#I need people to witness the hot mess that is Bo Sinclair. emphasis on ''hot.'' like sir what is all that FOR??
jokerfic · 7 months
it's very good to know you have so much in the works! that psychological horror sounds really cool :) youre series was the first joker fic i really fell in love with and recently i've stumbled upon another one that reminds me a lot of yours except it's like the dynamic is on the opposite side of the spectrum lol. it's part of a series called bless the bleeder by awfulbutsexy on ao3 if you wanna check it out because it's a good read tbh. alsoooo could you possibly elaborate a bit on this HOW fic? i am intriguedddddd
ooh, thank you for the rec! It's been a while since I've gone digging for quality Joker fic so it's always appreciated when someone passes along a good find <3
lol the House of Wax fic. here, have a fake summary (fake in that it's not official, not that it's full of lies)
Freshly convicted of her father's murder, Catherine Rosemarie White is on her way to serve a life sentence when the prison transport van gets bogged down, sending her and her jailers into the town of Ambrose, LA for assistance. Instead, they find a nightmare, and soon enough, Cat finds herself on the run in the swamp, trying to stay one step ahead of the dangerous Bo Sinclair, who seems to have taken a particular interest in her. As it happens, the thing that caught Bo's attention-- Cat's murder conviction-- might be the very thing that gives her the edge she needs to not only survive in Ambrose, but thrive.
stefon voice this fic has everything! daddy issues! mommy issues! alligators! cat and mouse games that neither party-- especially Cat-- will admit to enjoying and finding fulfillment in! sexually charged violence! early 00s cell phones! a problematic age gap (cat's like 20 lol he is WAY too old for her but that's the least of the concerns here)! clothing theft! nicknames! both parties fighting to be the dom in the "relationship!" two other Sinclair brothers who don't understand why Bo doesn't just have his fun and kill this girl already because she's kind of wrecking the whole town (he's trying, okay)!
it's basically Die Hard in Louisiana (Bo would be soooooo mad if he knew he was the Hans Gruber in the scenario). it's basically that text post I can't find that's like "I think two people who suck should be able to date each other so they form a closed loop and don't involve anyone else in their mess." No clue when it'll eventually manifest, but it's in the works, and obviously I'm just gleeful about how much of a wreck it all is.
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