sufandomgirl · 3 years
Mutualism (Rewrite) Chapter 10
Smokescreen's Apartment, Cybertron...
{Smokescreen couldn't move, couldn't speak, that's how terrified he was. Wheeljack could see this and sighed.}
Wheeljack: Babe, I'm not here to hurt you. I never wanted to in the first place.
Smokescreen: (stammering) Then, why?
Wheeljack: (sighs) I did it because I wanted to get you out. I didn't actually hurt you, did I?
Smokescreen: (shakes his helm, quickly; quietly) No.
Wheeljack: Let's change the subject, then, because you're clearly not ready to talk about it.
Smokescreen: Okay. So, how did your mission go? You're back early.
Wheeljack: Better than we expected. We were all able to return sooner than we thought.
Smokescreen: Did you--did anyone get hurt?
Wheeljack: Nothing major. Our field medic was good. Not as good as Doc, but he fixed us up.
Smokescreen: That's good. How's Bulkhead?
Wheeljack: The same. He'll be coming, soon.
Smokescreen: Really? It'll be good to see him.
Wheeljack: Yeah, though I get the distinct feeling that you already knew that.
Smokescreen: Why would I know?
Wheeljack: Come on, Babe, why else would Optimus Prime ask Team Prime back for a mission? You were already here and have spoken to him. Any idea what we're doing?
Smokescreen: He asked me to kindly refer you to him for any questions.
Wheeljack: Aw, come on, babe, can't you give me the inside scoop?
Smokescreen: I am under strict orders to allow Optimus to brief you.
Wheeljack: (glares)
Smokescreen: (flinches, hard)
{Wheeljack's gaze softens. He approaches him and gently holds his shoulder.}
Wheeljack: (holds his facplate) Babe, I promise that that...or anything further--won't happen again unless you say so, alright?
Smokescreen: (deep breath; nods)
Wheeljack: (smiles at him; lets him go) So, what's Optimus had you doing these last few days?
Smokescreen: Wheeljack!!
The Next Morning, Meeting Place...
Optimus: Welcome Wreckers and Ultra Magnus. Good to see that you all are well.
Wheeljack: (once they're in the room) Okay, Optimus, you better tell us what the frag is going on! I tried every interrogation tactic I know, but Smokescreen won't tell me a thing.
Ratchet: Well, good on him.
Wheeljack: 'Good on him'?
Bulkhead: What Jackie means to say is, we're happy to see you, too, Optimus, though your summons was rather cryptic.
Optimus: Yes, you are all due for an explanation.
Ultra Magnus: We are listening.
Optimus: One Earth year ago, Bumblebee and Windblade were tragically left without reinforcements dealing with Alterwing. However, once she was finally caught, they rejected the aide offered and wished to continue investigating on their own.
Bulkhead: Bee's hiding something. Something big.
Ratchet: The same thought occurred to us. We sent Sideswipe as our liason, hoping that they wouldn't suspect him, but they had apparently suspected for some time. Sideswipe was recalled to Cybertron and we're planning our next move. Two things that Sideswipe did discover were that Alterwing had an incomplete database that they're working to retrieve and a secret about one of the humans we were allies with the last time Team Prime was on Earth.
{They play back the footage for the new arrivals.}
Smokescreen: That's where we are. We don't think they know anything about the girls, because they would've shared that as well, but we do believe that they have a reason for hiding whatever else they've uncovered.
Earth; Scrapyard...
{Bee watches contentedly as Scanscreener entertained the humans with her tails. An entire year...it'd taken him this long. In a recent fusion training excersize, he'd finally uncovered her former identity, the reason the guilt over Rafaela's disappearance lessened when they were fused, why he felt closer to her than anyone...she was Rafaela. They'd formed a clear communication in their combined psyche. Not easy to do, as it had taken months fused. From what he'd understood, Windblade and Boombox were working out similar issues with their fusion. After all this time, all that had happened, here she was. Right by his side again. It felt... bittersweet. Seeing what happened to her, hearing from Fixit that she was beaten, barely given enough Energon to survive and forced to form short-term attachments to Starscream. The thought alone made him shudder. Thankfully, Starscream feared whatever psychological torture Rafaela would've inflicted on him from being their ally to know not to fuse with her. He hoped that for Jeanette and Miko's sake that the same realization prevented him from doing so. He hoped above all that they were safe. He was happy that Rafaela was here with him. He'd never let her go again, and thankfully, it appeared that she had no intention of leaving. She herself was in a bit of shock.}
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the-scrappy-stinger · 3 years
"Perhaps I may want a youngling." Just a thought the knight wanted to say outloud, as the peculiar daydream he had been probing him, wanting to be let out and show exactly how embarrassed he could be by such with his finials twitching and facplate warm..
(hugs him from behind) I think you’d be very pretty with a belly. Our kid would be so handsome. And, probably, fluffy.
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