#He was a 'criminal for hire' (His corrupt military-tech scientist boss had groomed him since childhood to kill and generally do crime stuff
yeetskeetiwandelete · 3 years
(writes something fucked up)
(writes something fucked up)
(writes something fucked up)
(realize you've been repeatedly writing about the same poor character going through hell)
(writes something sweet)
(writes something fucked up)
(writes something fucked up)
#rambling writes#This is about one specific OC#His name is Reaper and he is so traumatized and so sweet.#He was a 'criminal for hire' (His corrupt military-tech scientist boss had groomed him since childhood to kill and generally do crime stuff#meaning the boss would keep his hands clean and all Reaper knew was how to hurt people because he kept getting rented out to do that)#and pretty much the only people who stayed in his life was his boss (Dr. Altrine/Adam) and this hero merc (Ace) who he was in love with.#At some point Dr. Altrine hurt Reaper so badly and with something so recognizable as 'yeah the Doc did that' that Ace decided#'I am going to break that poor bastard out of there'#and now that he has and they're boyfriends Ace keeps hearing all about Reaper's trauma#and Reaper has no idea just how messed up it is so it's just a constant loop of 'oh by the sun and stars' '?? is that not normal??'#He is so fucked up and the crew Ace is part of is so worried for him.#For reference Ace was also horribly tortured in the past but also had a fairly okay-ish upbringing so he's just in a state of#'I relate bUT BY THE SOUTHERN STARS-'#Like Reaper didn't even know what sex what until Ace (who mind you was a total flirt before getting in a committed relationship) told him.#Now that he's finally out he's been taking every opportunity to be nice because he just hated doing crime and now he's that he can be nice#HE IS BEING SO NICE.#'Did you need help with that?' 'I can get that for you!' 'Here you can have this!'#He's got such a gruff voice and a generally quite intimidating albeit undescribed look about him#but he's also got the mentality of a small child who's just learning about all kinds of things.#He and Ace are completely in love and he's the house-husband while Ace goes out on missions.#It is just a constant switch between sci-fi whump/#cottagecore-but-in-an-abandoned-military-base-but-still-has-all-the-other-parts-of-cottagecore.#This poor man's life was actual hell and now he gets cuddles almost every night and he's so happy with it.#ALSO most people are genetically modified so they don't have to do normal human things whereas Reaper is organic and has to sleep and eat.#This makes him better at not being tracked (The system doesn't recognize unchanged DNA) but also just made living harder.
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