#Google Alert - warehouse
sesshy380 · 4 months
Here is the reminder that no one asked for that I have a crackfic series where my longfic characters argue with the author. Also, it's the source of the only 'Holiday' themed work I have on AO3. If you enjoy it, feel free to head on over to AO3 and smash that little red heart ❤️ (and maybe check out the other insanity of this series...)
Title: Talking with Myself...'Kiss Miss' Edition
Summary: ♪ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day...I've got a jar of dir-rt! I've got a jar of dir-rt!
(I should note that the summaries to the whole series are pure nonsense)
(also I should note that the red crayon thing is a running gag)
[Yami Bakura sitting in random space, giddily coloring with his red crayon while humming the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’]
Author: Whatcha doin?
[Yami Bakura continues his scribbling without looking up]
Y.Bakura: Letting the fat man know what I want for this ‘Kiss Miss’ thing. I’m all for hot chicks, but I prefer a new knife…and maybe some more red crayons. Seriously, just order a warehouse full next time. I go through a lot.
[Author tries not to laugh]
Author: Noted. So…besides a new knife and crayons, anything else you want? Something maybe someone other than Santa Clause can get for you?
[Yami Bakura lifts his head up and give the Author a dead-pan stare]
Y.Bakura: Hate to break it to ya, but his name is ‘Satan Claws’. No wonder you can’t write anything good. You obviously have that thing where the words are jumbled up.
Author: You mean dyslexia?
Y.Bakura: I’m pretty sure that’s the name of the device you shout at to Google things.
Author: No, that’s Alexa.
Y.Bakura: I guess you can hire someone named Alexa to do that for you…but you gotta make money off your work first. Spoiler alert: You can’t make money with fanfiction. I’m tellin ya, my stuff is Pulitzer material. No copyrights or trademarks, so you can earn all the coin from the publications.
[Author nods her head while still attempting to keep a straight face]
Author: You know what, I’ll just throw some candy in a stocking. I don’t know anyone that would pass up free candy.
[Yami Bakura is visibly confused]
Y.Bakura: But if you are the one putting the candy in the socks…then does that mean there’s no Satan Claws? Who’s gonna make sure all those people die from beatings?
[Author’s turn to be visibly confused]
Author: What???
Y.Bakura: You know…all the people eat a bunch of candy from a sock and end up with the curse of ‘die from beatings’.
Author: You mean diabetes?
Y.Bakura: That’s what I just said. Oh. My. Gods. You’re deaf too?! CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME? I. ONLY. KNOW. ONE. SIGN.
[Yami Bakura proceeds to flip-off Author]
[A tear escapes from the corner of Author’s eye as she still attempts to not fall on the floor in laughter]
Author: Don’t worry. There’s still a ‘Satan Claws’. I was just going to throw some non-cursed candy in your stocking. I’ll leave the cursed stuff for the fat man. You’ll know which is his by all the glitter. And I think I’ll give you your gift early.
[Author hands a copy of the future chapters she’s been working on]
[Yami Bakura quickly glances through them, a smile slowly forming across his face]
Y.Bakura: Murder? I get the opportunity to kill someone?!?!
Author: You’re welcome.
[Yami Bakura jumps up and enthusiastically hugs the Author]
Y.Bakura: It’s a Kiss Miss miracle!
Author: Riiight…by the way, it’s pronounced Christmas.
Y.Bakura: Author, since you were so nice, I’ll ask Satan Claws to give you some writing talent. Maybe some hearing aids too, so you can hear things properly. Maybe that’s your problem? You hear everything wrong so you don’t know how it should be spelled, which in turn makes it so much harder for you to be a good writer.
[Author shakes her head in amusement and walks away]
[Yami Bakura sits back down and starts scribbling on a new sheet of paper]
Dear Satan Claws,
First off, I am a huge fan of your work. Can I ask a favor from one great killer to another? Can you bring Author one of those puppies for disabled people? I’m sure you can find one that can type. Don’t worry if it can’t spell, Author can’t spell either. Spell check does most of the work in that area. It just needs some talent when it comes to writing plots. I’ve tried to help, but Author is just too nice of a person and doesn’t want to steal credit from someone as amazing as me.
Murder Fluff Thief King Bakura
P.S. I’m all for free candy, but I’m already bound to a cursed object. Can you bring me some non-cursed candy? Author said she would leave me some, but double would be better.
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aitglobalinc · 11 days
AI in the Manufacturing Industry: Use Cases, Benefits & More
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“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.”
–  Klaus Schwab 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown massively over the past decade. In fact, we are pretty sure that most of you would be familiar with “Alexa” or “Ok Google”, which are present in our everyday lives, in the form of home assistants.
Now, that was about your daily life and the usage of AI for every day. But if we say that AI has ventured into the manufacturing industry as well and it is booming? Would you believe us? After the AI in IT article, we are quite sure based on our facts, figures, and research that Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing industry has opened doors to several possibilities.
So, in this article, let’s cover all of those aspects and how the manufacturing industry is changing ever since the involvement of automation in the industry.
The Role of AI in Manufacturing: Understanding the History & Modern-Day Solution
AI’s role began in manufacturing by the 1980s, where many businesses were searching for various ways to improve efficiency. Hence, AI came into the role where manufacturers used AI applications to capture and share worker knowledge. In short, rather than depending on clipboards, notes or word of mouth, the employees who worked in manufacturing factories codify knowledge into software systems. What are those software systems you ask? Well, those are computerized maintenance management systems, also known as CMMS, or manufacturing execution systems, that stands for MES. These two made the employees’ life easy. How? They made information-sharing convenient and faster while streamlining production through automation and providing real-time data collection and more.
If you ask about “the current scenario of AI in the manufacturing sector”, then we can say that in today’s world, AI is advanced and it hands down working for quality control, robotics, predictive maintenance and even safety hazard detection.
