#I can't escape the chargestep fluff
wonda-fhr · 1 year
♧: One character playing with the other’s hair
For David, please? 🥺
Thanks @aya-m3k 😊 When you sent this, I immediately thought of a WIP that I never finished. Since it fits so well with this question, I finished it, so the answer is a bit longer than usual.🤭
Another short walk through the sparsely lit residential area before you say goodbye to Ortega at the usual spot. As always after your therapy session, he has distracted you until your inner turmoil has subsided, made sure your stomach is well filled, and is now taking you to the place where you will get on a bus. Until then, he will ask you at least three times if he should rather take you home. Then he will kiss you again and very reluctantly say goodbye.
He feels guilty every time you get so out of track. In return for dragging you to these sessions, he can feel a little guilty. You barely finish the thought and you already feel sorry for him
The promise of loneliness in your apartment is not something you are looking forward to right now, and if you could do whatever you wanted, you would just want him to be close. But of course you can't, you just have these wishes, terribly romantic, clingy, painful wishes, and you're not strong enough to finally bury them. Much less are you strong enough to be able to accept them and to give them a chance.
The little shopping street you have to cross is bright and crowded, special sale signs and balloons everywhere. You hesitate for a moment and your gaze shifts from the hustle and bustle to the smaller side street you need to get to. It's not very far, but the crowd makes you feel uncomfortable. Ortega moves closer to you until your hips are lightly touching and he puts his hand encouragingly on the small of your back. "It's not far."
You just nod, smiling silently because he thinks you're afraid of all the people in this place. He thinks you don't like being around people, especially so many, but you would like it if you didn't have to hide. A much bigger problem for you than walking through crowds is walking through crowds with Ortega. No one would pay attention to you if you were alone, you can take care of that, but everyone will recognize the charming hero Charge and shortly after they will wonder who is walking at his side.
Anyway, it's no use, you have to go to that little street and the way to get there is through those people. Ortega won't leave you until you are on the bus home, you give yourself a push, take the first step away from his hand and try to get over it quickly. You have barely passed the first people when the first glances fall on the handsome, striking man at your side, the first shy index fingers are raised, followed by furtive glances.
A young girl makes the first bold move you feared, with bright eyes and a cautious smile she asks Ortega for his autograph. It's impossible for him to refuse. You keep your distance, but soon more Charge fans join in to say hello to their hero. He tries to be brief, but he doesn't make much of an effort to stop the sideways glances in your direction.
Like a spark, the first thought flashes through your mind, "Who's that with Charge?" and the spark ignites the wildfire. Eyes meet you, hidden fingers are pointing at you, and more and more thoughts circle around Charge's companion. Your pulse quickens, you do your best to strengthen your "look away" aura, but Ortega's worried glances in your direction keep drawing the attention back to you. If only he could ignore you.
Slowly you back away, the side street is not very far. The thoughts continue to haunt you, tightening like a noose around your neck. Even though they try to analyze you secretly, you notice every thought dedicated to your person. Soon someone will get the idea to take a picture, you can't risk that. The noose tightens. You can hardly breathe. You know the feeling of rising panic in your chest. It must not come to this, you must not stand here and wait for it to overwhelm you. Didn't the therapist tell you to learn prevention? Run, just keep running.
Ortega quickly notices that some people are looking around for you instead of greeting him and you briefly catch his glance as you disappear with quick steps into the side street. This street is also full of people trying to get to the special sale. You don't think about it too long and turn into the next available side street without paying attention to the direction, then into another one and then into a small deserted alley between the houses. Only in the solitude you allow your legs to slow down and breathe deeply.
Only a few breaths remain before the sound of footsteps approaching in the darkness makes you freeze for a moment. You quickly relax as you hear the familiar, worried "David?" coming closer with the footsteps. He is indeed following you. Of course he is. He's always been following you, but you never gave him a chance to catch up.
He's already close enough that you can see him clearly. Your rising panic has subsided with each step you take away from the people and their dangerous thoughts. You feel a little proud of yourself for keeping control.
The worried hero in front of you doesn't seem to notice your small success over your fear. He moves both hands in front of him in a reassuring gesture, comes closer in slow motion, and murmurs, "Relax, it's all right." As if he were trying to calm down a wild predator that might attack at any moment. Is he really afraid of you?
You feel bad that you scared him so much. But he looks too cute as he approaches you, trying to tame you like a rampaging lion. You can't completely suppress your smile.
"If you're afraid I'm going to jump on your neck and bite you, you'd better stay where you are."
"I wouldn't mind. But it looks more like you're going to keep running away from me. I'm not going to risk losing track of you."
You bite your lower lip to keep from smiling too obviously and back away from him a few steps.
"Then I guess you're going to have to take a risk and find out if I'm going to run or bite."
His gaze changes from anxious concern to confusion, and before he can decide if you are teasing him or not, you leap at him in one smooth motion. He sways only slightly as your weight hits him and your legs wrap around his waist. With a bold grab of his hair, you pull his head to the side, giving you a clear path to make sure he remembers your attack on his neck tomorrow.
Ortega's strong arms hold you in place, pulling you close to him as he makes sounds that alternate between pleasure and pain. You give him a small moment to relax, kissing and sucking through the crook of his neck until your tongue brushes the edge of his ear and you whisper very softly, " this time no one will believe it was a squirrel."
