#I love putting rakepick and carey in a room together
carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Bill’s modified Cursed Barrier would allow its caster to keep anyone with a Dark Mark from entering a certain space. He demonstrated the wand movement for the assembled students so they could follow along with their own wands -- then everyone split into small groups and practiced it together.
When Bill felt confident about how everyone’s wand movements looked, he addressed them]
Bill: “Well done, everyone! Now all that’s left to give the spell a go.”
[He turned to Carewyn with a smile.]
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[Carewyn grinned, striding up to the front of the class. Raising her wand, she slashed at the air in front of her.]
“Relinquo Mortis!”
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[A bright flare of white light created a pretty, star-like shield around her like a bubble, before quickly dissipating away.
Carewyn gave Bill a frown.]
“...How do you know if it’s worked? No one here has a Dark Mark, so we can’t test it...”
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[Merula whirled on Andre, opening her mouth as if to retort, but Carewyn ended up talking over her, looking both shocked and very disapproving.]
[Andre was startled by the level of severity in her voice -- Merula was too.
Charlie shot Andre a reproachful look out the side of his eye.]
Charlie: “Not cool, mate. You gonna say the same thing to Barnaby next? His folks knew You-Know-Who too.”
[Startled, Andre glanced over at Barnaby, who looked hurt.]
Andre: “(upset) No! No, I didn’t mean it like that -- ”
[He looked up at Carewyn imploringly.]
Andre: “Carewyn, you know I wouldn’t think that -- I was just ribbing, I swear...”
[Carewyn crossed her arms, her gaze so piercing it could’ve rivaled McGonagall’s.]
“Maybe you were, but it wasn’t funny. Merula and I may not see eye-to-eye much of ever, but she is not her parents. None of us are.”
If Jacob and I were anything like Dad, we’d be pretty rotten people.
Tulip: “(gives a dry laugh) Ha! I’m certainly evidence of that.”
Tonks: “(cheekily) Me too -- I know if I were ever to procreate, I’d never name my kid something dumb like ‘Nymphadora’ -- “
[Some of the tension ebbed from the room -- Penny and Jae were both laughing, and Liz and Charlie were grinning. Even Carewyn herself spared Tonks a smile.
Andre looked down at the ground, abashed.]
Andre: “(mumbling) ...Yes, of course.”
[He glanced at Merula, clearly reluctant to apologize. Fortunately Merula’s focus was elsewhere -- she kept glancing from Carewyn to Charlie, as if she were still stunned that the two had defended her.]
Bill: “(levelly) Why don’t we go ahead and call it a night? I’ll see you all Friday, after your classes.”
[As the assembled students started to head out, Bill added,]
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[Carewyn noticed Rowan watching, as if silently asking if Carewyn wanted her to wait for her. Carewyn gave her a small smile and wave.]
“I’ll see you back in the commonroom, okay?”
[Rowan smiled in return and nodded, before heading out with Barnaby and Liz. Carewyn also shared an offhand wave with Charlie before he headed out. Merula caught her eye briefly and Carewyn thought at first she wanted to say something, but Merula seemed to have changed her mind almost instantly and rather quickly shuffled out with Ismelda.
Carewyn turned back to Bill. His expression had lost some of the confidence and composure he’d shown in front of the others, making him seem a bit more vulnerable than before.]
Bill: “...Charlie told me...you talked him out of leaving Hogwarts, while you were practicing the Barrier spell with Penny and Rowan.”
[His voice was a lot softer and very grim. Clearly he’d been upset when he’d learned what Charlie had been thinking of doing too.
Carewyn’s eyes softened sadly.]
“I couldn’t have done anything else.”
If Charlie left now, I know he’d regret it. He’d miss out on finishing school, his family would be so worried -- and...I could never protect him from R, if he were that far away...
[Bill’s face broke out into a very small, warm smile.]
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Bill: “For...supporting him...the way I should’ve.”
[He suddenly looked very guilty.]
Bill: “I’ve been throwing myself into my cursebreaking work to take my mind off what happened in the Vault -- with Rakepick...and, in the process...I completely missed how badly Charlie’s been affected too. Probably feeling the same things I’ve felt...”
[Carewyn’s eyes fell to the floor just to the right of Bill’s shoe.]
“...Yeah. Some of the things he said...did remind me of you a bit -- you know, when we were last in here?”
The anger and sadness -- the pain of being betrayed by someone who was supposed to protect us...
[Bill nodded solemnly.]
Bill: “I remember.”
[His voice then grew a little softer again as he gave Carewyn a weak smile.]
Bill: “I’m just so grateful that you were there for him, like you were for me.”