In fact, with the use of sensors to detect mechanical issues, like abnormal vibrations or temperature spikes, AI can alert the appropriate personnel about the problem and can also tell them How, When and with Which Tool, this problem can be fixed. See, modern day requires modern solutions, and this is just an example, we have a dedicated section of AI use cases in the manufacturing industry, that will talk about all the major use cases and how AI was helpful.
Did you know Modern-Day smart manufacturing solutions like L2L Dispatch, feature these along with many more AI-driven capabilities. That’s why the reports, according to MarketsandMarkets, are talking about how AI in manufacturing industry is expected to grow at a whopping $16.7 billion by 2026.
We say that the more shop floor workers have interactive sessions with AI-enabled technologies, it means the smarter these technologies will become and make their future better.
Major Use Cases of AI in Manufacturing Industry
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1. The Rise of Cobots in Manufacturing Sector
Have you ever wondered who lifts all these heavy machinery in the manufacturing industry? It’s Cobots, short for Collaborative Robots who frequently work alongside humans and function as their extra hands. Cobots can learn many tasks. For instance, they can detect and avoid obstacles on the way. In fact, people who work in manufacturing often rely on cobots to do heavy lifting. For example, cobots in automotive factories are used to lift heavy car parts and hold them in place while human workers work on securing them. These cobots, ever since its development, have also been able to locate and retrieve items in large warehouses.
2. The Concept of Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing plants, railroads or other users of heavy machinery have started to use AI-based predictive maintenance (PdM) in servicing needs. If an equipment isn’t maintained properly and in a timely manner, then that firm would lose money and their precious time. Plus, if an organization does it quickly then also it’s a problem. Hence, PdM systems help to work on those issues by predicting what replacement parts will be needed and when. It also helps the workers because timely maintenance leads to better safety.
If you are wondering how PDM does all this, then it makes use of analytic capabilities of ML algorithms along with data from IoT sensors embedded in the equipment to monitor their conditions. Thus, helping workers and companies in finding out the issue before time.
3. The Use of AI in Supply Chain Management
We are sure that you must have come across the term supply chain management in manufacturing and would have noticed how big of a role it plays in the manufacturing sector. So, how does AI help in supply chain management? Typically, large manufacturers have supply chains with millions of orders, materials purchases, ingredients and what not. Handling these manually is energy draining and time consuming. To solve this, AI is used. But there’s more to AI in the supply chain.
For example, AI-powered demand forecasting accurately predicts trends and supply chain disruptions based on previous data collection. Also, when it comes to tracking shipments and on-time delivery of goods then AI helps by analyzing data and identifying patterns, helping managers make informed decisions.
4. AI is Excelling in Product Development
Another great example of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry is through development of newer products. AI helps to quickly glance through various data, wherein it acts like a benefit to help manufacturing industries decide what products to bring next in the market. AI also helps engineers to design new products, where they talk about what they want, and it creates several options where they can have a look at. This makes the design process faster and better.
How AI in Quality Assurance Is Impacting?
In the manufacturing sector, especially when it comes to electronics, paying close attention to every little detail is crucial. In the past, ensuring the quality of electronics and microprocessors was a manual task, carried out by skilled engineers who meticulously checked if everything was manufactured correctly and if all the circuits were properly set up.
But times have changed! Thanks to automation and AI, we now have image processing algorithms that can do this job automatically. Imagine installing cameras at strategic locations on the factory floor. These cameras can instantly and continuously assess whether each item being produced is flawless. With this smart technology, we can achieve real-time and efficient sorting of products. It’s like having a team of super-precise inspectors working tirelessly, ensuring that every single item meets the highest quality standards.
What are the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing?
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⦁ Improved Quality Control As you may know, AI is fast and when it comes to the manufacturing industry then AI can make the quality control faster. AI with its automation techniques can pick up microscopic errors and issues, improving productivity and defect detection by 90%.
⦁ 24/7 Support Artificial Intelligence in the manufacturing sector can work round the clock performing tasks with the same level of energy and accuracy. It doesn’t make mistakes or get injured, it works in any conditions and can operate a factory efficiently at any time.
⦁ Inventory/Warehouse Management  AI helps with keeping track of things in warehouses. It goes through the historical data to check sales, stock inventory, trends and what not. This makes warehouses save money and have enough products. For instance, a clothing store can use AI to predict the things that people are interested in buying. It can check the past sales and weather forecasts to keep the right clothes. This helps them to store the exact amount of clothes.
⦁ Enhanced Productivity AI is good at simplifying complex calculations and coding and can-do tasks automatically, saving engineers precious time. With AI-driven automation, manufacturing employees can focus on creative aspects of their job, increasing productivity and unlocking the full potential. Along with that AI boosts productivity by providing easy access to insights, where engineers can quickly find suitable solutions for specific products.
What Are the Future Trends & Forecast About AI in Manufacturing?
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Did you know Manufacturing sector is said to see great potential in the future? According to a survey by Deloitte, it is said that about 93% of firms are confirming that AI will play a pivotal role in technology to drive innovation and growth in manufacturing.
Here are some of the important statistics we have gathered to help you understand how big of an impact AI will have in the future. So, if you are interested, then let’s get into the actual facts.
 Enhanced automation and robotics
 Predictive maintenance and smart asset management
 Advanced quality control and defect detection
 Optimization of supply chain and logistics
 Human-machine collaboration and augmentation
 Enhanced data analytics and decision-making capabilities
 Improved safety and risk management
 Customized and personalized manufacturing processes
 Adoption of digital twins and virtual simulations
 Integration of AI with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies
Some of the mentioned future trends are still in use in the manufacturing industry, however, the technology will be more advanced and provide accurate results.
Final Note
Artificial Intelligence is playing a major role in various industries. In this blog, we talked about manufacturing and how AI is helping employees and industries to flourish and reach the highest horizons. From supply chain management to predictive maintenance, the integration of AI has brought a massive improvement in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness.
