#I feel bad that among my sketches I haven't drawn her face since the Swamp Demon fight
demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Here are at Gurenge's last use, and I am lip-syncing with passion as the credits roll.
--If this episode comes in three parts, it's setup for their big movie announcement, Muzan's slaughter of the Lower Moons, and Tanjiro Tanjiro-ing all over the place. The only one immune to getting Tanjiro'ed is Genya... for now. Your time shall come, child. Soon.
--The Infinity Fortress gets its first appearance and hearing those twangs of the biwa is sending my brain back to those sounds playing at the Infinity Fortress display at the Gotouge art gallery. It really is a cool setting, though... I am... I am so not ready to see animated everything else which happens there.
--Hate to say it, but the CG is kind of rough on Muzan's flesh and I hope that'll get improved on before the big showdown with Muzan.
--These scene should be used in corporate training courses about power harassment, complete with discussion afterward about how how each Lower Moon was harassed in a different way.
--Very interesting that the Lower Moons, at least according to Kamanue, have never been gathered. Maybe not that group of them since Kamanue has joined, anyway, since they keep getting plucked off. That said, in the Spider Sister filler, they made mention of being able to escape Mt. Natagumo when Rui is called away by "that person" and I had assumed this was a meeting, but I guess not. Muzan just liked Rui's company??? Or maybe he was conducting meetings but felt like bullying Kamanue and didn't invite him.
--Enmu really does make such an entrance as a character, we learn all we need to know about his personality through this scene. He also makes a great display of how Muzan's blood has such a pronounced effect on those who are already demons, too.
--I wonder if Rokuro was alive just long enough, like Wakuraba, to see Enmu receive Muzan's blood, seeing as he had just begged for that blood.
--Nakime really just lets Enmu go "plop"
--And Muzan's arm really did belch after eating up a Lower Moon.
--Back to Tanjiro & Friends, at some point they moved out of the hospital and got to stay in a regular Japanese style room together with futon! They really do just live here now.
--Something I liked but forgot to note in the previous episode is that the title card being Kanao's name had a chrysalis design, implying that she's not yet ready to spring forth as a butterfly. Awwww. <3 But here Kanae's prediction totally comes true and Ufotable left no question of the exact moment Kanao fell in love. To do that, though, they had her standing instead of sitting, and therefore had to sacrifice the part when Kiyo startles her and she falls off the engawa. Tee hee, oh well.
--I feel like I've already done extensive analysis of these scenes with Tanjiro and what they mean to Aoi & Kanao, so I'll move on and say "HAHAHAHA Tanjiro moved out of Genya's way and Genya STILL bumped him." Genya, with Himejima's influence, is probably mentally reciting sutras and doing his darndest not to turn around and break Tanjiro's arm as payback. Growth, in more ways than one.
--No, no, back to Kanao a second. You know something that hit me really hard the other day? All that stuff she says to Douma about how he doesn't actually feel a thing? KANAO WOULD BE THE ONE TO KNOW, WOULDN'T SHE.
--So, Shinobu recommending Tanjiro (& Friends) to accompany Rengoku on his mission is an anime filler moment, and it's really sweet that she is so supportive of Tanjiro's growth as a Corp member (unlike a certain Water Pillar we all know). However, then we get her flat-out telling Oyakata-sama about how Tanjiro's father used a Breath of "Hi" of some sort, and Oyakata-sama's "Oh?" is so very obviously meant as "ohhhhhh???? As in the original Breath, Sun Breathing? That must be while Muzan targeted him, ohohohohooooo, ooohhhhhh~"
--Oh hey, speaking of filler giving us more character interactions, who could that be out at the Butterfly Mansion?
--Giyuu, what business brought you out here? My newfound inner GiyuShino shipper wants to poke and tease, but I suppose I could also poke and tease him for just being curious about the future Water Pillar's progress. Sure, maybe he was out there on Pillar business or something and leaving because Shinobu wasn't there, but Ufotable really just made this whoel interaction as a way to provide a nice bookend to the beginning of the series--
--and then they just up and make Giyuu disappear
--he's gone
--Giyuu... why
--It's daytime. There's no demons. Why can't you just walk like a normal person.
--Speaking of having to deal with someone who can't act like a normal person, Inosuke. Inosuke and Tanjiro. Poor Zenitsu, it is his turn to hold the brain cell but it's hard to do that when you already have your hands full keeping your country bumpkin friends from getting arrested.
--Inosuke really flat up quiets Zenitsu by planting his hand across his face.
--The image of Inosuke posing with the swords down his pants will forever be burned in my mind, but the SOUNDS. I forgot about these sounds he makes.
--I've always loved how Zenitsu takes a moment to ask Tanjiro a serious question about Nezuko's welfare, which not only makes me happy because I love Tanjiro & Zenitsu friendship, but it's a clever device for Ufotable to wrap this "determination" themed season up by giving us a well-deserved flashback to some of the greatest Kamado sibling moments to remind us of their bond.
--We also really needed because we've hardly seen Nezuko lately and perhaps have forgotten what she looks like.
--On my first watch, I was so hooked by this point, and very saddened about having to wait for more Kamaboko trio interactions especially--that train platform scene left me pining for so much more of them. I wanted more so bad, but didn't want to read the manga because it didn't look appealing to me. But I... I wanted more... and I peeked at the Wiki... and ran into spoilers... and sooner or later got back into Tumblr... AND FOUND MORE SPOILERS.......... and I sure didn't last long before the binge-read began.
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