[Carewyn met Bill’s eyes, her face very serious even despite the gentleness of her voice.]
"And I always will be.”
[Carewyn knew how painful it was to feel truly, horribly alone. She’d had no friends growing up, so when her mother was busy with work and Jacob was at school, Carewyn had become very used to doing things on her own, whether it was finishing homework or playing one-sided games of jacks or checkers. It made her latch on that bit more desperately to her mother and brother -- made her hoard their attention and love that bit more every time --  made it so that when Jacob disappeared, her whole world came crashing down around her ears...
All of her friends at Hogwarts -- Rowan, Bill, Chiara, Talbott, Barnaby, all of them -- they’d made her life more than just obsessively chasing after the Vaults and Jacob. They’d given her the chance to care for them and solve their problems, which in turn gave her real confidence and made her happier than she ever could’ve imagined before walking through those castle doors.
Her friends gave her joy, even in the midst of so much danger and fear -- and for that, she knew she couldn’t let anything happen to them. Even if she had to lie to them -- even if she had to keep secrets and say things she didn’t mean -- she had to make sure they survived. If they did...the best part of herself would still exist.]
I promise. I’ll protect Charlie, and you, and Rowan, and Barnaby -- all of you. I promise I’ll take care of you.
Bill: “Thank you, Carey. My brothers...Ginny...they mean the world to me.”
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[Carewyn’s heart ached with empathy. She knew exactly how Bill felt.]
If anything happened to Jacob...if anything has happened to Jacob, out there...
[The thought was too painful for Carewyn to bear. She shoved it down fiercely, unable to put the sentiment into words.
Almost as if on cue, Bill and Carewyn were interrupted by the sudden arrival of Percy, who dashed up to them looking very anxious.]
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((OOC: DUN DUN DUN! XD Will probably compress the twins’ disappearance somewhat in my next roleplaying post so as to get to that dragon sidequest, but hey, I do love some Bill and Carewyn interaction. I’ll love it even more, though, when Carewyn can actually lean on Bill emotionally too sometimes...oi! Bill really can’t do much better than Carewyn to look after his brothers, though -- once you are Carewyn’s friend, she is your surrogate Mama Bear, no questions asked. XDD
Honestly, Andre’s little jab at Merula did feel really below the belt to me, did anyone else think so? I mean, it’s not OOC for him exactly, given his wit and critical nature, but...ow, dude! Still adore you to all get out, but I know your ex-girlfriend would have something to say about it, however much Merula still frustrates her. :P
The incantation I made up for Bill’s Cursed Barrier comes from the Latin words for “leave” and “death”...so yeah, it pretty literally means, “Leave, Death!” LOL. The Latin word “mors” is also used in the incantation to cast the Dark Mark, Morsmordre.))
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Night had already fallen by the time Charlie and Carewyn returned to school. Charlie led Carewyn upstairs, down the third floor hallway of the East Tower to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at the far end.
Sure enough, when the two “Fireballs” entered, standing at the head of the classroom was Bill Weasley. He was dressed in a second-hand but well-cared-for slate gray suit and a black collared shirt, and his hair, as ginger red as Charlie’s, had grown an inch or so since his graduation.
Bill’s brown eyes lit up at the sight of Charlie and Carewyn. Carewyn skipped across the room -- Bill met her half-way, opening his arms and bending down slightly so she could wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. With a soft, almost mischievous laugh, Bill straightened up, making Carewyn give a strangled yelp when he lifted her right up off the ground. Then she burst into giggles, and Bill chuckled too as he gave her a big squeeze.]
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Bill: “Aw, Carey, it’s so good to see you.”
“(through a big grin) Are you growing your hair out?”
Bill: “(lightly) A bit, yeah. Wonder if I should try to go for a ponytail like yours or Charlie’s -- maybe get a piercing or two.”
“How dashing.”
[She giggled again as Bill lowered her back down to the ground and the two finally released each other. Charlie came up and gave Bill a big hug too -- both boys clapped each other on the back before breaking apart.]
Bill: “It’s great to see you both. Letters are nice and all, but being here in person’s just that that bit better, right?”
“I know. Though it was great, reading about your Cursebreaking work -- your assignment in Slovakia, at the old Bathory Castle? Amazing!”
Bill: “(grinning) Gotta thank you for the cursebreaking books you bought me -- I wouldn’t have even tried examining that knife without reading up on cursed gems beforehand.”
[His eyes softened upon Carewyn’s face.]
Bill: “Cursebreaking’s been brilliant...but I’ve really missed you. Missed Hogwarts...”
[He then frowned slightly.]
Bill: “Gotta say, though, Carey -- you don’t seem very surprised to see me.”
