#George Lucas said he was going to give a Togruta the name of the Light Side of the Force and dangit that's a commitment
swan2swan · 19 days
Barriss: "You understand...Miralans live for centuries. I will look almost exactly the same by the time your body starts to fail. I don't even know if you'll live long enough to witness my Midlife Crisis."
Ahsoka: "No, I can't die."
Barriss: "Ahsoka, someday, everyone has to--"
Ahsoka: "No, I mean I literally Cannot Die. I was given the life force of a divine being from another dimension while in a realm beyond time, and though I grew up to an adult, my montrals and lekku haven't striped a day past thirty since I was, well, thirty. And with all the stuff that's tried to kill me and failed, I don't see any surprises coming along, so, yeah. It looks like I'll be around forever."
Barriss: "....."
Ahsoka: "...it's weird for you to think about this from the other side, isn't it?"
Barriss: "Just a little."
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