#He has duck wings it doesn't make any difference whatsoever for this but in my heart he has duck wings (also water resistent)
lustrethings · 3 months
Ik the idea of Lucifer disliking or having generally negative feelings about his wings is a more or less popular take (on most fics I read anyway) for the sake of hurt/comfort and I love it don't get me wrong but I really love the idea of Lucifer being his most confident with his wings in full display (bc apparently in canon that happens!)
I imagine it's a lot of work to take care of them, but I can see him taking great pride (hah) in his wings and keeping them tidy, and it's exactly why they're not out often (pocket dimension for the wings like bonnets are for curls), bc he's often lacking the energy to tidy them up if they do get messy or dirty!
So anyway Alastor learns how to take care of them and Lucifer starts to have them out more, because he feels more at ease knowing someone else will help keeping them, and that helps him feel more confident on good days.
He also likes being able to fly to Alastor's height whenever they're arguing but that's beside the point
In return he tries to help Alastor with his antlers and hooves when the sinner is feeling particularly at ease with it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
Dragons are awesome! And Jack loves em too so I have an idea. A Jack x reader (maybe s/o) where the reader can both fully and partially shapeshift into a dragon thanks to a magic necklace she has. Jack doesn't know the necklace is responsible and one day when she's not wearing it he tries it on cause it's cool looking and ends up accidentally changing either fully or partially into a dragon. The reader ends up having to show him the ropes since the getting the ability to shapeshift is permanent.
Oh wOWZA okay so I may have gone a bit overboard with this. I managed to write this in a DAY cause bless Monster Energy.
But I hope ya’ll enjoy the story~!! I really did have fun writing this one ^^
“Shit, shit, shit. Where the hell did I put that damn thing?!”After nearly tearing apart your entire room, you let out a huff of annoyance and fell back onto your messy bed, gazing up at the ceiling. “Okay, okay..just relax [y/n],” you put a hand to your slightly sweating forehead. “It’ll probably turn up eventually…you can’t lose sight of a glowing piece of jewelry that easy.”The “glowing piece of jewelry” in question was a necklace with a dragon claw gripping a colorful crystal ball that swirled with magic. However, that was not the only thing it did:It granted you the power to shapeshift either fully or partially into an actual dragon. It was something that had been passed down by your family, from generation-to-generation. After wearing it enough times the ability to shapeshift became permanent and you would no longer have to keep it on you all the time.So in a sense you didn’t really need it anymore. But because you had no one to give it to, you were responsible for guarding it and ensuring that something so sacred didn’t fall into the wrong hands.And here you were, thinking about how you were officially and utterly screwed for losing it.Now your mind began to race with thoughts, such as the possibility of Anti having it. Oh Heaven forbid. Who knows what sort of destruction he could cause with that kind of power at his disposal?No matter what, you had to get that necklace back..even if it killed you.You sat up with a sigh, deciding to go interrogate each and every one of the egos.But as you stood up from your bed, however, you suddenly heard loud, running footsteps outside your room. Confused, you quickly went over to your door and opened it, glancing down the hallway and blinking in surprise as you saw the door to Jack’s recording room slam shut.‘Hmm..I think I just might have found the culprit.’ And so you went to investigate.……“Jack?” You gently opened the door, stepping inside and shutting it.The moment you did that was the moment you heard the sound of quiet, muffled crying.Looking over you could see Jack curled up in the furthest corner of the room, facing the wall with his hood drawn over his head. There couldn’t be any reason he’d be in that sort of position unless he was hiding something.And you knew for sure what it was.However before you could yell at him for taking your necklace, you first had to calm him down. The poor guy looked like he was scared out of his mind, which would make sense as he did not know of its magical properties whatsoever.