“Charlie told me you were coming to visit tonight.”
[Bill whirled on his brother.]
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Bill: “(groaning) I tried to act surprised!”
Charlie: “‘Act’ is a strong word.”
[Carewyn burst into giggles at the two brothers’ bickering, covering her mouth with her hand to try to contain her amusement.]
“Bill, don’t worry about it. I’m glad Charlie told me.”
After how awful a day I’ve had...I needed some good news.
[Charlie smiled, his gaze shifting from Carewyn to Bill and back.]
Charlie: “At least I didn’t tell Carey why you’re here -- mostly because I don’t know either, but still...”
[Carewyn looked up as she heard the class room open.
In came Penny, Rowan, and Barnaby. A moment later, another clump of people -- Tonks, Tulip, Diego, and Andre -- sidled in.
Bill grinned broadly.]
Bill: “Don’t worry -- you’re about to find out.”
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[Once all of the sixth year students had arrived, they stood together in a group in front of the rows of desks, facing Bill at the head of the class.]
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Ben: “I don’t waste time wondering anymore -- I just take action.”
You could do with some wondering. And other types of thinking too, quite frankly.
[Rather than say this aloud, Carewyn merely pursed her lips sourly.]
Tonks: “(taken aback) Blimey, Ben! When did you get so interesting?”
Penny: “(disapproving) ‘Interesting’ isn’t how I’d put it...”
[Bill cleared his throat in a business-like way to regain everyone’s attention.]
Bill: “As I was saying -- Charlie told me your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is....particularly useless this year...”
[Ismelda gave a snort.]
Ismelda: “That’s putting it mildly.”
[For once, Carewyn agreed with her.
This year the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had been filled by a hot-shot, up-and-coming “Defense expert” named Huxley Meyers. Although many Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in previous years had merely been old and dull, rather akin to Professor Binns, Professor Meyers clearly was much more interested in puffing himself up than actually teaching his class anything. In his first two classes, he’d had the students pair off and duel each other with no set guidelines or instruction and then strolled around the room, picking apart their technique and vaguely going on and on about what he would’ve done better.
“‘Flipendo,’” he’d scoff. “Is that what you all have been learning? Come on. Shoot out something more dangerous sometime, Copper. You’re going to let a ginger runt like that overpower you, Lee? Pummel ‘im!”
There was also a clear difference in how he spoke to the boys in the class versus the girls. With the boys, he’d often try to goad them into attacking their opponents more aggressively -- with the girls, he’d throw out random snide remarks and then played them off as being just “jokes” if anyone took offense to them.
“Spread your feet, Miss Murk, they’re much too close together -- rather like your eyes,” he’d say with a cheeky smile. “Miss Karasu, what’s with that wand grip? More gently now -- don’t reckon your folks would much like to hear about bad marks, eh? Hahaha...oh, don’t worry -- you lot know I wouldn’t write to them about something like that, lighten up...”
Carewyn herself had strangely found herself victim to both behaviors. In both classes, Meyers had paired Carewyn with several of her male classmates in an attempt to get her to really go at it, but when she’d refused to inflict any lasting damage on her friends, he’d ended up tearing into her for it, mockingly calling her “the little princess.” The condescension wasn’t unlike how Snape spoke to his classes, but at least Snape actually taught them useful material -- Meyers, on the other hand, seemed much more interested in tearing down his class than actually giving them tools to hone their skills.]
Even if Rakepick was a lying snake, at least she taught us stuff. This guy is just a joke.
[Bill glanced at Ismelda out the side of his eye, his mouth twitching with disapproval, but it was clear he was much more cross about what he’d heard about Meyers than Ismelda having interrupted him.]
Bill: “Mm-hmm. Well, given the circumstances...and how important it is that you lot be able to defend yourselves, given everything that happened last year...I decided to volunteer my services. I can’t replace your teacher -- “
[For a second he severely looked like he wanted to add “however much I’d like to,” but thought better of it.]
Bill: “ -- but when I have downtime between my Gringotts cursebreaking missions, I’ll be visiting Hogwarts to teach you new defensive spells.”
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[His face then grew a bit more solemn.]
Bill: “This tutoring will be informal and optional -- you can opt out if you want. But if and when Rakepick or any of her lot return...I want to make sure you all are as prepared as you can be -- and since your current professor seems to be no help in that, I figure I at least can be. If you decide to stay, of course.”
[He waited for anyone to leave -- but as Carewyn had predicted, nobody moved.
Bill caught Carewyn’s eye and she beamed proudly at him. Bill’s face broke out into a grin.]
