#I imagine it's similar to the explosher
tksubby · 1 year
SRL Ballistics here to report a brand new weapon for the soon-to-be Sizzle Season—the Cannibong Slosher! It comes with Toxic Mist to slow foes as you attack with lobs of explosive ink. It also comes with the Super Chump special for extra CHIP damage... now I've got the munchies.
Hi here's the bong slosher i made a while back but in its full glory cuz the sizzle season trailer just dropped!!! the text up there's what i put in a tweet impersonating the splatoon NA account lol.
I'm very happy with the design. Maybe i couldve added a rubber grip for the wire handle and added internal protrusions for like an ice chamber in the glass shaft and octoling suction cups on the tentacle handle but eh whatever. If I ever make a variant, its gonna be called the Cannibong Slosher Deco and its gonna be fun trying to incorporate the yellow arow decals and maybe also the bedazzling of the gals into the design. And ill probably change the wire normals to make it look like rope or smthn.
I had fun making this (even tho this was something i pivoted to cuz i was struggling to make a freezer slosher) and I'm defo gonna try my hands at making fake splatoon weapon concepts again :) Looking at the improvement between my first ever splat weapon concept and this one is just... wow... it was not great lol but look how far weve come^^
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Also if anyone was wondering, I used Blender and Procreate to make the splong
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Finding joy in bad kits (and also, my Custom Explosher gear)
Custom Explosher, which has what is essentially my least wanted sub/special combo ever for this particular weapon has been in the game for about a month now, and you might be wondering how coping with it.
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I'm surviving.
Custom Explosher is a really bad kit, there's no denying that, but I'm playing it anyway, and believe it or not I'm having fun with it. Don't get me wrong, I'd still have preferred almost any other kit than this, but whether I like it or not, this is what I am stuck with, and I'm too dedicated to the main weapon to not play it.
And here's the thing: Nintendo are never going to change a kit once it's in the game. Not just because Nintendo are incredibly stubborn about their decisions (though that is a very particular quirk of their approach to game design, I'm pretty sure most other multiplayer devs would straight up change kits if they were problematic), but because no matter how bad or unsynergistic a kit is, it's someone's favourite.
And just because a kit is bad that doesn't mean it has nothing to teach you about the weapon itself. Every kit is a new possibility space that explores and utilizes the weapon it's built around in new ways, even if that new space is narrow. In the case of Custom Explosher I've been forcing myself to play more aggressively and position closer to the frontline, where I'm more likely to get targeted by short-range weapons that I can bait into my Splashdowns, and while I frequently get shot down while using it (some things never change) I do frequently go trade one-to-one at worse.
And of course, because I am changing my playstyle, I had to change my gear to match!
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Adapting to a more aggressive, risky mindset, I've chosen to forgo the usual Ink Saver Main Explosher tends to go for in exchange for Comeback, Quick Respawn, and Stealth Jump, allowing to me get back into the action quicker when I inevitably get splatted in my Splashdown or caught out by an enemy frontliner.
And something cool about all of this is that I can take what I've learned playing Custom Explosher and apply it to my regular Explosher gameplay, too. Thanks to my time playing aggressively I feel more confident staring down frontliners, and having to deal with a more restrictive inktank has made me better at managing my ink when playing with Ink Saver Main too.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that no kit is bad on purpose. Maybe they imagine synergies that don't quite work out, or maybe their image of the weapon and it's role is different from how the community at large uses it, but it's never because they are deliberately trying to make something that's not fun to play.
And look, I get it, it's genuinely upsetting to have your favourite main weapon get a bad kit. I waited a year and a half for a second Explosher kit and got literally the combination I wanted the least, but one way or another, this Custom Explosher is what I'm stuck with. And I can mope and seethe and complain about it until the sun goes down, but what that's gonna do? I might as well take this chance to consider my weapon from a new angle and learn from it.
And I hope that if you're in a similar boat to me then you will too.
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