#I should flaming go to sleep it's dawning and Im rapped by Blue Blood and 2 Trees lol
flamingplay · 4 years
@handsomeronnie I’m sorry I wasn’t feeling quite reflective or productive after working each time this whole week, tbh, and can’t get my head and hands to writing off stuff normally but I’ll do that for sure, also will emotionally gather up about this but...
At the same time I can’t sleep and started listening to a bit of Total Life Forever and stopped on repeating “2 Trees”... Just don’t know with whom else I can discuss this but have you ever had any clear ideas about both song title and the meaning behind lyrcs or was it ever spoken about by Yannis?
I have now after restless hours sudden feelings that it’s like... a narrative from a passed away person or a person who experienced a nearly lethal experience (“Open your veins in wet summer rain, go”) who couldn’t deal with emotions or pressure or depression and regretting doing this with thinking it’d be better to help others and maintain the strength for others? Because there’s like several ways of giving away the blood: the wasting taking life one and useful giving life to others? Like, you know, that’s why the title because of the 2 trees of Eden: the narrator both went through evil and good (gained some knowledge/wisdom but as an aftermath “Don't give up, don't let go. Grey clouds, they'll, they'll break up. Just breathe slow” because all bad stuff that’s happening to a person will be over, it’s just worth waiting and living).
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