themissingmango · 3 months
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sdrose93 · 2 months
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Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! 🔥
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tgmrooster · 11 months
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illisius · 2 years
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jt1674 · 10 months
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the teasing? the taunting? the attempt to get hangman’s attention by playing great balls of fire? there’s absolutely no doubt that bradley bradshaw took a page out of the maverick handbook
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maggiedanikka · 2 years
Let Me Go || Part 2
Pairing: Hangman x f!reader, (eventual) Rooster x f!reader
Warnings: none, lots of innuendos
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Reader is married and shares a child with Hangman, life and circumstances drives reader into Rooster’s arms, but Hangman isn’t giving up that easily
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Author’s Note: I cant believe I’m posting the second part of this story in less than 12 hours I was honestly pleasantly surprised at how much you all enjoyed this premise. I mostly wrote the story down for me and my sister bcs i could not get it out of my mind. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about the next part of the story so I knew I HAD to write it down. I know that Hangman was a little ooc in the last part, in my defense I wasn’t completely used to writing him yet, and I feel like that ooc’ness was large in part due to the tension between him and the reader. I hope he’s a bit more in character i this one. And to my rooster fans, bare with me, just a little bit more until he makes his appearance. Thank you to my little sister (@jhelly-bean) for editing some grammar. And please let me know if I should keep going, or if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Rooster Playlist:
Hangman Playlist:
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Italics is past
Jake stares at the spot in the driveway where your car was parked, a small migraine forming from the amount of travel he endured in the past two days. He knew you were still upset, but he’d never felt this much ice from you before.
In the past, when you were mad at him you would scream, yell, and on one or two occasions, throw a shoe at him. This time around was different. You were….cordial. Jake could handle anger or heat, that’s what drew you to one another in the first place. He’d never met anyone whose fire matched his. 
The Hard Deck was packed despite being a Tuesday night. Its patrons consisted mostly of uniforms, with a small mix of civilians. You were working the bar that night, while simultaneously reading from a thick purple book, adorned with the large block letters “LSAT”. You were already annoyed at the pilots who sauntered into the bar, egos the size of an elephant, your patience only wearing thinner as the night progressed. 
Jake “Hangman” Seresin walked in around 10 o’clock with an ego that could rival the other pilot’s in the establishment combined. “Hey baby, you wanna get me a beer?” You hear his voice behind you as you bury your nose into your book.  You respond by not turning around or looking up. “First of all, I’m not your ‘baby’ and I’ll get to you when I get to you. You’re not the only person at this bar.”
“Okay I may not be the only person at this bar, but I guarantee you. I’m the sexiest.” Jake says with a smirk.
You were now officially irked. 
You looked up from your book to see possibly one of the most attractive men you’ve ever laid your eyes on. His blonde hair seemed to reflect the moonlight despite being indoors. He had a jawline that you were sure was sharp enough to cut one of your beer taps, and a body probably carved by God himself. But what caught your attention the most…the mischievous glint in his eyes, a small fire building that begged you to challenge him. 
But of course, you would never let him have the pleasure of knowing that you found him breathtaking. “Sexiest? There are other S words I would use to describe you.” You smirk.
“Oh? what would those be?” He inquired smugly. “Spectacular, Stunning, Sublime, Satisfying?” 
“How about Self Absorbed, Simple Minded, and Stuck-up?” You challenged.
Jake stared at you with a grin on his face, eyes twinkling in interest, as he scanned your body up and down. 
“Sharp tongue you got there, I wonder what else it can do?”  He said with a wink.
You felt the fire grow, leaving a tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach. Not sure if it was anger or desire but you were determined to put the cocky pilot in his place. 
“I’ll tell you what, play me in a round of pool. If you win, then maybe I’ll let you find out exactly what my tongue can do.” You paused, watching that mischievous glint in his eyes twinkle.” But if I win, then I ring the bell.” You proposed as you pointed to a sign on the bar: 
“Disrespect a woman, the Navy, or have your phone on the bar and you buy a round”. 
“I’ll agree to those terms, but try not to be too upset when you lose Sweets. By the way, I’m sure you will have no problem with this but I don't like teeth.'' He said arrogantly, only to be met by a roll of your eyes.
“Stripes or solids, Sweets?” He asked as he tosses you a pool cue.
 “Cash or credit, Zuko?” You rebutted your own nickname for him.
