#I like ranting and judy talking about my ocs
slvtbible · 6 years
Sweet Pea x Soraya De La Torres ( OC )
Chapter One
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A/N: This is the first chapter of ‘Bad Intentions’. Note to self that English isn’t my first language so if there’s any grammar mistake. I’m sorry. And please be kind. Enjoy my loves!
Warning: ‘Bad Intentions’ contains race issues, feminism, mature content and strong language.
Soraya De La Torres. A 16 year old young Latina woman who had her life turned upside down by the time she turned twelve. Her parents had been deported back to where they came from and her entire family were shipped to God knows where. The only family she had left who cared enough to look after her was her aunt. She didn’t mind
Her parents weren’t the most ideal folks either, she struggled to face the reality of a cruel world ever since she was little and none of them had helped her along the way.
She cried. Of course. Cried, because the only family she had was taken away from her and she will never know if she gets to see them again. Someday, maybe
“Hey, chica. You alright?” A soft and concerned voice caught her off guard, she blinked for a couple times before turning her gaze on her aunt who held a confused look.
A small smile made it’s way to her lips, “i’m good. What is it Aunt Sof?”
Her aunt walked over to the dining table and grabs a couple plates to set them on, she took off her apron and washed her dirty hands,
“You seems so lost amor. That’s all. By the way Veronica’s on the phone. She’s looking for you.” She informed, continuing to set the meal on the table,
Soraya cocked an eyebrow before marched her way to the living room where the telephone located, she grabs it and held it places it against her ear. Veronica’s up to something, she knew it. Ronnie would never call her at dinner time,
“What took you so long? Why did your aunt picked up the phone? Where were you?” Veronica’s aggressive tone was enough to make her sighed in annoyance.
“Calm down Judge Judy, i was cooking dinner like a normal daughter in a normal family should be. What are you up to, Lodge? Didn’t you realize this is dinner time? I’m hungry.” She finished with a flat tone. Whatever Veronica’s doing or thinking in that moment. She should put it aside.
“Can you come down to the Pembrooke?” Veronica asked,
She scoffed, ‘as if bitch’ she thought. “No. Like i said, i’m hungry and i want food. My aunt and i cooked”
She could smell the delicious Tamales from the living room making her stomach growl and she groaned,
“But this is really important, Raya! I can’t comprehend with everything right now. My dad has been tormenting Archie for the past few week and Archie is blaming it one me, my mom’s taking away my favorite pearls and Betty went out with Jughead so i literally had no one to talk to apart from you.” She finished with a heavy breathing.
Soraya could imagine her face right now. A drip of sweat probably falling over her forehead, her hand fanning to create a current air and her lips dramatically quivered. She mentally laughed at the thought. Is she was there she would probably laugh,
“God you sound like Cheryl right now. And God knows how much i hate that girl.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, attempting to calm herself down as an image of the certain ginger crossed her mind.
“You wanna come over?” She asked straight to the point, not wanting to hear another rant coming out of her mouth.
“Yes! Please. Do you mind if i stay over? I know it’s a school night but i have ALOT of things to rant about.”
‘Shit’ she thought. There goes her chance of sleeping like a baby
“Sure, why not. But i don’t want to stay up too late. I have a volleyball practice tomorrow.” She said,
“Yay! Be there in fifteen babe.” She hung up
Soraya groaned. All she wanted that night was to just fall asleep by the sound of LANY and Kehlani filling softly in her room and perhaps reading a classic novel by Jane Austen or Paulo Coelho.
But no. Instead she had to listen to Veronica’s rant about Archie or her dad.
“Veronica’s staying over.” She informed her aunt who had just finished placing all of the cookings
“Really? That’s great. We need one more plate then.” She walked towards the cabinet, pulling out another clean plate and utensils,
“That wouldn’t be necessary.”
“Pretty sure she had drama for dinner.”
“Mija. You can’t say that. She has a lot of things on her mind. You said so yourself” Her aunt quietly spoke,
“And we don’t?” Soraya asked softly
Her aunt looked at her because she knows what her niece meant. And it was something serious. She was about to say something but she beats her to it.
“I had to face my own parents deported, our entire family were shipped to elsewhere, and you can’t go out anywhere without people looking at you as if you’re a piece of trash and being called off for not getting rid of your accent.” She snapped.
She wasn’t angry at her aunt, no. She was angry because it happened.
“These girls nowadays only have to worried about their dads not liking their boyfriends or running out of money to buy a new pair of jeans. What the fuck is going on with this world?”
“Soraya. Language.” Her aunt scolded, putting her hands on her hips as she walked closer to her angry niece. “I know we are facing alot of racism and discrimination. Especially me.”
Her aunt sighed, looking down at Soraya with sadness washed over her face. “But we have to be strong. You are a beautiful, independent and powerful woman. You got this. It’s just you and me”
She whispered the last sentence at the broken girl infront of her. She rubbed her thumb against her cheek and placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up.