We’re curious to hear your thoughts on AI in the manufacturing sector. We know you must have your own ideas and research done. So, take a moment and share your perspective, tell us what you feel about the manufacturing industry and how AI is making an impact.
Manufacturing industry is booming and your insights matter, it can inspire many people. Engage in conversation with your friends or family and get to know their perspective? Together, let’s build an exciting future by learning and growing. For more such information on AI and related industries, you can follow our blog page and stay updated. Till then, we have informative blogs that you can scroll through and find out your best topic for discussion.
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govindhtech · 29 days
Deutsche Bank’s Serverless Trade Surveillance Data System
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read more on govindhtech.com
Innovation in architecture
With its full data analytics ecosystem of products and services, Google Cloud can assist big organizations tackle difficult data processing and sharing challenges. BigQuery, Google Cloud’s serverless data warehouse, and Dataproc, a managed Apache Spark service, can enable data-heavy corporate use cases like trade surveillance.
The Compliance Technology team used Google Cloud managed services in their new trade surveillance architecture. In the new design, operational front-office systems submit data to BigQuery tables. BigQuery now provides trade, market, and reference data to data users like Trade Surveillance. The Compliance Technology team doesn’t need all the front-office data, so they may generate numerous views using simply the input data that contains the necessary information for trade surveillance situations.
In BigQuery, Spark, Dataproc, and other technologies, trade surveillance business logic is executed as data transformations. This business logic detects abnormal trade patterns that indicate market abuse or manipulation. Written to output BigQuery tables, suspicious cases are processed through research and investigation workflows by compliance officers, who detect false positives and file a Suspicious Activity Report to the regulator if the case indicates a compliance violation.
Surveillance alerts are kept to measure detection effectiveness and reduce false positives. Dataproc uses Spark while BigQuery uses SQL for these computations. They are conducted frequently and reported back into trade surveillance scenario execution to enhance monitoring systems. Cloud Composer, a managed Apache Airflow workflow orchestration solution, orchestrates ETL procedures for trade surveillance scenarios and effectiveness calibrations.
The advantages of serverless data architecture
The architecture above indicates that trade monitoring needs several data sources. Using BigQuery to source this data allows Deutsche Bank data users to use it without copying it. By reducing hops, a simpler design enhances data quality and decreases cost.
BigQuery’s lack of instances and clusters eliminates the need to duplicate data. Instead, data consumers may access any table if they have the necessary rights and query the table URI (i.e., the Google Cloud project-id, dataset name, and table name). Thus, users may access the data from their Google Cloud projects without copying and storing it.
The Compliance Technology team needs only query BigQuery views with input data and tables with derived data from compliance-specific ETLs to conduct trade surveillance scenarios. This avoids data duplication, making data more trustworthy and architecture more robust owing to fewer data hops. Above all, this zero-copy strategy lets data consumers in other bank teams besides trade surveillance utilize market, trade, and reference data in BigQuery.
BigQuery has another benefit. ETL orchestration is easy with Apache Airflow’s BigQuery operators since it’s connected with Google Cloud services like Dataproc and Cloud Composer. No data copying is needed to handle BigQuery data with Spark. Instead, an out-of-the-box connection reads data using the BigQuery Storage API, which streams massive amounts of data straight to Dataproc workers in parallel for quick processing.
Finally, BigQuery lets data producers use Google Cloud’s inherent data quality tools like Dataplex automated data quality. This service lets you set criteria for data freshness, correctness, uniqueness, completeness, timeliness, and other aspects and apply them to BigQuery data. This is serverless and automated without infrastructure for rules execution and data quality enforcement. Thus, the Compliance Technology team can guarantee that front-office data meets data quality criteria, giving value to the new architecture.
The new design uses integrated and serverless data analytics tools and managed services from Google Cloud, allowing the Compliance Technology team to concentrate on Trade Surveillance application business logic. Unlike a big, on-premises Hadoop cluster, BigQuery doesn’t need maintenance periods, version updates, upfront sizing, or hardware replacements.
The new architecture’s cost-effectiveness is the last benefit. The architecture uses pay-as-you-go services to let team members concentrate on business-relevant features instead of infrastructure. Compute power is solely used for batch activities like compliance-specific ETLs, trade surveillance scenarios, and effectiveness calibration, rather than 24/7 machine operation. This reduces the cost even more than an always-on, on-prem option.
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aquamonstra · 4 months
Apple has fried y'all's brains for real. Like fully turned millennials into technophobe boomers if they encounter a non-Apple product.
Yesterday my 27 year old coworker called me on my phone to come to the warehouse of our store, and she sounded kinda freaked out. This had me worried bc we use walkies at our store but she specifically called me on me cell phone, so I HUSTLED.
I run back there in red alert mode thinking something has gone seriously wrong, and I find her by the computer at the shipping desk. She sees me and goes "Oh thank god, I need your help. I need you to show me how to attach a screenshot to an email on here."
She couldn't figure out.
How to take a screenshot.
And copy it into an email....
I just..... Y'all I could not believe this girl just called me to run my ass across the store like it was on fire when I could have just told her control+shift+s and control+v over the goddamn phone OR SHE COULD HAVE GOOGLED IT. Apple is making y'all DUMBBBBB.
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sumneraagesen02 · 4 months
Monitor The Profitability Of All Crypto Miners
While a small mining operation can end up taking on a lot of space, a USB ASIC miner can be simply stored or moved to a new laptop or PC. The USV ASIC miner may also be linked to a laptop or to smaller units, similar to a Raspberry Pi. EBay is an option, as nicely, however it's higher suited to experienced miners. Overclocking in immersion fluid, on the other hand, should be OK as lengthy as chip temperatures stay low. So, as all the time, make sure to do your personal research about firmware should you wish to use it. And, it's sensible in your personal peace of thoughts to use an electricity utilization monitor, to double-check that the miner’s electrical draw on the wall plug matches what a firmware’s UI specifies. This Bitcoin miner app allows you to verify mining status with ease. Copy-paste the pool tackle URL box together with the “your-username.your-worker-name” you setup with Slushpool into the user ID field. To obtain a miner’s IP address, you should first entry your router configuration menu. If you're unsure of tips on how to entry your router’s settings be positive to Google the make and mannequin of the router. Bitcoin mining could appear intimidating, especially with its industry jargon. However, with slightly bit of fundamental data, this seemingly intimidating process can become a lot simpler. To create this text, we had discussions with a few of the prime miners within the Bitcoin trade. We researched the highest miners, gear, and factors that are affecting miners at present.
