#I made myself SOB thinking about a French soldier in the trenches calling out to Saint Jeanne d'Arc for courage and protection
thedreadpiratematt · 2 years
Tattoo idea: Joan of Arc/some Joan iconography
Bro yeeessss, oof there are so many good Joan tattoos too
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lilyswritings · 7 years
Hold On To Me / Part III
Author’s note: Okay, so this is ‘The Scene’. You know, the one that made me almost cry in the theaters. Yep, it’s ‘No Man’s Land’. It was hard to figure out how to make it work, fitting the reader in, but I think I did alright! Anyway, as always, let me know what you thought by leaving an ask or commenting on the fic itself! I know this is LONG awaited, so sorry about that, but I hope you guys enjoy! (Also, every time someone reblogs one of my works I smile like a maniac, so please do that!)
Summary: You joined this godawful war alongside your brother and his best friend. As a female pilot, already under stress due to your gender, the war became too much, ripping away everything you loved - but Steve was always by your side. Then he disappeared, and you had nothing left. So when he turns up out of nowhere with a stunning warrior goddess by his side, there are mixed feelings that arise. But you cannot let yourself get distracted by feelings that may or may not be reciprocated - there is still a war to be won.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Steve Trevor x Reader
   When daylight breaks around the campfire and you wake to find Steve packing up his sleeping roll, you know it is time to go. The sky is gray and dull, reflecting the moods of you and your companions, as you trudge through mud and harrowing scenes of war. Diana is no less horrified the second day of travel - in fact, now that your group is in the center of conflict, you can see the pain in her eyes as she watches the battle scenes around her.
   The atrocities of the war put you back into your state of blankness - you tune out the violence and the anguish that surrounds you, instead opting to count the footsteps you make in the mud until you reach the trench, when you are forced to look into the faces of the boys that remind you too much of your brother.
   Steve’s eyes snap behind you, widening, and when you turn to follow his gaze your heart drops. Diana is climbing the ladder out of the trench, now donning some form of armor from the mythology books you used to read. 
   “Diana!” Steve shouts, as she crests the ladder and hoists herself over, and you rush to the edge, staring over the side to watch with amazement as she blocks bullets with her wrist cuffs. It takes you a moment to realize what is happening, but soon she is crouched, shield in front of her and bullets bouncing off of her like they are made of rubber. 
   “She’s taking all their fire! Let’s go!” Steve shouts behind you to the other men, and you narrowly dodge the arm he extends to keep you in the trench as you pull yourself up the ladder, pursuing Diana.
   “Y/N!” Steve shouts behind you, but you push further, ducking behind a dead tree before turning to watch as Diana makes eye contact with you. A small smile of gratitude forms on her lips, and you nod, turning to aim the gun you pulled from the trench just as the rest of the men appear beside you. 
   Diana launches herself over and into the enemy trench, quickly pulling apart their turret gun and dealing swiftly with the German soldiers. Your heart hammers in your chest at the sight of the guns, but you steel yourself and clutch your brother’s dog tag that sits around your neck. 
   You catch Steve’s gaze - his eyes are panicked, concern dancing in the blues and brows furrowed in worry. He shakes his head, but you tuck the dog tag back into your shirt and take a deep breath.
  “For Andrew.” You mouth, and you can see the moment he realizes he won’t be able to stop you. He changes his demeanor, aiming his gun just behind you, and you realize he’s taken on the role of protector once again.
   You cock your gun, turning to find that Diana is still making quick work of the soldiers, and you turn and run, sliding on the dirt and into the trench. A soldier aims his gun at you but you smack his head with the butt of your gun, sending him sprawling, and crouch down to snag the shotgun sitting on the ground.
   Suddenly, the trench begins to fill with British soldiers, and a laugh of disbelief escapes your lips as they cross No Man’s Land, joyful cheers ringing in your ears. You’re tugged out of your moment as Diana points across the trench, shouting. 
   “Steve! Y/N! Let’s go!” Your eyes widen as she leaps out of the trench, sprinting towards the small village in the distance. Shaking out of your daze, you and Steve leap into action, pulling the ladders onto the trench wall and clambering up them to follow the Amazon.
   You are conscious of Steve hovering around you the entire time the two of you fight your way to the village. The protection is not unwelcome, as you never had been a skilled fighter on the ground - you’d only ever been a fighter in the air. The British soldiers follow suit, and your heart swells thinking of your brother. He’d have been proud.
   You come upon the seemingly deserted town, holding your shotgun high as your eyes sweep over the buildings. “It doesn’t seem like anyone-” 
   Pain blooms in your shoulder and you curse, staggering behind a building for cover as German soldiers come into view. Your hand comes up to clutch the wound as your heart races, hesitantly looking down at the small patch of red that grows by the second on your right shoulder.
   “Y/N - shit.” Steve hovers over you, pressing his hand onto yours to slow the blood seeping out, and you shake your head, pulling his hand away.
   “It’s fine - it went clean through.” You utter, looking up to find Diana watching you with panicked blue eyes. “Go. All of you, I’ll be fine.” Your last words are aimed at the American and he sighs, knowing you’re right.