“Now. Come on, our guest is coming. Set the Miguelitos, please honey.” She pleaded,
Soraya smiled and stood up as well.
“I’m really sorry but i can’t be in the same place with my parents right now.”
Veronica stood outside, right after Soraya opened the door. She was wearing a large black drape with a hood on it to cover herself. Soraya looked at the ground to find nothing but a small duffle bag instead of large suitcase, she mentally sighed.
“One night, that’s all.” Veronica promised, stepping carefully inside her cozy home.
Soraya offered to hand her, her bag and hood before putting them at the living room table.
“Veronica! Bienvenida cariño!” Her over excited aunt welcomed her with a huge grin on her face.
Veronica looked baffle for a sec, she might be spanish but she wasn’t really good understanding and speaking the language. She looked over her shoulder to find answers from her best friend. She gave her a ‘what does that mean’ look.
Soraya rolled her chocolate eyes before whispering, “welcome honey.”
Veronica quickly turned her attention back to the middle aged woman and smiled before stepping closer, giving her a warm hug.
“Thank you so much aunt Sof. I’m sorry for being such a burden.”
“Nonsense, you’re always welcome.”
Soraya watched the interaction between the two and decided to step in,
“We’re having Tamales and Quesadillas. You must be hungry V. Let’s eat.” She offered, walking to the dinner table
The curly dark haired girl shook her head softly, “I just ate my mom’s spaghetti and pudding. I’m really full.”
Soraya stopped what she was doing and looked at Veronica as if she was lying. But she just nodded, not wanting to pressure her because she knows.
She knows Ronnie was lying.
“Alright. I’ll just take my dinner and we can go upstairs. Is that okay, aunt Sof?” Soraya asked,
She nodded and waved her hand, “of course. You two have fun.”
Soraya kissed her beloved aunt on the cheek and took a couple of quesadillas and Tamales, “good night, love you.”
The two stepped inside Soraya’s room, Veronica was the first person to laid on the floor which causes Soraya stared at her like she was crazy.
“I have a bed. Might as well use it. I heard it’s very comfortable and warm.” She laughed, taking of her sweater and leggings to changed into a black fitted spaghetti strap tank top and shorts that hugged her curves in the right places.
Although she was very uncomfortable with her body at first because there was countless times where boys love to stare and get called for it, she might as well just wear something exposed to show all the perverted men out there that she was not afraid.
Nope. You wanna make Soraya cry? You have to try harder than that.
“What is it you wanna talk about Ronnie?” She asked tying her hair into a messy ponytail, grabbing her phone from the night table, she joined her on the floor.
“Not just me. But there’s a school problem.” She said flatly, closing her eyes,
“What about school?” The curvy girl asked plugging her earphones on
Veronica quickly sat up making Soraya jumped in surprise.
“Jesus, calm the fuck down.” She said, holding her hand over her heart.
“Haven’t you heard?” Veronica carefully asked,
She raised her eyebrow, signalling that she wasn’t getting any of it.
“The Southside High is closing down. They’re moving to Riverdale High.”
The next morning was absolutely dreadful. Veronica literally pressured her to listen every story she told. Every time Soraya started to close her eyes so she could finally fall asleep, Veronica would do terrible things. Such as, flashing a flashlight from her phone and waving it around her tired and annoyed looking features. It pissed her off but Veronica was definitely having fun.
And so they stayed up late until one forty five. What confuses Soraya the most was, how could she wake up with a zombie looking face but Veronica was the opposite of it. She was very happy and chirpy in the morning, making her want to punch her in the guts and tell her to stop being so happy. But of course, she wouldn’t do such a thing.
Unlike Veronica, who brought her expensive Gucci dress, Michael Kors black pumps and pearls, Soraya dressed herself in a simple pink mid thigh sweater, black shorts and knee high boots. It was a cold month in Riverdale but she wanted to look stylish even if she had to sacrifice her body out in the cold.
Walking over towards her locker, she puts her stuff for volleyball practice inside and grabs her Chemistry book for the next period. She was writing left over notes until her locker door was slammed close.
“The fuck?!” She yelled in surprise,
She looked over to her right and found Reggie standing with his arm resting on the locker door and a smirk, that she wished she could wipe it off.
“Oh, it’s you. What do you want, Mantle?” She asked uninterested.
“You look hot today, Soraya. Who you dressing up for, eh?” He flirted,
She rolled her eyes in disgust. Did he really thinks she would go for someone like him?
“I’m dressing up for myself. Don’t get flattered.” She smiled sarcastically before pulling her lips into a tight line,
Reggie chuckled, “don’t act like you don’t want me. I know you do.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, this guy overself confidence was starting to get under her skin,
‘Is thus douche for real’ she thought,
“Look asshole. In case you haven’t noticed, i’m not interested in you and i’m pretty sure I established that every goddamn week for the past year so you could get it to your thick skull and leave me. the fuck. alone.” She seethed and smiled,
“Now. If you excuse me, i’m going to get to class” she finished, watching Reggie face fall after she confronted him like that, so she walked away.