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https://horizonminers.com/privacy-policies/ get an algorithm that uses the Keccak function and the use of cache. It’s some of the environment friendly algorithms when it comes to producing blocks. The Bitmain Antminer E9 is tailor-made to mine Ether with a hash fee of as much as 3GH/s. Antminer E3, which operates at a hundred ninety MH/s, the InnoSilicon A10 ETHMaster, and the InnoSilicon A10 Pro which has a hash price of seven-hundred MH/s. If you’re wondering how to mine cryptocurrency, you’re not the only one. Crypto mining rigs are available varied types and value ranges, and crypto mining operations can match on a desk  — or fill a warehouse. The Bitmain Antminer S9 XP is a extra recent model of the popular Antminer S9 model, designed for environment friendly Bitcoin mining. When crypto costs and values are on the rise, ASIC miners also cost extra. The complete cash you'll be able to earn when performing ASIC mining is decided by the price of your power and the speed at which your ASIC miner of choice consumes energy. Make sure that you just take the hashing energy of ASIC miners into consideration earlier than buying one. The gadget is provided with two followers that maintain the system cool and push dust away from the dashboard. In the event that the unit ever malfunctions, an alert will immediately be sent to you, which ought to assist you to prevent costly injury and problematic network attacks. Notably, Bitmain dominates ASIC Bitcoin mining activities by way of its Antminer product range. It nonetheless delivers a commendable 95 trillion hashes per second, but at a a lot lower value. Another possibility is the AntminerT17+, which processes 58 trillion hashes per second and only prices slightly over $800. Take care to purchase from trusted sources and make positive that elements are tested earlier than the ASIC miner is constructed. In addition to the parts listed, an ASIC machine may also require knowledge cables to connect the PCB to the hashboard and an ethernet cable to provide direct web access. There are a number of totally different components which may be required to construct an ASIC miner and a few could additionally be troublesome to purchase directly from manufacturers. If elements are onerous to come back by, try looking out on secondary marketplaces similar to Facebook and eBay to see if secondhand devices could be acquired. The E11++ mannequin is constructed on a 10nm chipset with a one-year assure (half a yr for the entire machine, one for the controller). The comparatively quick assure interval can additionally be something typical to cheaper ASICs. When it comes to mining pools, they are a bunch of miners that velocity up the method of validation somewhat than relying on a single miner, which can take extra time. Historically, the bitcoin mining company’s relationship with DCG allowed it to assist miners supply credit score to purchase ASIC Miners by way of FoundryX. Whether ASIC miners are nonetheless profitable depends on a quantity of elements, similar to electricity prices, cryptocurrency costs, and mining difficulty. The M32-62T-52W is powered by MicroBT’s newest 8nm ASIC chip and has a most hash rate of up to sixty two TH/s with an influence consumption of 3250W. The M32-62T-52W additionally features very low noise levels, and consumes lesser power in comparison with most contemporaries. The Bitmain Antminer L7 (9.5Gh/s) is among the best Bitmain’s high-quality crypto mining hardware lineups. With its Scrypt algorithm and a most energy consumption of 3425W, this miner boasts impressive performance. Released in November 2021, it has already generated vital pleasure in the market. To put it merely, mining software program is just a program that makes use of your computers graphic playing cards as resources to resolve complex mathematical equations. Before you can begin excited about the mining software you should take a glance at one of the best performing mining hardware to maximise your earnings. Anyways even with all of the surge in Ethereum value the mining profitability has not moved one bit for GPU miners. Mining ETH is a good way to profit from one of many top cryptocurrencies.
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meshare · 9 months
The Impact of IoT on E-commerce: Reshaping the Shopping Experience
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly transforming various industries, and e-commerce is not an exception. The integration of IoT in e-commerce has revolutionized the way people shop, creating an entirely new experience for consumers. It has changed the dynamics of the e-commerce industry by introducing new opportunities and advantages for businesses.
IoT technology enables different devices to communicate with each other through the internet. By connecting everyday objects to the internet, IoT makes it possible to collect and analyze data in real-time. This enables businesses to make informed decisions and provide personalized experiences to their customers. Here are some of the ways IoT is transforming e-commerce:
Smart Homes and Personalized Shopping
Smart homes are becoming more popular, and they are changing the way people shop online. IoT allows businesses to connect with their customers through smart devices and offer them personalized shopping experiences. For instance, an IoT-enabled fridge can detect when the customer is running low on a particular item and can automatically place an order on their behalf. This allows customers to save time and have a hassle-free shopping experience.
In addition, smart homes allow businesses to collect data about their customers' preferences and behavior. This data can be used to offer personalized recommendations, promotions, and discounts, which can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. For instance, if a customer regularly purchases organic products, the business can offer them personalized discounts or recommendations for similar products.
Enhanced Customer Experience
IoT has the potential to enhance the customer experience by providing a seamless shopping experience. Smart devices can be used to make shopping more convenient and efficient. For instance, IoT-enabled shopping carts can be used to scan and pay for items without the need for a checkout line. Customers can simply scan the items they want to purchase and walk out of the store, and the payment will be automatically deducted from their account.
IoT-enabled devices can also be used to provide real-time product information to customers. For example, smart mirrors in clothing stores can be used to show customers how they would look in a particular outfit, while smart shelves can provide information about the products on display.
