#I don't really feel any particular way abt it just like. why the urgency
sevicia · 3 months
Logged into Facebook and realized a girl I was "friends" with (AKA she followed me around even when I told her to stop) in elementary school had messaged me over a year after she'd changed schools and it's like "Hi [deadname]" then a month later "[DEADNAME] ANSWER GOD DANG IT!!!!" then half an hr later "[DEADNAME]" then a week later she sent me one of those chain things like "I promise we'll ALWAYS BE FRIENDS forward this to 16 friends and watch how the FAKE ONES IGNORE IT" and finally a month later "[DEADNAME] FFS". And it's crazy to me cause looking at my profile I apparently WAS still using that site semi-regularly but have 0 memory of ever seeing these.
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