#I mean--I'm not an expert on film theory but I'm sure I'd appreciate it
ldnester90 · 2 years
So, I'm vaguely interested/apathetic about the whole "Gonch-posting" meme that's spread across Tumblr, but I'm getting some vibes that it might have been the sort of movie my mom would have loved. It would've come out right in her early 20s--yeah, the math is correct. Whenever there's reruns from that era, I've been known to pay attention at least half the time. She's also sort of a fan of Scorsese movies (maybe not too specific about the director, but at least his movies)--him having written this couldn't hurt. Movies about the mafia are sort of up her alley--as long as they aren't too violent (especially just for the sake of violence; she's aware of some horror series, but never got into it) or has a bunch of F-bombs. Maybe not her favorite, but certainly worth a watch if it's on TV. And I'd be at least vaguely aware of it, to where I'd recognize the reference if it was brought up.
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