Inventory Management
IoT can also be used to streamline inventory management processes. IoT-enabled sensors can be used to monitor the inventory levels in real-time, enabling businesses to optimize their inventory levels and avoid stockouts. This can help businesses reduce costs and improve their supply chain management.
In addition, IoT can be used to track the movement of goods in warehouses and during transportation. This can help businesses optimize their logistics operations and reduce the risk of lost or damaged goods.
Predictive Analytics
IoT can also be used to collect data about customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing habits. This data can be analyzed to generate insights and make informed decisions. For example, businesses can use predictive analytics to forecast demand, optimize pricing, and improve their marketing strategies.
Predictive analytics can also be used to identify potential issues before they occur. For instance, if an IoT-enabled sensor detects a malfunctioning product, it can alert the business before the product fails, allowing them to take corrective action before it affects the customer.
Virtual Assistants
IoT-enabled virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa and Google Home, are changing the way people shop. Customers can use these devices to order products, track shipments, and get real-time updates about their orders. This provides customers with a convenient and hassle-free shopping experience.
Virtual assistants can also be used to provide personalized recommendations and promotions. For instance, if a customer regularly orders a particular product, the virtual assistant can offer them discounts or recommend similar products.
The integration of IoT in e-commerce is transforming the industry, creating new opportunities and advantages for businesses. IoT technology allows businesses to provide personalized experiences to their customers, enhance the customer experience, streamline inventory management processes, and make
informed decisions using predictive analytics. It also allows customers to enjoy a more seamless shopping experience and personalized promotions, recommendations, and discounts.
The adoption of IoT in e-commerce is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, as more businesses realize the potential benefits it offers. According to a report by Gartner, the number of connected devices is expected to reach 25 billion by 2021, which will drive the growth of IoT in e-commerce.
However, it is important to note that the adoption of IoT in e-commerce also comes with some challenges. Businesses need to ensure that they have the infrastructure to support IoT devices and secure the data collected by these devices. They also need to be transparent about the data they collect and how they use it to build trust with their customers.
The integration of IoT in e-commerce has transformed the industry and provided new opportunities for businesses. By leveraging IoT technology, businesses can provide personalized experiences, streamline inventory management processes, and make informed decisions using predictive analytics. As IoT technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative solutions that further enhance the e-commerce experience for both businesses and customers.
For more articles like this, visit our blog at https://blog.meshare.com/.
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theoldmagoobaddee · 1 year
All (well, some; noted here. I'm not a fast typist and Google Microfony doesn't like me. Or my vernacular. A tight, coloured, sabelaring and swearing one) the problems with agriculture, food shortages, climate change, global warming etc. etc.
The Truths Boere probably don't wanna hear or copy n paste this n add their name as contributor or originator of ideas or breakthroughs. Cool. Do it.
Agriculture in Africa, the need for 70% more food output in 20yrs time, droughts and famines and how we can potentially control general rainfall on the African continent, genetic modification in crop seeds focusing on improved photosynthesis (maximizing crop yield, size, nutritional value and mitigating the loss of a crop in a particularly dry year through satellite imaging, which allows for crop saving actions to be implemented) and the worsening of our soil nutrient levels is all taking a turn for the better. However, we have to implement measures to be positively affected by them.
Advances in satellite tracking is also set to benefit farmers as it allows for swarms of insects and pests to be identified, watched and thwarted like the deadly malaria mosquito through RealTime public alerts, free widely available mosquito nets, repellents, citronella and lemongrass oil products, window screens and prophylactics for in case, cerebral (which is deadly) or just garden variety malaria is contracted.
Making use of soilless agriculture is a viable, space-saving option; in areas where soil has a limited constitiuency and available nutrients; in controlled warehouses. By utilizing this method, adding row upon row upon row with sometimes only 20cm spaces inbetween crop plants - growing crops vertically - we can put 10-50 x crop plants planted in m2 surface area; yielding 10 - 50 x bigger crops in the same square kilometres of land. Every drop of water is used and no fertilizers are necessary, which leave behind Nitrate (N2) crystals - 300 x more toxic than carbon dioxide. Little or no soil is used and the damage that rain water, carrying fertilizer toxins/mining by-products further afield is alleviated. Having compartmentalized crop plants also means that high levels of trace elements; found in mine dump gravel cannot not be carried along to agricultural sites. No more water and only 1% more nitrogen is needed for soilless crops and the crop yields up to 30% more in freight. Sunlight is a must to power for these indoor operations and I assume that the better the sunlight, the more solar energy can be absorbed by solar panels for powering automation devices and infrastructure, underground oxygen, nitrogen and water pipes, humidifiers, L.E.D. lights (pink is best) and temperature control and droid gadgets such as sensors, testers and gauges.
Current A.I. agriculture innovations include a GummiArm for soft picking; fruits such as grapes etc. as well as an insecticide/pesticide "spietkop" that comes in the form of a drone that identifies specific pests on specific crop plants and only emits the pesticide for that particular parasite on that particular plant; saving poison and sparing costs and the negative environmental effects on crop plants, other necessary insects and soil.
Another innovation is the UV lights; in indoor food growing operations; which have taken the place of UV rays neccessary for photosynthes. These lights can also be useful in winter and in areas with little sun; or during a rainy season; on crop sites which rotate crop plants between the sun and indoor UV lights; closing off the crop aerially, when necessary.
The voracity of trefoil as a general groundcover in Africa still has to be asserted but if studies are anything to go by; natural groundcover, lost due to a myriad of factors, can be planted anywhere as grazing for all kinds of livestock. Not only does it grow really easily but in grazing animals, it aids in digestion, kills various internal and external parasites, reduces bloating as well as being a favourite amongst livestock; akin to catnip. It will also greatly reduce the methane farts emitted from cows.