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((OOC: BILL, MY DEAR, MY CURSEBREAKING BOY! How I love thee! *huggles Bill plushie*
Huxley Meyers is completely original to me, being inspired by both my absolute worst teacher from grade school and a rather unpleasant ex-roommate. I personally see him having friendly connections to Carewyn’s maternal family, the Cromwells, and maybe R as well, depending on what else we learn about them -- either way, yeah, he’s a creep. Still trying to pin down a fancast for the bugger so I can draw him properly. I knew I had to create at least one DADA teacher OC for this game, though -- I’m sorry, but the books always had such interestingly diverse candidates for the position, and after Rakepick, it’s good to explore the downgrade. >>
Whew, I need to get caught up on roleplaying posts for this Weasley brothers chapter so I can start working on posts for THIS --
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Squeeeeeeeeee~!!!!! X3333))
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Percy, Bill, and Carewyn hurried to find Charlie, and the four gingers split into two pairs in search for the twins.
Seeing how anxious Charlie was in particular about the thought that Fred and George could’ve been subjected to the Statue Curse, Carewyn decided to stick with him. There hadn’t been any evidence to suggest Fred and George were hurt or in trouble, but whether they were or not, she wanted to make sure Charlie was all right. And admittedly, Percy would’ve been a poor choice to try to ease Charlie’s nerves.
It took a while, but Carewyn and Charlie finally learned from Peeves that he’d seen Fred and George heading into the Forbidden Forest. The two Fireballs followed a pair of tracks into the Redcap Hole Carewyn had last visited with Ben -- and to both Carewyn and Charlie’s immense relief, there the two first years were, safe and sound.]
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Charlie: “Of all the places to end up in...”
[Carewyn rested a hand on Charlie’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze to show some support without taking her solemn gaze off of the twins.]
“You shouldn’t go missing without a word like that.”
[The twins looked at each other, both sets of eyebrows raised airily.]
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George: “Funny, I didn’t feel missing. Did you, Fred?”
Fred: “Nope -- I’m right here!”
[Carewyn crossed her arms, her expression rather stony, but Charlie spoke a bit sharply.]
Charlie: “This is serious, you two. When Peeves told us where you’d gone -- when we learned you’d run out here chasing after someone...I was terrified you’d run into Rakepick, or one of her lot!”
[His worry was stamped into the crevices of his face. Both Fred and George suddenly looked a little guilty.]
Fred: “No need to get your knickers in a twist, Charlie...we’re fine...”
George: “And we have a good reason for coming down here, honest -- “
[Suddenly a raspy, weedy voice cut through the air.]
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[The Red Cap had returned.
Carewyn immediately made as if to step in front of the twins, pointing her wand at the creature and preparing to attack -- but she was interrupted by Fred grabbing hold of her shoulder as he ran up to stand beside her.]
Fred: “Hold on, hold on! We got this!”
[George tossed Fred something -- Fred caught it easily with one hand and then chucked it right at the ground in front of the Red Cap.]
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[The Dungbomb burst open into a bright green, putrid mist. Overwhelmed by the horrible stench, the Red Cap scurried away, covering his nose and mouth and yowling unpleasantly. In seconds the smell, like back in the Gryffindor common room, had expanded, burying itself into every crevice of the hole.
Careyn cringed in disgust as she lowered her wand.]
“(sardonically) Augh -- lovely work, boys. Most effective.”
Now I’ll have to wash my clothes twice just to get the smell out.
[The twins grinned identical grins.]
Fred: “Glad to be of service!”
[Carewyn shot them both a very cool smile.]
“Be very glad that I’m still relieved to see you’re both all right -- otherwise I’d be taking points off you for damaging my wardrobe.”
George: “(bursts out laughing) Come off it!”
Fred: “Making things smell isn’t damaging -- ”
“(dryly) Not a very nice thing to do to one of your mum’s sweaters, though, is it?”
[Carewyn turned to Charlie with a sigh.]
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Charlie: “(tiredly) You said it...”
Fred: “Hold up! We have to tell Carewyn about why we came down here.”
[Both Charlie and Carewyn looked up, startled.]
Charlie: “Can’t it wait until we get back to school?”
George: “(very firmly) No, Carewyn needs to know now.”
Fred: “(just as firmly) We were hanging out, having a laugh under the tree by the lake, when we saw this really-dodgy-looking chap creeping about near the Forest.”
George: “He was easy to spot ‘cause he had this long dark hair and this set of bright red robes on -- ”
Fred: “ -- kind of made ‘im look like a pirate, honestly -- ”
[Carewyn’s heart just about stopped.
Red dress robes...?]
Fred: “Anyway, we kind of followed from a distance, trying to get a better look at him...”
