, it’s tragic and hopeful. 
I’m gonna leave this with a link to read it online and some other characters I didn’t mention because I just think they’re neat. 
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sa1808fi · 9 months
Okay, I have a Lego movie Rex Lives au (I mean it's more of him being teleported back to his timeline) that I want to know people's thoughts on because I want to see if I should expand on it and make it a whole thing. 
(Get ready for a long ass rant)
This idea kind of snowballed from a fic idea I thought up a few weeks ago. But I guess the basic summary is that when Rex wakes up back in his timeline (The Rexcelsior and Raptors come too) he at some point comes into contact with Watevra, which she figures out he's her creator? Dad? pretty quickly. After a while, they just end up talking it out and forming some kind of familial relationship. 
At some point, Watevra and Batman decide to redo their wedding because the first one was a rush, and they've now spent a couple years together, really getting their relationship going. But Watevera decides to invite Rex (Her dad?) because he wasn't there the first time round (Keep in mind at this point Lucy and the others don't know that Rex is Emmet). 
So during the whole wedding, Lucy, Sweet Mayhem, and the others notice this one really tough and broody-looking dude that's mostly sticking to himself hovering in the less crowded places, and Rex just sticks out like a sore thumb in the systarian party with his dark colors and attitude compared to all of the bright cheerful pop. 
Now everyone is getting weird vibes from Rex and he feels very familiar to them but they don't know why, it gets even weirder for them when they see Watevra constantly go up to him, acting all buddy-buddy with Rex, and he does relax to some degree whenever she shows up, mostly to provide him comfort as the only person there that he can really talk to (Lucy and the others is still a big no-no for him). 
After a few more minutes around the time the party is dying down a bit, they do go up to the two and ask about Watevra's new friend, not really noticing the tension in Rex. I'm still figuring out how but they find out he was Emmet at some point when he's leaving (Maybe i'll have Watevra say something like 'bye dad' and they figure it out from there) and the rest is still in the ideas stage. 
Now this is where the AU really kicks off
The fanfic idea up above is something thats probably going to happen maybe more later in the fic or series or however the fuck i'm going to do it.
Most of this Au that I have in mind is me fixating on the Galaxy Defender part of Rex's job list. Now because that is a reference to Chris Pratt’s role in guardians of the galaxy, and I absolutely love the idea of giving Rex a crew of people that he’s probably get up to so many shenanigans with.
I still want to keep the raptors around because I still feel like they are a big part of Rex as a person, but now they can chill out more and be like over glorified pets (Not that Rex would ever admit it). 
I don’t really want to spoil too many of my ideas, I think I mostly want to flesh out the plot line, characters, relationships and how things are gonna go before I make any real solid promises, but I will gladly answer any questions about this Au of mine that I’ve been wanting to expand on. 
I might write more on this later, but for now this is all I’ve got.
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