Water and the catching, storage and treatment of water must take priority and stored water needs to be impervious to sunlight lest a booming of bacteria were to be kickstarted. Tbe idea of the open air reservoir or dam also needs to be rethought as water is where the deadly malaria mlosquito lays it eggs, amongst other insects like dragonflies etc. A mesh cover would allow water in but keep insects, eggs and hatchlings out. Malaria kills impoverished human beings therefore allowing insects to breed and then go and attack a poor, unsuspecting public cannot be tolerated; even when promotion of bio-diversity and support of the insect world is cited. Also, stored water needs to be kept at temperatures lower than 25°C, which cannot be guaranteed above ground. All non-municipal water sources need to be taken a sample from and a lab needs to become available for testing of water and a analytical report and chemical treatment pack sent in return. Many people and animals as well as crops use potable water sources that could have any amount of parasites, bacteria and other dangers that could develop into something deadly.
The owners and farm hands of sustainence farmers also have to be counselled, financed and mentored into getting a report of soil analytics which will deduce the kinds of crops that would be the most prosperous on that particular site; taking into account local rainfall, available water, naturally occurring enemies of a particular crop as well as the soil composition, type of soil, implements, machines and manpower available. Ready finance or lack thereof also plays a role. By choosing a more suited, cash crop and belonging to a larger network; pickers, transporters, refrigerators, refiners, packagers, distributors, warehouses and retailers can be sourced; getting the best combined supplier/service provider deal for sustainence farmers, who instead will benefit from cash crops.
By hosting yearly conferences and workshops for all agricultural workers from landowners to farm foremen to cattle herders to crop planters and pickers, but most especially those handling machinery, drones, automation systems and the software programs and devices associated with them, we can expose the whole agricultural world in Africa to new INNOVATIONS, make them available for everyone at reasonable bulk purchase prices by negotiating deals that apply to all agricultural concerns, lone farm owners as well as the unregistered, individual sustainence farmers. A sliding scale would obviously apply; making turning out a good yield a commonplace for sustainence farmers and small holding growers. Also, taking into account that growing concerns produce large quantities of export freight and also need to be kept afloat in hard times especially during droughts, political and social unrest, strikes and a crash in market prices, a suffering currency, as well as conflict in the region, we need to create a system to implement for the next crucial 20yrs to ensure our much-needed 70% increase in yield.
In Africa we have a severely under-utilized and under-employed, well-qualified (with multiple degrees/diplomas/certificates and trade levels) Black, African encumbants who could be employed to correct many businesses that have top management's positions filled by well-experienced but under-qualified Whites. By reaching out to the Shanduka Black Empowerment, Incubatorship and Mentorship Programme, we can potentially hook up qualified encumbants to audit or guide top management in roles within corporations or companies that are imperative to the African continent transforming into a stronger, 1st World one. I am not suggesting people be fired or even criticised - white school leavers who managed to work their way up management positions having a natural talent for business and having grown up without funds for secondary education completion, let alone tertiary education. This is not their fault and we applaud their success and what better way to bring white and black and different African tribes and nations together? Where agriculture or power supply/municipal amenities supply is concerned, Africa and it's leaders are well within their rights to ask for a certain amount of transparency and cohesion within companies (potentially with Shaduka waiting list encumbants) that are essential service providers/produce-growers. It is time to pull together and stop being defensive. We need to deal with the problems at hand and those looming on the horizon, in a generation's time, rather than stick our heads in the sand and try to pretend it's all going to go away.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer CP Plus 1080P Full HD Smart WiFi Camera |360° with Pan & Tilt | View and Talk | Motion Alert | Night Vision |SD Card (Up to 128 GB) |Alexa and Google Support | IR Distance 10 MTR | CP-E25A Intelligent AI Based Security CCTV Camera for Complete Protection of your retail Stores, Homes, Offices, Hospitals & Warehouses! Complete Security System Advanced Home Security Camera which comes with 1080p FHD Picture | 355° Panorama View | AI Human Detection & lot more! Full HD Videos 1080p full HD Plug & Play Wi-Fi camera which comes with 355° Pan and 75° Tilt panoramic camera bulb that allows you to see everything in more detail. 355° Pan & Tilt View Get the complete surveillance coverage of your house/office to keep a view of any unusual activity. Cloud Monitoring All your recording are stored on cloud for easier access. Continuous video recoding on memory card (128 GB)! Two-Way Talk Built-in highly microphone & speaker which allows you to easily interact with your family or pets without any echo or background noise. Advanced Night Vision In-built infrared LEDs offer you enhanced night vision so that you can get clear night-time images/recordings. Alexa & OK Google Compatible Smart voice control mechanism which makes the camera compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, so you can watch live or stop video stream with simple voice instructions! CLOUD MONITORING TWO WAY TALK
ADVANCED NIGHT VISION ALEXA & OK GOOGLE SUPPORT CP Plus Intelligent Security System for Complete Protection of Your Homes, Offices, Hospitals & Warehouses! 36o Degree View offered by this EzyKam, saves cost and trouble of installing multiple cameras in any space to cover the full view of the area. ;Home-on-Phone, View the live video footage of your home/office anytime anywhere in the world on your phone. Hassle-free Installation, Connect to your local Wi-Fi in a moment. Simply select a network, input the password, and you are good to go;Talk to the person on the other side while you see their live video feed and stay connected to your loved ones around the clock. Up to 128GB SD Card supported. EzyKam+ Supports Mobile APP with 4 Split Live Views.; EzyKam+ Supports Web Client with 9 Split Live Views. Material Type: Metal; Included Components: Camera And Usb; Specific Uses For Product: Surveillance [ad_2]
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contactjust · 2 years
Fastfox review
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Fastfox review android#
Fastfox review Bluetooth#
Shipping from warehouse nearest to shipping address is faster. USA Warehouse: Generally, 3-7 days to a USA address.ĮS Warehouse: Generally, 2-5 days to the Spain, 3-7 days to the Portugal. GW Warehouse: Typically 3-5 days to the UK, 3-7 days to other European countries. Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France & Portugal Unregistered Air Mail or Registered Air Mail For small quantity orders,the processing time is 1-3days while larger quantity orders may require 2-5days. 1 Item processing timeĪfter receiving your order,we require some time to test the product to ensure its quality.The exact processing time varies depending on the item.The average processing time is 3 working days.but this can also be affected by the item's stock status. There are two key factors which will affect the time you receive your items.