“Someday you’re going to give in De La Torres! I’ll always get what i want!”
She heard him call causing her to scoffed at his attempt to get into her pants. There is no way she’s letting that happen,
“As if bitch.” She muttered out.
A/N: How was it? I know it’s short but i’m working on it. How do you like Soraya De La Torres so far? Love her attitude? I know i do lol. I’m sorry i haven’t include the Southside kids yet, especially Sweet Pea. I know, you’re disappointed and i’m sorry. But i promise, he will be there on the next chapter and the sexual tension between the two will rise. which i will post next Thursday. Stay tune, you guys. There would be alot and i mean ALOT of drama coming.
P.s : Let me know your thoughts guys, that would be greatly appreciated. Love you!
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theangrypomeranian · 7 years
some things about my evil bitch of an OC Bella White that no one asked for but I wanna talk about sO HERE WE GO:
Bella is an arctic fox but she’s a small fox, she’s only a few inches taller than Finnick
she has an older sister named Skuyler (named after @attack-on-sarcasm, pronounced like Skyler) aka Skye (yes I have my own version of the fandom OC sh). Skuyler is about 4 years older than Bella and they have this weird love/hate relationship but it’s mostly love bc everyone ADORES Bella for pretty much no reason lmao
when she was a kit, Bella’s mother put her in child beauty pageants and she won, a lot. since they were foxes they did get accused of somehow rigging it and maybe her mom did, idk, but Bella is very proud of her childhood
in school Bella did just enough to pass, she didn’t care enough to try to make honor roll or anything. she had a lot of boyfriends, she partied a lot, got drunk and did drugs, the whole works. she loved it
she was 18 when she met Finnick and Nick, during one of their hustles. she saw right through it and actually laughed at them, which pissed Nick off, but it was love at first sight for Finn. she was beautiful, witty, sexy, everything he wanted in a woman
it should be noted that Finn is 6 years older than Bella, while Nick is 3 years older than her
Bella partied around after she graduated high school, getting in with the wrong groups and mostly tagging around with Skuyler during her time in with gangs
when Bella turned 20 she met Finn again and he asked her out and she said yes and they started dating
Bella was never faithful to him, she still slept around with other guys bc she said she “didn’t believe in monogamy”. really she hated being tied down to just one person. Finn has to be a saint to deal with her bs wtf
when she was 21 Bella found out she couldn’t have kits and this caused her to fall into a deep depression. she was put on anti-depressants but she hated how they made her feel so she stopped taking them and self-medicated with alcohol and drugs, mostly cocaine and ecstasy
it was during this time that Bella became abusive to Finn, constantly putting him down and yelling at him and accusing him of things that were just not true. she would threaten to kill herself if he ever left her (despite her STILL not being faithful to him) and would throw things at him if he ever questioned her about anything.
she also spent all of their money on drugs and shopping sprees, and Finn was almost in debt many times because of her
Finn still stayed with her through all of this bc he loved her and he even said that he wanted to marry her. he wanted to help her get better and he tried to get her to go to a doctor, a shrink, anything, but his attempts always ended when she would throw a bit about it
Nick fucking hates Bella because of everything she put his best through and honestly she deserves it
Bella is really just a bitch okay
this all went on for a year until one day she threw a fit bc Finn wouldn’t give her anymore money to spend on drugs and everything. she got back at him by destroying the inside of his house before finding a stash of his emergency cash and going out to get cocaine from one of her dealers
long story short she ended up over dosing in Finn’s house and her body shut down. Finn came home to find her like that and rushed her to the hospital where she had fallen into a coma. Finn begged the doctors to save her and they were able to start her heart again but her brain was damaged
her hospital bill put Finn in so much debt that he had to sell his house and his car to be able to pay it off. he got his van from one of his old buddies and that’s where he’s been living since
Bella was left in a catatonic like state where she can’t take care of herself and needs ‘round the clock care. Finn put her in a home where she can have that and he paid for it with the money that he and Nick made from their hustles
Skuyler blames Finn for what happened to her sister and stopped speaking to him after Bella was put in the home
Nick still gets really pissed whenever Finn or someone else brings Bella up and it’s a sure-fire way to get him to start ranting
Finn swore off dating other foxes after what happened with Bella
Bella lives until she’s 30 and then during a really inconvenient time her mind sort of starts working again, to where the nurses at the home call Finn and ask him to come bc she’s asking for him
she really only has the mentality of like a 2 year old at that time and still can’t really take care of herself 
she only lives on for a couple more days, and her last day of living Finn has to go to Bunnyburrow for something that’s going on with Judy and Angelica and everything (much later on in the future of the Judy is infertile verse)
Bella’s last words before she dies are “I’m sorry Finn”
at the funeral Skuyler vows to ruin Finn’s life for ruining her sister’s life and yeah things just get pretty ugly after that
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