“Jack? It’s me.”The Irishman fell completely silent for a moment, before he trembled slightly and curled up, trying to make himself seem small. “N-Nope..Jack isn’t h-here,” he mumbled. “Jack’s visiting Shametown for a little while…”Normally you’d chuckle at that joke, but this was a serious matter. “What happened?” You pressed, walking closer and sitting down behind him. “You can tell me.” Setting a hand on his back, you could feel several sharp spines underneath his clothing.“I-I..think…Marvin did somethin’ to me. I don’t know what b-but…I don’t want you to-”“It’s fine, dude,” you reassured him, moving your hand to his shoulder and trying to get a glimpse at his face, but he ducked his head between his arms quickly.You sighed softly, returning to your original position. “Jack, listen..I’m not gonna laugh or scream at you. Just take off the hood and look at me…please?”“….y-you promise?”“Yes. I promise.”“Alright..here goes nothin’..” With a shaky sigh, Jack finally turned around to face you, pulling down his hood and raising his head up. Your eyes widened in surprise as you took in his half-dragon appearance:On the side of his face, trailing all the way down his neck, were shiny, light green scales. They weren’t exactly plates, as the skin only appeared to look like them. His eyes glowed slightly blue as well. In addition, a pair of sleek, black horns pointing backwards had grown on his head. His hands and feet had turned into green dragon claws with sharp nails. And finally, you could see his tail that was wrapped around his waist, tipped with a diamond shape.You were always interested in what people looked like in their half-dragon forms, because not all of them looked the same. They’d often have different-colored scales, different places where said scales would be, and various types of horns and tails. Very rarely, though, would they have wings. Nobody you knew has acquired them after their first transformation.Then you noticed that, lo and behold, he was wearing your sacred necklace, which was now swirling with blue, green, and brown colors. Another thing was that the ball would change colors that reflect the wearer’s favorites.As you gazed at him, Jack shifted uncomfortably, craning his neck and raising a claw with the intention to scratch it. But you gently grabbed both of his hands before he could do so, causing him to blink with surprise and confusion. “Don’t scratch. It only irritates the scales,” you told him, setting his hands down in your lap.“Wh-What?” He muttered. “How..did you know-?”“Because this isn’t Marvin’s doing. It’s my necklace you have right there that turned you into this.”Gawking slightly, he stared down at the pendant, before glancing back up at you, his mouth agape. “Holy shit…really?!!”“It sounds crazy, but it’s true,” you chuckled. “It holds a sacred power that allows my family and I to shapeshift into either a half-dragon, as you are now, or a fully-fledged dragon.”“W-Wow…I…had no idea. I just thought this was a badass necklace.”“And so you took it from me.” A slight frown appeared on your face as you let go of his hands. “Where did you find-?”“I-I found it lying around,” Jack explained, holding the pendant carefully and watching the swirling colors. “I had no idea this was yours…and I definitely didn’t know it could turn me into…this…..I’m really sorry [y/n].” He looked back up at you with a guilty expression. “I should’ve known better than to-”“I’ll forgive you, Jack.” You sighed, giving him a reassuring smile. “I should’ve probably told you about it beforehand. But I’m just glad that Anti didn’t get a hold of it.”“Better me than him, right?” He chuckled lightly, before he traced a claw along his spiny tail. “So..is this, like, a permanent thing?”“Since you donned the necklace…yes.”His breath hitched as he snapped his head up, panic and fear evident in his eyes.“But,” you said calmly. “You won’t stay this way forever. You’ll have the ability to shapeshift between a human, a half-dragon, and a dragon permanently. Now it’s just a matter of learning how to do that until you don’t need to wear the necklace anymore…which I can easily help you with.”After hearing your words, he relaxed and sighed in relief, leaning back against the wall. “Oh..alright. But..I gotta say that’s pretty fuckin’ awesome.” He grinned, staring at his claws with childish joy now. “I can become a goddamn dragon!! This is like somethin’ out of a fantasy novel!”You smiled a bit, glad to see the light return to his eyes.