   “I’ll be right behind you. I just need a minute.” You reassure him once Diana runs off, and he nods, kissing you briefly on the forehead. 
   “Stay safe. I mean it.” He says before following Diana. Your heart flutters slightly when his lips meet your skin, but the throbbing ache pulls you back into the situation. 
   You clench your jaw and lean down, pulling your sweater up and ripping a ribbon out of your shirt before re-tucking the outerwear. You tightly wrap the fabric around your shoulder joint, tugging until the harsh cotton digs into your skin enough to satisfactorily staunch the blood flow.
   Gunshots echo from the buildings within the town, as do German shouts as well as French cries of anguish. Peeking over the rubble once more, you steel yourself and stand shakily, dragging the shotgun up from the ground and aiming it ahead.
   Just as you step foot into the cobbled street an earth-shaking ‘boom’ erupts from somewhere close to you, and your heart drops. ‘No. Please.’ You think, heart speeding as you sprint towards the sound.
   The city square is quiet, the villagers all facing upwards, staring at the now destroyed church tower that was the landmark a few moments ago. You follow one woman’s gaze, just as the crowd erupts into cheers, to find Diana standing proud of the rubble, high above the pavement.
   You search desperately for Steve, pushing past women babbling in French and trying to shake your hand, and you breathe a sigh of relief at a familiar head of dirty-blond hair. 
   He notices you at the same time you see him, and instantly rushes towards you, enveloping you in a warm embrace that makes you choke out a half-sob of relief. “You’re okay.” He mutters into your neck, reassuring hands holding you to him like a lifeline, and you realize that tears are streaming down your face. 
Steve’s P.O.V.:
   “It’s fine - it went clean through.” She says, bright eyes finding mine throughout the pounding of my heart as I stare at the growing spot of red on her shoulder. “Go. All of you, I’ll be fine.” Y/N’s words are obviously meant for me, and I sigh shakily knowing that I have to go and help the villagers.
      “I’ll be right behind you. I just need a minute.” She says, another reassurance, and it takes all of my willpower not to shake my head and hold her tightly right here and now. 
   I won’t leave you. The words nearly fall past my lips but I find myself saying something else. “Stay safe. I mean it.” I say, leaning in and kissing her gently on the forehead, heart breaking as I feel her shaking slightly beneath me.
   “No. You do not get to do this to my sister, Steve. Not her.” Andrew said, finger jabbing towards me as the noise in the bar slowly ebbs. “If you mess with her feelings, if you hurt her in any way, I’ll never forgive you.” He continued, and I nodded.
    “I know. She deserves better.” I manage, and my friend shakes his head. 
   “No, Steve, you are a good man - but if you love her back, and you die, she’ll be devastated. I need to have someone to look after her if I... If I die. She needs a stable friend to take care of her, not a fling who may fall out of love with her.”
   “Please, just- promise you’ll take care of her?” He says, and I nod furiously, patting him on the arm. 
   I’m wrenched out of the memory by the butt of a gun being knocked into my head, and in a split second I retaliate by cocking my shotgun and shooting him point blank. A moment after, I catch my breath and glance away from the corpse laying in front of me, a familiar guilt settling in my gut. 
   I glance across the rooftops as a shattering sound draws my attention, and my eyes widen as Diana bursts out of a window, knocking a German soldier off the side of the roof and running across the tiled roofs towards the village square. 
   My body goes into a familiar shutdown mode as I continue to fight. Shoot. Watch out. Help others. I recall a fighting technique I saw the Amazons use and shout for Diana - she flies into the spire of the church to knock out the sniper, and the entire tower crumbles with a ‘boom’. 
   Finally, my thoughts catch up with me. ‘Y/N. The Germans must have called for backup, what if they caught her on the outskirts and-’
   But no, she’s right there, in the corner of my eye, bleeding and holding a gun but radiant and alive. I don’t waste time, striding over to where she stands limply and envelop her in my arms, breathing her in and holding her tight as she sobs slightly. 
   “You’re okay.” I muster, and I feel her nod into my neck and return my vice-like grip, clinging on to each other like we’re the only people around. Of course, we’re not, and the cheers of the villagers surrounding me finally push through my haze of worriedness and into my brain, and an elated smile breaks out on my face.
   “We did it.” I say, pulling apart and looking her in the face.
   Y/N cocks an eyebrow, shaking her head, but a smile still stretches her lips and tugs the corners of her eyes upwards. “I think she did it.” The sound of footsteps from behind me alerts me of Diana being down on the ground again.
   We barely have time to talk before we’re bustled into a group for a photograph. Diana blinks like a lost puppy at the poor man holding the camera, and I chuckle but arrange us into some form of a pose for the picture. Y/N leans into me, smiling, and for a moment, things are good.
tags list: @deanilostmyshoe @ly–canthrope @heyitsjaybird @alexx-in-wonderland123 @whaledenwtf @friceaurelia07 @theflashrunner @yoinkpeter @castellagreen @odetovalerie @kaitlynw011 
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