“Ouch Sweets you wound me, I am so much foxier than John Travolta” the handsome stranger replied as he dramatically clutches his heart
“You may be, but you’re just as arrogant.” You say, with a bat of your eyelashes.
“How about this, I’ll stop calling you Zuko, if you stop calling me Sweets?” 
“No can do, Sweets, looks like I’m going by Zuko now. Unless you wanna know my real name, so you know what to moan later after this is done.” He said with a wink.
You couldn’t help the heat that was now traveling lower down your body. You quickly turned your face away from him so he didn’t see the redness spreading on your cheeks.
“Call me whatever you want Zuko, but when this is over you will be buying me and everyone in this bar a drink.” You retorted as you bent over to take the break shot.
“If you just wanted me to buy you a drink Sweets, you should’ve just asked. I’m not the one to deny a pretty la-Hggh!” He hunched over in pain as you hit him in the stomach with the pool cue, sinking 2 different solid balls in the process.
“Oops!” You said with a smile.
 “Your turn Zuko.” 
You two continued an intense game with both of you neck and neck the entire game. There were moments where he stood a little too close to you. Moments where you could feel the heat coming off of him, making the temperature of your body rise even higher. The game ended with you finally sinking the 8 ball. You stood up straight, smiling satisfied at defeating your opponent. 
“Looks like you owe me a drink, Zuko.” You smiled at him. His smirk dropped for a second upon his defeat, but it was back as quickly as it left. 
“Good game Sweets.” He admitted as he offered a handshake. You grabbed his hand to reciprocate the handshake, accidentally noticing how his larger hand enveloped your smaller one. You couldn’t help but notice the warmth that radiated between both of your hands. 
“The name’s Lt. Jake Seresin, call sign, Hangman.” He said, you let go of his hand after what felt like an eternity. You nodded in acknowledgement. 
“And your name, Sweets?” Jake asked.
“Nuh uh. You haven’t earned that quite yet, Seresin.” You flashed him a smile, as you walked away. 
Jake watched you in awe as you strutted back to the bar and rang the bell, causing everyone in The Hard Deck to cheer. 
That’s when Hangman knew he found a match in you. 
After 3 persistent weeks, he finally learned your name and 2 weeks after that you agreed to go on a date. You were never the type to go down easy and Jake lived for your constant battles. Even his proposal to you was during the heat of an argument.
“(Y/n) I don't understand why you refuse to hear me out on this!” Jake yelled exasperatedly.
“Because I’ve told you over and over again, I am not going to give up my dreams just so I can follow you around the world like a sad puppy dog!” You replied with equal fervor.
“I am not asking you to give up your career, I am just asking you to take a job that will give you more flexibility, we hardly see each other as it is!” 
“Jake, I did not bust my ass at law school, and brown nose at this firm for a whole degrading year just so I can leave because you want me to!” 
“Why are you incapable of any compromise (y/n)?! Do you even care about making this relationship work?” Jake screamed in a huff.
“You’re unbelievable, I’ve done nothing but support your dreams and your ambition for the past 4 years Seresin, I have been the one sitting in this goddamn house while you’re shipped off God knows where?! I can never know how long you’ll be gone or if you’ll even come back! I have not once complained or stood in your way. The one time that I ask for your support, I’m suddenly selfish? I’m the one who doesn’t want to make it work?” Your screams turned into anguished cries as you tried to wipe off the tears spilling down your face, struggling to hold yourself up. You slid down the wall tucking your legs into your chest.
Jake paced angrily as he processed what you said, “UGH FUCK!” He exclaimed as he threw his phone across the room. He walked into the closet and came back out, but you didn’t notice the small black box he brought back with him. 
“I never want to stand in the way of your dreams (y/n). It’s just so fucking hard only seeing you for days at a time and not having you beside me/” His voice still boisterous, but less aggressive. “You are the most aggravating woman I’ve ever met, how we haven’t killed each other yet I don’t know, but you challenge me, you keep me grounded, and I cannot imagine another day where you are not my wife!” 
His last words caught your attention and left a gasp in your throat as you looked up. Your eyes met as he kneeled in front of you with a ring. 
“Please spend the rest of our lives humbling me (y/n). Marry me.” He stared at you as he awaited your response. 
You nodded your head as the tears threatened to spill over once again. But this time, it was happy tears. 