“But..I..don’t know if I’m a fan of this..hybrid-thing,” Jack muttered, looking up at you as his smile faltered. “You know I kinda..freaked out when I first saw my face and-”“That’s why you ran and hid in here?”He simply nodded in response.“Ah, that’s understandable,” you reassured him. “Don’t worry. I’m not a fan of it either. Nobody in my family really was. I’m more than happy to show you how to become a fully-fledged dragon if you’d like.”Once more, he nodded, although the look on his face told you that he seemed uncertain about something.“If you’re worried about your mind going “feral” as they say..it won’t. Your humanity won’t go anywhere. The only thing is you won’t be able to communicate in words, depending on which type you turn into. But should that happen you’ll eventually gain the ability to speak telepathically to compensate….does that make sense?““Yeeaah..” Jack muttered, still sounding unsure, but he sighed in defeat. Seeing as you knew more about this than he did, he was willing to trust every word you spoke. “So could you teach me how to turn into a dragon now?”You blinked in surprise, glancing around the room with uncertainty. “In here?”“Why not?”“Because, like I said before, we don’t know what type you’ll turn into.” Standing up, you rolled up your sleeves and looked at his equipment. “How about we move some stuff around?”“Sure thing!” He sprang to his feet with eagerness.And with that, the two of you got to work.……………“Okay so…you’ll have to think about what form you wanna become. And when you do just touch the little crystal ball.”“…and that’s all?”“Pretty much. How about we start small and you can try turning human?”“Alrighty.” Jack did some stretches and craned his neck, as though he was getting ready to do a workout video. “I’ll try to think of nothin’ but that.”You stood back and watched carefully.After a few, long moments, he took a deep breath and tapped the ball on the necklace, closing his eyes. Instantly, the entire necklace glowed a bright green, the energy soon spreading throughout his entire body, which made him growl and fall to his knees.Of course, you may have forgotten to mention he’d feel a small pinch when shapeshifting for the first time.Then a bright flash was emitted, causing you to shield your eyes so you didn’t go blind.Once the light receded, however, your jaw dropped in shock as Jack had turned not into a human…but a green Wyvern with brown splotches.“O-Oh wow..” You breathed, stepping forward and gazing up in awe at the creature.Miraculously he wasn’t big enough to hit the ceiling, instead being at medium-size, which made you glad that nothing was broken while he transformed.Jack looked at both of his wings, before glancing down at you, flapping them happily as his tail swayed. “I’m impressed, Jack,” you chuckled, although you frowned slightly. “But..I told you to focus on becoming a human.”His lips curled down into a frown as well and he crouched down in front of you, placing the tiny claws that were fused to his wings on the ground to steady himself. You simply sighed and shook your head. “I guess you were too excited about being a dragon, huh?”He nodded in response, chirping happily.Walking up to him, you grinned and gently rubbed his snout. “Well, this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone successfully transform after only wearing the necklace for a day…so I’ll let you off the hook. Can you open your mouth for me please?”Jack complied with your request and opened his jaw, allowing you to see his sharp teeth. The fangs were tipped with yellow-green. “Ah. So you’re a poisonous-type and a Wyvern. That’s an extremely rare combination,” you mused, taking a step back. “Alright. You can turn back if you want to.”Nodding once again, he closed his eyes and tapped the crystal ball again.And just like that he was back to his normal, human form.Before you could say anything, he ran over and hugged you tightly. It caught you off-guard for a moment, but then you smiled and hugged him back. “You did amazing, Jack. You seem to really love your dragon form”“I do so much!” He pulled away, grinning like a dork as he bounced with joy. “This is probably the coolest fuckin’ thing that ever happened to me!”But then he abruptly stopped and looked at you, chuckling nervously. “..w-well..I mean this wasn’t suppose to happen in the first place really..s-since I stole this necklace..but-”“Ah, don’t worry about it,” you patted his shoulder. “Just consider your wish to be a badass dragon granted, my friend~”
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