To make good on your threat, you take another bite, this time higher, harder, until a barely suppressed cry of pain assures you that you have achieved your goal. For another moment you suck on the now sensitive spot until a series of affectionate Spanish curses make you laugh.
It's startling how effortlessly he carries you a few feet to place you on the edge of a container. Once his hands no longer have to support your weight, they are unstoppable, exploring every reachable part of your body. This time you can relax and enjoy his touch. You are learning, after all, and he will not be able to find his way under the fine bodysuit you are wearing.
Your hand still has a firm grip on the black hair with the fine silver threads and allows you to pull his head back while you gently grab his chin with the other to nibble at his lips. Smiling, you maintain control as he tries to deepen the kiss, enjoying being on the higher ground. Your lips explore his entire face before returning to his mouth to give him what he so eagerly awaits.
It feels so good to finally be at this point and you are a little annoyed that it always takes you an entire evening to finally let him get close to you. Reasonable or not, you want nothing more than to take in his scent with every breath, feel his warm hands on your body and forget the world while your lips play. Time becomes an insignificant factor when you kiss.
No one disturbs you in the small alley, but it gets darker and colder. Even the longest kiss needs a break at some point. Ortega has laid his head on your chest and you bury your face in his hair, listening to his breathing. His hands, relaxed on your hips a moment ago, now close around your back, holding you tighter as he sighs briefly, but then smiles and looks at you.
"Is this how it's always going to end, David? The two of us making out in some dark alley until you suddenly jump up and disappear."
His serious tone makes you nervous, maybe you can lead him back to the kiss. You let your fingertips slide down his neck and approach his face with a teasing look. "I thought you were into that."
This time you fail to distract him. His voice does not regain its lightness, he remains serious. "Don't let this evening end like that. Not with the fear in my limbs that you almost ran away from me. I want to be someone you run to, not away from."
There is something more in his words, he is sad, his words are like a plea for more trust in him. This realization almost chokes you and you feel tears slowly filling your eyes. You barely manage to keep your voice calm, which has now abandoned any playful tone. "I didn't run away from you."
"Are you so sure? You do it every time. I never know if you'll suddenly disappear or if I'll have a chance to say goodbye. But as soon as I say a wrong word or you've had enough, you're gone and I don't know when I will see you again."
He's right, so right that it hurts. You can always count on him, all you have to do is think of him and he's there for you. What security does he get from you? He knows nothing, he suspects a lot and wishes so much more, but you give him nothing. When you say goodbye, he never knows if it will be days or weeks before you see each other again. You let the thought circle in your head. You torment him because you can't be without him anymore, but you can't allow yourself to really be with him either. He does not deserve that.
He catches a tear on your cheek with a kiss, and you can see in his eyes that he already regrets having pushed the predator back into the corner. Before he can formulate an apology, you put your hand over his mouth and jump down from the container. You see him tense up for a moment, expecting you to leave immediately. But this time you don't.
Instead, you remove the scarf from the lapel of your coat and tie it around his marked neck. "Can you manage another walk, old man? But don't expect too much, it won't end up in my apartment!"
Ric nods in relief, grabs your hand and falls into the usual walking pace beside you. Normally he would let go of your hand when you're among people, but not this time. The grip tightens and he pulls you closer to him as you reach a busier street again. No escape today. You submit without resistance.
The way is not far, after two blocks you reach the small, shabby 24/7 mall that has been your refuge so many times before. It's late enough that hardly anyone is there, the smaller stores on the upper floor are almost all closed, and the few vendors still present have better things to do than pay attention to you.
You lead Ric up the stairs to the grand piano behind the ugly artificial palm forest, sit down on the piano bench and open the lid. You can literally hear the wheels turning in his head as he tries to understand why you brought him here. He sits down next to you and begins to strum some strange notes on the white keys.
You stop him with a poke in the ribs and a smile. "Ric! That's my friend, stop torturing it."
"Your friend? So you can play the piano? Does that mean you come here often? Do you live nearby?"
Before you get into endless explanations, you just start playing. You trust that the music will show him why you come here and that this place is important to you. He doesn't take his astonished eyes off you for a second and you realize that such an attentive audience makes you a little nervous. But your fingers are at home on these keys and the smile never leaves your lips as you begin to play with mostly closed eyes. You briefly play the song he sang on your last trip, until his chuckle tells you he recognized it. With a harmonic transition, you drift into the swirl of notes of Chopin's Grand Valse Brilliante, completely forgetting the nervousness and the prying eyes beside you.
As the piece ends, it leaves the small mall in a wistful silence. You carefully close the piano lid before you dare to meet the gaze that rests upon you. Ric's eyes are shining, his mouth is slightly open, as if the right words are not yet ready to be spoken. His hands are quicker than his words, grabbing yours and bringing them to his lips.
After a thoughtful kiss on the back of your hand, he finds his unsteady voice again. "Eso fue magnífico. I don't think I've ever seen you so happy."
"You could sometimes, but on the other occasions you closed your eyes most of the time." The reverberation of the music is still in you, helping your smile to be much more honest and loving than usual.
You'd like to enjoy Ric's happiness beaming at you for a little longer, but you're instantly pulled into a deep embrace. His hand dives deep into your curls, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. While those familiar lips tenderly devote themselves to yours. This time, not in a dark alley.
---- The singing Ortega and the squirrel were mentioned in Cant hurry love
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