#I haven't even thouched on like what i think is going on with the crystal just suffice to say I DON'T TRUST
motheatenscarf · 1 year
The story is picking up a bit more, here is a mandatory read more before I discuss spoiler stuff.
So when I created Talia it gave me the option of selecting which god to worship, and because I'm me, I picked the one nicknamed "The Destroyer", because if you're not gonna give me a trickster god, then at least give me an apocalyptic god of destruction and/or death. Also, his symbol was a big streaking comet/meteor and I had my reasons for choosing that (the reasons are I've played FF7 and also Talia's grandpa in the upcoming D&D game was a fallen angel who fell to earth as a comet and kickstarted the end-times).
I'm not familiar with the setting, so I wanted to futz about before deciding on where she's from in this world, purely for my own sense of immersion since it's not like the player gets to input any kind of personality onto their character aside from clothes and headcanon lol. But because The Point of Talia is me wanting to play a reformed villain theme protagonist, I liked the idea that she was probably raised in the Empire and then decided it sucked before dipping.
But then it turns out that the highlander humans from Ala Mihgo are the only ones who worship him, which is the kind of human Talia is. That place was also conquered by the Garlean Empire, who are the magitech badguys with the FF12 Judge outfits. I figured okay, cool, maybe Talia's family was from there and were like, idk, collaborators who sold out their home country to try and maintain power, or at least one of them was, and maybe just her dad or something was from Garlemald, since apparently according to Cid all Garleans are born with a third eye which is I guess why those people have the creepy gems in their forehead??
And I'm still deciding what I want Talia's background to be, but somebody just mentioned that the Garleans summoned METEOR, which is another summon, so it must be a Primal here, and I know that Lahabrea wanted the Ala Mihgans to manifest Rhalgr, the Destroyer who comes in the form of a comet, and the Ascians, whom Lahabrea is one of (I'm not clear what they are, just mages I guess? They give BIG Organization 13 vibes and I don't know how I feel about that lol), are working with the Empire, who built the Magitech moon which is what I was thinking Meteor was, but they also claim they worship the "one true god," and I feel like a crazy person with a conspiracy board over here.
There's no convenient end point to this post, I'm just absorbing information badly and am sitting here with a million thoughts about the Primals, all of them contradictory, so I've been just waiting to see what happens, since apparently there's also either time-fuckery going on or the hero is pulling a Revan and has amnesia/can't remember that they were one of the people who was there to watch the moon blow up.
I have THOUGHTS, which will go in another post, but for now I'm just sitting here racking my brain
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