You accepted his embrace and sat in his arms.
“I will marry you, as long as you admit that I’m Spectacular, Stunning, Sublime, Satisfying.” You said with a smirk.
“Anything for you Sweets.” 
He did admit that you were all those things that night and showed you just how satisfying he could be. 
All he’s ever known in your relationship is fire, if you were screaming at him or locking him out of the house or even giving him a bitter remark, he would know how to handle it. It's not like you were being particularly unkind to him, that would make sense in his head. But this… pleasantness, almost indifference, coming from you left a very bad taste in his mouth. 
“Daddy! You’re not paying attention!” His feisty 4 year old exclaims at him, sitting at her child sized piano. Astrid had his eyes and his blonde hair but everything else was all you. The sassy attitude, the way that she put her hands on her hips when she demanded your attention, her love for spicy food despite only being 4 years old, the way that you both furrowed your eyebrows and grit your teeth when hungry, and especially the way that you had him completely wrapped around your fingers.
“Aww I’m sorry Pixie, can you play the song again?” Jake asks his daughter with a smile.
“Fine daddy, but this is the last time okay?” She threatens with her small toddler sized finger.
“Yup exactly like her mother through and through.” He thought to himself.
Astrid plays the opening chords of a song Hangman (unfortunately) knew too well. 
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain, too much love drives a man insane, you broke my will, oh what a thrill, goodness gracious great balls of fire!” 
Hangman sat as he listened to his daughter sing the entire song, she missed a few notes and got some of the words wrong or jumbled up but he was very impressed with her skill especially at 4 years old. 
Hangman clapped, whistled, and gave a standing ovation as Astrid finished her performance and did her dramatic bows. 
“Wow, that was amazing, Pixie! I didn’t know you could play piano!” 
“Thank you Daddy! Uncle Roo Roo taught me!” Astrid said with a big smile
“Uncle Roo Roo?” Jake asked with an amused grin
“Uncle Rooster!”
Jake felt his stomach drop. 
“So Uncle Rooster has been hanging out with you and your mom?” He asked his daughter cautiously.
 “Yeah sometimes, I usually see him whenever Mommy is sad, he makes her smile and makes me chocolate chip pancakes!” The 4 year old answered enthusiastically.
“That’s good Pixie. Come on it's getting late, let's get you in a bath so you’re not stinky when Mommy comes home.” 
“Okay!” Astrid says as she starts up the stairs. 
Jake loved the time he spent with his daughter, and he was thankful that (y/n) still let him be around after what he did. But he couldn’t help but feel a brick form in his stomach as he got Astrid ready for bed. 
Jake patiently waited for (y/n) to return, sitting on the couch in the living room. He eventually fell asleep waiting. He finally hears a car pull up into the driveway and he checks the time to see it was a little past 11. (y/n) walks into the house, immediately finding Jake’s eyes.
“Hey Zuko.” She said with a small smile.
“(Y/n), how’s ‘Uncle’ Rooster?”
@alldaydreamers-blog1 @luckyladycreator2 @lunamoonbby @n3ssm0nique @and-claudia  @marrianena @hummusxx @writeroutoftime @abrielleholland
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Reblog if your happy…. No one? Fine, reblog if your mentally unstable.
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evilhorse · 2 months
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Now that’s the way to travel!
(The Fly #09)
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calmb4thestrm · 1 year
why do people like topgun. is it the planes???? is it the homoeroticism????? the military propaganda????
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periodically80s · 8 months
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skywriter97 · 1 month
Sonic Headcanon:
Silver's communicator ringtone for Blaze is Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis.
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callsignred · 2 years
No comment is needed. Excuse me while I read fanfiction instead of going to bed.
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bradshawswife · 2 years
Bradley Bradshaw <3
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i wish he looked at me the way he looked at Phoenix, phew
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ok i'm dying at his face in this scene LOL
credit: my screenshots from Miles Teller - Great Balls of Fire (From “Top Gun: Maverick”) [Official Video]
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gothampot · 2 years
Fellas, is it gay to pull the plug on a song he says he “loves” to start singing one that opens with “you shake my nerves and you rattle my brain…” and declares that “you’re mine mine mine mine”?
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
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The second half of my sister’s Christmas gift for me came in the mail today. I’m very obsessed, to say the least 😍
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