George: “Then he turned around -- ”
Fred: “ -- I don’t reckon he saw us, but we got a good look at his face -- ”
George: “ -- and we both looked at each other and said -- ”
Fred and George: “ -- ‘that must be Carewyn’s brother!’”
[Carewyn felt like her heart had been seized around the middle. Despite herself she couldn’t fight back a sharp intake of breath.
Charlie, shooting a quick glance at Carewyn, then turned back to his younger brothers with a very serious expression.]
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Charlie: “You’ve never even seen him.”
George: “No, but we have met Carewyn.”
Fred: “(to Carewyn) The bloke didn’t look like you at all until he turned around. His eyes were just like yours. Color, shape, everything.”
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[Carewyn’s eyes widened further still.
Bright red dress robes with long, dark hair and eyes just like hers...it did sound like Jacob!
She covered her face with both hands, trying to obscure the turbulent emotions filtering through. She could feel her mouth twisting into an open, broken, relieved smile.]
He’s alive. He’s alive!
[Just as suddenly, though, her blood chilled.]
He was here...why was he here? Was he chasing Rakepick? Is she here? Is he trying to get to the last Vault? Does he know its location now? And...if he is here, near Hogwarts...why didn’t he reach out? Send a note...something...?
[She felt a hand coming down to rest on her shoulder.]
Charlie: “(concerned) Carey?”
[Closing her eyes, Carewyn inhaled and exhaled, trying to clear her mind.]
Detach -- forget -- detach --
[She opened her eyes, still hiding her expression in her hands.]
If I just show a blank face, Charlie will know I’m faking it -- and I can’t show him fear, he’s scared enough as it is...
[And so she put on her brightest, most relieved smile and removed her hands from her face.]
“...He’s alive...thank Merlin, he’s alive...”
[Carewyn turned to the twins.]
“Did you see where he went?”
[Both Fred and George deflated visibly.]
George: “No...by the time we crawled in here, he’d disappeared.”
[Carewyn refused to show her disappointment on her face.]
“...Well...thank you for trying.”
Charlie: “Are you going to go look for him?”
Of course I am.
[Carewyn closed her eyes solemnly and bowed her head slightly.]
“...No. I...have faith in Jacob. He’ll reach out when he can -- I know he will.”
[She projected as much confidence as she humanly could, even though it made her feel like she was blowing a lot of hot air.]
Charlie: “(lowly) ...I hope he does soon, Carey. After how much work you put in to find him...you both deserve to be together again -- like my brothers and I are.”
[Charlie’s whisper was full to the brim with empathy, and it made Carewyn’s heart feel like it’d grown to twice its normal size. As she opened her eyes and looked up at him again, her voice was noticeably touched despite her usual stoic expression.]
“(softly) Thanks, Charlie.”
[Smiling more confidently, Carewyn turned on her heel, tossing an amused glance over her shoulder at the three Weasley boys.]
“Well, come on, then! Bill’s got to get back to Gringotts soon, doesn’t he? May as well not keep him waiting!”
[She strolled a good three paces in front of the boys as they headed out of the Forest, her eyes focused straight ahead at the horizon.]
I found you once, Jacob. I will find you again.
   ((OOC: In the game Fred and George say the guy they saw resembled a “description” of Jacob they’d heard, but...yeah, where would they have gotten that?? Jacob did get a picture in the Daily Prophet when he first vanished, but the twins would’ve been only around six years old at the time, so I guarantee they wouldn’t remember a picture they saw once that long ago. And I don’t really see Bill (or Charlie, if you like me had MC take him instead of Penny) discussing Jacob’s appearance. In the game, at least, you can kind of use the logic that MC and Jacob share hair and eye color (and even makeup -- SNORT)...but yeah, considering my Jacob looks very little like Carewyn, that wasn’t really going to fly, hence the rewriting of that scene. Jacob most closely resembles his father, while Carewyn resembles her maternal great-grandmother, but both have very distinctive almond-shaped, dark-lashed blue eyes. (Which I like to call the “Cromwell eyes” -- their mum Lane and many members of her family also have them.)
Carewyn’s sweater was actually knitted for her by Molly Weasley last Christmas, rather than it being a “W”-lettered hand-me-down from Bill. In my headcanon, it’s maroon with a purple “C” on the front. (The “C’s” on Charlie’s Christmas jumpers are usually yellow, so Molly used a dull magenta for Carewyn’s C” to further set her sweater apart from his.)
The “pirate” line by Fred is a reference to a silly roleplaying scenario I did with my sweet @dat-silvers-girl​. The comparison will never not make me laugh!!
And now...to write out some stuff for the dragon side-quest!! ^.^))
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