#I still love Lucio cause I got to be half decent playing him on my bros system
jo-does-things · 2 years
Skfhhdjs Moira Overwatch is officially my favorite she's such a terrible person I love her and her mad (medical) science vibes
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velvet-apricots · 7 years
Characters i can play in overwatch
Bastion: No aiming required, also a tank and can kinda be in the line of fire. Also can self heal. Which i don’t use enough cause i’m an idiot. Also.. cute robot.
Reaper: Decent damage that feels good even though i fire slowly. does nto require huge amounts of accuracy. I can get in the middle of things, say “oh shit this is bad” then whisp myself away.  Also.... He’s hot.
Zenyatta: IDk why but i think i am a decent Zen. once even got POTG with him. Orb of discord very useful for increasing the damage an enemy takes. I’m very fragile though so i can’t be reckless. need to stick with a tank to be safe. Sadly i am not good at that.
Lucio: All you do is like, run around and heal, make people faster, and boost your healing powers when in a tighter spot. Also fun to knock everyone back.
Soldier 76: I hae no idea how to use his ult but the rest is okay. 
Characters i can half ass my way through
Tracer: I mean i played her once in that new Story arcade mode and got potg but idk thats not much to go on. She goes here for now.
Junkrat: No idea how and when to use his powers right, but his bombs make up for it.
Torbjorn: I could probably use him well but i never really played him long enough to be good.
I suck at them.
Mercy: Technically i can half ass her but a mercy who half asses is a bad mercy so i guess i suck at her.
Ana: I hate.... Fucking sniping. She’s not as bad as widow but she’s still bad.
Widowmaker: I hate.... Snipers... So fucking much. Widow more so cause you need to be dead eye accurate.
Hanzo: I never played him but he’s a god damn sniper so i am pretty sure i would suck at him.
Symmetra: i have no idea where to put the turrets, or use her ults well. But i still play her cause i love her.
Genji: Idk I think i can half ass him well enough.
Everyone esle: 
Never played them. So no clue.
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