Fastfox review android#
( Needs Android 4.3 and above, iPhone 4S and above Android App on Google Play, iOS App in Apple Store) Enter the App and select Fastfox-lite from the device list to activate this wristband.
Fastfox review Bluetooth#
Turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone. Share your achievements and badges with your friends.ĭownload the Fastfox App from your APP store and Helps you set and reach your personal fitness goals. No need to take it off when swimming or showering. (Which can be set with App, now it is only available on Android App) The LED light in the strap can indicate an in-coming call or a text message. Monitoring the quality of your sleep and its cycles. Monitor your activity data and record the distance traveled, steps taken and calories consumed in a day. It allows you to track your daily activities and set fitness goals, monitor your sleep quality, receive phone call and text alerts, and compare your fitness progress with friends on Fastfox community. Fastfox-give health a chance.įastfox is a simple, incredibly affordable smart wristband that help you live healthier. We are dedicated to supplying a friendly and specialized community for fitness enthusiasts, making sports fun, and improving people’s physical and mental health.
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blackpearlcurse · 2 years
HGTV's Steve Ford Welcomes Baby Boy — See the Nursery Designed by His Sister and ...
On the season 2 finale of Restored by the Fords in 2019, the sibling duo renovated his new home — an industrial warehouse — which reflected Steve's ... from Google Alert - warehouse design https://ift.tt/4y0m8wr
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Crackfic part 4
This one was written just before the holiday. Enjoy! (Also, sorry about the lack of clickable link to AO3. Too many Kudosbot attacks.)
Title: Talking with Myself...'Kiss Miss' edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/43486522
Summary: ♪ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day...I've got a jar of dir-rt! I've got a jar of dir-rt!
[Yami Bakura sitting in random space, giddily coloring with his red crayon while humming the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’]
Author: Whatcha doin?
[Yami Bakura continues his scribbling without looking up]
Y.Bakura: Letting the fat man know what I want for this ‘Kiss Miss’ thing. I’m all for hot chicks, but I prefer a new knife…and maybe some more red crayons. Seriously, just order a warehouse full next time. I go through a lot.
[Author tries not to laugh]
Author: Noted. So…besides a new knife and crayons, anything else you want? Something maybe someone other than Santa Clause can get for you?
[Yami Bakura lifts his head up and give the Author a dead-pan stare]
Y.Bakura: Hate to break it to ya, but his name is ‘Satan Claws’. No wonder you can’t write anything good. You obviously have that thing where the words are jumbled up.
Author: You mean dyslexia?
Y.Bakura: I’m pretty sure that’s the name of the device you shout at to Google things.
Author: No, that’s Alexa.
Y.Bakura: I guess you can hire someone named Alexa to do that for you…but you gotta make money off your work first. Spoiler alert: You can’t make money with fanfiction. I’m tellin ya, my stuff is Pulitzer material. No copyrights or trademarks, so you can earn all the coin from the publications.
[Author nods her head while still attempting to keep a straight face]
Author: You know what, I’ll just throw some candy in a stocking. I don’t know anyone that would pass up free candy.
[Yami Bakura is visibly confused]
Y.Bakura: But if you are the one putting the candy in the socks…then does that mean there’s no Satan Claws? Who’s gonna make sure all those people die from beatings?
[Author’s turn to be visibly confused]
Author: What???
Y.Bakura: You know…all the people eat a bunch of candy from a sock and end up with the curse of ‘die from beatings’.
Author: You mean diabetes?
Y.Bakura: That’s what I just said. Oh. My. Gods. You’re deaf too?! CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME? I. ONLY. KNOW. ONE. SIGN.
[Yami Bakura proceeds to flip-off Author]
[A tear escapes from the corner of Author’s eye as she still attempts to not fall on the floor in laughter]
Author: Don’t worry. There’s still a ‘Satan Claws’. I was just going to throw some non-cursed candy in your stocking. I’ll leave the cursed stuff for the fat man. You’ll know which is his by all the glitter. And I think I’ll give you your gift early.
[Author hands a copy of the future chapters she’s been working on]
[Yami Bakura quickly glances through them, a smile slowly forming across his face]
Y.Bakura: Murder? I get the opportunity to kill someone?!?!
Author: You’re welcome.
[Yami Bakura jumps up and enthusiastically hugs the Author]
Y.Bakura: It’s a Kiss Miss miracle!
Author: Riiight…by the way, it’s pronounced Christmas.
Y.Bakura: Author, since you were so nice, I’ll ask Satan Claws to give you some writing talent. Maybe some hearing aids too, so you can hear things properly. Maybe that’s your problem? You hear everything wrong so you don’t know how it should be spelled, which in turn makes it so much harder for you to be a good writer.
[Author shakes her head in amusement and walks away]
[Yami Bakura sits back down and starts scribbling on a new sheet of paper]
Dear Satan Claws,
First off, I am a huge fan of your work. Can I ask a favor from one great killer to another? Can you bring Author one of those puppies for disabled people? I’m sure you can find one that can type. Don’t worry if it can’t spell, Author can’t spell either. Spell check does most of the work in that area. It just needs some talent when it comes to writing plots. I’ve tried to help, but Author is just too nice of a person and doesn’t want to steal credit from someone as amazing as me.
Murder Fluff Thief King Bakura
P.S. I’m all for free candy, but I’m already bound to a cursed object. Can you bring me some non-cursed candy? Author said she would leave me some, but double would be better.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Deutsche Bank’s Serverless Trade Surveillance Data System
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Trade Surveillance Regulations
Every bank must meet regulatory standards. An investment bank like Deutsche Bank must recognize and prevent market manipulation and abuse, even though financial regulation is wide. This is trade surveillance.
Deutsche Bank’s Compliance Technology division implements this control function technically. The Compliance Technology team monitors all bank business lines’ transactions by retrieving data from front office operational systems and performing scenario computations. Any worrisome trends trigger an internal alert for a compliance officer to examine and resolve.
Many systems provide input data, but market, trade, and reference data are most important. The team had to duplicate data between, and sometimes inside, several analytical systems to source data for compliance technology applications from front-office systems, which caused data quality and lineage difficulties and architectural complexity. Trade surveillance situations demand a system that can store and interpret massive amounts of data utilizing distributed computation frameworks like Apache Spark.
Innovation in architecture
With its full data analytics ecosystem of products and services, Google Cloud can assist big organizations tackle difficult data processing and sharing challenges. BigQuery, Google Cloud’s serverless data warehouse, and Dataproc, a managed Apache Spark service, can enable data-heavy corporate use cases like trade surveillance.
The Compliance Technology team used Google Cloud managed services in their new trade surveillance architecture. In the new design, operational front-office systems submit data to BigQuery tables. BigQuery now provides trade, market, and reference data to data users like Trade Surveillance. The Compliance Technology team doesn’t need all the front-office data, so they may generate numerous views using simply the input data that contains the necessary information for trade surveillance situations.
In BigQuery, Spark, Dataproc, and other technologies, trade surveillance business logic is executed as data transformations. This business logic detects abnormal trade patterns that indicate market abuse or manipulation. Written to output BigQuery tables, suspicious cases are processed through research and investigation workflows by compliance officers, who detect false positives and file a Suspicious Activity Report to the regulator if the case indicates a compliance violation.
Surveillance alerts are kept to measure detection effectiveness and reduce false positives. Dataproc uses Spark while BigQuery uses SQL for these computations. They are conducted frequently and reported back into trade surveillance scenario execution to enhance monitoring systems. Cloud Composer, a managed Apache Airflow workflow orchestration solution, orchestrates ETL procedures for trade surveillance scenarios and effectiveness calibrations.
The advantages of serverless data architecture
The architecture above indicates that trade monitoring needs several data sources. Using BigQuery to source this data allows Deutsche Bank data users to use it without copying it. By reducing hops, a simpler design enhances data quality and decreases cost.
BigQuery’s lack of instances and clusters eliminates the need to duplicate data. Instead, data consumers may access any table if they have the necessary rights and query the table URI (i.e., the Google Cloud project-id, dataset name, and table name). Thus, users may access the data from their Google Cloud projects without copying and storing it.
The Compliance Technology team needs only query BigQuery views with input data and tables with derived data from compliance-specific ETLs to conduct trade surveillance scenarios. This avoids data duplication, making data more trustworthy and architecture more robust owing to fewer data hops. Above all, this zero-copy strategy lets data consumers in other bank teams besides trade surveillance utilize market, trade, and reference data in BigQuery.
BigQuery has another benefit. ETL orchestration is easy with Apache Airflow’s BigQuery operators since it’s connected with Google Cloud services like Dataproc and Cloud Composer. No data copying is needed to handle BigQuery data with Spark. Instead, an out-of-the-box connection reads data using the BigQuery Storage API, which streams massive amounts of data straight to Dataproc workers in parallel for quick processing.
Finally, BigQuery lets data producers use Google Cloud’s inherent data quality tools like Dataplex automated data quality. This service lets you set criteria for data freshness, correctness, uniqueness, completeness, timeliness, and other aspects and apply them to BigQuery data. This is serverless and automated without infrastructure for rules execution and data quality enforcement. Thus, the Compliance Technology team can guarantee that front-office data meets data quality criteria, giving value to the new architecture.
The new design uses integrated and serverless data analytics tools and managed services from Google Cloud, allowing the Compliance Technology team to concentrate on Trade Surveillance application business logic. Unlike a big, on-premises Hadoop cluster, BigQuery doesn’t need maintenance periods, version updates, upfront sizing, or hardware replacements.
The new architecture’s cost-effectiveness is the last benefit. The architecture uses pay-as-you-go services to let team members concentrate on business-relevant features instead of infrastructure. Compute power is solely used for batch activities like compliance-specific ETLs, trade surveillance scenarios, and effectiveness calibration, rather than 24/7 machine operation. This reduces the cost even more than an always-on, on-prem option.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Adding further to your security and ensuring that you are safe all the time have been the reasons behind the introduction of the EzyKam Series by CP PLUS. The wide range of attractive cameras in the EzyKam Series are easy to install as they don’t require any wiring and function as Wi-Fi-based plug and play surveillance devices with full HD view. These cameras are revolutionizing the way surveillance is conducted in retail stores, homes, offices, hospitals, warehouses, etc because of its 355° view. To eliminate the hassle of cables and switches, this camera has been wifi enabled which makes it easier and better to conduct surveillance of any closed space. This camera has been designed to catch everything in a room as it can be removed completely to 355° , making it easier to just turn it or place it in any direction that requires more attention. The most advanced feature of this surveillance device is that it can also be used as a gadget to interact with people when you are not in the same place without even having to place a call. Motion Alert technology allows you to get immediate alerts as soon a single motion is detected in the scene. This feature has reduced the effort put in surveillance by copious amounts and has eased the life of millions. WiFi CLOUD CAMERA: CP-E41A can be connected to local wi-fi network, if internet is available in wi-fi network then it will connect automatically to cloud and provide view from anywhere across the world. TWO WAY TALK: Camera has inbuilt mic and speaker, remotely from network one can talk to camera location with any person. MOTION DETECT & TRACKING: Camera has motion detect analytics to detect motion and it can also track any object or person with pan & tilt function. EVENT NOTIFICATIONS: Camera provides notification on mobile app - EZYKAM+ which can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store for motion detection. [ad_2]
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